Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1857: Forming a Chamber of Commerce

The game between the grand family is much more fierce than theirs.

的 The leaders of the big families they saw were all proud and hypocritical.

Even if he sees the world hatred, he can greet himself with a knife on his back.

But who would have thought that this palace's second real figure turned out to be a domineering master?

Suddenly, everyone here bowed his head, trying to destroy his sense of existence.

Some things, they just listen to it, if they go to their hearts, then they think they have a long life.

"You will regret it!"

德 Jiang De is about to vomit blood, he thought that the other party would be more or less jealous of Baili's house, so he was absolutely afraid to do it himself.

But now, not only has he been beaten, he has also been trampled on his feet.

"No one really regrets me because they are all dead."

Gao Linmengya's smiling smile was true.

"Come here, please invite the owner Jiang to go down first. There are some things we need to talk about in private."

刚 As soon as her voice fell, a few guys in costumes ran in.

The people in the hall were all together. When they came in just now, they didn't see any such people outside.

And in order to show fairness, they all left their own people out of the door, and the owner of the Chen family also took a master to guard the door.

But these people are like no one.

In particular, when they saw Jiang De dragging one of Jiang De's feet like a dead pig, they dragged people away, they couldn't help shaking.

They are just birds in a cage. If they talk down, they will be the next to be dragged away.

As soon as he arrived, all the staff immediately became more obedient than sheep.

让 "Let everyone laugh, by the way, what did we just say?"

She clapped her hands, and she returned to her former lightness.

But now, who dares to make inferiors just now.

Nonsense, it's not fatal.

Jiang De has a hundred-li family as the backing, and this is the case, not to mention their sparrows.

At the moment, everyone is reluctant, for fear of annoying this female overlord.

"Oh, in fact, even the big guys think that Jiang De is too rude to do things."

When the Chen family's owner saw the wind to make the rudder, he stepped on the Jiang family's foot in an instant.

The owner of the organic spirit followed him even more.

"It's not just rudeness, it's simply disrespect to the ancestors of the palace. How can the blessing on this shroud be suppressed!"

"呸! I have long felt that Jiang De is not a thing! In order to kill a few pieces of cloth, where is the position of the head of the family?"

梦 For the reaction of these people, Lin Mengya has long been surprised.

Zheng Rongrong had a look of embarrassment, but she never thought that these masters, who always pretended to be a high-profile family in front of her father, were actually a group of pious people.

Sure enough, as Sister Su said, she is still too young and has little knowledge!

Lin Lin Mengya turned a deaf ear to these echoes and turned back to her seat.

Everyone saw that she had no response, and her voice gradually went down.

No one can predict what the woman in front of them thinks.

"In fact, I know that there is no fish in the clear water. Some things are not what you want, but if you don't do it, you may be isolated and attacked by the group."

这么 She said so, the lords of the family were also relieved.

I want to come to the other side, but also feel that the law does not blame the public, disposed of Jiang De, but also killing chickens and monkeys.

"Mr. Sure enough, wise, hey, we don't hide it, we do have our difficulties."

"Yes sir, then Jiang De intimidated us by the banner of the Baili family. If we do not comply, he will go to the Baili family and clean us up."

"In addition to Jiang De, there are also people taking advantage of this opportunity to persecute us."

The words slowed down, and when everyone saw that she had no response, they immediately and implicitly talked.

Although they didn't say it, Lin Mengya heard it. These people took the opportunity to lead the topic to the whole family.

This group of people is really a good plan. Since she knows that she has no mercy to those who are not good for the palace family, she is pulling the Zheng family and giving her a scruples.

Twenty-two came to try to provoke her relationship with Zheng Rongrong.

Now she knows why Zheng Cong'en took all the effort to train a qualified successor.

The jackal is more fleshy, and Zheng Rongrong, as a homeowner's heir, is still too weak.

But no matter, these things, just slowly exercise just fine.

"The Zheng family, Zheng Luxi, has been handed to me by the Zheng family. I will find out all the evil things he did."

Hearing this, the families immediately changed their tone.

He praised the selflessness of the head of the Zheng family, and how horrible Zheng Luxi was.

But in a short period of time, Zheng Rongrong, who followed her, looked at the ugly faces on earth.

