Hagiwara thought it was just an episode, but when they set off the next day, Lin Mengya and they met the person who knocked on her door last night.

Long Tianyu's guy refused to go back to sleep last night, and she was afraid that something would happen to startle the Zheng family. There was no way but to accompany that person for a while.

Now it's time for some sleepiness.

Xiao Long Tianyu was stuffing her into the quilt, and when she had a good rest, she heard someone and knocked on the carriage lightly outside.

I walked down the window, and when he saw the man last night, his face sank naturally, almost staring at the person in front of him.

The man was only about 20 years old, dressed as a scholar, but with a little arrogance on his face.

He looks like an ordinary family boy.

But when he suddenly saw the look that looked like Yan Wang, he couldn't help but startled. He lowered his head and asked, "Excuse me, the little brother I was disturbed last night.

For strangers, especially those who knocked on the door of his wife's room, Long Tianyu seems to have a lot of love.

Lin Mengya, who was drowsily sleeping, heard that someone was looking for herself.

我 "I'm here, what can you do?"

钻 She got out of the quilt and raised her head to ask.

In recent days, she has been wearing men's clothing, but because of the small skeleton, she is a young man.

Although the face was plain, the eyes were delicate and bright, and the ends of the eyes were slightly raised, because of the laziness that just got up, but with a pure charm.

I was just a pair of eyes, but called the person outside the car, slightly lost.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her eyes. The person seemed to be awake from a dream, but her eyes were always uncontrollable and fell on her.

"Are you okay?"

She asked again, the man seemed to be scalded, and quickly put the contents of his hands on the cart.

"This is a compliment that I disturbed Xiongtai last night. Now, let's leave first."

After speaking, people seemed to be chased by ghosts and ran fast.

Lin Lin Mengya rubbed her temples, and it was a bit unpleasant that she was interrupted in this way.

Continue to drill back to the quilt, lying Long Tianyu's thin thighs as pillows.

I watched the whole process of Long Tianyu, but from my heart, I gave birth to a sense of crisis.

These disciples are all ravaging his wife!

I've thought about that **** many times in my heart, but I still don't feel relieved.

"I didn't come at me, help me press my head, obediently."

梦 Even with her eyes closed, Lin Mengya still felt his emotions accurately.

The latter was immediately smoothed, moderately, and rubbed her forehead.

"See it?"

嗯 "Well, the fool can't see it. I just don't know who this person is."

Generally speaking, if you are a new guest, you will be delivered to your room.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake.

If the guest cannot find the room, it is still possible.

But, for the sake of convenience, the rooms of several of them are next to each other.

And it is surrounded by vacant rooms, which are separated from those already occupied.

Even if you find the wrong one, you can't get it wrong?

And the man just knocked on the door, not called.

From this point of view, I'm afraid that the person did it on purpose.

Neither she nor Long Tianyu knew the person, and there was nothing unusual about that person.

So, there is very little possibility for them.

I was afraid that it was a guest attracted by the Zheng family.

From here, there are gradually more people on the way.

I also want to know that although the family conference in the Zheng Family is not so prominent, there are many people.

I can also see from this point, why Zheng Jiafeng land so confused.

Zhe Yishan is not tolerated, let alone these big and small families?

The main reason is that although the Zheng family is the most powerful, it is a pity that they cannot calm down the entire fiefdom.

At this point, when the palace family first began to rise, they also encountered these problems.

But her method is too simple and rude, and the palace family has a good heritage in the end.

Now it seems that even if Zheng Rongrong wants to take over, the future is not easy.

Along the way, Master Zheng also met many acquaintances.

Looking at the real and fake enthusiasm of Master Zheng and the true and false enthusiasm of Master Zheng, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu could not relax.

Master Zheng Zheng looks like a monster, and every time he has to drag out Tianyu to give those people an idea.

Lin Mengya was furious when she looked at the posture of a prospective husband.

If she hadn't persuaded her, Long Tianyu would have ignored him for a word.

This master Zheng family, but I really do not know the heights.

Nevertheless, Master Zheng's actions finally provoked Long Tianyu.

Finally, on a dark night, Long Tianyu gripped Lin Mengya and Bao Bao, and ran away without looking back.

"What's wrong? Can't help it?"

In fact, Lin Mengya doesn't care what those people say. Compared to the attentiveness of the Zheng family, each time Long Tianyu appears, he will not hesitate to shake his face, giving the other side no face at all.

