Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1849: Original return

Lin Lin Mengya pulled Zheng Rongrong with a smile, and in front of the crowd, she did not conceal her value.

"A smart woman like Miss Zheng is naturally liked by everyone. Later in the college, you can come to me if you have any habit."

As for Zheng Rongrong himself, he looks flattered.

The big eyes are watery, and the joy in them is by no means deceiving.

Grandma Zheng breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at her daughter's unexpected appearance.

"I have already arranged a few places where you want to live in advance, and please ask Mr. Su to cheer."

With this level of daughter-in-law relationship, Zheng Congen's invitation was enough.

Lin Lin Mengya also wanted to find out the reason why Master Zheng did this, so he nodded and pleaded guilty to the master of the Chen family before leaving with them.

Lin Mengya didn't care how many people had envious eyes behind her, anyway, this time, she didn't pretend to be a snake with them.

After they arrived at a hotel that had been contracted in advance, Master Zheng personally sent them to the upper room.

"Conditions are limited here, I wonder if Mr. Su can get used to it."

I glanced roughly, but it was actually pretty good.

Moreover, she is not here for sightseeing this time.

Lin Lin Mengya sat in a chair safely and looked at Master Zheng with a smile.

"I like people who have something to say, Master Zheng, you've tried hard to invite me over this time. What's the purpose?"

Opposite Ming Ming is just a 20-year-old woman, but Zheng Congen has been raising her heart from the beginning.

He has been in charge of the Zheng family for many years, and he knows too much about the intrigue of a large family.

What's more, it is a family history like the palace family.

With a bitter smile, Zheng Congen's face looked a little decadent.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Su had already seen through it. Indeed, I asked you to come here this time and ask for something. I also ask Mr. Su to help me this time in our two previous situations."

Lin Lin Mengya did not answer immediately.

She is thinking and waiting for Zheng Congen to show his purpose.

The atmosphere was a little silent, and A Xiu, who stood aside, gently embraced Zheng Rongrong's shoulders.

"After you go to the college, I can take you to see everywhere. Now that you are here, shouldn't Miss Zheng also take me to play?"

Zheng Rongrong was a bit uneasy, but she understood that there were things she could not reconcile.

He could only step back three times and followed A Xiu out of the door.

When the two of them were left in the house, Zheng Congyou sighed.

"I don't know Mr. Su, but have heard an agreement between the Zheng family and the palace family."

It really is because of this.

Gao Linmengya continued to make an impassioned look, and Zheng Congen, after hesitating again and again, opened her mouth cautiously.

"Originally, this was just a joke between the two ancestors. This agreement was made only because the ancestors of the Zheng family saved an item for the ancestors of the palace family. Now, it is time to return to Zhao Shi. The palace family is not asked Fulfill our promises, just ask the palace family to see our Zheng family keep their promises and help us if necessary. "

He said this, but Lin Mengya had to give Master Zheng a high look.

Originally, she thought that the reason why Zheng Congen was willing to let her daughter be wronged, and also to allow Zheng Luxi to inherit the position of head of the family, was the power of coveting the palace family.

现在 But now she changed her mind.

In the face of huge benefits, Master Zheng was able to maintain his heart, and it was extremely rare not to think of the towering wealth.

Such a person is indeed worth making.

"Where is the homeowner Zheng saying? The two of us are close neighbors. My homeowner often reads about the help from the homeowner Zheng when the family was in trouble. If you have any requirements, our homeowner will definitely answer."

"Originally, the two ancestors settled on a marriage. It is true that even the marriage book was written. Today, I bring the wedding book and return it to the palace family. I only ask, my Zheng family Peace is all right. "

Zheng Cong'en seemed to want to get divorced.

Seriously, he took out a red bag from his arms.

After slightly peeling off some old red cloth, the exposed thing is actually the bronze mirror that Zhao had seen.

"this is"

"This is what the ancestors of the palace entrusted us to preserve the ancestors of the Zheng family."

Zheng Congen held a bronze mirror, and his mind was a little complicated.

For many years, this thing has become a steel knife hanging from his head since the day he took over the house.

The former owners of the Zheng family are waiting for this day to come.

Alas, they only saw the wealthy power of the palace family, but they did not see that behind this power, there were hidden dangers.

Zheng family's status today can no longer afford such frustration.

It is like a dying old patient who uses fierce medicine, it is not luck, but disaster!

Zheng Cong'en stabilized his mood slightly, carefully holding the red cloth, and put things on the table.

Then, he pressed a ruby ​​inlaid on the lower end of the handle.

