Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1819: Holy potion is missing

I had lunch, and the two took another nap, and someone came to invite them.

I want to come, although Zheng Rongrong's aunt, but in the end is a woman, she also hopes that she will go early and return early.

This time out, Lin Mengya kept her eyes open.

Remove a small bottle from the medicine box, which contains half a bottle of white powder.

东西 This thing is not poisonous and odorless, but it can't be washed away for a long time, whether it is clothes or skin.

Lin Mengya asked Long Tianyu to pour some of the powder from the vial onto the door frame.

In this way, no matter who they are, as long as they open the door and come in, there will always be spots on their bodies.

Although Long Tianyu has done a lot of questions before, they can never relax their vigilance.

The two of them went to the small hall of Zheng's guest house by themselves, but when they arrived, they found something unexpected, and Master Zheng's second was also there.

Today's Master Zheng Er is still dressed like a fairy-tale bone, not showing the mountains and not being exposed, and acting as a foil next to him.

I was in-laws in the end, and the two parties had a happy conversation.

Even Zheng Rongrong's face smiled a little more heartily.

I waited until they arrived, and there was already a happy scene inside.

Zheng Rongrong saw them coming, his eyes flashed, and he stood up and said to his aunt: "Sister Aunt, this is Yang Shenyi, next to him is his apprentice Yang Xiao. My life was what they saved. "

Hearing this, the proud Sun Mingyi, who was still smiling with a smile on his face, immediately sank.

When Rong Fang just came in, Zheng Rongrong didn't say so.

I only introduced the doctor who was sent by Master Zheng Er to nurse her body.

He praised his medicine, but he did not have the weight to save the benefactor.

The famous grandson of Sun, who had a narrow energy, now complains about Zheng Rongrong.

"I have seen my wife, but my husband has a sore throat and it is inconvenient to speak. I also ask his wife to forgive me."

Zheng Rongrong's mother's surname is Tang. Tang's original relationship with Zheng Rongrong's mother was a handkerchief. Later she became an aunt sister, and the relationship was even more close.

The first few years of Mrs. Zheng's leaving, Zheng Rongrong was raising her, so the relationship was also very harmonious.

It is natural to be grateful to see the salvation benefactor of his niece now.

"Where is it? It's my fault. Your husband saved Rong Rong's life, that's the benefactor of my family. Where can I be angry about such a trivial matter? Then I'm too careful, brother-in-law, do you? "

The brother-in-law in Tang's mouth is Master Zheng.

He has always known about his brother-in-law's temperament, and nodded with a smile.

After Zheng knew each other, Zheng Rongrong led them personally and took a seat on his own side.

In this way, it seems that there is a difference between intimacy and distinction.

Zhe Lin Mengya had an apprenticeship and could not sit, so she only stood behind Long Tianyu.

Tang's is a lively temperament. She asked her several questions in a row, but she was confused by her without any loopholes.

Tang seems to be very satisfied with them, but Lin Mengya doesn't know how much Tang knows, and doesn't say much.

After a few people were able to talk to each other for a while, the Tang suddenly remembered something.

"Look at my mind, I forgot the business. You walked to the palace a while ago, and when you came back, you praised the palace owner as a wise man. He was still in Yecheng and got some tonic. The holy medicine. It is said that the behind-the-scenes boss of the medicine company may still be one of the sons of the palace family. You always remember you and want to bring it to you to supplement your body. Hibiscus, you go to bring it. "

侍 The maid next to Tang's responded, but Lin Mengya observed that after Tang mentioned that her husband had gone to the palace, the brothers' Zheng's looks seemed to have some slight relationship.

Unfortunately, they are all old foxes, and they cover up very well, so she can't see anything for a while.

She is the drugstore mentioned by Tang, she knows something.

Shaoyaoxing is not a palace family, but its suppliers and bosses are really palace families.

I am just that this medicine business is one of the industries in which she tests water.

Fortunately, the treasurer has a real ability. In just a few months, he has been operating well.

When she heard others mentioning the palace family, they were full of praise, but she was still a little bit happy.

The Kuniya house will get better and better.

If Tang's falls, he can only fall into the carriage.

I waited for a while, but I didn't see the maid return.

Tang's wondering, the maid named Furong ran in with a look of panic.

"Madam, the medicine is gone!"

什么 "What? Impossible! I came here with the medicine box. Did I find it all on the carriage?"

Furong nodded, her eyes were red.

In the head of other people's home, Tang's is not good at scolding his maid, and he hastily said, "Go look for it again, maybe, it may have fallen somewhere."

Xi Rongran ran away in response, Zheng Rongrong saw her aunt so nervous, and smiled and comforted: "Furong always has a big heart. I must have missed something, don't worry."

