Now she can be sure that Mr. Li Yang in front of her is definitely not a participant or planner who framed the palace family.

I applied a needle in my hand, spreading a little blood gas, and then sealed the toxicity temporarily with a silver needle.

This time, it was almost the other way round. I had been busy for a long time, but it was only slightly improved.

I was just enough to let him live a little longer.

完全 To be completely cured, you must first detoxify and then dispense blood.

I took advantage of her medical treatment, Long Tianyu searched here, like a carpet.

她 When she was just over, the man came over and shook several letters towards her.

Gao Linmengya slightly felt strange, she could "see" things because of systematic help.

How come this person can see better than her?

But now, this is not the time to be curious.

She took the letter, scanned it with the system, and soon saw the content above.

this is

Outside, suddenly there were footsteps.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately gave the letter to the other party. After Long Tianyu put it back as it was, she took her to the eaves.

At this time, the people outside probably pretended to move the organization, so it took a little time.

By the time they got to the room, the two had been hiding well.

There was a dim light in the room, and the man she saw was dressed as a servant and was feeding Mr. Li Yang with medicine.

Paeonia lactiflora is a common tonic, and the man didn't try his best at all. When he couldn't feed it, he just rushed and poured the juice directly into the nearby vase.

However, it's just a trick for others.

I'm afraid there are few in this courtyard who can really expect Mr. Poyang to wake up.

He waited until someone went out, and the two returned along the same path.

As soon as she arrived in the guest room, Lin Mengya motioned to Long Tianyu to stop.

She twitched her little nose and smelled the smell around her.

"It's a drug."

Nianlong Tianyu's nose is not her spirit, but she is very experienced.

I walked around to the front door, and it seemed that the druggiver had left.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't know what their next move was, so she had to switch back to the people inside.

Fortunately, the two of them are also masters, and there is no such thing at all.

后 After they returned to their original positions, the two did not leave, but hid in the dark to protect both of them.

Lying in bed, Lin Mengya monitored the situation outside anytime and anywhere.

Soon, a few people came outside.

A few people dragged a person whose vital signs had disappeared, that is, a corpse.

Then someone knocked on the door of their room and threw the body in.

The two of them were afraid of being discovered, and they both adjusted their breathing subconsciously, pretending to look like they were lethargic.

But those people are afraid that they have full confidence in the drug, so they have n’t even checked before leaving.

I waited for a long time before making sure everyone outside had left.

Xiaolong Tianyu walked silently to the door, narrowed his eyes, and looked out through the door gap.

Lin Lin Mengya squatted in front of the corpse, but unexpectedly, she was still an "old acquaintance".

"It was the manager of that day."

She whispered softly, and there was a dagger stuck in his chest. The cause of death was obvious.

I just did n’t know what was going on, so I was killed.

"Is it just to frame us?"

"I don't think so."

She shook her head, not to mention that in Xun Ziyang's eyes, they had not prevented her from using a life to kill.

I am afraid that this steward is the same as him. The reason why there is such an end, I am afraid that I can't escape the killing.

As far as she is still here, I'm just afraid to play "excess heat".

However, the other side framed them several times, it really irritated her.

Although the events of that year, the one-and-a-half meeting could not be thoroughly investigated, it is better to find some new problems for Xun Ziyang.

"You help me throw him to the back door."

Nine Dragons Tianyu nodded, knocked on the window, and the two who had just replaced them immediately appeared in front of them.

After He gave a command, the two men carried the body and disappeared quickly.

After the grandmother had arranged, they brought cloth towels again, and at the prompt of Lin Mengya, wiped them completely.

Lin Mengya couldn't help raising her thumb while looking at the two nanny-level dark guards.

Now she doubts that there is also a housework in the training program of their dark guards

He tossed Xiaobanju, and the two started to make up for it.

When I woke up, there was a good show. Besides, this kind of thing is just a small scene for them.

Since dawn, some people have "discovered" the disappearance of the supervisor.

And this time, Xun Ziyang also learned a good one.

He didn't deliberately lead this matter to them, nor did he have a fake news officer, but instead ordered people to search in various courts.

Last night, he deliberately asked people to leave blood around them, and he went directly to the guest room.

Soon, someone found those bloodstains.