Only heard a crisp sound of "click", the handle and the oval mirror surface were broken into two pieces.

Lin Lin Mengya stared curiously at his movements and saw the man, pulling out a small straight tube from the part of the handle.

"Here is the marriage certificate, please ask Mr. Su to verify."

Lin Lin Mengya took it gently.

The material of the wedding book is not ordinary paper. Although it has gone through many years, it is still very tough in the hands.

She slowly unfolded, a line of clear fonts appeared in front of her eyes.

The uncle's marriage was well written, and it happened to be her generation who would marry the Zheng family in exchange for the mirror in the hands of the Zheng family.

看着 She looked at the marriage book, and there was a kind of inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Before that, everyone told her that the ancestors of the palace family were intelligent people with supreme wisdom.

But when she saw that paper of marriage, she really realized that almost everything in the future generations was made by the ancestors, and she made no plans.

She is like a small ball. In accordance with the established trajectory, one by one has inspired the institutions that have been arranged long ago.

Although this feeling is awkward as a puppet, it has a kind of admiration.

In the end, they are for future generations to escape the distorted fate, not just for themselves.

She solemnly put away her wedding book, stood up and bowed to Zheng Congen.

"The people of the Zheng family really live up to their ancestors' trust. Please be assured that the owner of the Zheng family, from now on, the palace family and the Zheng family become one."

Zheng Congen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that, instead of holding the marriage book to hold him, for the current palace family, it would be more convenient for him to gain more controllable benefits.

He smiled, and he pointed to the bronze mirror.

"Since then, the property has returned to its original owner, and the little girl has to rely on Mr. Su to take care of him."

"This is natural, but this marriage book says that if the next generation of the owner is a woman, he is going to marry a palace man and wife. But if it is a man, he can marry the palace house owner. I do n’t know what Zheng ’s family planned . "

He mentioned this, and Zheng Congen suddenly lost his smile.

Lin Lin Mengya was not in a hurry, just waiting for Master Zheng's answer quietly.

"I am also pedantic. Women are the main reason. It has never been the cause of the collapse of a family. I wonder if Mr. Rong Rong is my family?"

Lin Lin Mengya was a bit surprised.

To be honest, until now, she did not think Master Zheng would really pass on the position of the owner to Zheng Rongrong.

现在 But now she is not so determined.

"Ms. Zheng, although she looks a little weak, may not be worthy if she is carefully adjusted."

She pondered for a long time before she said such a thing.

Xu actually told Zheng Cong'en that as long as he wanted Zheng Rongrong to be the owner, she could help him.

Zheng Cong'en did not answer her directly, and did not continue to turn around on this issue.

After the two of them had given up again, Zheng Congencai left heartily.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not rush out of the bronze mirror to study, but instead calmly and arrogantly received those who want to come to the knot, then let people hold the door, touch the bronze mirror and look repeatedly.

"How is this different from the previous one?"

It's no accident that someone suddenly appears in the room.

Lin Lin Mengya beckoned towards Long Tianyu, who immediately sat beside her.

你 "Look, the handle of this bronze mirror does not match the mirror very well."

Xun Long Tian Yu followed and looked at it, even he took it over and rubbed his thumb for a while.

"It's true that the materials of these two objects are not exactly the same."


With this in mind, Lin Mengya did not see it.

The reason why she had such a guess was because of the slight differences between the handle and the mirror pattern.

But Long Tianyu's depth of field is wide, and his eyesight is naturally much better than her.

"This handle is much longer than this mirror surface in the morning. Moreover, their manufacturing process is also different."

On this point, Long Tianyu can almost pack tickets.

Zhe Lin Mengya touched her chin. If it was just a bronze mirror, the ancestors of the palace family did not need to make such a big promise for the ancestors of the Zheng family to save.

She looked at the handle and the mirror, she always felt that something seemed to be ignored by her.

Moreover, an old handle was set with a new bronze mirror.

的 The pattern on this handle is not very magnificent, isn't it superfluous?

Unless, what really hides is this handle!

She picked it up again, looking inside and out.

She pinched her finger in, and when she was wondering if there was anything in it, she suddenly felt that the middle part of the handle was a little uneven.

"It seems to be engraved inside!"

She exclaimed, and Long Tianyu stared at the handle violently.

I was just dark inside the handle, she couldn't feel it even if she touched it.

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at her tangled face, but did not know what she wanted to start, and left in a hurry.

After a short while, he brought a small basin over.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced inside, it turned out to be a stack of dough that had been kneaded.

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