Tang's brows frowned, and she clapped her hands.

先 I won't mention how valuable this medicine is, my own maid knows it.

Although Furong is careless, she still won't make mistakes in such things.

After another tea effort, Furong cried and asked for sin.

"Ma'am, slaves have been found, there is nowhere!"

这 "This, how is this possible? You let me, I'll find it myself!"

Zheng Rongrong wanted to stop, and Furong stopped.

I guess she must have searched it, but still didn't find the medicine.

Lin Lin Mengya stood aside and looked at the anxious Tang's. She was a little curious. What medicine did they buy from their family?

If she is really lost, in fact, she can re-match, and the quality will only be higher.

While she was enjoying herself here, she suddenly heard the opposite side, and someone spoke.

"Mrs. Zhao must have remembered it correctly. How could such a valuable thing be misplaced? Don't you be stolen by that blind eye?"

He talked, it turned out to be Sun Shenyi.

Just now, from Lin Mengya's entry, Sun Mingyi was intentionally or unintentionally, and they were left out.

This is the moment when I am unhappy.

Therefore, what I said was a bit yin and yang.

"Madam, dare not dare!"

This words, but scared the maids of the Tang family.

He immediately knelt on the ground, Qi Qi said.

Tang's eagerness is not a mess.

There must be no problem with her maid, she still knows the nature of these people.

At the moment, there is no good color to the person who talks about the wind and the cold.

"What did Mr. Sun say? The box has been in my arms. If I hadn't seen Rong Rong anxiously, I wouldn't forget. They are right next to me, so many eyes, who can't see?"

After a while, Sun Mingyi couldn't come to Taiwan.

Lin Mengya really liked the character of Mrs. Zhao's Tang's, and could not help but open up.

夫人 "Mrs. is a wise man, and he will never stigmatize the people around him."

As soon as the grandson doctor saw her end, her attitude became even worse.

Squinting her eyes staring at her, the jealousy inside, as long as it is not blind, can see clearly.

"I didn't say it was stolen by my wife. Maybe, there is something that hasn't seen the world and I'm thinking about it?"

This is, come at her?

Who is Lin Kemengya who is not afraid at all.

"While I and my family have traveled south and north over the years, we haven't seen any big scenes. Therefore, we should not know what a good medicine is or what a bad medicine is. Even if it is like Sun Mingyi, you With the movement of this nose, you can smell whether there are good medicines in the wind ten miles away. "


She was deliberately annoyed by Sun Mingyi, she spoke slowly and deliberately.

Especially the last sentence was so angry that Sun Mingyi's nose was crooked.

It was also her joke, which eased the atmosphere suddenly.

Zheng Rongrong comforted her aunt, and did not want her to be too anxious because of it.

"Mother, forget it, my body is much better than before, and I don't need much holy medicine. I know all about 舅舅 's heart, don't be angry because of this time."

Tang's heart also murmured, why did this medicine disappear out of thin air?

But I also know that this is not her own home, and she is always sloppy, so this will happen. At the moment, she looked at her with regret.

"You don't know, this medicine is not ordinary. It is said that as long as a person is still alive, it can rescue people. If you have medicine next to me, I can feel more at ease."

Lin Lin Mengya froze, hehe, is it so amazing?

She doesn't know that there is such a magic drug in her own medicine practice.

But before she asked her question, the annoying Sun Mingyi said angrily, "I see, it's better to lose it! But I'm going to deceive the fake medicine, so as not to kill people! I have been practicing medicine for so many years , But I have never heard of this medicine! I'm afraid that only the liar who lives in an indefinite place will say so! "

Lin Mengya frowned slightly.

Since Sun Mingyi spoke, she always felt that something was weird.

Tang's lost his medicine, but Sun Mingyi always pulled on them.

Ain't it

She stared at Sun Mingyi tightly, but the latter stared at him, the resentment in his eyes was like a serpent.

Tang Ke brought medicine, even Zheng Rongrong didn't know about it, and Sun Mingyi didn't know it.

Or is the other party also a temporary intention, like a crazy dog, in order to vent their anger and bite?

In any case, she can't let the other person flatter her arbitrarily.

"Speak, you need evidence. Those who have no place to stay are crooks? Some people claim that they have studied medicine for decades, but in the end they are even wrong with the symptoms of the patients, isn't it even more mean? In my opinion, maybe it is Some people, jealous of others, have better medicine, so they steal it secretly. Alas, if the skill is not as good as others, then it will be accounted for. What is the skill of planting a spoil?

Her words, but blocked the words of Sun Mingyi.

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