In fact, Master Zheng is also a little nervous, but this old man is 倔, even in the end, even Zheng Rongrong was angry with him, but he still insisted on his own ideas.

Even, there is a growing trend.


Frowning, frowning, this is really draining his few patience.

How could he have left the old man at his mercy if Yaer had repeatedly pleaded with him?

"It's very troublesome, in fact, I was thinking, otherwise you would sacrifice the beauty first, and put out the whereabouts of our housekeeper to send things out first"

The man's eyes grew colder.

Lin Lin Mengya cleverly stopped the topic, okay, she knew it would not work.

In fact, she just feels that Master Zheng has upset her, so she can't make others happy.

Although all the families understand the Zheng family's voice outside the strings, they are mostly dismissive of this divine doctor whose face is even stronger than them.

Especially after they ran tonight, I am afraid Master Zheng will become a joke.

Fortunately, Zheng Rongrong clearly expressed his opposition, and those people just laughed at his father.

"Where are we going now?"

"Go to your home."

her home?

Lin Mengya did not understand for a while, but when the two of them arrived at a small courtyard, Lin Mengya saw an acquaintance.

"Axiu, why are you here?"

Standing in the small yard, the woman who is looking forward to it, who is not Axiu?

I saw them coming in, and the girl immediately smiled like a flower and rushed to her.

"Sister Ya, let's say in Advanced House!"

Lin Mengya was infected, looking at the elated look of that girl.

After the three of them entered the room, Axiu said the cause and effect of the incident immediately.

It turned out that she also made a special trip to attend the family meeting in the Zhengjia Fengdi.

I only thought that Lin Mengya had invited them to the Zheng family.

"You mean, it's the letter from the Zheng family's owner, who sent it to the family himself?"

Axiu nodded.

I originally should n’t have come here, but Sister Ya and her ancestors as well as a few sons had problems. As a last resort, she could only send her.

Since these days, Axiu and Liu Qianrong have also been regarded as palace figures.

Zheng Jiafei is not a relative, she didn't specify who she wants to come from, so she stubbornly topped her head.

I didn't expect that it was only a short while ago that Long Tianyu's people found them.

Yan Wenyan, Lin Mengya glanced at Long Tianyu.

I ca n’t wonder if you just walked away, and for a long time, the goods were premeditated.

I was still holding on for so many days, maybe it was to embarrass the old man of the Zheng family.

She suddenly felt that she had been doing small volts in the past few days, and had been hugging each other every day, and it was all calculated by someone.

Fortunately, business matters, and she is too lazy to settle accounts with him.

"Sister Ya, didn't you follow the ancestors to the Bai family, why are you here?"

"It's a long story, but I will follow you to the family meeting."

As soon as I heard this, Axiu smiled and frowned.

To be honest, she is still not used to it.

不管 No matter what I used to do, it was at my doorstep.

Now she's taking people in this strange place.

Fortunately, everything has sister Ya.

Unfortunately, Long Tianyu couldn't be as easy as Axiu.

I was guessed what he was thinking, and that night, my dear wife went out to sweep the floor.

I listened to the door, spreading laughter from my wife and other women, even if Long Tianyu had 10,000 unwillingness in his heart, he had to be honest with the vacant room.

Alas, he will have nothing good to eat in the future.

When Lin Mengya and Sister Xiu met, there was always something to say.

After talking to A Xiu about what happened in Zheng's family, Xun said that the latter was also angry.

"This Xu family is simply desolate! Huh! If I encountered it, I would have to make a theory with them!"

A Xiuben is a man with a clear love and hate, and because of his previous experience in the ghost market, he hates the kind of man who ignores the life and death of women.

She's tragic encounter, especially Zhao Ye, was enough to evoke her sympathy and sympathy.

"Without theory, sooner or later they will eat their own consequences."

Before leaving, Lin Mengya made a thorough inspection of Zhao Yan.

Her body was completely emptied, and even if Zhao used all her energy to care for her, she hadn't lived well for several years.

Fortunately, in the last days of my life, with my family, I can at least suffer less.

Tong Axiu bit her lip, looking a little gloomy.

"Sister Ya, you say that your daughter ’s family is born in the world, why is it so much more painful than others? It ’s especially like Sister Zhao. If someone could help her at the beginning, how good?

Wu Axiu's thoughts are also her thoughts.

"In the world, there are too many such things, even if we are exhausted, we are afraid that we can't manage it."

"Yeah, if there is a place where all the women in the world can rely on, it's even better."

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