Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1856: Xiangyun Lotus

He even expressed dissatisfaction with the lords of several families around him.

Obviously, she felt that she was also in control.

But Ke Mengya glanced at him unhurriedly, and then looked away.

"Speaking of which, although this dynasty Yunjin is expensive, if you ask for it at the price of thousands of dollars, you can still buy it. But the pattern of the lord Jiang's dynasty toward Yunjin is not recognizable by ordinary people. Since the owner Jiang Jiang wears it on his body , Presumably you know its meaning? "

Everyone was so mentioned by her that she noticed that the pattern on Jiang De's clothes was indeed unusual.

The cuffs and necklines are barely visible. It is the pattern of auspicious clouds, but the pattern on the placket is not known to those present.

He was an inconspicuous homeowner sitting in the corner. After looking at Zai carefully for a long time, his face changed slightly.

The words on her face stopped and caught the attention of the people next to her.

怎么 "Why, Brother Hong can see what's coming?"

The homeowner beside him was an acute child, and when he saw it, he panicked.

At this time, the head of the Hong family was blushing, regretful.

Their Hong family is the family. He is the one who can't offend both of them.

As soon as she tried to find a way to evade it, Jiang De was very displeased and asked, "What are you doing like this?" Let you say what you say, mother-in-law! "

Lin Lin Mengya also turned her head and looked at the speaker.

She doesn't seem to be swayed by Jiang De, but shows a kind smile.

"No matter what your thoughts are, let's be honest. Everyone present will certainly want to hear your opinions."

The master of the Hong family was already on the string, and he gritted his teeth before he stood up tremblingly.

"The main cuff and neckline of this Jiang family is a cloud pattern of auspicious clouds, and the pattern on the clothes is a lotus seat style."

The voice of the owner of the Hong family was not loud, but it was enough for everyone present to hear clearly.

My head is fast, and I understand it in an instant.

She Xiangyun lotus seat, this is a picture of the shrouds prepared by many old people in their wealthy families.

Jiang De apparently realized that, he looked down subconsciously.

When Xun Chu saw this pattern for the first time, he and the people around him felt that the cloth was gorgeous and the pattern was solemn.

But if the pattern is really shroud, the tailor in his house is afraid to tailor him.

"Hmm! But this is a filthy family, so dare to come here to speak out, and not afraid of being joked."

Jiang De's contemptuous tone immediately caused the Hong family owner to ridicule a lot.

The man also lowered his hand, but the hand held tightly, revealing some grievances and unwillingness.

Gao Linmengya looked at those coldly, and greeted her before. When she saw that it was not profitable, she immediately turned the target's wall grass.

"The owner of the Hong family has excellent eyesight, yes, this pattern is indeed a lotus seat. But it is not an ordinary lotus seat. I designed it myself, and my four sons painted it for my ancestors.

As soon as he said this, the room was silent.

The older the Wei Kingdom is, the more it is customary to prepare shrouds and coffins in advance.

This is not ridiculous. On the contrary, the more carefully the offspring prepares, the more open the old man will be to show that everything before and after him is very successful.

Jiang De's face also became a little faster.

But he still stiffened his body unnaturally, holding on to his own face.

"There may be such a clever thing in the world, but it's just a trick. Maybe it is the cloth merchant who saw this delicate pattern, so he copied it and sold it privately."

"If this is the case, the cloth merchant is really abominable."

She smiled clearly, but everyone present seemed to feel the aggressive chill emanating from her.

"Unfortunately, this cloth merchant is dead. The cloth should have been delivered to our house at the beginning of last month, but we did not receive an inch of cloth until the end of last month. By the way, the lotus seat of Sume There is a 'Gong' word hidden on it. If the cloth merchant really thinks about it, it should also be printed on it, who dare not put the word 'Gong' on it? "

Every word she slaps is like a gong and drum, hitting everyone's heart.

If it were now, they would say anything evasive, but they were just humiliating themselves.

I especially Jiang De, now he can't wait to take off this **** robe immediately and throw it away, but in fact, starting from his first sentence discrimination, there are some things that he can no longer escape.

Grinning his lips, Jiang De stared viciously at the woman in front of him.

"Early this month, the family member of the cloth merchant found the bone of the man under a cliff. The man died really tragically, without a few swords in his body, his bones shattered. He was smashed by the jackal in the mountain. The tiger and the leopard ate, really dead without a corpse. But if he took out the goods of our palace family and sold them, it would be regarded as bad news. But I was curious as to how a few horses looked like a brocade. Buyers are so cruel that no one can let them go? "

The whole hall was extremely quiet, and the family owners shrank into quails one by one.

