Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1850: Midnight thief

看着 She watched Long Tianyu cautiously stuffed the dough in, then baked it on the fire for a while.

的 The scent of wheat exuded when the dough was dried made her feel a little hungry.

Fortunately, this torture soon ended, and Long Tianyu carefully pulled out the roasted semi-dried dough.

Lin Mengya looked at the traces on the dough, her brain was moving rapidly.

Because just now, Xiaoyao found that the symbols above may be the kind of symbols that the system can decode.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also saw this kind of thing for the first time, frowning slightly, he looked over and over again, but still could not feel his head.

Because the marks are not like handwriting or painting, they are like some kind of pattern.

"Is it a painting or a family pattern?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was also unsure, and Lin Mengya had no concrete results.

"This should be only a part of it. The decoding function in my system shows that this may be some kind of text, but not complete."

She explained lowly, hearing this, Long Tianyu was more cautious.

After kneading the dough into a ball, reinstall the mirror.

既然 "That being the case, then you should save it first. After I go back, I will let you make an identical handle out."

He is always more careful with her than anyone else.

Gao Linmengya properly closed the bronze mirror, and today she got a lot of useful news.

At least that paper, which may cause disputes, is now back in her hands.

Although I don't know how many pits her ancestors dug for her, it's not surprising.

The two fell asleep together, and Long Tianyu would hold her in her arms as a protector.

The night was dark and the world seemed to be quiet.

It wasn't long before Long Tianyu noticed the rubble on the roof, and the movement caused by being stepped on.

He opened his eyes sharply, got up quietly, but shocked her in his arms.

"I'll go out and see."

I showed her with her mouth, and Lin Mengya immediately sobered from the confusion.

I crouched in the quilt honestly and watched him leave.

Released the detection function, she found four people hidden on the roof.

Wu Youyu, she was not worried that the other party was directed at her.

These four people went to the southeast corner of the inn.

Alas, there seemed to be the Zheng family.

When the people on the roof were gone, she rose lightly and dressed.

Yun Yu must have noticed their movements, otherwise he would not have checked the situation.

She waited for a while, but Yu didn't show up easily.

I was excited by the guards of the Zheng family in advance. After a while of soldiers and horses, the intruders left without love.

This time and again, the people in the inn turned people upside down.

But there are not many of them on their side.

She doesn't think that the group just came to see and left.

After a while, Long Tianyu returned to the room coldly.

"Zheng Congen is missing."


"The group of people should be coming to Zheng Rongrong, but I just checked in just now, and Zheng Cong'en was not in the inn at all. My people didn't see him return."

Because Zheng Cong'en's identity is special, she must have accompanying guards around her, so she and Long Tianyu did not have any trouble to send someone to protect them.

It is for this reason that this allows those people to have a chance.

"Sister Su, my father, he"

Outside the door, Zheng Rongrong cried with red eyes and flew in.

I was in the fiefdom before, and the girl who could endure all kinds of hardships, but after hearing the news that her father might be in danger, she cried.

Lin Lin Mengya patted her back gently, took out a dry cloth towel, and gently wiped her tears.

"Don't be afraid, your father will be fine. Axiu, you call us and look for them with the Zheng family. Also, don't alarm others."

At this time, if it is known that Zheng's grandfather is unknown, then Zheng Rongrong's situation is much more dangerous.

These families all stare at the forces of the Zheng family.

If they get the chance, they will inevitably not develop evil thoughts.

Although the Zheng family's people were uneasy, fortunately, Zheng Rongrong was the backbone, and with the help of the palace family's people, they were not too messy.

Until dawn, their people still found nothing.

Zheng Rongrong has been crying and fainting once, Lin Mengya is also frowning.

This is not the way to go, they do not know what the other party's intentions are.

According to the secret guards who stood around the inn last night, Master Zheng Zheng left on his own initiative.

He took only his henchman with him.

As for where I went and who I met, there was no news at all.

On the bed, Zheng Rongrong will wake up and look at her with a look of hope.

"My father, he is back?"

Despite her cruelty, Ke Lin Mengya cannot lie to her.

"Not yet, maybe, there will be news in a while."

For a moment, hope pulled away those water eyes.

Zheng Rongrong lowered her head, and her teeth bit her lower lip.

也许 "Maybe, maybe if I didn't follow my father, maybe if I listened to them, my father would not disappear."

Tears burst into her eyes again, and she just felt the hot tingling in her eye sockets.