Xun Ziyang ordered people to continue to trace along the blood, but in his heart, he could not help but feel proud and vicious.

Soon, the two **** **** would be caught as suspects of murder.

For this reason, he waited in the main hall deliberately, only waiting for the two people to be hauled over, to slap under his feet.

But he waited and waited, and never saw anyone return.

Suddenly, a little suspicion slowly developed.

I was thinking about asking my book boy to make a one or two effort, but someone who surprised him deeply came to him.

"Bai Lu, why are you here?"

Usually, the man with a stubborn smile was always frowning at the moment.

"Mr. Murder has committed a murder case, do you know about it?"

Worrying, jumping irregularly.

Xun Ziyang can only calm down his emotions by holding his palm firmly.

"Fat, homicide? How is this possible? You must be wrong."

He was afraid to look at Bai Lu's eyes, but he heard the man say.

"Song Xing, the governor of your house, was found dead in the back door this morning. Has anyone told you about it yet?"

back door? Why is it a backdoor?

Xun Ziyang almost wanted to growl, failing again for herself.

此时 At this moment, someone rushed in, wailing a face.

"Bad boy, we followed the bloodstains and found the back door all the time. Song steward, he, he died!"

Accidents, one after the other.

Everything he booked seemed to be derailed overnight for unknown reasons.

This completely incapable sense of powerlessness made Xun Ziyang mad.

Since he was born, this has never happened.

Those stupid people should submit to him!

"Since the blood was falling from the inside out, then the possibility of murder was not ruled out in the house. I personally examined the corpse and was afraid that he wanted to escape desperately before he died at the door. You have to cooperate with me. Manager Song is the old man in the house, and I'm afraid that someone will deal with him because he is against the husband. "

"咚, 咚," Xun Ziyang heard his heartbeat sound like a cymbal drum.

The palm of his hand was a little sticky, and the words of refusal were contained in his throat, but he was afraid to speak.

"it is good."

I struggled, said a word, and then there was a long silence.

He stood there, watching those people busy, watching them carry Song Xing's body in, and put it in front of himself.

Then, his throat rolled and he swallowed.

It's not his fault, all blamed for this **** waste.

Yes, he still has a chance.

He is going to drag the two men into the water and let them commit these sins.

Since God made them appear at this time, wasn't it just for this purpose?

He forced himself to calm down, then, listening to Bai Lu inquiring those people one by one.

He turned his head and quietly winked at his book boy.

The latter nodded and motioned him to understand.

Xun slumped her head, Xun Ziyang showed a very sad look.

Even Bai Lu looked a little bit unbearable.

He just reached out and patted his shoulder.

After looking around for a week, he said solemnly: "In order to find out the cause of Song Guanshi's death, I hope you can cooperate to say that yesterday, who saw Song Guanshi and who was the last to see him. Is there anything unusual at that time? . Also, has Song Guanshi complained to others. You'd better answer 151. He is the person in your house. It is very likely that the next victim is among you. "

His Majesty, where people went through such battles, plus his words, immediately changed his face.

The inquiry went smoothly, but there was no clue.

According to the confessions of these people, Bai Lu only knew that Song Xing acted as usual yesterday, without any abnormality.

But he was very clear that the dagger must have been penetrated by external forces, and the wound was showing signs of splitting, all indicating that Song Xing was murdered.

Now, everyone knows Mr. Poyang's house, but the storm center.

In case someone really is going to be bad for the husband, I'm afraid there will be more trouble.

"Although Song Guanshi is aloof to people, because he is the old man in the house, if he really offends, he probably won't be dragged here for a while."

He Shutong said rudely, the people around nodded and agreed with him.

Xi Bailu also felt that he was right.

"So why do you think Song Guan was killed?"

"It's not easy to tell a small one. It's just that the people in the house, although they have friction, will not hurt their lives. Everyone knows their roots, their tempers are clear to each other, they won't do it, they will not kill them Such a thing. "

Those people nodded violently, but Bai Lu stared at the little book boy in front of him after hearing the words "murder and anger."

"What do you know?"

The latter shuddered a bit, as if scared by him, and his words were trembling and unclear.

"Small, small is because they thought that Song might have offended someone, so they were killed."

"Offend people? Who is it?"

"Little, little dare not talk nonsense."

Bailu is extremely, the somber complexion is more oppressive.

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