
"Yes, it is the Doctor Su. When they first arrived, they had some misunderstandings with Song Guanshi because of ordering food. It is true that Song Guanshi did not do the right thing. Not only did they arrange them to the oldest in the house One of the guest rooms did not invite them during the preparation of the family dinner. And in recent days, Song Guanshi was afraid to offend them, and has been behind them, trying to find an opportunity to remedy. Because of this, he offended. Let them. "

Wu Songxing followed up on those two people, and the people in the house didn't know much.

But several other things, the people in the house are all informed.

For a moment, everyone nodded, and you said something to me, adding details to the matter.

As soon as Bai Bai heard it, she had a relationship with those two people, and she couldn't help paying attention.

既然 "In that case, I still ask them to come over and ask questions. You, please invite someone over."

He ordered his men to finish, and Bai Lu continued to listen to the discussion.

He felt that after he had heard everything, he waved his hand to signal that the big guys were quiet.

此时 But at this time, almost all of them have determined that the two are suspects of murder.

I asked him to arrest people.

"Well, no matter what, there is no final conclusion. Don't worry, we will give you a satisfactory answer."

The majesty of Lu Bailu is still very convincing.

Xun was just the side of Xun Ziyang, but there was a scorn in his eyes.

This silly big man, not to say what broke him that day, indirectly made him so ugly.

Today, he has to make good use of him.

The people at Lu Bailu were very efficient. When Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu appeared, they saw the corpse, both of them stunned slightly, then looked at each other.

Bailu has been staring at them tightly, watching their reaction.

At first glance, the two people felt a little surprised, but not half guilty.

Now, I believe in them by three points.

"Dare to ask Brother Bailu, what's going on?"

Lin Lin Mengya was not nervous at all.

At first, this was not her job, and at the second time, she was well prepared.

Bian Bailu only looked at her and set her eyes on the person behind her.

"Song Guanshi had an accident last night and was killed."

什么 "What? How is this possible? No matter who does this, you must bother the little brother to catch the murderer!"

In fact, Bai Lu did not doubt her. After all, she is just a thin little old man. Song Guanshi is in his prime and it is really not easy to kill him.

That's why he focused on Long Tianyu behind her.

I saw the man from squinting at the door.

When he greeted him, he looked at him frankly, without any intention to transfer.

At this moment, Bai Lu can't help but be a little confused.

Hey, are they pretending not to leak, or is this matter really nothing to do with them?

I didn't know who was shouting in the crowd.

"Punish the murderer, but also do justice to Song!"

I easily aroused the emotions of those subordinates, and those people's eyes were very clear, only thinking of Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu's direction.

Wu Bailu frowned, and immediately asked his brother to maintain the situation.

Taking advantage of this effort, Lin Mengya squatted beside the body.

She reached out and flipped the body.

"Oh, what are you doing!"

Bai Bailu's men yelled angrily.

But Lin Mengya ignored him, but looked at Song Xing's palm.

"Old man, if you're moving, I'll grab you!"

The man had no patience. When thinking about stepping forward, Lin Mengya suddenly looked up and glanced at him.

That life was forced to stop, even with some confusion in my heart.

He is just a strange old man, why can't he stop and stop?

"There are signs of cuts in his hands. This shows that he was holding the weapon at the time, but failed to stop it."

Her words, Bai Lu turned around.

These things have also been verified by his people.

"But if this is the case, the dagger should not go so deep, unless there is a hard object behind him, a wall, or a door panel. And the dagger penetrates the entire chest cavity, except for the blood on the hard object. Besides, there should be traces of the tip of the knife. "

The average dagger must not reach the length through the chest.

But what killed Song Guan was a long dagger.

Zhe Lin Mengya tore off her clothesline and pulled out the dagger across the cloth. It was obvious that Bai Lu's men were almost scolding.

Did he not know the importance of preserving evidence? What mess?

But I did not expect that the person just turned over and looked at it, and then said: "This is a long dagger transformed from a long sword, the hilt is modified with the hilt. Do n’t believe it. . "

At this point, the guards did not see it.

Lin Lin Mengya stood up and retreated to Long Tianyu's side, and quietly picked out the corner of his mouth.

Yu told her about this discovery.

