Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1848: Women have a support

Wu Axiu is just a momentary emotion, which can fall into Lin Mengya's ears, but it seems to instantly clear away the layers of fog.

In my heart, a thought was gradually taking shape.

Yes, if there is a place in the world, when a woman is infringed and her rights and interests cannot be guaranteed, she can rely on it. Is that the confidence of the woman in the next day even more sufficient?

"I have an idea. When this family meeting ends, you go back with Qian Rong and choose some capable women in our house and the women's school."

"It's easy, but what can I do if I choose it?"

Lin Mengya flicked her forehead and said with a smile: "We set up a women's club, no matter where the girl is, no matter what happens, as long as she encounters difficulties that cannot be resolved, we will help solve them. By the way, this charter also You need to think carefully. You can discuss this with Qian Rong. If there is any difficulty, I will help you with it when I come back from the Bai family. "

A Xiu's eyes lit up instantly.

She originally gave birth to a family that pays special attention to women, so her thinking is very different from that of women outside.

For example, the women of their Oriental family can go home with their dowry in case of Zhao Yan, and they will not be humiliated at all.

Although this has something to do with the position of the Dongfang family in Yunlie, it is undeniable that the women raised in this way will more or less not accept the tragedy.

Qiu Liuqianrong's origin is the opposite of Axiu.

Because she is a woman, she has almost endured the sufferings on earth and tasted the bitterness and bitterness.

Compared to Xiulai, she knows more about the sufferings on earth and what the women urgently need to solve.

In this way, if the two are combined, they will be able to do something big.

Wu Axiu was very interested, and discussed this with Lin Mengya overnight.

Wu Tiangang was very bright, and the two men fell asleep.

Long Tianyu, who was standing outside the door, listened quietly to the corner of the night.

He now feels more and more that his wife is a treasure for a thousand years.

The worry in my heart gradually deepened a lot.

The people of Wuxiancheng did not know that many things were written by his wife.

If they knew it, they would have to dig out Ya'er no matter if they entered the earth.

But he couldn't let this piece of jewel be covered with dust. In this way, he could only see people more closely.

In pride and worry, dawn dawned.

For the family conference, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu's purpose is very simple, to help Zheng Rongrong to maintain the position of the Zheng family heir.

Master Zheng's seemingly unreasonable behavior can explain one more thing.

He didn't want his daughter to fulfill the marriage contract with the palace family.

I even guessed that the purpose of the second house of the Zheng family was to hesitate to cause them to break the agreement in advance.

In this way, that paper marriage contract is considered void.

But what the palace family entrusted to the Zheng family to save, she took it back anyway.

At this time, the purpose of Master Zheng to invite the palace family, but it seems a bit subtle.

Therefore, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu decided to participate in the family conference as Su Mei.

Wu Axiu also raised her hands in favor. Now she is full of women's club affairs. Where else can she care?

行 Their face was so strange that they didn't say anything when they came, so no one knew what family they belonged to until they reached their destination.

Until they entered the city, they put an ink bottom gilding invitation in the hands of the person in charge of receiving the ascension, and the other side was obviously stunned.

I must know that such invitations can only be used in the entire Zheng family's enclosure.

This not only represents the power of the family, but also represents such a family, which has a status of equal dialogue with the Zheng family.

The supervisor took the invitation with both hands and immediately rose carefully and saluted toward them.

"I don't know where the VIP is, why have you never seen it before?"

A Xiu smiled, and said kindly to the responsible person: "You know when you open it, but our family has always been a low-key accustomed, please do not speak up."

Suddenly the supervisor felt a little blush, and he had to admit that he was a little stunned after seeing the invitation just now.

I immediately opened the thin invitation, but saw a large "palace" inside.

Suddenly, the manager's hand shook.

In the world, who dares to use the word except that family?

On the noodle surface, three points of caution were taken, and the spirit of 120,000 was raised, and the invitation was returned with both hands.

"It turned out that the guests arrived. Please, my owner, have been waiting for a long time."

Axiu nodded and gave a friendly smile to the steward.

He and his party entered the city without obstruction. At this time, the person in charge was holding one of the most nimble young men around him, lowering his voice and anxiously saying, "Go and tell the owner, the palace is here!"

Xun Gong family, even if it was three years ago, everyone would shake their heads when they mentioned it, sighing at a different behemoth that is different from the past. After Lin Mengya's arrival, they have become the craved and unattainable existence of these little families.