Lin Lin Mengya could not comfort more.

Missing Zheng Rongrong's relatives, the taste, only she can understand.

The light-hearted solution of the others was that there was no way for her to come out of the horns.

Zhe Lin Mengya walked over and firmly held Zheng Rongrong's slightly cold hand.

"We'll look for it with you, now, don't rush to give up, okay?"

The gentle words of the puppet woman seemed to be the only life-saving straw that Zheng Rongrong could grasp now.

She raised her head uneasily, like a frightened fawn.

Lin Lin Mengya held her in her arms and patted her shoulder gently.

Outside the yamen, Long Tianyu, who had been looking for a person overnight, received a letter.

To be exact, it was a blackmail letter.

"There is news."

刚 As soon as he stepped into the room, Zheng Rongrong rushed up.

"Is there any news from my father? Where is he? When will he return?"

Xun Long Tianyu did not answer, but put his heart on the table.

At a glance, Lin Mengya saw the dark color hidden under Yu's eyes.

他们 "They, how can they do this! For the position of the homeowner, do they not care about even a little affection?"

After reading a letter, Zheng Rongrong shuddered with anger.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Zhe Lin Mengya stepped forward and took the letter.

I saw only a few lines on that thin sheet of paper.

"I want Zheng Cong'en to survive, tonight, take Zheng Family's secret treasure to Sanliting outside the city, or wait to collect him!"

Zheng family secret treasure? Could it be that the paper of the Zheng family and the palace family?

For a moment, she understood.

Under those circumstances last night, those who could meet Zheng Congen could only be acquaintances.

And because he gave back his wedding book and bronze mirror to himself, he probably felt relaxed.

He didn't want to, so he angered those who really care about these things.

"What can I do? Secret treasure, I don't even know where the Zheng family's secret treasure is, how can I save my father!"

Zheng Rongrong was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot, but fortunately Lin Mengya still kept her sense.

"Don't worry, let me ask you, did your father tell you anything when your father left last night?"

"My father seemed to tell me when he was leaving. From then on, he will never let me be wronged. It must be Zheng Luxi's job. No one would care about the Zheng family secret treasure except him."

知道 She knows the cause and effect, and it is not difficult to guess that the person in the second room of the Zheng family did it.

Zheng Rongrong knew at a glance that she had been caught in the drum. How did she guess?

因为 "Because only the secret treasure of the Zheng family is obtained, can he be regarded as the true Zheng family owner. Although my father has cultivated him as an heir in recent years, he has never given him the secret treasure. Therefore, he must be angry!"

It turned out that no wonder Zheng Luxi was so daring and mad, but he still didn't dare to tear his face with Master Zheng.

I watched the girl crying anxiously, Lin Mengya made a plan.

"Yu, come out with me."

In the inn covered by the Zheng family, after a busy day, it suddenly quieted down.

This makes other families who have been staring outside see the fog in the clouds.

They have the heart to inquire, but the Zheng family's mouth is severe.

Those who live in the palace family also follow suit, leaving them with no chance.

When Zheng Zheng was scratching his heart, he suddenly heard the people of the Zheng family go to the Chen family to report and said that it was because of the rush to get on the road.

The owner of the Chen family is also suspicious and can only send someone to visit first.

I was separated by a door, and after only a few words with Master Zheng, the man was sent away.

However, it also confirmed that Master Zheng is really just sick.

The news came out, and those who had thoughts had to temporarily hold it down.

With the addition of Mr. Su from the palace family, it was not easy to mess with this group of people, and they no longer looked like Zhengshui.

"Does this really work? Otherwise, I'll do it myself!"

In Zheng Rongrong's room, she looked at Lin Mengya, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, wearing her clothes.

The latter did not know what method was used. In a short period of time, not only was she easy to look like her, but she could also imitate her voice perfectly. Even when the Chen family came before, Sister Su was able to tell the truth. It is hard to hear the flaws.

If it is not something in her mind, she will now be pestering each other and learn these tricks and tricks.

Lin Lin Mengya adjusted her face slightly.

This time is tight, and she can't tolerate her to make the exact same mask a little bit.

Fortunately, she has acupuncture, which can temporarily change the direction of facial muscles.

I just do n’t use it often, otherwise her muscles will be damaged and her appearance will be ruined.

"Since I'm going to go for you, it naturally has my truth. Obediently, after I go out, you will hide in the house honestly. When I come back, you come out again."

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