Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1881: Old friend

麓 This device is no stranger to Bai Lu.

I was surprised that the red line in the courtyard was too much.

Even if it's for the safety of the husband, you don't have to make your home look like a spider's nest, right?

He inadvertently glanced at Su Doctor next to him, but saw the man, pointed secretly at Xun Ziyang, and shrugged.

As an old man, this Doctor Su is really lively!

The organs on the road can be moved, but they need to be unlocked one by one.

By the time they entered the courtyard, it had already taken some time.

Xun Ziyang's face was a bit ugly, and he had almost no feelings, looking at the two people behind him.

"You can check it here, but don't disturb anything."

Lin Mengya gave a sneer, and she was too lazy to ignore him.

"Ziyang, don't be so angry, we are also good for your husband."

"If you know that you are so ungrateful, sir, you will regret what you did."

Zhe Lin Mengya walked in front. She didn't want to care about the affairs of the two old masters in the back, but some people were cheap and sorry for her mouth.

"It seems that Mr. Wu's affairs are clear to him. Then you might as well drill into your husband's belly and ask, if you try to disregard Song Guanshi's death for no reason, and want to injustice us for murder? Same support? "

The man glared at her again, but where could Lin Mengya be afraid?

As if it was mentioned inadvertently, he said, "Did it be the case that the protagonist thinks that some methods have been used once and can be used a second time? Human mouth, can tell the truth, but also can be false. After all, it can be false. It's fake. Even if he speaks so well, he can't be true. "

Xun Ziyang's body was stiff.

That apparently suggestive word made him involuntarily think of something.

Even when it was necessary to bring someone in before, he never felt so anxious.

Now, he feels like a fish caught by someone, and wants to break free, but there is nothing he can do.

Complexion, uncontrollable becomes shameless.

"You, what do you mean?"

"Of course it is, literally. But I look at Grandpa, it seems that I remember something. There is a word, I want to tell you that you don't do bad things on weekdays, and don't be afraid of knocking at the door at night. It ’s better to be careful. ”

Xun Ziyang just felt like himself, like a falling ice cave.

He is not afraid of killing, or even the best to rely on to fall. The only thing he fears is that someone cut off his foundation and hit him back to the prototype.

He kept hovering in his mind, what did the surname Su know?

Impossible, that matter is already a death case. Even if everyone is dead, where is the evidence?

I thought for a moment, but he thought it was impossible.

He never said that it had been so long. The two people in front of me knew that they were foreigners after hearing the accent.

And before he sent someone to check their roots, it was definitely only recently that he came to the Baijia fiefdom.

They are absolutely impossible to know!

Perhaps because of the money bag.

明白 He understands that because of his care, there are always some hidden dangers left.

I thought of this, and he calmed down gradually.

After glanced at the man, he went back to his proud shelf.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't bother to care about him, and together with Bai Lu, entered the bedroom of Mr. Po Yang with a fairness.

She did not expect that Bai Lu was so careful.

Looking at people gently, the slightest movement like a cat did not come out, Lin Mengya couldn't help looking at it.

No wonder it is impossible to be the captain of the guard, it seems that it is not so confusing.

I soon checked in the bedroom.

After waiting for Bai Lu to be sure, she saluted to Mr. Po Yang and took her out.

Gao Lin Mengya glanced around calmly, she found that there was something missing in the bedroom compared to last night.

But she didn't say a word, but followed Bai Lu to the room.

机关 In the room on the right, there are all organs and some daily necessities.

I do n’t need Lin Mengya to follow in this time, so she stands at the door.

She soon noticed that Xun Ziyang intentionally or unintentionally looked at the opposite room.

林梦雅 噙 / Live a smile, it was here.

"Nothing in it."

I searched here, Bai Lu's heart was a little bit bottomless.

But Lin Mengya was not as depressed as he was, but pointed to the opposite room, pretending to look casually, "Isn't there any more, why are you anxious?"

Qi Bailu struck up the last point of spirit, and walked towards the opposite step by step.

The room across from it was a place similar to the utility room.

When they first entered, they smelled a bit of dust.

"There's nothing here, just a place for some clutter."

Xun Ziyang's pretense was calm, but Lin Mengya felt that this person was a little less calm from the beginning.

I am more certain about the problem here.

"It looks like no one has been here for a long time."

