He said, looking at them with vigilant eyes.

Although she did not know why the Bai family did this, she chose not to reveal her identity.

And she finally figured out why the Bai family did so.

The most important reason is that the palace family offended a guest secretary of the Bai family.

He could have been small or large, but for some reason, Zengzu and his elder brother had an open confrontation with the Bai family because of this.

Because of this, he was kicked out, and he was not allowed to enter.

When I heard all this, she was angry first and then confused.

Brother San's spleen has a mild temperament, and he does not easily complain to others. How could he make things so rigid with a great ancestor here?

It seems to me that something must have happened to her that did not know.

After thanking that person, Lin Mengya returned to Yu's side.

I believe what he said just now, he can understand clearly.

"Let's go and see the situation."

Long Tianyu seemed more calm than her doubts.

The two men led the horse and quickly entered the city.

However, Lin Mengya felt a bit surprised that there was no heavy investigation and no portraits were posted here.

Even if the palace family wanted to come in, I'm afraid nobody could recognize it.

The notice is a bit subtle.

She didn't intend to hang out in the city for too long. The most urgent thing is to find out what happened before. By the way, figure out where the great ancestors are now.

The main city of the Bai family is different from the Gong family and the Zheng family. The main house of the Bai family is not so magnificent, nor is it at the center of Fengyuan City.

But at a glance, it is clear that the Bai family is also solemn and magnificent, and the people around him have not shown any fear, and they have all the usual expressions in the past.

This is very rare.

Most of the high-ranking people are somewhat arrogant.

This is evident from the attitude of the people towards the Gaomen House.

I can be so approachable.

溜 They walked around and chose a restaurant for dinner.

As soon as Xun took a seat, he could hear beside him, talking about Gong and Bai.

Although the man filled his righteous indignation and said that the palace families were not, they did not use extremely insulting words and obviously had reservations.

Gao Linmengya secretly observed the man and saw that the popularity was so angry that the disgust in her eyes was not so deep.

As for what the man said, she didn't drop a word.

"The palace family was not so arrogant for many years. But who knows that the current palace owner is so arrogant after accepting it, it is simply unreasonable!"

At this time, Lin Mengya, who was silently holding back, decided to retract her previous evaluation of this person.

What does 关系 have to do with her? She didn't know what was happening here.

"Hum, how big a small woman can be. It means that the owner is broad-minded. If it is placed on someone else's body, how can they allow them to be arrogant outside the city."

When she said that, she didn't like to listen.

What's wrong with a woman? If you have the ability to close the door, don't you all fear your wife?

Fortunately, she would not distinguish this group of people because of these things.

嘴 Anyway, his mouth is on others, and what he wants to say is his freedom.

As for whether you will feel a pain in the future, then it is a matter of opinion.

"You nonsense! The owner of the palace is definitely not the kind of talented person! You are less **** here!"

She is not waiting for her, the other table was shot.

Look at the anger and anger with blushing and thick neck. If it wasn't for Lin Mengya who didn't know each other, she thought it was the brother of her family who had brought her back.

But also because of this man's sudden opening, it caused siege by everyone in the audience.

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and looked at the unpopularity of the population, but felt something wrong in her heart.

When I was thinking, my hand was bitten hard by someone.

"What are you doing? Are they dogs?"

Her staring, she didn't understand what happened to the man.

He saw that man's eyes had a bit of energy, but his words were sour.

要 "If I had closed their mouths already."

Lin Lin Mengya froze, and this came to pass.

It turned out that Yu thought that she looked at the person a few more times, because the other party was giving her a grudge.

Suddenly there was no resentment in Xun's heart, and he stretched out his hands as if teasing Xiaobai and Xiaohu, rubbing his chin.

当然 "Of course I know, he is not washing me anymore, but he is fighting me."

Some people say that one powder top is ten black, this is the truth.

Seeing that the man was angry, but when those who asked him to say that the owner of the house had the ability, the person did not give specific things, but just repeated again and again, she is not such a person, but also She said that her homeowner's position was justified and she did not rob others.

On the surface, it seemed that she was telling for her.

But anyone who has a brain will be surprised.

It seems that he is leading the discussion of the people around him in other directions.

For a while, those people began to talk about her family background.

