Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1860: Arrival of second room

On the second day, I came with the invitation of the Chen family, and there was Master Zheng, who had failed to find a relative.

The man was so silent, but in just two days, the man had lost a large circle and his eyes had sunk.

Seeing them, Zheng Cong'en just nodded and returned to his room sadly.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't have much questioning about the past, and her father and daughter also needed a separate time to get along.

I took Axiu, Lin Mengya came to the Chen family.

She was just the main house this time, and when she arrived at the door, the host of the Chen family greeted him personally.

After a few words of confusion, Lin Mengya was transferred to the Chen's living room by the Chen's owner.

After the host Bin was seated, the owner of the Chen family opened his mouth quite hesitantly.

"In the past family meeting, there were a lot of offenses. I also asked Mr. Su to have a lot."

"That thing is a problem for the Jiang family. I have clear grudges and don't want to be angry with others. This is assured for the Chen family.

This remark was regarded as a reassurance for the neutrals headed by the Chen family.

Although she said yesterday that she would not be liquidated, everyone's heart is not clear.

In addition to complaining that Jiang De was dragging them down, they also wanted a definite answer.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Su has tolerance and grace, and I'm really ashamed to wait."

Zhe Lin Mengya laughed without saying a word, so in the next words, the master Chen did not know what to say.

After the two played for a while, Haha, seeing that Mr. Su was not in a hurry, but the owner of the Chen family was worried.

"Actually, I took the liberty to ask your husband to come here, but I have an unwilling invitation."

Gao Linmengya had a little speculation in her heart, but she still looked like she knew nothing.

"Master Chen, please."

"Hey, I don't want my old face anymore. Chen wants to know, if we join the big chamber of commerce now, what good is it for us little families."

She was not surprised at all by the question raised by the Chen family.

For these little families, if there is no strength to stand alone, then they must have a solid ally.

Especially thick legs like the palace family, took the initiative to send them to hug them, and only a fool would choose to push them out.

"Well, I want to know first. Is this what your Chen family owner personally meant, or is it something other family owners also want to know?"

Hearing the words, the owner of the Chen family said with a sting: "Presumably it can't be concealed from Mr. Chen's eyes. Indeed, this is not what Mr. Chen meant. But you also know that what is said here is the Zheng family. It's just being left behind. "

It seems to him that what they want to spy is not only her meaning, but also the movement of the Zheng family.

Gao Linmengya lowered her eyes, understood what she was doing, and only answered questions that were not deep or shallow.

"Everything naturally requires a rule to follow the regulations. If the owner Chen is interested, I can send someone to contact my grandson. For many things, I can't do it alone."

大多 Most of the things delivered to the door will not be treasured.

If this is the case, then it is better to let them ask for it in person.

The owner of the Chen family was a little reconciled, but no matter what the rhetoric was, the woman who was about the same age as his daughter was not even revealing any useful information.

As a last resort, the owner Chen had to give up some unrealistic ideas.

Although Lin Mengya's attitude was good, she meant it clearly.

If you want to join the Chamber of Commerce, talk to the palace family yourself, and no one wants to walk through her back door.

I also let them know that there are some opportunities that once missed, there will be no more.

I bid farewell to the owner of the Chen family who kept enthusiastically staying here for dinner. Lin Mengya took a person and planned to go back to pack things and want to leave here as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I arrived at the inn, she saw a carriage and stopped at the door of the inn.

Since they moved in, the inn has been contracted out by them, and there will be no one other than theirs.

She stood at the alley and waved at the guy at the door.

The latter knew her, knew that she was an extraordinary guest, and immediately ran over diligently.

"Guy, what do you command?"

"Who's here?"

She raised her eyes and looked at the car behind him.

My uncle took a glance and immediately said swiftly: "This is the carriage of the Zheng family, saying that the second Zheng family has arrived."

二 Master Zheng Jiaer, what is he doing here?

Qi Lin Mengya was full of doubts and asked a few more words.

According to my man, Master Zheng's second family arrived just now and went to Master Zheng's house just now. I don't know what the two are talking about and no one is allowed to pass.

Congestion gave the other a silver mule, Lin Mengya took Axiu and walked to the tea house next to it.

She's very clear about the ambitions of the second house of the Zheng family, but it is a coincidence that she came at this time.

"Is it because he knows his son and committed it on us?"

Wu Axiu speculated, and Lin Mengya thought so too.

But although Zheng Luxi is the eldest son of the second house of Zheng family, he is obviously an abandoned son.

