Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1859: Think carefully

Upon hearing this, Xiu Xiu's expression of displeasure immediately appeared.

"Oh, I thought you were stubborn. I can't stand this pain, it's boring."

But she turned her head and blinked at Lin Mengya.

Zheng Rongrong was stunned, and she only reacted after A Xiu gave Lin Mengya a secret sign.

Noisy for a long time, this is just a plot to force a confession.

瞅 She banged Sister Su and looked at Axiu again.

Why did they talk so clearly without any discussion just now?

Where is Zheng Rongrong, who is relatively simple, knows that this small means of intimidation and temptation, the two are playing with a fire.

Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked good.

"Then you talk about it, why do you want to rob our palace family Zhao Yunjin?"

Jiang De hurts a lot, but this time he dare not say anything.

"Yes, someone told me that if I did this, the palace family and the Zheng family would inevitably turn against each other. And I could replace the Zheng family while they were entangled."

Jiang De did not say that, in the beginning Zheng Luxi wanted to rob the palace family caravan, but it was actually a matter he picked up.

But he did not directly participate, but secretly planted his own people, hiding some of the things he did in the evil things Zheng Luxi did.

At that time, even if the palace family liquidates, it will not be his turn.

This abacus is a shrewd one, but I don't know, since he was suspected of himself because of several horses.

Now he particularly regrets that he should not listen to the two unsuspecting women at home.

He wore Chao Yunjin as evidence of the crime.

"Who told you that?"

Jiang De hesitated for a moment, his eyes dodged a little.

"Yes, it's a mysterious man, I don't know his identity"

"Don't know, or dare not say?"

Suddenly he was taken apart by a lie, and Jiang De looked particularly panic.

After all, he just saw the viciousness of this woman just now. I am afraid that if he didn't tell the truth, he might be killed.

But he also has his own concerns. He can't afford to offend the palace. On the other hand, he can't even offend.

Zhe Lin Mengya had already seen the man's careful thoughts and hummed.

"Your daughter of the Jiang family married the Baili family and naturally has an in-law relationship with their family. If you can take the Zheng family and replace it, you will undoubtedly hold my throat. This will not only affect me The business of the palace family will also make the Baili family use this place as a springboard and directly attack my palace family. You listen to me, right? "

Jiang De only felt that he was so cold all over his body.

Even, he already thought about how to ask for forgiveness, so that the other party can bypass his life.

Gao Linmengya looked down at this ambitious waste, and she was already angry.

"I think, how exactly does the Baili family talk to you? After all, the enemy of the palace family depends on you, a small **** family, for fear of being in the arms of a praying arm."

Hold her a little bit and peel off Jiang De's deepest secret.

I watched the man gradually panic, to the final despair.

"People in the Baili family should say that the palace family's land is far away from the village, so if they destroy the palace family, everything will need you, the Qin family, to host it. Also, a small Zheng family The fiefdom, where can you satisfy your ambitions, Lord Jiang Dejiang? But Master Jiang, you are not afraid that your appetite will be so big that you will be killed? "

A word of "dead" is enough to completely destroy Jiang De's spirit.

He thought the sky was seamless. Now that she has been completely overturned by her, it has become a knife on his neck.

"I was wrong! I shouldn't be delusional, please, please forgive me! These are all made by the Baili family, and they are forcing me to do it!"

Immediately, a guard stepped forward and lifted the man back to the deep part of the stable.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the collapsed guy, smirking in her heart.

When I saw the coffin, I knew that I was in tears. Why didn't I care about the consequences when I died?

"Okay, if you want to live, tell me your plans. But where there is a little concealment, I will let you peel off your skin!"

She said sharply that her own guard came forward and dragged the person away for questioning.

But she and A Xiu saw a little worry from each other's eyes.

Zhe Lin Mengya now feels extremely grateful. If it was not because they were going to the Bai family in secret, they would investigate the caravan ’s looting in secret.

Then when they found out, the palace family would definitely ask the Zheng family for an explanation with the fury of thunder.

If Zheng Rongrong had been killed at the time, Zheng Luxi and the second house of the Zheng family succeeded, and if they had a marriage contract with the ancestor of the palace family, then the relationship between the palace family and the Zheng family would never be repaired again.

In this way, the Zheng family will definitely be replaced by the Jiang family.

When they returned to God, the Baili family had long been unaware of the ghost, and buried a nail in the throat of the palace family.

By then, the palace family would be in danger.