Some people say nothing, but some people who are more prone to incitement have begun to question her qualifications as the head of the palace.

When I heard this, Lin Mengya suddenly understood what the other party was doing.

She kept secretly staring at the beam-jumping clown, and she really saw a bit of pride in the man's eyes.

This is someone who wants to hack her.

The man was finally politely invited out by the shop.

Even so, he stood at the door and yelled at the palace family.

After Xiaolong Tianyu glanced at the man, Lin Mengya saw that someone was walking with him.

Obviously, they both agree.

因为 Because of this person's appearance, her comments with the palace family have dropped a lot.

Now, there are already some people who use some inferior speculation to slander her.

"Look, the supporters of this house owner are so unbearable. It is not a good person to want to come to that house owner."

"You don't know, just because some people are disrespectful to the house owner, and those incompetent guys have secretly moved their hands and feet several times in secret. After a while, everyone is careful.

The tone of this man's speech was full of ridicule.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't feel anything, nor was she broad-minded, but she had heard countless times if she ever heard something terrible.

What's more, she had already noticed that someone was stumbling on it.

Nianlong Tianyu's complexion has been tight. If it was not for her wife's hand, she had been holding her sleeves tightly. Now, he has thrown all these people out.

"Let's change."

But he couldn't bear to be wronged by his own woman, so he suggested.

But Lin Mengya smiled and shook her head, raised her chopsticks and caught a soft rotten hoof.

"I'm afraid of something. I'm full and I'll do my business."

She said with a smile, seemingly unaffected by the incident.

Chen Longtianyu's cold eyes swept over these people in the room, and he naturally knew why Ya'er blocked him.

Even though those people listened to other people's provocations, they yelled at Yaer.

But no one can bully his wife.

Those who were talking hot just now felt that the back of their neck was cold and could not help shrinking their neck.

After waiting for them to secretly look at the powerful man by the window, they couldn't help but develop a will from their hearts.

No one of them dared to step forward to question him, but silently swallowed the question and swallowed it back into his stomach.

The restaurant suddenly became quiet, everyone began to bow down to eat, and there was no longer a half-word gossip.

梦 Lin Mengya rejoiced that her own man could stop the rumors with one eye and eat more happily.

In fact, she really didn't feel so uncomfortable. After all, if she was so glass-hearted, the cold words she heard from a young age would drown her.

Damn, just focus on those who care about her.

As for the others, there will be a painful day.

After drinking enough wine, the two did not intend to continue hanging out.

The person in charge of probing outside, has found the place where the great ancestors temporarily settled.

I waited until the two of them appeared in front of the crowd, but saw a big smile on her face.

He was only happy when he was two little cubs.

The elder brothers held the mother's hand from left to right, and because they were angry with her, they refused to say one more word.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the two babies, her heart softened.

Huo hugged and kissed each other a few times before it was considered to make the two babies smile a little.

Especially Ning Er, holding her neck, and put her small face on her neck, motionless.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that Ning Er was more afraid than Mo Yan that she would leave without a word because of the previous events.

Gentle and gentle to soothe the child, Mo Yan nestled beside her leg, like a little koala.

I looked at their mother-in-law, the big guy seemed relieved.

"It's good to return home safely. I heard about the Zheng family's side too. 唉, the owner of the Zheng family in the early years was considered wise. But who knows, such a thing would happen."

My great ancestor was a little emotional.

Lin Mengya wrote a letter informing about the Zheng family before.

As for other inside information, Zengzu didn't know yet.

But maybe it is because seeing the old neighbours who have been for years turned into such a look, the great ancestor's heart always felt that the world was volatile.

"Actually, the current Zheng family owner may not know these truths. However, he can't let go of his obsession, so that the Zheng family will be free from disaster. However, Zheng Rongrong is a good one. She's here, so there's no need to worry. "

Zhe Lin Mengya talked with her great ancestor while comforting the child.

Apart from the great ancestors and the third elder brother, few of his followers knew what they were doing.

But their mouths are firm and they have not revealed their whereabouts at all.

Sannomiya Misaki looked at his sister, and her eyes became more guilty.

For the family, for the college, and for his useless brother, the little girl is always running around.

After all, he was useless in the end, and his sister was aggrieved.

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