Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1876: Old things in liyang

Xun Ziyang, who was opposite him, apparently did not expect this.

He thought that the other party would at least aggressively come to find his own account. Who knew that the other party was even calmer than him.

那些 Those words that were prepared, there was no chance to speak out instantly.

There, I didn't even know his detailed Bailu, and said quite enthusiastically: "When I look at Brother Along, I know that he is a man of righteousness. This time, you have helped Ziyang a lot."

The more Bai Lu said, the more angry Xie Ziyang became.

"Okay!" He yelled out of control, then immediately realized what was wrong, calmed down his face with a fake apology on his face.

"Sorry I'm a little emotional, thank you, especially this little brother Along, I will definitely remember your kindness."

The last half of the sentence was a bit gritted.

Lin Mengya was very happy to add a block to such a person and only waved her hand and said, "Anyway, how trivial is this trivial matter. After we came here, the son-in-law is also taking care of everything. We can help, but who can give him Little reward. "

Except for Bai Lu, who knows nothing, everyone understands what is going on.

Xun Ziyang felt that he was stuck in his throat at one breath, and half a word was speechless, and only glared at them before leaving.

I felt Bai Lu frown, and frowned at the back of Xun Ziyang.

"Two, Ziyang may be in a bad mood recently. Please forgive me."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and nodded, showing a calm and generous look.

In my heart, I couldn't help sneering.

Isn't this suffocating? Then, this person is best to learn how to be good, otherwise, there are times when he is angry.

She turned her head and looked at the man next to her.

Although the former person helped Xun Ziyang to find things, everything she did later made her think that others were very good.

"Brother Bailu, right, you seem to be familiar with this house?"

"The next one is rough, but a few years ago, I had a teaching from Mr. Li Yang. Alas, my life was frank, but I didn't want to be what we are today. It really makes people feel impermanent. Fortunately, son Yang they invited a divine doctor. "

The true feelings are still false, Lin Mengya can tell at a glance.

Xun Ziyang controlled everything in the house, and she even wanted to see the patient, it was difficult.

I wonder if I can find a breakthrough in this Bailu's body.

"Yes, we are also for the old man's condition. By the way, I don't know what old disease the old man committed."

Xi Bailu heard the words, but looked at them more.

I want to come to think that, even if they are doctors, why would they ask him.

Lin Mengya immediately made a look of guilt and said, "It's true, we just met the old man with the mysterious method of healing. So far, we haven't seen the patient. I also know that I just learned a little Just want to make a little effort. "

What she said was true, so she also initially gained Bai Lu's trust.

原来 It turned out to be like this, in fact, the previous health of the husband was not a big deal. However, since he suffered a serious illness three years ago, the situation is not as good as before. I think, Xu is angry and anxious.

three years ago? She keenly captured important information.

"I don't know what happened three years ago to make Mr. Poyang so ill?"

This time, Bai Lu did not answer.

I just said vaguely that it was because of certain things that Mr. Li Yang was sick in bed for more than half a month. Since then, the root cause has fallen.

After the trance, Bai Lu said goodbye to them for the reason of patrolling.

"So mysterious, I'm afraid there must be something weird."

She narrowed her eyes, glanced at the corner hidden outside, and watched their steward sneakily.

"Let's go and rest."

It was only three years ago that she would be able to dig it out.

On the second day of the moneybag incident, Bai Shi'an received an invitation from both of them.

I was that restaurant and that private room.

However, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu have changed another camouflage.

The private room was booked by Bai Shi'an, a white man for three years.

But what outsiders don't know is that the boss behind this restaurant is also the legendary Bai San Ye.

Seeing the two of them coming, Bai Shi'an asked anxiously: "What's wrong, thing?"

Zhe Lin Mengya roughly described what happened in the past few days.

I listened to Bai Shi'an, it was incredible.

"It's Mr. Li Yang who hurt Mr. Li Yang according to your intentions. It's impossible. How could Xie Yang harm Mr. Yang? They are their own father and son!"

I actually have such an inside story!

Lin Lin Mengya was a little surprised, but because she had experienced too many things before, her father and son were separated, and this was not the first time she had met.

Some people, for the sake of their interests, let alone their relatives and parents, can even betray themselves.

哪里 Where is the bottom line in their eyes?

"But since they are father and son, why does Xun Ziyang just call Mr. Puyang as a gentleman?"

