Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1818: Someone came

Seeing her frowning look, Long Tianyu still couldn't bear it.

I stretched out **** and gently smoothed her frowning brow softly and coaxed softly: "We don't know. Someone knows that it's a big deal, tie them all up and punish them by torture. I don't think they dare to recruit."

Zhe Lin Mengya laughed with a chuckle.

"Is your method always so simple and rude?"

He is a serious seriousness that Long Tianyu deserves.

"As long as you can achieve the goal, it is a good way."

This is reasonable, but after knowing the inside story, she has to be more cautious.

Since the Zheng family's internal concubine has a great relationship with the Gong family, her top priority now is to figure out the connection.

If the so-called major event of the Zheng family is bad for the palace family, then she will stop it anyway.

Although she sympathizes with Zheng Rongrong, she cares more about her family.

For the palace family, she is not afraid to mix the Zheng family with one another.

They have a clue here, and they are methodical outside.

他们 Since they left, Zheng Luxi asked someone to send a message to his father, stating that the two of them had been bought.

Compared with Zheng Luxi, Master Zheng Er is more cautious.

He already sent someone to check the details of these two people, but the territory of the defending country is so vast, it is difficult to find a trace in Youfanglang.

Before the incident, Master Zheng Er had already sent a fire to his son.

He also asked him to cooperate with Sun Mingyi with all his strength and not to act without permission.

Although Zheng Luxi was reluctant, he chose to obey for his own future.

After thinking about it, Master Zheng Er felt that the two were unsafe.

He had to think of a way to get them out.

The next two days, Sun Mingyi still serves as the attendant, and they assist.

Zheng Rongrong is a very clever girl. She asked her confidante to ask for a few more plates of sugar hawthorn.

As for the plate that Zheng Luxi sent over, she was carefully selected by her long ago, and then sent to Lin Mengya.

She also cooperated with a few medicines and asked Zheng Rongrong to take care of her aunt and grandmother.

Looking at the day when Sun Mingyi was in charge, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu became more careful.

As usual, after Dr. Sun Rongrong took the medicine, she first asked for a pulse.

的 Nourishing these days, although Zheng Rongrong still looks stingy, it is stronger than the previous few days.

"Miss the lady recovered very well, but the illness did not come in one day, and naturally cannot be cured in one day. The so-called illness comes down like a mountain, and the illness goes like a shred, as long as the lady cares for her, it will be in the future."

Zheng Rongrong lowered her eyes, thanking Wan Wan gently.

Sun Sun's famous doctor was sneering.

Now, Zheng Rongrong has been taking the medicine for several days, plus the effect of the red fruit, there will be a sign of blood collapse within three days.

At that time, even if Da Luo Jinxian came, it would not help.

这个 And this accusation is naturally someone to memorize.

He waited for Sun Mingyi to leave, and Lin Mengya immediately entered the inner room.

As before, she took out a silk thread to attract people's eyes, and then stood by the bed with her eyebrows down, but was talking to Zheng Rongrong in a low voice.

"Have you seen those people these days?"

Zheng Rongrong is also doing a good job now, his face is making a look of no strength, but the small mouth moves quickly and is not obvious at all.

"Well, it should be almost all."

Zheng Rongrong is in the name of rewarding the two doctors, letting his men take turns to deliver things.

Sometimes it ’s something to eat, and sometimes it ’s satin, in short, it is some small things that are not noticeable.

Regardless of whether it is Sun Mingyi or Shenyi, the obtained things are exactly the same, and it is always carried by a confidant girl beside her, and every time, there is a person who belongs to Master Zheng or Zheng Luxi. Other's doubt.

"I haven't treated them kindly these years, but they have chilled my heart!"

I do n’t know if I do n’t know, eating something like this should be put in front of her after repeated inspections.

But a plate of red fruits from Zheng Luxi's yard was presented uprightly, but no one reminded.

I can see that this person is either extremely trusted by her or me, or this thing is not done alone.

Either way, it is a blow to Zheng Rongrong.

"Everyone has greed, and it is not surprising that someone betrayed me. I already have a few candidates in my heart. When I find an opportunity to test them, I will tell you."

Zhe Lin Mengya said indifferently, in contrast, she was actually luckier than Zheng Rongrong.

不管 Whether it was the four girls with surname Bai, or later Axiu and Hongyu, they were sincere to her.

Her how can she get the true feelings of these people?

So, she can only do double for them and return them.

Everyone has sex, but whether or not contain it is the only reason why people do good and bad things.