Compared to weapons, I am afraid that no one present is clearer than him.

Bailu took over, Zai carefully examined.

It's true that this long dagger is somewhat different. The part of the knife handle is more because of the previous small transformation, and it is slightly out of hand.

Seeing here, a question raised in his heart.

There is a custom here. If there is a dead elder in the family, then the immediate relatives usually take out something and transform it into something that they can use to put their grief.

Under normal circumstances, many people will take the clothes of parents and parents to modify, which not only saves costs, but also has a more memorable meaning.

But there are also many families with martial arts people in their homes who will use the weapons left by their elders to reform.

But this type of weapon is generally carried with you. As a thought, you will not use it easily.

因此 Therefore, when refitting, it is less focused on practicality.

This point, it has become a very unique custom here.

I had some speculation in my heart, he called his men, and secretly ordered a few words.

I watched those stupid donkeys running around in their own house, and Xun Ziyang was a little angry.

"Bai Lu, I think this matter can come to an end, right?"

Facing the other's doubtful gaze, he pursed his lips.

"I mean, it doesn't matter if Dr. Su and his domestic servants did it. But so far, their suspicion is the biggest. In this case, it's better that you take them to the guards to ask questions. Lest, You have done wrong, or you have missed the killer. "

Like listening to this fart, Lin Mengya did not plan to bear him at all.

"Why do you arrest us? Before the matter is clear, no one wants to leave. Son-in-law rushed us away, are you afraid of destroying any evidence on the scene? Little brother, why don't you go to his room first? I searched in there, and maybe there are any unexpected gains! "

The sharp-edged teeth don't look like an old man at all.

But Bai Lu has no time to worry about this bit of contradiction.

After there was another clue, his people searched carefully.

Xun Ziyang, on the other hand, also carefully thought about the process of killing himself.

He doesn't know if there is any evidence, but now he can't move.

The guards quickly searched the whole house, but they found nothing.

"Now are you willing? Doctor Su, that Song's steward did offend you, but he won't die. You are so confused as to listen and listen, for fear of shifting your sight. In my opinion, you still confess your sins, so as not to suffer some flesh. bitter."

I didn't find it, it meant that his secret had not been revealed.

The initiative is still in his own side.

Xun Ziyang looked at them both coldly, as if holding a winning ticket.

Zhe Lin Mengya also went head-to-head with him, and in her look she had no fear at all.

"Now called 喳喳, I will be bitter in the future. Dare to ask my brothers, but seriously, do you search every room?"

Those people's attitude towards the "old gentleman" was a bit subtle, but they felt that the other party was doubting them, and could not help but retort: ​​"We did search every room, there is no trace of what you said. "

"Then, Mr. Po Yang's bedroom, did you go too?"

Suddenly, Xun Ziyang's face changed.

"You, how dare you disturb the teacher! I think you have a bad heart!"

"Gongzi, it's a bit inappropriate to say this now. There were murders in the house, and there could be scenes of the murders. Maybe you were in Mr. Liyang's room last night and never returned What? "

"This is nature! I have been guarding every night since the teacher was ill."

He raised an eyebrow and Lin Mengya continued to ask, "That is to say, you have been in Mr. Liyang's bedroom every night and have never left?"

Xun Ziyang felt as if there was something wrong.

But he didn't think much, but nodded immediately.

"of course!"

"When do you go and when do you return?"

"I will go after dinner every day, and come back every morning when I have breakfast."

"It turned out that, that is to say, you will live in Mr. Poyang's yard all night, and have never left half a step, right?"

Xun Ziyang turned black, hesitated, then nodded.

Zhe Lin Mengya saw that he was in the suit, and there was a smudge of Hanmang in her eyes, then she said with some confusion: "Since that is the case, then you are sure, Mr. Song did not go to Mr. Poyang's bedroom last night?"

的 Her voice was clear and cold, and those eyes seemed to see everything through him.

Xun Ziyang's guilty conscience has deepened a lot.

当然 Of course he knew why Song Guanshi died, in fact, before Lin Mengya went in, Song Guanshi died in the next room.

If they arrive at an hour and a half early, they can see the cause and effect of these things.

"No, that's right! Manager Song really hasn't been here!"

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