Lin Lin Mengya went from beginning to end, and every family member who had been “taken care of” by her eyes could not help shrinking.

"This is the caravan designated by my palace family, let alone other caravans? The owner sent me here this time to discuss with you all. Although my palace family never bullies others, if anyone thinks that Because my palace family is weak and deceiveable, that would be a big mistake! "

There was a bang, and she said that the tea cup on her hand was sweeping to the ground.

The sound of that sound instantly made the family members in the room taut.

At this time, they realized that in this world of strength, even if they could call the wind and rain in their own world, they were like ants in the presence of real behemoths, and there was no room for resistance.

And they finally understood that the palace family was not here to visit, but to collect debts.

The Chen master wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, secretly crying in his heart.

"Mr. Su, everything is negotiable, why are you doing this?"

"Sorry, Mr. Chen, I have a bad temper. I broke your house. This is a thousand or two silver tickets, which is my compensation."

She throws out a huge amount of silver at will, and the clear and light wind is obviously even heavier than Jiang De's 纨 绔.

And she also understood the meaning very well, silver, she is not bad, face, must be given.

Suddenly, this also blocked the idea that some people want to use silver money to compensate.

No matter how wide, can they be too wide for her?

"It's just a teacup, Mr. Su need not be so polite."

He even had a long-sleeve and good-sounding Chen family owner who could not speak a word.

The grass around them was scared of cold sweat at this moment.

Each of them lowered their heads, but their hearts were involuntary, and they hated the owner of the Jiang family who did not know the depth.

For a moment, the new clothes have become shrouds.

"It's because people in my house don't know anyone. But those who don't know are not guilty, I've been deceived. I believe that even if Mr. Gong is here, he will not be held accountable."

德 Jiang De Tieqing turned his face and said a few words, and put the responsibility on his family.

"Of course, my ancestor will not hold you accountable. According to his seniority, even the owner of the Barry family has to respect his ancestor. His elderly man has no time to deal with such things."

Zhe Lin Mengya's eyelids were not raised, and Jiang De's face was broken in a few words.

Don't think that if you climb a hundred miles home, you can walk between this family.

Even if it is the old thing of Baili's family, isn't her underdog defeated?

After being insulted by a woman twice, Jiang De was already angry with anger.

"Then what do you do? I'm wearing this outfit, too. Will I lose my life? Huh! Your palace family is so extravagant, that ’s why it hurts people. I ’m just being blinded, Mr. Su might be too verbal, right? "

"You're the right word!"

Suddenly, even Zheng Rongrong couldn't sit still. Staring at the water eyes, angrily refuted.

"It's the beauty of your desire to make love to Yunjin that you have the desire to kill more people!"

"Sister Zheng, please be careful! If your father is here, you dare not speak to me like this."


Zheng Rongrong knows what it means to be shameless.

Her skills are not enough, and Lin Mengya has no intention of letting her argue any more, reaching out and gently holding her arm.

"According to your family's financial resources, the life of our palace family can indeed be described as extremely luxuriant. But this is a matter for our palace family, and it is not up to you to be an outsider. If you wear it, it is disrespect to my palace ancestors, and it is also disrespect to our palace ancestors. Coax me with nothing to deceive me. Our palace family has never been a logical place!

In my opinion, she used to be too gentle.

I have forgotten these people, who has the biggest fist here, and who speaks is the last word.

德 Jiang De stood up for a while, his face was as dark as ink.

既然 "In this case, Jiang will not be accompanied. Master Chen, in the future family conference, you don't need to count Jiang, leave."

"Stop, do I let you go?"

Before Chen Jia's owner stopped him, Lin Mengya was soaring.

Suddenly Jiang De ignored it, and dared to venture out, but before he took a step, he noticed that he was suddenly hit by something.

"Tongtong", the man knelt down on the ground.

After a short while, he gritted his teeth and turned to the woman behind him, only to see that she stood up gracefully and walked slowly to her.

"You want to run when you take the things from my house? Why don't you ask King Yan Luo, so that you won't be allowed to carry his family's pan?

"You, what do you want to do? I tell you, I am the in-laws of the Baili family"

"In-law? The old man in Barry's house shook me when I saw it. Are you a fart again?"

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