Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1854: Abandoned Car

But reason tells her that although Zheng Cong'en definitely has this possibility, some things are still in doubt.

Zheng Zheng Cong'en sighed quietly at this time.

I have a sloppy face, and it is filled with bitter smiles.

"I was all confused for a while, I just thought, thinking about putting the family into the hands of a reliable person. But I don't want to be ridiculous all these years."

"Yes, who can give you peace of mind besides yourself? Wouldn't it be difficult for you to embarrass your own daughter and preserve the status of the Zheng family?"

With Lin Mengya's relentless accusations, the guilt in Zheng Luxi's eyes grew more and more.

"How many years can I live? The second room has always been jealous. If it weren't for Rong Rong's brothers, she wouldn't be able to protect her at all. In these years, I let her tolerate again and again, in order to give her a good future. But I did not expect Zheng Luxi was so despicable. If you weren't there, I'm afraid Rong Rong would follow me, and my life would end. "


Lin Lin Mengya turned her head and looked at Long Tianyu.

The latter shook his head slightly, apparently he didn't know that it was still there.

Isn't Zheng Cong'en deliberately concealing it?

"Master Zheng, since you want to cooperate with us, but some things, we better be honest. We already know about Zheng Luxi."

Gao Linmengya felt that, as far as Zheng Cong'en is concerned, if he still wants to ally with the palace family, he should show some flaws.

After all, the matter of longevity has not yet been determined. If it annoys the palace family now, that will be a big trouble.

如何 Even if it is longevity? To live long does not mean that you will not die.

But Zheng Cong'en was still so guilty, but no other emotions were seen.

"I have n’t thanked the two of you about Zheng Luxi. But Rong Rong inherited the house owner's affairs, and I can't promise you yet. But when her brother becomes the house owner, I promise he will never do anything betrayal ! "

"Brother, where does Rong Rong have a brother? Madam Zheng, hasn't she died long ago?"

Lin Lin Mengya just asked casually, but Zheng Cong'en was a little stunned.

He frowned, looked at the woman in front of him, and said subconsciously, "Don't you know Rong Rong has a brother?"

When I saw her shaking her head, she seemed to be in a state of embarrassment. Zheng Congen realized that there was a misunderstanding between them.

He turned around, but in the end he chose to tell the truth.

"In fact, Rong Rong also has a younger brother. When my wife was frightened by blood, she gave birth to a boy less than a month old. I realized at the time that someone wanted to fight my family. To protect this child, I Ask someone to raise him elsewhere.

Nian Erfang's ambition is not, so I pretend to be helpless and can only choose Zheng Luxi as my heir. They bully Rongrong all the other way, they just want to test my bottom line. Over the years, I condone them and ignore Rong Rong just to wait until this moment. Now that Zheng Luxi can't hold back, I have to let the child appear in front of the world in advance. "

I did not expect that the Zheng family had such an inside story.

When Lin Mengya was surprised, she felt that it was not that simple.

那 "Where is your son now?"

"For the safety of this child, I sent him to a family to raise him. Every year I take every opportunity to see the child. Now he is a teenager."

Speaking of Aiko, Master Zheng's eyes are full of love.

Zhe Lin Mengya really feels more and more uncomfortable with those who sacrifice her daughter just to pave the way for her son.

But she also confirmed one thing at the same time.

The person who uses Zheng Luxi is definitely not Zheng Congen.

Unless he wants to use his own son as an instrument of eternal life.

The problem is, if he wants to do this, I am afraid he will not ask for her asylum.

从 Zheng Cong'en warned them once and this time, which made her suspicious. She felt that Zheng Cong'en was afraid that she knew something. The reason why Zheng Rongrong's body had changed like this.

But after that, he didn't do anything, even tacitly allowed her to help Zheng Rongrong.

Obviously, for this daughter, he is not guilty or unloving.

If he is the kind of extinct human being who can sacrifice his parents for the sake of longevity, then Zheng Rongrong will either be abandoned by him or he will be used by him.

Therefore, she did not feel that Zheng Congen was acting in front of her.

"Although you have your intentions, those who stare at the head of the house will easily make you wish?"

I wasn't Lin Mengya's pouring cold water, but it was something that the second house of the Zheng family did.