Unreasonable and unreasonable, the current Master Zheng Er should not be here.

Unless he wants to keep his son.

But looking at the situation before, the second master of the Zheng family is not one who will take good care of his son.

I thought for a while, she didn't go directly to the inn.

Rather than letting people spy on them, it's better to figure out what their brothers are talking in secret.

I took Axiu around and returned, but the carriage was gone.

She returned to the inn pretending to be ignorant, but head on, and bumped into Zheng Rongrong with red eyes.

As soon as the girl saw her, the tears in her eyes fell down in chains, and she was aggrieved.

"Sister Su, me"

I seem to have told her thousands of words, Lin Mengya took the other's hand and took her to her room.

As soon as I entered the door, the girl couldn't hold back anymore, crying loudly.

我 "I, I know, it turns out that I'm just the stone my father used to pave the way for my younger brother. If so, why did you want to keep me alive?"

In the end, Zheng Rongrong still knew the cruel truth.

Wu Axiu quietly backed out, leaving the room to both of them.

Lin Lin Mengya said nothing, but she sat quietly beside Zheng Rongrong, listening to her twitching, and said everything in her heart.

When a person is concerned, no matter how much suffering and grievances they feel, they feel like they are happy.

But if one day she knew that all this was an illusion, the pain would make it even more uncomfortable.

Zheng Rongrong is not unable to accept that she has a younger brother, but she did not expect that her father had been lying to herself.

Sentences and sentences, not to mention the grievances she has suffered in these years.

In the end, she was so tired of crying that she was gently held in her arms by Lin Mengya.

"I know the pain in your heart, just let it out. Do you have any plans for the future?"

姑娘 The girl's personality is very tough. Lin Mengya knows that she will not lose her heart.

Zheng Rongrong cried and cried, but in the end no one had collapsed.

She shook her head sadly, she didn't know what was true and what was false to her.

Lin Lin Mengya took out her handkerchief and wiped her face clean.

"If I didn't guess wrong, your brother should have gone wrong. After that, the Zheng family will only be left with your father."

"What happened? Sister Su, do you know where my brother is?"

Lin Mengya was curious about Zheng Rongrong's attitude.

"You don't blame him?"

谁 "Who? My brother?" Zheng Rongrong shook his head. "All this was arranged by my father. Even if I want to blame, I will blame my father and those who have hurt my mother and brother."

This girl is an understanding person.

Since she already knows, it is time to tell her something.

"In my inference, your brother must be regarded as a tool to achieve his ambitions. For so many years, your father has never discovered that there are only two possibilities. First, it is something that happened to your brother recently, so your father only No one can detect it; second, I'm afraid he was dropped off from a young age. "

In fact, Lin Mengya's mind is inclined to the second possibility.

Otherwise, how can Zheng Cong'en attach importance to his son without revealing the slightest clue?

In her opinion, this is probably a plan to steal the sky.

"If so, wouldn't my brother be very dangerous?"

In fact, Zheng Rongrong's feelings for this younger brother are a bit complicated, but after all, he is his only brother and his mother was born to death. Even if it is for her mother's sake, she will be more concerned about it. .

Lin Lin Mengya nodded slightly. In fact, she thought that after Zheng Luxi had done these acts of death, there should be someone who wanted to completely replace his mind.

I just do n’t know, on what basis the other party is so sure, he can replace it.

After all, how can a child who has never appeared in the family inherit the position of homeowner?

After learning this news, Zheng Rongrong's brows were anxious.

"Anyway, he is my younger brother, and I must not let him fall into the hands of those bad guys!"

"In this case, you have to ask your father."

In Lin Mengya's view, the root of all this lies in the contention for the position of the Zheng family.

Zheng's second room murdered Mrs. Zheng for this purpose, and Master Zheng sacrificed his daughter, and it was because of this.

Therefore, if you want to solve this matter, you must first determine the head of the Zheng family.

She bit her lip, even though Zheng Rongrong didn't want to see her father now, she had to endure because of the business.

两个 The two of them went outside Master Zheng's room together, bowed their heads, and knocked unwillingly.


The sound inside the cymbal was exhausted, which could not be hidden.

"it's me."

Zheng Rongrong just responded, and the door inside was opened forcefully.

Master Zheng Zheng was a little excited and a little shy, looking at his daughter.

"Rong Rong, did you forgive me?"

He was so cautious and almost made Zheng Rongrong cry.

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