"I always thought that they would know my painstaking effort. Even if I killed Xiaoxi, but after the child inherited the position of owner, he would be like Rong Rong, his brother and sister. I won't treat them badly. We'll all be relatives anyway. Hey, I think too simple. "

Master Zheng Zheng's tone was indescribable.

I also want to know how big a blow this incident has been for him.

Lin Lin Mengya is not without sympathy, but he feels that since some things are self-sustaining, they can't blame others.

Zheng Rongrong also seemed to understand something, but his eyes showed some complex expressions.

The tragic tragedy of this brother's rampart was afraid they could not help but produce some lonely trances.

"I guess the reason why he dare to attack you should be to frame Rong Rong. Moreover, he should be impatient now, wanting to make that child a homeowner."

Master Zheng is pretty good here. Master Zheng Er knew that Zheng Luxi must have failed.

Then no matter what the end of it, it must be completely disqualified from inheriting the title of head of the family.

此时 At this time, Zheng Rongrong poisoned his own father again because of "jealousy".

The eldest Zheng family is in the hands of the second Zheng family.

大 Master Zheng became ugly after he figured it all out.

"No wonder the second child is coming this time. I was afraid that no one would inherit the family business because of an accidental death, so I entrusted this matter to a few prestigious elders in the clan. And I left one A personal letter telling the story of Yun'er's life. He must have known the existence of this letter, so he wanted to control my son and take over the position of homeowner! No, we must rush back as soon as possible, but change will happen later! "

After the sadness, he wanted to restore the child's urgency to calm down Master Zheng.

Zheng Rongrong also knows how important things are, and also knows that they will not be so calm this time.

She took Lin Mengya's hand and asked a little uneasily, "Sister Su, this time, you will come back with us, right?"

But Lin Mengya reached out her hand and gently touched her head.

"I have other things to deal with, this time, I won't go back with you."

Zheng Rongrong was anxious.

"But, I don't know if I can do it well. Sister Su, can I not leave?"

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, in Zheng Rongrong's mind, Su Mei has become her real idol.

Nor does it mean that she no longer likes Gong Ya, but because Su Mei is a living person, standing behind her, teaching her how to withstand the wind and rain and glow her own glory.

So, they are almost a teacher-friend relationship.

As long as Su Mei is present, she can do things that she had never thought of before.

现在 But now, she felt a little panicked.

"Don't be afraid, Axiu will follow you this time. And, you are no longer nothing. I, the palace family, will have your backing. But if you want to be like a homeowner, you cannot rely on these external forces alone .You have to learn a little bit about how to protect yourself and how to achieve what you want. You have to use everything you can to make your victory. When you have learned all this, you will grow up. "

Although the current situation looks serious, it is very favorable for Axiu.

With the suffering of Master Zheng Er, I am afraid that it is even more firm that Master Zheng is determined to pass the title of the owner to his daughter.

The Xu family was completely finished, and the Zhao family twisted a rope with the Tang family. Now they are not afraid of them.

After these families were warned by her, she did not dare to make any more thoughts about the Zheng family for the time being.

She Xiu ’s girl can already be alone, and she has a high degree of martial arts. Even if someone wants to harm Zheng ’s father and daughter, she has to be careful.

The only thing that I could not solve was the mysterious man from Xiancheng.

Alas, she also has a way to deal with it.

In short, this time, she has absolutely enough confidence to compete for the position of the Zheng family.

Zheng Rongrong was still a little bit reluctant, but she knew that Sister Su was right.

And she has troubled them many times, this time, it is time to rely on herself.

She comforted Zheng Rongrong, Lin Mengya called Axiu again, and gave a few words of exhortation.

某些 In some ways, Axiu has a natural advantage.

Don't look at this girl who doesn't seem so attentive, but in fact, after being born in the princely family and going through many speculations, what else can she see?

After she briefly clarified the interests of the Zheng family, Axiu nodded and promised.

"I see! Sister Ya, leave it to me. I will surely make Zheng Rongrong a smooth and successful owner of the family. I don't allow hungry wolves to spy on our doorstep."

Looking at the girl's relaxed look, Lin Mengya could not help but lightly nodded her forehead.

"Of course this matter is important, but you can't belittle the enemy. I know that with your ability, self-protection is definitely no problem, but once you have a difficult problem, don't patronize stubbornness. Remember to ask for help at home."

A Xiu smiled and agreed. After the two sisters said something for a while, Zheng Rongrong sent someone to invite A Xiu.


