Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1885: Treat patients

Seeing that she had responded, most of them were relieved a little.

As for someone who wants to stop, Lin Mengya also knows that it is impossible to stop.

But it may be long night dreams, she immediately proposed that she wanted to see the patient immediately.

Guo Guoxiang did not stop, and immediately took people to the main hospital.

Seeing the red line in the yard again, Lin Mengya asked in a puzzled tone: "Speaking of it, I felt a little strange last time. Why are there so many red lines here? It's hard to be afraid of someone stealing something. What? "

As Guo Xiang moved the red thread, he lowered his voice and said, "The old gentleman didn't know that the master was in trouble because he was against the house of the palace. Hey, speaking, it was the house of the palace, after all. Since they did Wrong things, just have the courage to take it, why bother to bully! "

I said in front of her that the palace family was bullying? Big brother, he still has courage without seeing it!

"I heard something about it, but what does this have to do with these red lines?"

I looked around, Guo Xiang got closer.

"You don't know, the people in the palace family tried to kill people. If Ziyang didn't react in time, I'm afraid the teacher will be killed by poison."

"Oh I got it."

"Well, I still can't figure out why Ziyang should act against Song. When he first arrived in the house, everyone was not so friendly to him, and Song Xing took care of him the most."

Lin Lin Mengya calmly settled a few words with Guo Xiang, and roughly understood a few things.

Xun's fake son arrived first, Xun Ziyang was a latecomer.

Somehow, Xing Xing was kind to him.

When Xun later revealed the fake son, it was also Song Xing that played a big role.

Xun just about a year ago, Xun Ziyang suddenly left in the name of studying.

At that time, Mr. Po Yang's health was not good, so the students advised him to put filial piety first, his parents were there, and he was not far away.

Xun Ke did not expect that Xun Ziyang insisted on leaving and said that he was also in return for his father's kindness.

门 These students were not optimistic about him, and said he was ungrateful.

So after he returned, these people were not very convinced.

Until he bravely expelled the "attempts" who were not good for Mr. Poyang, this slowly gained the support of everyone.

This is also the reason why he can cover the sky with one hand at Mr. Poyang's house.

After listening to Lin Mengya, she roughly understood the twists and turns.

For a long time, the so-called murder of the palace family was just the first disciple's means to buy people's hearts.

In this way, everyone will only have deeper resentment against the palace family.

Huh, have you asked her if she used her palace to make a raft?

When he got into the room, Guo Xiang was not very relieved.

Xu Susu ordered a lot, although he was a little hesitant, but he could see that he was really concerned about Mr. Puyang.

In the day, it was better to see clearly than that night.

After this tossing, Mr. Poyang has long been a dead bone, leaving only a bone.

Lin Lin Mengya calmed down a little and began to check.

The situation is similar to what she saw before.

布置 Some arrangements she made that day did play a role in delaying time.

即便 But even so, Mr. Poyang is a sign of exhaustion.

Hit those people, it was too hard.

"May I have a look at the medicine that patients usually take?"

Guo Xiang nodded and immediately asked someone to send it over.

These medicines have actually been seen by her before, but this time, there are fewer medicines in these tonics.

He raised an eyebrow, and asked calmly, "Is this the medicine the patient has been taking? Has there been any change in the middle?"

"It should have been a little different before, these were all prescribed by a divine doctor, but is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, that's not true."

She thought about it carefully, the medicine didn't really matter.

But if you take it for a long time, your body will become dependent.

If you stop taking the medicine, you also need to slowly figure it out.

If Mr. Liyang was stopped suddenly, I was afraid that the counterattack would be very powerful.

Suddenly, his body will not be able to support it under this counterattack.

Who knows the fine means, but who can think of it, it is just a mere blindness and not a very important medicine?

"The prescription of the sacred medicine can continue to be used. I will fill in some solid medicines to neutralize the medicinal properties and play a role in warming up. In this way, even if Mr. can't wake up, the situation can stabilize."

To be honest, Guo Xiang was really afraid that this doctor Su had said that the medicine of the divine doctor was not good, and he switched to his own prescription.

He doesn't know much about medicine, but just feels that as long as the medicine of the sacred medicine doesn't change, the others are easy to say.

Zhe Lin Mengya quickly wrote down the prescription, let people grab the medicine according to the prescription, remember to take it together, otherwise the medicine is fierce, and the patient is ineffective.

After working out the prescription, she took out her acupuncture bag.

"You don't need to worry, I just think that the patient is lying in bed for a long time, and his body is weak. If acupuncture is used to clear the blood, it can also play a role in health care."

