Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1855: Family Conference

In the end, the medicine could only be reported to her in frustration.

主人 "Master, according to my estimation, it should be all the components that constitute this kind of thing, which are not in the system records."

结果 The result, but she was a little surprised.

After a short while, she realized that she was trapped by inertial thinking.

Because everything she encountered before was almost detected by the system.

So naturally, she would think that the system is omnipotent.

Then when she encounters a completely strange object, she will naturally feel incredible, and even wonder if there is something wrong with the system.

But in fact, this is not the world where the system was created.

Therefore, even if there is such a completely different thing, it should be.

At the same time, she also secretly warned herself that there are people outside and mountains outside.

At all times, she should be in awe of the unknown.

之后 After adjusting her emotions quickly, she did not continue to spend time on that weird seed.

For this unknown dangerous goods, her best choice is to respect and stay away.

Then at what time, to study again, to avoid any accidents.

Zheng Cong'en left in a hurry to ensure the safety of his son, but they and Zheng Rongrong could not leave.

The so-called family conference, to put it plainly, is that everyone chooses to tear up in this day for the benefit.

It is impossible for them to leave Zheng Rongrong alone to face these wolves, tigers and leopards. On the day of the family meeting, Lin Mengya and Zheng Rongrong both appeared at the same time.

With this in mind, the family owners who are eager to move can't help but start the wait-and-see mode.

"Don't be afraid. Say what you want to say in a while. Don't be afraid that you will be wrong."

Lin Lin Mengya lowered her head and asked softly.

Listening to that meaning, it is obviously very promising to support Zheng Rongrong.

何时 When Zheng Rongrong has seen such a scene, although she has also been operating in the Zheng family secretly these years, but in the end, she is a young girl raised in a boudoir. It is obviously not quite qualified to deal with these old foxes.

But the thought of the idol's righteous girl was next to her, and she couldn't help but get angry.

东 The host Chen Jia is also a smart man.

Seeing that the two people had a good relationship, they could not help but maintain a superficial respect for Zheng Rongrong.

"Two sisters, please come here."

There are two ways for the Chen family to personally guide them, and those who are thinking of various ideas are just looking at their situation.

The so-called family meeting, this time the meeting place was in a village of the Chen family.

庄 This Zhuangzi is not luxurious, but he also has the elegance like home jasper.

But a man at a table asked the two girls to sit on top, and suddenly, some of them became dissatisfied.

"Mr. Su is only a guest from afar. Why is she a girl who is so unruly? Really think that she is the one who decides this family in the future?"

Lin Lin Mengya ear spirits, immediately heard this sour words.

This remark is not only about stabbing Zheng Rongrong, but also about her "distant guest", who is mainly anti-passenger.

"Sister Su, otherwise, I'll sit over there."

Zheng Rongrong, who was a little slower, didn't actually listen completely.

But she was aware of the uncle's winks.

At the moment, there is a little shyness on a pretty face.

"This land belongs to your Zheng family. You are the elder sister of the Zheng family's eight classics, but it is just a place. Where can't you sit?"

Lin Lin Mengya's voice was not deliberately high, but it was enough for everyone around you to hear clearly.

Over the years, the Zheng family's shrinking has made them gradually forget one thing.

This land belongs to the Zheng family. They just borrowed it.

But if you borrow something for a long time, many people will develop their own thoughts.

Even, they will stick out greed for other things.

"It is true that the land was closed by the Zheng family, but if we didn't take pains to manage it, I am afraid that it is still a barren land. Where can we still have the rich today?"

Lin Mengya glanced at the speaker and sneered.

"Since ancient times, I have only heard of tenant farmers working for the host family, and I have not heard of any tenant farmers who want to own the land of the host family. The tenant farmers should take the benefits of the host family and should have worked hard to farm . But now, not only do they have to monopolize those benefits, but they also have to take away the land of the host family. There is no such rule in the world. "

The man was so blocked by her that he couldn't speak for a long time.

同时 But at the same time, the faces of those around the family are not so good-looking.

He is just the one in front of him, but he is a serious figure in power.

Compared with their loach, this girl is the dragon in the sky.

I have her in the end, these people have to converge.

"Mr. Su is worthy of being the first female dean in Sitai College. This eloquence is really powerful. But here, it always comes down to the housework of our family. Mr. Su's visit here must be a tiring journey. Take a break and wait for the family meeting to finish, or entertain Mr.

