Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1874: First surname

She didn't talk nonsense at all.

The diabetes that the old man suffers from is modern diabetes.

Patients not only need to take medicine for a long time to maintain, but also to control their diet, or they may be life-threatening.

I used her nose that was more spiritual than a dog, and when she entered the door, she smelled the medicine from the old man.

Peony is indeed a good medicine and costly.

After the patient takes it, don't worry too much about the diet.

This medicine, but it should not be taken for a long time, this is a rescue medicine, the nature of the medicine is violent, and if you take the medicine and eat Hasse, it will be counterproductive.

I do n’t know, who is the stranger who invited me from here? I ’m afraid it ’s about to die.

"Nonsense! Yang Shenyi's medical skills are amazing. Where can you compare?"

I haven't waited for the Lord to speak, and someone yelled at him.

The fake Yang Shenyi immediately lifted up an extravagant shelf, and the attitude really seemed to care less about what she said.

"Stunning? I don't know, what did this Yang Yang doctor do to make you think so. Healing is not tricky, is it difficult, can it be performed for you?"

As soon as she closed her eyes and became blind, she knew that she had no brains, but she didn't leave any emotion.

The other side was also stunned by her, and it took a long time to say a word.

"What do you know, if it wasn't for Yang Shenyi's shot, then the lady of the Zheng family might not be able to save it. You must know that the Zheng family has searched for more than half of the Patriotic Power in these years. If it wasn't for Yang Lao's shot, I would be afraid of Zheng. The young lady at home is about to die young. "

At this time, Yang Lao felt his beard and waved his hand.

"It is the duty of the healer to heal the sick and save people, and this matter need not be mentioned again."

Huh! shameless! The man was obviously cured by her, and the liar acted like it.

"In this case, it seems that I am nosy. No matter how well-known doctors such as Yang Lao must know his body, even if I can see them, Yang Lao must have his own mind, so I will Rest assured. Without interrupting your meal, I have to go back to Er Ye and say goodbye. "

Everyone didn't expect her to leave so neatly.

Xun Ziyang's eyes sank, and then he pleaded guilty and caught up.

The others did not know these interests, but he did.

The reason why Mr. Li Yang and them enjoy such high treatment is because of the Bai family.

They can look down on the doctor, but they must not let the Bai family be dissatisfied with them.

If he loses the Bai family's help later, he wants to climb up, but it will be difficult.

At the moment, I can't help complaining that the person in charge is not a man.

Even if you treat people as a display, it ’s better to offend?

"Two, please stay!"

Lin Mengya's speed is not fast. It seems to be already good, and someone will chase it out.

After hearing the sound coming from behind, she also speeded up a bit.

Xun Ziyang shouted two times in a row, and she stopped as if she had just noticed.

"I don't know my son called me, but is there anything wrong?"

Her attitude was aloof. With the cleverness of Xun Ziyang, she suddenly realized that she was angry.

Now, even more contempt for this guy who has never seen the world.

But on the face, he made a sincere look.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, so that the subordinates take you seriously."

"You don't need to apologize for your son-in-law. I know Mr. Po Yang has committed an old illness. Everyone is busy taking care of him. Some things are unexpected and understandable."

Xun Ziyang's tone of being a family member actually made her have some interest in this first apprentice.

The name of Mr. Shenyang is his own name, even if it is a different word with the same sound, it shows that the relationship is very deep.

He was in the seat just now, and he was also in the first place.

I want to come to Mr. Li Yang after the illness, everything here is in charge of this first apprentice.

有人 If someone wants to do something to Mr. Po Yang, it is likely to have something to do with him.

He just didn't know where he was in the whole conspiracy.

"Yes, thank you for your understanding. I think it's too late, and it's better to go back tomorrow. Since Mr. doesn't like to live with everyone, then I will send someone to make some delicate food and send it to your room. .Just sir, don't blame our previous neglect. "

I can really shake the pot.

Wu Mingming was the one who excluded her. Now, in one sentence, it is because she is out of group.

Squinting her eyes, she didn't bother to care about him.

"No need, in fact, Grandpa shouldn't have to bother so much. Before we came here, the second grandfather had instructed that everything should be focused on Mr. Poyang's condition. Instead of paying attention to these small things, please ask Grandpa to let us see To the patients, let us finish the errand as soon as possible. "

Xun Ziyang did not immediately agree. Lin Mengya knew that it was not that simple, so she was not in a hurry.

