Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1882: Stick to the bottom line

Compared with Bai Lu's severe blow, Xun Ziyang seems to feel that he has taken the initiative, and his attitude seems to be a little easier.

"I still have to lie to you now? Originally, I didn't want to make you embarrassed, but who made you bad, and wanted to come and kick? If you want to keep your serious reputation Just help me. Of course, you're helping yourself! "

Xun Ziyang has completely given up his camouflage, his eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth rising, showing his pungent and selfish determination everywhere.

Xi Bailu was already a big mess, and he thought he was a Qi Tiehan who deserved the world.

In the beginning, he stood on the side of Xun Ziyang because he firmly believed that Xun Ziyang was innocent, so he started to heavier, in order to be fair.

现在 But now, he has become an accomplice of Xun Ziyang.

The belief that I have been insisting on collapses, especially for people who have a strong sense of conviction like Bai Lu, and they feel that it is collapsed.

"You don't have to doubt, I think I'm lying to you."

Xun Ziyang was afraid that Bai Lu might not be enough to attack, so he told the truth about the matter.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I actually went to his house that night and stabbed myself with a dagger. He just wanted to help me up at that time, I yelled and attracted everyone. It was also my first Tell them that it was the guy who wanted to kill me. When you came, those guys were preconceived, and what I said was true. Also, that guy's temper was too stinky, and he would never give in. I have to thank you for everything. "

A word is like a lightning strike.

Bai Luyu stood in place and looked at his hands subconsciously.

It turned out that it turned out that he had such a right and wrong.

What's the point of all his inspections?

Zhe Lin Mengya saw that Bai Lu had the goods and gave Xun Ziyang a routine.

"Don't believe him nonsense! Even if you did the wrong case, he deceived you in the first place! You are indeed wrong, but your fault is to believe the wrong person and betray him for help, which is completely different!"

Blinding her mouth, Xun Yang's eyes flashed a hint of coldness.

"Huh! What do you know? You know, that person had a bad relationship with Bai Lu at the beginning. Because of the so-called justice, Captain Bai was‘ righteous to destroy his family ’. I ’m not mistaken, Bai Lu?”

This is awful!

Su Lin Mengya suddenly understood why Bai Lu looked so desolate.

If it is just an ordinary wrong case, although Bai Lu will feel angry, he will not seem shocked.

For a person like Bai Lu, when he interrogates his brother, he must have guilt hidden in his heart.

But only by constantly telling myself that this is done for justice and Gong Ping, can I make myself feel better.

But now, someone tells him that all this is false.

He is not betrayal of righteousness, but betrayal.

Ashamed of guilt, like the flood of the Dike, engulfed him instantly.

"Bai Lu, although you were wrong at the beginning, do you still want to keep going wrong?"

She screamed angrily, as if drinking with a bang.

Bai Lu suddenly came to his senses, but there was deep pain and remorse in those eyes.

"You're right, I did something wrong, and I will also bear my mistake."

I watched the situation reverse, and Yang Zi gritted his teeth.

"Can you afford it? Think about it. If this incident is revealed, will the guard camp still have a place for you? You are just a branch of the Bai family that is not important at all. Broke the future! "

Xun Ziyang's voice was sharp, and it sounded painful.

Lin Lin Mengya's attention has not left, she heard the sound of small footsteps in the yard.

Radar probed out and found that the person was really Long Tianyu, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As she expected, Yu was watching the situation here at any time. Presumably, the rumors of their quarrel would make him suspicious.

"This is the price I should pay. When this matter comes to an end, I will go to the temple to personally incense, give him a spiritual seat, and pray for a good life in his next life."

Xi Bailu seemed to have figured it out, and finally made up his mind.

Lin Mengya dare not beware, after all, these days, there are too many people who talk about one set and one set.

Xun Ziyang heard the words, staring at Bai Lu angrily.

"I knew that you still regarded him as a brother. But what's the use of that? After all, you are the murderer who killed your brother!"

"Shut up! Xie Ziyang, grab your hands!"

Bailu reluctantly regained his composure and scolded.

Suddenly, Xun Ziyang was willing to follow. After taking a few breaths, he had a weird and sick smile on his face.

"No, it wasn't me who grabbed the hands. Oh, yes, it should have been Captain Bai's discovery of the real murder, and the arrest of the murder. The two fought and died together. As for me, I was accidentally hit when I was helping. Fainted. "

"What the **** are you talking about!"

"Be careful!"