In the silence, only one person was different.

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyes and looked, only to see a middle-aged man in luxurious clothes.

And the people around him have a faint tendency to respect him.

Before she remembered here, Yu asked her about the news.

姓 This person's surname is Jiang, who is now in charge of a small family.

He was nothing special at first, except that his uncle's older sister, married at the age of one, was married to the Baili family, one of the top ten families.

Also, the **** of the long room.

As the water rises, Jiang's identity is naturally different from other families.

In addition to the Zheng family in the fiefdom, Jiang's family has gradually risen.

He leaned against the Baili family, and the Jiang family already regarded himself as a substitute for the Zheng family.

What a pity, he met Lin Mengya today.

I am directed at this relationship, and she is determined not to let the Jiang family succeed.

"The Zheng family is a close neighbor of the palace family. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. I and sister Zheng are like sisters. Naturally, I can't stand by and watch.

"Even though you are sisters and sisters, there are some things that you need to avoid. Can it be possible that your palace family has some thoughts you shouldn't have?"

He said this boldly.

Even the people around him have a cold sweat.

Jiang De's face was condensed, but his heart was disdainful to these two women.

As a woman, you should spend time with your husband and husband, or marry a husband who can be useful to the homeowner. Then it ’s a glorious door, what ’s the trouble here?

"The thoughts of our palace family may not be your turn to speculate. But at least our family depends on their own forces, unlike some people who sell women in the past to borrow the power of others."

With a knife-like remark, Jiang De's heart penetrated so badly.

He glared at the woman in front of him, pinching the arm of the chair with his hands.

怎么 How dare she humiliate him so much?

"Well, everyone just came here to get together, and that's where the sword is."

The Chen family's owner saw that the situation was not good and immediately came out to round the field.

He said that the king was fighting, and the ghost was hit.

If the two ancestors were to swell on his ground, it would be enough for him to be alone.

Squinting his eyes and squinting collectively, the meeting became an old friends gathering, Lin Mengya sneered, but his face was not obvious.

老 This group of old oilers looked at each other, and then kept the same pace and kept silent.

After all, no one wants to do that.

Lin Lin Mengya looked around for a week.

Or maybe they still have illusions and think that she is just a whimper, so they will blend in?

I took the tea cup in her hand and she put it in her mouth gracefully.

What a pity, she won't let them do it.

After clearing her throat, she took the lead and said, "Since everyone doesn't know what to say, I'll start. My palace family has been actively developing various industries since the return of my family owner. Nowadays, business is flourishing. The number of caravans sold by the palace family is unknown. However, since six months ago, the number of caravans sold in my palace's fiefdom has fallen sharply. I wonder if you have anything to say about this matter. "

As soon as she came up, she was Xingshi's tone of sin.

世 Those who know some insider, even secretly participate, feel anxious.

They already knew that the palace family was not easy to touch, but at that time it was forced by Zheng Luxi's sexual power, and at the same time, it also made the silver money fanatic.

Now when people come to their door, they naturally feel guilty.

Jiang De's complexion was a little darker.

Besides Zheng Luxi, he was the only one present who took a big head.

"What does Mr. Su mean? The caravan does n’t go to the palace family. That ’s why your palace family closed the land. Is it difficult because you are so powerful, you have nothing to do? Although my Jiang family is not as good as the palace family, And definitely not, let others insult you! "

I saw Jiang's family jump out, and those who took advantage of it followed the indignation.

To put it plainly, they still rely on the advantage of being a local.

After all, the strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake, even if the palace family wants to turn over the old account, but it is beyond the reach.

Lin Mengya squinted her eyes and looked at the snakes and mice in a nest.

"Yeah, we really should find a reason in ourselves. For example, some people offer more favorable conditions than our palace family. Or maybe someone sees the wealth and ignores the palace family's warning and takes things for themselves. "

She glanced around for a week, and those humming sounds suddenly disappeared in half.

"Master Jiang, this body of Yunjin on your body is really gorgeous."

Jiang De screamed badly.

This thing was indeed plundered from the caravans of the palace family, but after all, it was just a piece of clothing. Even if he bought it, he had to afford it.

"No matter how expensive the clothes are, they are just ordinary things. Who can't wear them? In the eyes of the palace family, can't I even wear a few good clothes? Your palace family is too overbearing! "

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