She abruptly echoed and surprised Xun Ziyang.

He was also cautious, knowing that there were so many mistakes, so he just nodded a little stiffly, and then he stuck the door by the door, and didn't seem to care about their search behavior.

There are a lot of things in the house.

Xi Bailu took out 120,000 points of patience and groped a little bit.

But soon, the result disappointed him again.

Why isn't it? Is his guess really wrong?

When Xun was troubled by Bai Lu, and Xun Ziyang was secretly pleased, Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes and said in the direction of Xun Ziyang, "Hey, have we not searched the corner of the door?"

Knock at the door?

Xun Ziyang was tense at once, and Bai Lu seemed to remember something suddenly.

He originally wanted to search there, but because a few boxes were put in the doorway and Ziyang stood there as soon as he entered the door, he ignored it.

"Ziyang, you give way a little bit."

Xun Ziyang's teeth were shaking, but he slowly moved away.

Behind him, several boxes clumped together indiscriminately, looking nothing unusual.

But when Bai Lu arrived, he found that there was a lot of dust on the box, and there were even a few palms.


He quickly moved up and found that the box was empty!

Puppet movement could not help getting faster, after the box was emptied, the red wall was splashed on the gray wall.

现在 And now, the color is close to crimson, and red is black.

"Really here!"

Wu Bailu whispered, but there was not much excitement in his tone.

Because the discovery of this mark represents something, it can never be restored as before.

"Ziyang, tell me, what's going on?"

Xun Ziyang stared at those marks, feeling only that her throat was dry.

He knows that as long as these are discovered, there is no room for him to stand up.

Lin Lin Mengya watched all this coldly, her friend's anti-objective drama, she was not happy to see.

Alas, she felt a hint of crisis.

事情 "Things, not what you think."

"Then tell me, why is there such a thing? Ziyang, I will ask you one last time, Song Xing, who killed it?"

"It's Bailu, can you help me? This time, as long as you help me, I will definitely be rehabilitated. I will never do such a thing again. Will you help me? "

Despair in Xun Ziyang's eyes, with a doom like madness.

But Ke Mengya saw that there was a little hope in it.

I tell the truth, the bright of hope, but more infiltrating.

Intuition tells her that the current situation is not good for her.

If Bai Lu's heart softens, wouldn't he become the best scapegoat?

But she is not a weak person with no chickens in her hands, holding the dark crossbow in her sleeve, she calmly looks at the two people in front of her.

如何 "How can I help you? Why did you kill Song Xing? He is the old man in the house and is very respectful to you. Why did you kill him?"

Bailu was a little unacceptable, and his eyes were staring at each other with red eyes.

Xun Ziyang sneered, and he looked at Bai Lu, but there was no longer a pleading on his face.

"Because he found something he shouldn't find. Bai Lu, you have to help me, or you won't have a good life."

Tong Bailu frowned, as if looking at a stranger, looking at Xun Ziyang.

也许 "Maybe, but I must return the deceased to be fair. Ziyang, go with me, I will find out the truth and let you have a fair result."

"What **** is fair? Bai Lu, you think of yourself as a righteous man, but you have begun to help you, do you know?"

I did not expect that there could be such a secret feeling.

Lin Lin Mengya felt more and more that she was going to be cold. Now Bai Lu can justify her words, but if he really did something against her, wouldn't she be in danger?

After all, she doesn't know anything!

It seemed to me that she was going to make some noise in a while.

Ji Yu is just outside the yard and should be too late.

"what did you say?"

就是 "It's that person. You know that it's suspicious, but you broke his legs. Didn't he just die in your hands?"

Xun Ziyang's voice was not loud, but terribly cold.

Ji Bailu thought back hard, and finally thought of one thing.

Then, his face changed greatly, and he looked at Xun Ziyang incredibly.

"You mean"

"Yes, he was wronged. He didn't want to kill me at all. I framed him, just like I do today. But you believe me, and you are interrupted by it. His legs. I wouldn't have been so secure without you. "

Xu Bailu was shocked, and a stormy sea set off in his heart.

Suddenly, Lin Mengya suddenly understood the cause and effect of things.

After a long period of trouble, the person who broke the leg of the fake son that year was actually Bailu.

Suddenly, she felt a sense of crisis in her heart, layer by layer.

"No, this is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

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