The injustice in the world is, in the final analysis, nothing more than a desperation.

好 "Okay, my aunt is probably here in the evening. She is a cool person. I want to introduce you. I wonder if it is inconvenient?"

Zheng Rongrong carefully solicited her opinions.

After Lin Lin Mengyan groaned for a moment, she murmured "um" a little.

知道 She knows that this girl treats her as her own.

After all, Zheng Rongrong's grandfather's family was her greatest help outside.

After the two parties are familiar, it is better to cooperate better.

After the two had finished talking, Lin Mengya also raised the volume slightly, and then asked the maid to untie the silk thread and put it back.

She winked at Long Tianyu, who immediately understood, meaning to say something about that famous Sun doctor.

He is still Lin Mengya pretending to be close to his lips. After nodding his head, he said something similar to that of Sun Mingyi.

Zheng Rongrong made a look of relief, cleared his throat and said, "My grandparents were very worried when I learned that I had fallen ill. Fortunately, they were assisted by two famous doctors. The grandparents are very happy and hope to thank you two in person. Only It's a pity that he is old and can't bear the fatigue, so he sent my aunt. This is to visit my condition. On the other hand, it is also on behalf of my grandparents. Thank you for your life-saving grace. Can I enjoy my face at night? "

Her attitude was sincere, and she only said thank you. Actually, her aunt was uneasy and wanted to ask a question or two in person.

Neither side rejected the position, so they agreed.

Zheng Rongrong seemed very happy, and said a few more words in a row.

I mostly told them that my aunt was very easy-going, and in the evening it was just a meeting and a tea.

After the appointment time, all three got up and left.

The grandson of Sun was always reluctant to "join the same foul" with them, glanced at them coldly, and walked away in a hurry.

"It seems that he is determined that we will be brazen."

Squinting his eyes, Lin Mengya looked at Sun Mingyi and said with a smile.

Nine Dragon Tianyu turned a deaf ear, only lowering her head, staring at the tip of her white ears.

少 Since they changed their identity and returned to the palace, they have rarely been alone in this way.

Although only a few days, it makes people feel addicted.

She especially pretends to be his apprentice every day, even in front of outsiders, and is very close to him.

Such a move deeply satisfied his hungry heart.

This is the case of the beloved one, everything is beyond her eyebrows and a smile.

"Let's go, let's go back first."

Lin Lin Mengya did not notice Long Tianyu's thoughts, and even if she did, she would not feel anything.

The two returned to the guest room. As soon as Lin Mengya was about to enter the door, Long Tianyu grabbed her wrist and quickly stood in front of her, protecting her rigorously.

"what happened?"

There was Sun Mingyi's room next to him, Lin Mengya had to lower her voice and asked.

"Someone has come."

In this regard, Long Tianyu is more keen than Lin Mengya.

After all, where he is, there is often very confidential information, and even when he is away, someone will keep it.

No one can guarantee that there will be no omissions, so he habitually investigates every time he enters the door.

"Will it be the servant in the yard?"

Qi Lin Mengya tilted her head to ask, but Long Tianyu pressed her back, squeezed her mouth, and gently opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Long Tianyu looked for a moment, and clinging to her, he clinged to the side and flashed into the door.

And this angle was chosen very well, with a side porch blocking it. Sun Mingyi couldn't see the movement on their side whether it was at the door or the window.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't ask much, and when she entered the room, she closed the door lightly.

The two of them kept silent in tacit understanding, and Lin Mengya's system was fully open, inspecting the room, there was nothing in the end.

After a short while, she weakened the system and shook her head towards Long Tianyu.

I did n’t conceal their agency, and I did n’t lose anything. Is it really that someone came in by accident, and are they too nervous?

Lin Lin Mengya lightly struck Long Tianyu's shoulder for a moment, but he looked scared to death just like his enemy.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also smiled, and seemed to feel that he had overreacted just now.

He bent down and Lin Mengya put her ear in her ear and said, "Well, I'll go get you some food in the kitchen."

He nodded, and he watched her leave briskly.

But after Lin Mengya left, Long Tianyu was not as relaxed as before.

The clenched fist quietly released.

Lying on the palm of my hand, I was like two black seeds.

He hid from Yaer and dug out from a flowerpot next to him.

He has been hanging, for fear of being discovered by Yaer.

I'm just fine, Yaer seems to ignore these two little things.

Xu stared at those two things smaller than the rice grains, and Long Tianyu showed a dignified look.

I didn't expect to be here, I can still encounter this thing.

Hold their hands and stretch them long enough.

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