"This should be it. But after seeing the teacher's situation yesterday, Yang Shenyi said that in the past few days, I am afraid that I will not be able to see foreigners. As a doctor, you must know better than me. It may be better than a few days, Wait until Yang Lao's medicine is working. It's not too late for you to check it out. "

I was afraid that when she went to see it, it would only be a corpse.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not continue to ask, the other party was obviously still alerting her, even if it was under the banner of the Bai family, they could not let them relax their vigilance.

It seems that they attach great importance to Mr. Li Yang.

"Well, then I will not be difficult. We are here for the first time. Anyway, there is nothing left and right, so go out and stroll around. I do n’t have to worry about my son. Although I ’m not as good as a divine doctor, I also know what What to say, what not to say. "

I was easily broken by the secret, and Xun Ziyang's face was slightly unnatural.

But he soon recovered, smiling from his waist, unbuttoning his wallet.

"This is natural. It should have been our friendship with the landlords. It ’s just that the teacher is inseparable from the people for a while. Please go and walk for yourself. The money is my reparation. "

After saying so, she stuffed her money bag.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want it, but Xun Ziyang was very firm and wanted to hold her hand.

此时 But at this time, the money bag was picked up by another big hand.

Xun Ziyang was just glanced at the beard. The person seemed to be hot, and quickly released his hand.

"Not yet consulted, this is--"

"This is Aaron, my servant."

呲 Holding a little white teeth, she said it was a smooth mouth.

Xun Ziyang didn't think there was anything wrong, but Long Tianyu glared at her.

Along with the name, she also lost her name.

Xun Ziyang glanced at Along and arched his hand again, but there was some murmur in his heart.

He always felt that the two people in front of him seemed something wrong.

But when he was about to think about what was wrong, he couldn't say anything else.

When Lin came out of Mr. Li Yang's house, Lin Mengya secretly weighed the money bag.

Hehe, the weight is enough.

It seems to him that the first disciple is a fat sheep who is not short of silver.

Long Tianyu who thought she didn't know what she was thinking, but she grabbed the purse and threw it into the ditch aside.

Lin Lin Mengya was one step behind and could only look back at the guy.

喂 "Hey, a lot of money!"

"I have got."

The simple two words blocked her.

Yes, her man is bold and bold, but what she doesn't know is that Long Tianyu doesn't like her spending other men's money.

On this issue, Long Tianyu is very macho.

If a woman can't support herself, what kind of man is he?

Lin Lin Mengya didn't even think about fishing it, and hooked her lips.

罢 "No, I don't plan to spend anyway."

Although there is a lot of silver money, the sentiment is not correct.

She doesn't lack that money. There is really Jinshan Yinshan under her house, and it's the kind that can't be spent in three lifetimes.

The two of them walked upright to a restaurant in the city. After asking for a private room, they ordered a lot of good things.

Soon, they were full, and she packed up some snacks, ready to go back for a supper.

"There is something wrong with that Xun Ziyang. Do you want to check him?"

Chen Longtianyu saw that she was full, so she began to talk about business.

She thought about it and shook her head.

"I want to know that this man is weird and doesn't need to be checked at all. Besides, I'm still waiting for him to catch a big fish."

Before she came here, she agreed with Long Tianyu. This time, she would take charge of the Bai family's affairs.

As for the forces under Yu, after the two of them discussed, they decided to let them gradually hide.

Wu Xiancheng is participating in more and more things. They are afraid that they will not be able to hold back their ambitions and engage in things behind their backs.

If the people on the ground cannot gather together, she and Yu can't win at all.

So, they decided to take a little bit to make these people aware of the crisis.

The power of Yu Yu will become the sharpest dagger hidden in the dark.

From now on, apart from protecting her, all the forces that Yu has cultivated in secret will no longer participate in the battle between the families.

其他 As for the others, you have to know that His Royal Highness Long Tianyu is not for nothing.

The two of them walked around for a while and did not return until they were about to go to a curfew.

But this time, the clerk did not dare to place them in the tattered room.

Although the new one is outdated, it will be much stronger than before.

After Lin Mengya visited, she only gave him a sideways glance, and the manager immediately dropped her head and retreated.

Huh, dogs see people low.

The two took a rest overnight, and the next day it was not bright, they could hear the noise from outside.

Jiu Long Tianyu immediately put on his coat and immediately reached the door. Through the crack of the door, he observed the situation outside.

Lin Lin Mengya was also well dressed, walked to him, and asked silently.

"It looks like I'm looking for something outside."

He lowered his voice and said in her ear.

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