When I mentioned this problem, Bai Shi'an's face was a little embarrassed.

"This incident involved an old case gentleman who originally had a son, but was accidentally separated when he was five years old. Later, someone came to find a relative, and the father and the son recognized each other. It was just not expected that the son was a fake . Three years ago, when I came to the Bai family to study in a foreign country, Mr. Poyang took him for granted. But he did not expect that the son of Mr. Poyang turned out to be his childhood playmate. And, yes The man set his words, took his token, and stole his position. Mr. Xun Yang made multiple checks and confirmed Xun Ziyang's words. It was only the fake son, but he insisted that Xun Yang was talking nonsense.

Mr. Tong also paid great attention to the son. If he had admitted it, he would at least accept him as a righteous son. Unexpectedly, instead of thinking about repentance, the man even wanted to take the opportunity to kill Xun Ziyang. Therefore, Mr. Li Yang was so angry that he was bedridden and became seriously ill. Later, Xun Ziyang proposed on his own initiative that he could ignore the ancestor's return to ancestry and serve only as a student. The husband felt a lot of guilt for him, and gave his first disciple the name and Xun Ziyang to show his uniqueness. "

This story is really a twist.

She Ke Lin Mengya heard different guesses in her heart.

"That Mr. Poyang is a stubborn temper. The things in my heart are hard to change, even if they are swords and fire. If the fake son is not fake, it will be in the same vein as him."

In fact, she has no evidence, but she is purely disgusting.

Bai Shi'an thought similarly to her, sighed, and then said, "I've seen that person, and to be honest, I don't think he is a bad person. But at first, he shouldn't be wrong, and he shouldn't be wrong Do it. Otherwise, I'm afraid things will change. "

"I don't think so."

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and shook her lips.

"He can't even tolerate us, how can he tolerate the next person who can affect his status? Besides, he is afraid that he has already become familiar with such things."

The so-called rivers and mountains are easy to change, and the nature is difficult to change.

Xun Ziyang dared to attack them openly, and he might not dare to frame the person.

"Well, where did you go after this fake son? Now, maybe you can find him?"

Wu Bai'an looked at her in doubt.

"What are you asking him for?"

"Of course I have to ask what happened then."

"But what does this have to do with Mr. Poyang's illness?"

"I can be sure that the reason why Mr. Po Yang will be ill is that he has been conspired by others. If we can't solve the problem from the root, even if we can save Mr. Po Yang's illness now, I am afraid that he will be used again . "

Regardless of Mr. Poyang, have you been with those people, at least if you clean up the people in his house, even if he wants to do anything, there is no helper?

Bian Shi'an thought for a while and thought that she was very reasonable.

I can't help but hesitate on my face.

"is there a problem?"

"I really know where this person is. But he may not see you."

This is really, stepping on the iron shoes to find nowhere, no effort is required.

Alas, she was even more curious, how could Bai Shi'an know the whereabouts of this person?

I guess the doubt in her eyes was so obvious that Bai Shi'an felt a little embarrassed and touched her nose.

"You know, I do n’t care about it at home. I feel that he has a good character when he meets him. He was punished by the guards of the Bai family for a crime of wounding, and then broke a leg. I went out. Anyway, I had a good time with his friend, but I couldn't bear to see him killed by Huang Quan, so he gave him a place to go. "

解释 This explanation is quite a bit meaningless here.

But Lin Mengya didn't want to be the same as extorting a confession by torture, besides, who can not have a little secret.

"Where are others now?"

"It's in your house, the Zhuangzi who lives now. He has a good skill in horse training. I think it's credible if he is deserted, so let him raise horses in Zhuangzi."

It turned out to be under their eyelids.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced at Long Tianyu inadvertently. From the latter's eyes, she saw the same thing as she thought.

This Zhuangzi, but the private dowry of the Bai family's homeowner, had never been used because she had recruited her son-in-law.

I'm afraid that there are not many people who know this, so the Bai family lord dare let them come to live.

But Bai Shi'an knows this place and can still crowd people inside.

This Bai Yeye's secret is really quite a lot.

I know where people are, but they are not in a hurry.

Because they know it, they have no evidence.

After all, it is an old thing three years ago. I am afraid that there will not be too much evidence to stay.

I came out of the restaurant, they changed their camouflage again and returned to Mr. Liyang's house.

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