I may be in the midst of being buried by the ancestors of the palace family, so they will be discovered in advance.

Even Zheng Rongrong, who is not clear about the inside story, is embarrassed because of their two too serious faces.

Gao Linmengya raised Zheng Rongrong's hand and comforted softly.

"Rong Rong, go back to your room first, don't be afraid, it's fine."

Zheng Bairong's idea of ​​Zheng Feng's land closure made Zheng Rongrong anxious.

But fortunately, there is Li Lin Mengya, and the situation has not reached an irreversible situation.

Xu coaxed Zheng Rongrong to return to the room, Lin Mengya and A Xiu, and Long Tianyu who stepped in the house earlier, sat around the table.

"It's no wonder that the Barry House hasn't been moving much. After a long day of trouble, they have already reached out to our palace house."

After tearing her face from the temple, she knew that she couldn't be good with the Baili family.

Since these days, both she and Yu, and her family have been closely guarding.

I didn't expect that the Baili family had the idea.

"If they can't control the Zheng family's land, then they don't need to worry about it for the time being."

Nine Dragons Tianyu naturally knew the power of it.

There is a natural harbour in the house of the palace, and besides the road of the Zheng family on the road, the detours from other fields must pass through rugged mountain roads.

他们 After their return, the main entrances and exits of the palace family have been guarded by the army.

Bali's house is beyond the reach of the whip, and there is no way to take them.

"I'm not afraid of this."

After thinking for a long time, Lin Mengya spoke seriously.

"In the past, the teacher told me that the medical doctors in the world, six out of ten came from Baili's house. I'm afraid that if they unite medical doctors, they would be attacked by the group.

She was not afraid of the pressure of the Liao family before she was because there are so many scholars in the world. There is a literary family in the district, and although there are contemporary literary figures, she cannot fully grasp the context.

But the situation of the Baili family is not exactly the same.

In Wei Guo, the orthodox medical doctors do not only have to come from a family, but in general, they have to study in the medical doctors' family.

Like the famous doctor Sun who she met at Zheng's house before.

If the Baili family really wants to deal with the palace family, then once they join the many experts in the medical profession, the palace family will fall into a situation where there is no medical treatment available.

You can be illiterate for life, but you ca n’t stay ill for life.

She established a medical specialty before and was prepared to share such pressure.

It's a pity that the college is still very basic and doesn't have the strength to stand up to the Baili family.

A Xiu, who is in charge of superb martial arts, is also considered a master here.

She couldn't help but be anxious to follow, after all, this is a terrible event.

"Now the medical path is not the only one in the Bari family. He wants to integrate the entire medical path, and it is not an easy task."

Nine Dragons Tianyu also strengthened understanding of this aspect.

And after they descended, he has sent people into the medical family, and now has some initial results.

This matter, like a knife hanging on the head of the palace, may not fall at any time, giving them a fatal blow.

A Xiu is a very eye-catching person. After seeing that he has no effect here, he disappears immediately.

"I'll go and see Rongrong first."

He waited until only two of them were left in the room, and Lin Mengya realized that from the beginning to the present, his right hand has been tightly held in his hand.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Xun softly and softly, but with determination that she could not tolerate.

Lin Lin Mengya stuck in his arms, drawing the warmth from him.

"You're right, nothing terrible."

In life, only by going up against the current can we prove success.

"How's Zheng Cong'en doing?"

I said that the pressure at the family conference was not great, so after Long Tianyu left her sufficient manpower, she followed up with some things of the Zheng family.

Especially the mysterious visitor to the fairy city. Until now, they have no idea what the other party's purpose is.

Xun Long Tianyu put her hand on her lips and kissed a few times, but the man pulled it back.

梦 Lin Mengya could only glare at him for such "irregular" behavior.

I ca n’t help it, who makes them legal couples.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Xiaolong Tianyu's mouth.

"Zheng Cong'en's son has long since disappeared. He hasn't even discovered it in these years. He hides it tightly. He is considered a treasure's" son "and is a fake."

This thing is really ironic.

They are all parents, especially Mo Yan or their adopted children.

But Long Tianyu knew that if the same thing happened to them, they would never be able to sacrifice one to complete the other.

Why do the innocent children have to bear the evil left by adults?

Even the missing boy is a poor man. If it wasn't for his father's heart, and he wanted him to inherit a responsibility he didn't know or know, maybe he would have a happier and more stable life.

Everything is obsession.

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