"Child, don't think of others being fair."

While her tone was soft, she was unacceptable in Bai Shi'an's ears.

On the one hand, he feels that his niece is still young, and many things may be impulsive. On the other hand, he thinks that Miss Su may be a little bit overwhelming.

Men's three wives and four wives, especially those who can get the admiration of the ladies, can only show that they are attractive and capable.

He compared with him, how many young and beautiful ladies want to be his roommate.

With Su Yan's appearance and identity, Xiao Rouer's admiration did not insult him.

I also said that my uncle had not yet attacked, how could it be their grievances.

However, this idea has just taken shape, and before Bai Shi'an puts it out, the man on the other side has a look to suppress.

Alas, is my little niece blind? Obviously this is a living king!

But Lin Mengya didn't care what he wanted, she never put Bai Jiarou in her eyes.

But there are some things that she finds very strange.

"I have heard about this lady in your family these days. To say that she was in love with me at first sight, I might still believe it. But later things are not like a child raised in a boudoir. Woman, I can do it. Bai Sanye, she committed it in my hand today, I can look at your face and spare her this time. But next time, maybe the person she messed up with, but I'm not as good-tempered as I am. "

In these years, she can be said to be very experienced just as a rival.

There are those who love to hate and love, and those who seduce charm and fall down.

Bai Jiarou compares this little flower with those of other appetizers.

But behind this, if there is something conspiracy hidden, then she has to guard against it.

Hearing Bai Shi'an heard, he also said in a straight line: "I have a little clue about this matter. But I always need to worry about the face of the second brother and second wife. For so many years, they have supported this family, which is not easy."

It's time to remind, and it's time to hit.

As for the internal affairs of their Bai family, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu did not want to get involved.

I left from the restaurant. They planned to go back to their hiding place, change their clothes and go back.

Who knows that just after passing a junction, Long Tianyu slammed her into an alley.

Holding around her waist and crapping, she overstepped the surrounding fence and fell into the yard of others.

She was held tightly in his arms, so she had to ask with her eyes.

The latter lowered his head and whispered against her ear: "Someone followed us."

It's weird. They met with Bai Shi'an and it was totally a secret operation.

And before they came, both of them were sure they had thrown off all their tails.

It seems that the problem lies with Bai Shi'an.

Isn't Bai Shi'an reliable?

In the absence of conclusive evidence, they will doubt all those who are suspicious.

龙 Under the cover of Long Tianyu, the two returned to their secret place.

I discussed for a moment, but decided to return to Mr. Liyang's house if nothing happened.

If the person who wants to deal with them is really Bai Shi'an, I believe he will take action soon.

Don't look at their precarious situation, but if they really start to work, they may not suffer.

I did not expect that the next day, they received a message from Bai Shi'an.

"I was followed and I can't meet in the near future. The two are at will and act with caution."

Compared with the past, Bai Shi'an's confidant mixed into the house to spread the letter. This time, the letter was delivered through the meals delivered from the inn. It was hidden in the bottom of the porcelain bowl holding the rice.

Having heard the news, their suspicion went to most of them.

Chen Longtianyu looked at the note and kept silent, Lin Mengya pushed him gently and asked:

"What do you think?"

"Bai Shi'an just discovered that his elder brother has a problem, and then he was followed."

"You mean, the person following him is the Uncle Bai family?"

For such things, Long Tianyu always has extraordinary intuition.

After all, he is from the royal family. Even though he can't remember everything now, it almost feels like a life change, but he hasn't failed at all.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it, and also felt that it was possible.

She just felt that the response of Uncle Bai's house was too fast.

I still said that when Bai Shi'an investigated, he accidentally found something, so he was caught by people.

From this perspective, Bai Shi'an's situation is indeed dangerous.

"Shall we help him?"

I finally found such a breakthrough in the Bai family, but she didn't want to break before she could do anything.

Chen Longtianyu habitually touched the soft meat on her back neck and said, "Anyway, if he doesn't even have this ability, then we don't have to spend time on him."

I saw that, her pragmatic style is definitely learned from his own men.

"But this way, we can't stay here more."


Although they were sent by Bai Erye, but they really walked through the relationship between Bai Shi'an.

No one has deliberately concealed this incident, as long as they have the heart, especially those in the Bai family, they will soon investigate.

