Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1875: Thief shouting to catch a thief

Looking for something? How did you find the room here?

She was thinking that people outside seemed to leave without finding it.

The two did not take it seriously. When the next person came to deliver breakfast, they followed a somewhat strange middle-aged man.

That man didn't look like Mr. Po Yang's student, nor did he look like an ordinary domestic servant. Looking at his temperament, he looked like a practising family.

The man was very polite and explained to the two of them: "Disturb the two. I'm Bai Lu, the captain of the **** team of Fengyuan City. This morning, the son-in-law of the house's son-in-law Yang Xun sent a report, saying that he was not very good last night I lost a money bag. There are very important things in it. I hope we can find them out as soon as possible. We have already checked. Last night there were no outsiders in and out. Only two people went out, so I want to ask, have the two ever seen Mr. Yun's money bag? "

He is really despicable.

Last night, it was obviously Zi Ziyang who took the initiative to give them the money bags. Now, he actually hits a rake.

Lin Lin Mengya resisted the nausea in her heart, shook her head and said she did not see it.

Lu Bailu was obviously skeptical, but instead of saying directly, he looked around the room, and finally saw her put on the table as a snack for the supper.

"Last night, the two went to Yunxi Tower?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, knowing that that was where they ate.

Bai Lu looked at them thoughtfully for two times, but did not speak, but just said goodbye.

After everyone was gone, Lin Mengya's little haze between the eyebrows also dispersed.

Actually, she didn't plan to spend Xun Ziyang's money last night. She also guessed that the other party might use this to do something.

I didn't want to, this man was so impatient.

I was so anxious, or did I look down on them too much?

In the main hall of Mr. Liyang's house, Bai Lu came over and saw the owner.

"Brother Bai Lu, what's the situation?"

I watched him come in and Xun Ziyang immediately asked anxiously.

He shook his head, and the latter's face was obviously a little disappointed.

"Forget it, I blame me for being careless. It's just that there is a seal from the teacher in the purse. Although it is not expensive, it is a teacher who personally selects it and engraved it with his own meaning. The teacher is seriously ill in bed, and the seal is lost. I, in my heart, are really uncomfortable. "

If Bai Bailu wouldn't be a comforting person, he just patted his shoulder, but there was some speculation in his heart.

"What other characteristics do you have in your purse?"

As a **** of Feng Yuan City, he naturally wanted to keep one side safe.

What's more, Mr. Xun has kindness to him, and Mr. Xun Ziyang is also Mr.'s lover, and he can help him naturally.

Xun Ziyang thought and thought, and then suddenly remembered what it said: "In my wallet, in addition to some scattered silver, there is a fifty-two ingot. That ingot was a new one I took out as a The daily expenses at the teacher's house. "

In fact, although fifty-two yuan ingots can be called a large sum, they are not enough evidence.

But there will never be such a clever thing in the world, besides, under normal circumstances, everyone first goes to the silver account, replaces it with change, and then spends it.

He remembered the dim sum bag he saw, knowing what was there, but it wasn't affordable for ordinary people.

If it took those fifty-two to get a meal, then it could be used as evidence.

好 "Okay, then I'll check it first. By the way, how are you doing these days?"

Suddenly a little sadness flowed out of Xun Ziyang's face.

He sighed and shook his head and said, "Today, all hopes are pinned on the divine doctor. I just ask the teacher to be good to the heavens, don't leave us so early."

Qi Bailu's mood is also a little uncomfortable.

He reassured Xun Ziyang a few words, and then led away.

"Person, in fact, why do you bother Bailu them? Anyway, the money bag is in the hands of those two people. As long as we go to search, will not be stolen and won?"

Xun Ziyang's book boy came over and asked in a low voice.

And just now a pair of sad Ziyang Yang, at this moment, eyes are full of calculations.

"Only by the hands of outsiders, can we be justified. Besides, Bai Lu is in the city of Fengyuan, the most upright and upright. If he convicted the two, we can stop Bai's mouth."

Xun Ziyang felt that he had a winning ticket. After all, he was just two little men who had never seen the world before. Where could he get a blow?

I really thought that I would be so kind to send money to them to eat and drink.

For now, even the Bai family will never shelter them.

But what made Xun Ziyang feel unexpected was that he waited a day alive, and did not wait for Bai Lu to come to the door again to pick up the news.

He thought there might be something wrong in the middle, but when he handed them the money bag, no one was around.