Now she is not even disappointed.

After all, she can survive unscathed in the second house of the Zheng family, and it must have been an innocent piece of paper.

I let those people talk for a while, and Lin Mengya took a sip of the tea that came back and moistened her throat.

"I don't want to investigate the previous things. But you should give me an account of the future."

Everyone was a little hesitant, they were a bit confused, what did she mean by what she said.

Finally, it was the highly-respected owner of the Chen family who asked stubbornly: "Chen is foolish, and please ask Mr. Su to make it clear."

"When a caravan enters the palace, the Zheng family is a must. If you want to make a detour, you will have to delay a few months and the road is rugged. So I want to talk to you about a deal."

Everyone mentioned a little bit of interest in buying and selling.

But they also know that now they are at a disadvantage and can only be slaughtered by others.

"It is difficult to make a single tree into a forest. If my palace family wants to develop, it is necessary to communicate with each other. But if it is now, then the caravans that come and go will become fat sheep of all parties. In case I want people to think about it, and doing those embarrassing things will not only hurt the harmony between us, but also make the caravans feel timid. In the end, none of us will be of any benefit. "

This matter is true.

Although all the people present at the scene did not participate in the robbery of the caravans, the caravans, unless there was really no way, would choose to venture away from Zhengjiafeng.

几 Several of them, these are the trades of these caravans.

Nowadays, it's a clever woman who can't cook without rice. It's almost closed.

This method of killing chickens and eggs is indeed not a long-term solution.

Even if the palace family does not come up today, in the long run, they will die out.

The head of the Chen family turned quickly, and immediately understood what she meant.

"Then, as Mr. Su means, shall we combine with the palace family?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded.

"Indeed, everyone knows that my eldest son is a business wizard. Now that the family is stable, he is also proud to show his fist. And my eldest son has always been homely. He thinks that money is for everyone to make money together. So he first It is suggested that we, the families who want to make a fortune and stability, might as well set up a large chamber of commerce. In this way, we are watching and helping each other, and we are not afraid to stand alone.

Her proposal is very tempting, but it also means that once they join this big chamber of commerce, they will be subject to many restrictions.

Not to mention that the Great Chamber of Commerce was initiated by the palace family. After they join, they must pay everyone to make a return.

This is not a good thing for a family like them.

Because their own influence is limited, after joining, it doesn't take a few years, and they will be out of nowhere.


I, like the owner of the Chen family, were hesitant.

"You can think about it. Although everyone is doing their own thing now, although they are very free, but the income of your family is getting worse, right? Also, good resources have been seized by powerful families, and the remaining ones Jiaojiao is not enough for you to plug your teeth. As a person, you must take a long-term view. But this matter is a big thing, and I do n’t ask you to answer me now. The eighth of the first month is the birthday of my ancestor. Day. If you can think clearly, my palace family will be empty. "

Zhe Lin Mengya did not use force to persecute, but was more grueling than forcing them to join.

Zheng Rongrong next to her uncle was cautious, but she really wanted the Zheng family to join the Chamber of Commerce, but she did n’t have that power now.

At this moment she realized how helpless and unwilling it was if someone wanted to hold on to something, but not enough power.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't wait too much after she finished speaking, and left with Chen.

The family members who felt that they had escaped from the dead, diligently returned her directly to the inn, and then left.

Lin Lin Meng Ya'an sat in his room, listening to Xiu one by one.

"Sir, really let them go like this?"

Walking outside, Axiu also called her pseudonym.

"What if you don't leave? Can I really detain everyone?"

Zhe Lin Mengya poured herself a cup of tea, still calm and restless, without the regrets of bare chest.

"I just think it's too cheap for them!"

Wu Axiu's face showed a little anger.

She and Liu Qianrong are in charge of many things today.

I have come to know more about these things.

The people in the palace family treated her very well, and she really regarded the palace family as her own.

Especially this short-lived temperament is exactly the same as Lin Mengya.

别 "Don't worry, there is no free lunch in this world. How much they take away will give me back how much."

Who said she was coming in magnanimously? Breaking people's wealth is like killing parents. Where can she be so soft-hearted about these people?

"Not only do they have to return them, but they have to spit out double compensation, otherwise, it's hard to dispel my hatred!"

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