For this reaction, Lin Mengya really didn't think there was any surprise.

After getting the news, the owner of the Chen family took the person to greet him.

Especially after learning that she was actually the righteous girl of Gong Ya, and the only female dean of Sitai College, she showed great enthusiasm.

In this regard, Lin Mengya's response was neither excessively enthusiastic, but not rude.

When you go out, you must hold on.

At least I can't make those people feel that the palace family is too approachable.

Her noble and cool routine on her side was called a pure fire, which made the owner of the Chen family, careful not to even breathe.

He can't wait to make a shrine now, and confess this great god.

"Mr. Su is a rare visit. It is better to live in a cold house. It is also convenient. Secondly, Chen can do all he can to help the landlord."

The owner of the Chen family is a savvy person. He knows too well that such a big family is good for them.

If you can pull one or two, the things exposed in the seams of your fingers will be enough for them to eat and drink.

When Lin Mengya was thinking about how to decline, she saw several other teams approaching.

Among them, there is a familiar person.

"Is that the Zheng family?"

The Chen family owner looked down at her line of sight, wasn't it the Zheng family?

But a little in his heart, he clearly remembered that the invitation card of the highest specification could only be issued by the Zheng family.

Suddenly, my mind was a little heavy.

If the Zheng family and the Gong family are united, then where will they live in the entire fiefdom?

He couldn't afford both of them.

When Zheng Zhengsi thought for a while, he saw the head of the Zheng family and brought his daughter towards them.

"Excuse me, your Excellency Mr. Sumeisu?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows secretly. The old man was still thinking about her man's idea yesterday, and came to her again today.

I have anger in my heart, naturally there is nothing good.

"Well, I'm Sumei. May I ask?"

"Underneath is Zheng Chongen, the head of the Zheng family. This is the young girl Rongrong. Rongrong, but I haven't come to see Mr. Su."

Although Master Zheng is a little puzzled and does not know when he offended this Mr. Su, but for the sake of his heart, he chose to ignore the cold face of the other party.

Zheng Rongrong was sad because they didn't bid farewell. When they saw Lin Mengya, they forgot everything.

After Xiao Xiaoxi saluted her, a pair of eyes looked at her brilliantly, full of worship.

I couldn't make Lin Mengya look good at her dad's face anymore. Come on, for the sake of her cute little fan girl, she would do it once.

"This is Miss Zheng, she is really smart and lovely. It's just that our girls' school is enrolling. I don't know Miss Zheng, can you come to Sitai College?"

As soon as she asked this, she immediately changed the people around her.

No matter what happened at Sitai College the other day.

Now, those people are talking about it.

I have offended the palace families of the great Confucians, but can they sustain the college.

He even has the temptation to think of the owner of the Chen family.

After all, the camel is thinner than a horse, and the academy cannot be completed.

But the hot potato of the college, but few people dare to touch it.

Lin Mengya also mentioned it smoothly, but did not want Zheng Cong'en to just slap him, and then urged her daughter to say, "Not yet hurry to meet Mr. When you are at home, don't you bother to go to the college for insights every day? Now Mr Su Your qualifications are dull and you are willing to accept you as an apprentice. Don't you quickly recognize Master? "

Zheng Rongrong was so happy that she quickly knelt down and worshiped at the ceremony, but Lin Mengya stopped first.

"Our college is a new type of school, and I am not interested in it. I will write a letter of recommendation to you in a while. After the new year, you will come to the college."

Regardless of Zheng Cong'en's purpose, she really likes Zheng Rongrong as a student.

The latter nodded violently, and the corner of his mouth almost did not crack into the back of his head.

The little girl was so happy that she almost jumped up, anxious to put her wings on and fly to the college for classes.

The family next to the cricket, however, reacted violently, screaming aloud, and was actually snatched the best time by Zheng Congen.

Now, although the college is in trouble, the palace family has not fallen.

If they now show their position and are on the same front as the palace family, then even if the palace family cannot run the college, they will never betray them even after reading this friendship.

These little families, they have a bright future in terms of relationship.

Moreover, the impasse of the palace family is approaching, for them, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

It's a pity that they are all too timid, so that this great benefit falls on Zheng's head.

Suddenly, the faces of these people turned into pig's liver color.

"Rong Rong is not sensible, and he needs to raise more points in the future."

Zheng Cong'en looked like he had let go of a big rock in his heart, and his smile relaxed a little.

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