Zhe Lin Mengya had already noticed the movement of the other side and pushed away Bai Lu beside her.

Suddenly at this moment, Xun Ziyang pulled out a palm-sized hidden weapon from his arms and shot at Bai Lu without hesitation.

"" Came the sound of breaking through the air, Lin Mengya turned around and found that there was a ring of steel needles sucking on the wall.

"Oh, unlucky!"

Xun Zi's sneak attack did not succeed, Xun Ziyang's face sank, but he did not love fighting.

Anyway, as long as they leave this yard, they will never dare to touch him again.

As for Song Xing, he can always push to others.

I walked away, but before he went out of the door, he flew in.

Subsequently, the figure of Long Tianyu Wei An appeared in front of the three.


Xun Ziyang's eyes widened, but she couldn't say a single word because of the surge of blood.

Nianlong Tianyu didn't see it, stepped into the room, and hugged his wife who was thrown aside.

"I'm fine, I just stumbled."

She rubbed her elbows and signaled Long Tianyu to put her down.

Yan Shu didn't know that in Bai Lu's eyes, the atmosphere of these two people was completely weird.

how to say? Although it is the relationship between the master and the slave, the doctor Su is also very old.

But he felt inexplicably that the brothers Along were not the master, but they were like--daughter-in-law? !!

Suddenly, Bai Lu's face became stranger.

什么 What is he thinking? Could it have got me crazy?

Xunlong Tianyu didn't care what other people thought. After confirming that his wife was okay, he let him go.

Lin Lin Mengya did not see Bai Lu's face, even if she saw it, she would not care about it at all.

"If you have anything to say, just go to the jail of the guard camp. You do n’t want to use other people to commit crimes about murder!"

Long Tianyu's insinuation just made Xun Ziyang lose all his fighting power long ago.

Now, he is just a weak chicken.

Xi Bailu nodded in homage to the two of them, and then, as if carrying a chicken, lifted the person out.

Although the real murder was found, what happened last night is not over.

Wu Songxing is an old man in the house, and depending on his previous performance, maybe he is still a **** with Xun Ziyang.

What kind of contradiction is Xunzi making Xunziyang a killer?

Would n’t it have anything to do with Mr. Li Yang's affairs?

She followed Yu and left the yard together.

The next thing, Bai Lu handled it properly.

He announced in public that Xun Ziyang was the real murderer of Song Xing, and now he is going to take the person back for trial.

As for things in the house, he first asked a disciple who was more famous among the students of Mr. Li Yang. Later, he sent someone back to Baijia.

半 Just half an hour after he left, the Bai family sent someone.

I was surprised by Lin Mengya, who came, it was Bai Shi'an who didn't care about anything.

As soon as Bai Shi'an came, he summoned everyone in the yard, including the old man Yang.

I stood in the crowd, and they exchanged a vague look with Bai Shi'an.

The latter showed a respectful appearance to Yang Lao, but did not reveal any dissatisfaction.

Under the narration of everyone, Bai Shi'an understood the situation at that time.

Then, he called Lin Mengya to the party.

"Doctor Su, I heard that you and them searched in the beginning. I wonder, what useful information did you search?"

She lowered her head and made a little alienation.

"Return to the third master, at that time, Captain White found a trace of the murderer at the time. Xunzi was anxious, and intimidated to induce Captain Bai to join him in the same way. Fortunately, Captain Bai's position was firm and he was not fooled."

To be honest, she still appreciates Bai Lu.

The more he pays attention to fame, the more he will do many things against his so-called fame.

相信 She believed that Bai Lu was also at war with heaven and man at that time, but fortunately, he chose to stick to his own bottom line.

Such a person should not lose a good opportunity because of a momentary mistake.

Bai Shi'an nodded, and according to his seniority, Bai Shi'an was also his brother.

He knows a little bit about this brother.

Hearing what they said, he also felt that this person could be cultivated.

"Well, you worked hard."

Lin Lin Meng Yalian said no, and returned to stand in the crowd.

Bian Shi'an did not make any special move, but explained that the newly-appointed disciple can come to Baifu for help if he encounters something that cannot be resolved.

After the death, he specifically ordered another sentence: Although the government had already caught the murderer, Mr. Yunyang's safety must be guaranteed. Therefore, he left a team of escorts to protect the people in the house.

人们 Those people don't care, but also because they feel a lot of security.

But what they don't know is that because of this accident, they caught off guard and disrupted some people's arrangements.

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