Relying on Guo Xiang's incomprehension, Lin Mengya carved a flicker of energy.

The latter only thought that she wanted to assist the treatment, so she was slightly relieved.

But what he didn't know was that what really saved his teacher's life was the seemingly ineffective acupuncture.

Lin Mengya knew beforehand that Mr. Poyang's poison was in conflict with his old illness.

So, she can only solve one item before solving the other.

Fortunately, for her, toxicity was a trivial matter.

If you don't dredge his accumulated blood, I'm afraid it will be bad.

She covered his heart with silver needles first, and the poison spread slowly, but if she cleared the blood, the poison would spread instantly, which would kill him.

Zhe Lin Mengya's acupuncture is superior, and her response is extremely fast.

For two consecutive days, she was dredging the blood of Mr. Li Yang, and then prescribed the medicine to relieve the toxicity in his body.

In fact, as a result, Mr. Poyang's illness was very good.

In addition, after her improvement, the medicine was also good for his body, and no harm was done.

After five days of stinging, his physical condition was much better than before.

But from the point of view, it is also much rosier than before.

About a day ago, the "Divine Doctor" was sober.

However, the people at this time are completely unaware that their position has been replaced by others.

"Dr. Su, aren't you saying that the master is about to be awake? Why? But nothing happens?"

Through these days, Guo Xiang also saw it.

Dr. Su, who is in front of him, is capable and capable.

He is also more humane than that divine doctor.

At least daily, there is no need to let the servants in the middle of the house set up a banquet.

In addition to taking needles and medications, he often stayed beside the teacher's bed, and was really exhausted and exhausted.

Therefore, their favorability is doubled.

Speaking of this, Lin Mengya also wondered.

Jiu An said that Mr. Li Yang should wake up now, unless he is unwilling to be awake.

Alas, he was angry.

According to everyone's description, this old man is a bad temper.

Doesn't he want to get up and continue to be tough with the palace family?

"Wait a second, if I don't wake up for a few more days, I'm thinking of ways to do it."

Guo Xiang had no choice but to hold his mind and stay in the teacher's house all day.

The patient's condition is stable, and Lin Mengya can finally take a rest.

In the past few days, for the convenience of treatment, she and Long Tianyu moved to the room in the main hospital.

As soon as she entered the door, she was embraced from behind.

Lin Lin Mengya lay down in her strong embrace, closed her eyes, and sighed softly.

"are you tired?"

She nodded and let someone hold her to the bed.

在 Because they are in other people's yards, they do not remove their camouflage day and night.

Lin Lin Mengya lay in bed, but could not sleep again.

She only looked at the bearded face of his man, and thought of the old man she was posing, and couldn't help but bend her eyes.

If this is seen by outsiders, they will think they are true love?

She was overjoyed at the thought of everyone's possible reaction.

She buried her head in the pillow, and she grasped the sides of the pillow vigorously, her body arching.

"What's so happy and makes you laugh like this?"

Although Xun Long Tianyu did not know, but seeing her happy, she followed her.

Lin Mengya smiled barely and shook her head.

"It's nothing, but I suddenly thought of something fun. By the way, what's going on outside these days?"

Yu knows that she can't help anything about treating illness and saving people, but she's not as good as him when it comes to things outside.

Xu gently smoothed her hair for her, Long Tianyu lowered her head and said softly in her ear: "Xi Ziyang wanted to kill herself and was rescued. But that night, he disappeared."

Missing? This is strange.

But when she turned her eyes, she saw Long Tianyu's calm eyes and suddenly guessed something.

"Man, now in your hands?"

"Well, someone wanted to kill him. I secretly rescued him, but he was seriously injured and I don't know when he can survive."

How could the person whom Jiu Long Tianyu rescued be hurt by others?

I must have watched the show next to it, and felt that it was almost the same.

Rather than vengeance, her man is more lenient with her.

"That's his own life. If he wants to live, it depends on whether he is a man. What about other things?"

"Bai Shi'an made a notable mistake, but he was restrained enough to stay at home, and he didn't know what to do."

This is a bit of a surprise to Lin Mengya. Although they found someone following that day, they also guessed that it might be the uncle Bai family.

But Bai Shi'an is not unaware. How did he win?

This question was quickly answered.

"It's Bai Jiarou."

This candidate, even she was surprised, no wonder, Bai Shi'an will also apply.

"Bai Jiarou cannot do these things, and there must be some expert advice behind him."

"It's the Bai family's big house, but they are very concealed. Bai Jiarou picks himself up cleanly, and there is no clue on the surface."

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