At that time, it is likely to become a target.

Now, Xun Ziyang was trapped in the guard camp and couldn't stand up for a moment.

They must take advantage of this time to investigate Mr. Poyang's affairs.

At least, the blinded Bai family members cannot be allowed to push this blame onto the palace family.

Both of them are activists, and in this kind of things, they have a good understanding.

的 The person in charge in the house is the one who was at the gate of Zhuangzi and gave the palace family justice.

He is not as smooth and hypocritical as Xun Ziyang, but he wins sincerely and reliably.

Also, he is the one who sincerely hopes that Mr. Po Yang is getting better.

Therefore, Xun's attitude towards them is not like Xie Yang's rejection.

It's a pity, but he is convinced of the fake **** doctor.

Since disassembling is not feasible, then let the fake theologian take care of himself?

Finally, on the third day after the accident, Yang Shenyi was found lying unconscious in bed in the morning.

Suddenly, all the people in the house were confused.

At this moment, they remembered, wasn't there a doctor in the house?

When Lin Mengya arrived, everyone couldn't help worrying.

You know, Mr. Po Yang's body is conditioning.

What if it's delayed?

Zhe Lin Mengya had no extra courtesy, but she had her pulse, and she prescribed a recipe for people to take the decoction for him immediately.

Guo Xiang, who is the main student's disciple, stared at the old doctor in front of him.

Gao Lin Mengya glanced at him and slowly spoke.

"Say something straight."

"Excuse me, Doctor Yang, what can wake up?"

This question is what everyone wants to ask.

Gao Linmengya lowered her eyes and thought for a while before answering cautiously.

"Yang Lao's disease has been on his body for many days. In the past, relying on his good health and the powerful medicine to help him, it seems to be safe and sound. But recently, he has worked hard and paid no attention to his diet. Come up. "

Actually, this is not the case at all.

老 This old liar has diabetes himself, and now he eats Hesse, and he deserves it.

I just know that when he took the medicine last night, he didn't know his medicine and was secretly changed.

Therefore, today will be unconscious.

这 "Here, what can I do? The teacher's illness hasn't healed yet. If something happened to Yang Lao, wouldn't this make people anxious?"

Everyone whispered, but Lin Mengya sneered in her heart.

You are disrespectful with a real **** doctor, and you have to believe a fake.

If it wasn't Mr. Poyang's affairs that mattered to the palace family, she wouldn't bother to care about them.

In the crowd, I didn't know which eye-opener, and suddenly said something.

"Isn't this, Doctor Su?"

"Yes! Doctor Su is so skillful in medicine that he can cure the teacher's illness!"

In those voices, if there is agreement, there is opposition.

I also learn the wall grass, swinging.

In the end, they set their sights on Guo Xiang.

哪里 Where did the latter go through such a battle, I just felt that cold sweat erupted layer after layer.

Holding her lips together, she couldn't make a decent decision.

Gao Linmengya took their reactions into account and decided to push them.

"If you are not assured, you can naturally invite another clever doctor. It ’s not easy for you to learn the lesson, maybe it's not suitable for Mr. Li Yang. Everyone, leave now."

She retreats, and her attitude is not cold.

However, Guo Xiang felt uncomfortable. When he was in need, he shouted at him. When he didn't need it, he drove him away.

I was a little too unfriendly.

"The old man is angry, not because I can't believe you, but because of the teacher's illness. It's really menacing. If you come to the clinic, how sure can I be?"

She raised her eyelids and looked at Guo Xiang with a smile.

"Since I entered the house, let alone treat the patient, I have only seen it in a hurry. I dare not rely on this to be sure that I can cure the patient."

This remark made Guo Xiang blush.

I didn't feel anything before, but now he complains a bit about Xun Ziyang.

Although there is a divine doctor, no one can predict whether there will be an accident.

让人 If people let their families know more, they will not be so passive.

"It's my fault. Why don't you go and see the teacher's situation first. If you are sure, ask for help. If you are not sure, you can maintain the status quo."

In fact, Guo Xiang's expectations for them are more biased towards the latter.

He waited until the doctor recovered, and everything was too late.

Gao Linmengya didn't reply immediately, but thought carefully for a while before nodding her head.

"Well, I'll do my best."

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