And they can never be aware that they will follow up.

It's hard to believe, isn't this Bailu so useless?

I didn't see Bai Lu appear before him until the sky was just black.

"Brother Bai Lu, what's the matter?"

Bai Lu showed a thick smile, then carefully, took something out of her arms.

"Ziyang, come and see, I helped you find something!"

Xun Ziyang froze and looked intently, it was really the money bag he had lost.

Impossible, how could the money bag be in Bai Lu's hands?

When he was stunned, he saw the other person, the same, and took everything out.

"Silver, the seal is here. You, you can't be so careless in the future. I wouldn't have thought of it here unless someone reminded me. I've washed it for you, look, but what is missing? "

Xi Bailu knew that these scholars loved to clean, so after they were picked up, they were washed with water many times.

I did not send it to anyone until I was sure it was clean.

Xun Ziyang just stared at the things in his hands, as if he didn't know them.

"Ziyang, is there any problem?"

Xun Ziyang immediately calmed down and shook her head.

Why did He encounter many questions in his mind, but now he can only accept them.

Immediately, a surprised expression appeared.

"Thank you so much, I didn't expect it to be recovered. Brother Bai Lu, where did you find it?"

When I mentioned this, Bai Lu scratched his head a little with embarrassment.

"I went to Yunxi Tower to check it, but found nothing. When I wanted to tell you, I accidentally saw a domestic servant dropping something into the ditch. I thought this ditch was outside, Xu Shi You accidentally dropped your things there. The brothers fished with me for a long time and finally found your stuff. You need to put it away and don't lose it again. "

Ji Bailu patted Xun Ziyang's shoulder, and the latter immediately felt a little nauseated.

Stubbornly resisting the urge to escape, after all, this reckless man climbed up from the smelly ditch.

"Oh, you're right, Yun Peng, put everything away."

的 The little book boy he was waiting for immediately came forward and packed everything up.

Xun Ziyang concealed the wickedness in her heart, and now she has a chance to put the rough seal on the shelf.

I saw that things were back, but there was nothing at all, and Xun Ziyang was not very happy.

But he was more worried about why the other party threw things into the ditch.

Did they expect that they would use this trick?

In the contempt of the two people, He quietly mixed with a touch of anxiety.

He couldn't help, and asked, "I can really get things back, I really want to thank you. By the way, you said that you went to Yunxi Tower to investigate the case, what happened?"

When I mentioned it, Bai Lu felt a little embarrassed.

"Isn't the servant in Fuzhong saying that from last night to now, have only the two guests in the guest room been in and out? I went to ask them, and I saw that there were cakes from Yunxi Tower on the table. I think Looking at the place in Yunxi Tower, if they stole the silver, they might have money to go to Yunxi Tower. But I didn't expect that since it was I who showed the people flat. "

The two went to Yunxi Tower. Xun Ziyang knew.

If it wasn't for the two of them knowing that they had gone there, he would not have thought of such a good plan.

But I did not expect that these two seemingly impoverished guys actually have some foundation.

"It turned out to be that way, I blame me for not making good arrangements. Last night I gave a banquet to thank Lao Yang. I didn't expect that the two liked to be quiet. It turned out to be Yunxi Tower."

Since there is no way to charge him, he might as well pour some dirty water first.

Xun Bailu's heart is not so thin, but it is a waste of Xun Ziyang's carefulness.

Just after he was about to say something else to corrupt the impression of the two people, the two came in one after the other.

"Brother, why are you here? By the way, I haven't thanked you yet! Ziyang, this is the one who helps you find something!"

When Lu Bailu saw Long Tianyu, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

Ye Du said that heroes cherish their heroes, especially the beard that Long Tianyu now intentionally wears, just like Bai Lu, leaning to the rough and rough style.

Chen Long Tianyu just nodded towards Bai Lu and stood beside him coldly.

Wu Bailu didn't feel too embarrassed, he just thought that the other party was the type of bad words.

Seeing them coming, Xun Ziyang's face was a little unnatural.

But it was only a short moment. After all, now, he is sure of the other party, and dare not give it out.

No one saw it last night. If they dare to say, they can take the opportunity to bite them.

What he didn't expect was that instead of being angry, the man sat down with a smile.

"Is it? My family Along has always been helpful and it is our pleasure to help the two."

Every time she called Along, Long Tianyu felt that she was joking herself.

This girl is always naughty when he can't resist.

Alas, he didn't hate it at all.

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