When Zheng brought this up, Zheng Cong'en was not so determined.

"Zheng Luxi is definitely not done, even if my second brother has some means, he can't do it. Moreover, once my child recognizes his ancestor and returns to ancestry, even if he wants to stop him, he will be unknown."

就 "I'm afraid you plan well, but some people may not make you do it."

I couldn't help hearing what she said, and Zheng Congen couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

He now values ​​the safety of his two children more than the head of the family.

Therefore, when he felt that the other party was impatient with himself, he still had to lose face and hurriedly asked, "Does Mr. Su know anything? Please also, please tell me!"

Even though she disagrees with some methods, Lin Mengya still thinks that she should remind the other party.

"In your Zheng family, some people want to use eternal life to achieve their own goals and ambitions."

什么 "What? This, this is simply impossible! How can there be eternal life in the world?"

Lin Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu had never left Zheng Congen.

When she saw her mentioning the technique of eternal life, the person had only stark shock and no guilty conscience, they finally determined that it was not Zheng Congen.

"That's the truth, even Zheng Luxi is just a failure of immortality."

灵 A flash of aura in her head suddenly linked everything to everything.

"Who knows about the son of your government?"

"This is unknown to anyone other than the few people who handled it. Even the people in that family are just adopting a distant relative."

也就是说 "That is to say, you ca n’t even determine, is this person your son?"

Zheng Zhengcong just wanted to refute, but he realized that something was wrong.

I could not bear the cold sweat all over, and my face was a little anxious.

"No! I have to go and see for myself, that child, that child must be fine!"

He said, Zheng Cong'en ran out in a hurry.

Here, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu realized that they had not figured out the problem.

Zheng Congen used his daughter and nephew to pave the way for his son.

The man who deluded about eternal life also used Zheng Luxi, and in the end he regarded him as an abandoned son.

That is to say, their purpose is likely to be the same.

Their means to achieve their goals may also be exactly the same.

As long as Zheng Cong'en's biological son becomes that eternal person, everything can be done without God knowing it.

Zheng Congen thought that he inherited his own son, but he didn't know that it had been changed for a long time.

I am afraid that such a tricky arrangement is not something ordinary people can do.

Zhe Lin Mengya just sobered up from contemplation, but saw Long Tianyu, she was rare.

"What do you think?"

She asked softly, but Long Tianyu looked a little bit confused.

"Nothing, just something, I haven't told you before."

"what's up?"

"Do you remember when we were in the Zheng family before, once we found that the room had been turned?"

She nodded, indeed.

"Actually, I found something in the room. This thing is a kind of seed. But this kind of wickedness, my people have found near the fairy city. This kind of thing can penetrate into the human body."

Before she confessed, Long Tianyu was afraid that she would get a hot head after knowing the relationship with Xiancheng.

So, he has been trying to isolate her from direct contact with Xiancheng.

现在 But now, he can be sure that she will never choose this "shortcut", so there are some things that she will not hide from her.

"Are you okay then?"

Looking at her first to care for herself, Long Tianyu felt warm in her heart, shook her head, and replied, "I don't care. It just takes root and sprouts when it penetrates into the human body. In the end, it will crack A man's head came out very poisonous. But before that, no one could see anything strange. "

She just heard that she felt cold all over the body.

子 This kind of child is even more poisonous than poison. If it is not Yuji Alert, I am afraid that anyone will be easily recruited.

In other words, someone was going to kill them that night.

But when choosing this method, you must not want to expose yourself.

"Where is that kind of kid, can I see?"

After hesitating for a while, Chen Longyu took out a brown-black leather bag from his arms.

The two of them watched him solemnly from the leather bag until two black grains came out and rested in the palm of his hand.

But what surprised Mengya Lin was that the system didn't respond at all.

In other words, with her current system function, she could not detect the life form of this child.

This is strange, even if it is impossible to detect, there will be warnings in the past.

现在 Now, the system is unable to "see" this.


She was a little stunned.

For the first time, I developed a very powerless frustration.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt you with me."

Heartily put away the two seeds, Long Tianyu calmly soothed her.

In the system, the drug is also looking for this reason crazy.

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