Lin Lin Mengya stood at the window and watched them leave.

Hope that goes well.

After the Zheng family left, the whole inn was quiet.

As soon as night fell, Long Tianyu returned to her.

She smelled a slight **** smell on him.

I didn't ask anything, but poured him a cup of tea.

Xiaolong Tianyu drank it, and with a frozen face, he also smiled a bit.

"How's it going?"

Xiaolong Tianyu God pursed mysteriously, seemingly intentionally teasing her.

Rarely he has such anxiety, and it must be a triumphant victory.

Zhe Lin Mengya frowned, her pride hidden in her smile.

Look, this is her man.

"Everything is going well, and now he can't make any big waves. Zheng's side, with your defense, can ensure you are safe and sound."

Xun Long Tianyu reached out and squeezed her face, explaining in a low voice.

Zhelin Mengya finally let go of her hanging heart. Since she knew that there was a fairy city person involved in it, she thought about how to not expose her identity and suppress the other party.

Fortunately, with the joint efforts of the two of them, they finally achieved results.

"I will, thank you, Prince."

歪 She tilted her head, which was rare and playful.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was very fond of her lively look.

He walked around as he wanted to, and got up and placed the person on his knees.

"It's hard for you to come up with this method, but it reminds me. It seems that in the future, I should be like you and learn to use my strength."

"Although you and I are also hanged in the fairy city, but if they make them think that there are enemies everywhere, wouldn't it also allow them to cast jealousy? Otherwise, let them do too much.

Although she played against Xiancheng several times, she was not considered to be in the downwind.

I can be very costly, almost every time I fight with my life.

This kind of injury to a thousand and self-harm of 800, to her Lin Mengya, it seems to have been a loss of business.

At this moment, they can also be considered as slowing down, and they should also free up their hands and arrange for one or two.

夫人 "Mrs. is right."

Lin Mengya's mood was much better when she looked at the guy as if she was being kind.

He leaned his head on his shoulders, as if the relationship had become closer since the two of them ran to the Zheng family.

"Let's go tomorrow and go to the Bai family to see the children and great ancestors."

I didn't know she ran away without saying a greeting, and had to ask her great ancestor to count her.

Fortunately, she is also thick-skinned, as long as she is cute, she will be fine.

Wu Tiangang was bright and bright, and their carriage was not noticeable out of the city.

When she reached the fork, Long Tianyu rode her horse again and picked her out of the carriage.

They split their troops in two ways, and those of the palace family went directly as cover.

She and Yu will rush to Bai's house at the fastest speed.

I believe that soon after, the news that she personally participated in the Zhengjia Fengdi Family Conference will spread, and no one doubts their whereabouts.

The two of them ran all the way, and finally within a half month, rushed to the fiefdom of the Bai family.

The Bai Bai family's fiefdom is not large, and the main city of the fiefdom is far wider and richer than the non-Yecheng.

But although the ancestors of the Bai family were born rashly, they also paid more attention to the morals of the rivers and lakes.

At the same time, instead of emphasizing on military affairs, they adopted a sincere attitude and accepted the people of the world.

Lin Mengya's personal masters of several previous masters are now in the Bai family.

Most of the civil and military masters who are carrying a few brothers are also here.

I believe that as long as she and Zeng Zu can impress the Bai family with sincerity, not only the siege of the college can be resolved, but also the college's reputation can be raised immediately.

So this time is very important.

The main city of Xibai is called Fengyuan City. Compared with the palace family, it is more peaceful and peaceful. The common people live and work in peace.

刚 As soon as they arrived here, they could feel the simplicity of the people and the city.

Compared with the Zheng family's land close at hand, it is a world of difference.

After I entered Baijia's fiefdom, the two of them also deliberately slowed down.

Judging from the preliminary results, she was quite surprised.

The closer I walked to the main city, the more excited she became.

I accidentally bought a lot of delicious things for my family.

But I didn't expect that just when they wanted to enter the city gate, they saw a notice on the notice board outside the city gate.

"No one in the palace family can enter the country! Offenders are deported!"

The happy mood was instantly broken.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little angry, but she didn't show her face. Instead, she asked the people next to her in a chat.

"Excuse me, what is going on?"

The people next to me looked at them a few times, but they explained, though they were born.

"It's nothing. The Bai family's homeowner has orders. All people related to the palace family can't enter the city. You have nothing to do with them, right?"

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