Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1886: ungrateful

Bai Jiarou, who looks soft and weak, did not expect his heart to be quite cruel.

实 Because of her grievance that day, Bai Shi'an was able to rush to their house without any consideration. Now, it is really a great irony.

"Are we helping Bai Shi'an?"

Qi Lin Mengya asked, lowering her voice.

Dafang is holding Bai Shi'an's weakness, and it's not that Bai Shi'an is too weak.

Chen Long Tianyu held her little hand and shook her head with a smile.

不用 "No, he has some patience, but we just need to wake him up."

Bian Shi'an was trapped in his yard. He was not anxious, he just sat in the room every day, thinking about a problem in his mind.

In the end, did his good niece Bai Jiarou know this?

He was framed by a maid next to Bai Jiarou. Obviously the woman just came to serve Bai Jiarou and gave him something to pay for his sins.

At that time, he thought it was his painstaking effort, which was understood and accepted by his niece.

He didn't want to, and as soon as he woke up, he was vilified by the woman and degraded after drinking.

Everything that happened later was like a dream hidden in the mist, full of shadows and shadows, showing a bit of distortion.

唯一 The only thing he remembered was that the second brother knelt in front of his father in order to plead for him, and desperately suppressed the matter.

He was locked up in the yard after he was whiped, and he was not allowed to go out in one step.

"Is Uncle in there?"

Outside the door, Bai Jiarou's gentle voice came.

Bai Shi'an clenched his fists, but then suddenly let go.

As a daughter, he has been spoiled for more than ten years, shouldn't he let him down?

But he found that even himself couldn't believe this excuse.

Because as long as Bai Jiarou shows that she was sent by him, he will not be too miserable.

He didn't want to, Bai Jiarou only said that he had never been sent over to deliver things, and that the maid had been sent by him.

Hehe, it's really his good niece.

How could she be easily fooled if it was not under her banner?

究竟 When did this child become strange to him?


The door was opened by a subordinate, and Bai Jiarou personally carried a food container, standing timidly by the door.

花朵 On the delicate face of that flower, there were still greenness and tenderness.

Bai Shi'an rubbed his dry eyes and nodded.

Bai Jiarou came in lightly and opened the food container in his hand.

The dishes in the ravioli are exquisite, but Bai Shi'an can no longer afford to eat.

Bai Jiarou laid out everything and then took out a pair of bamboo chopsticks, hands to him.

"Uncle, I know you don't feel happy. But no matter what happens, you can't take care of yourself."

The sobbing voice almost made Bai Shi'an soften a heart.

After all, he is a child who looks at his eyes like an eyeball, how can he really be hard-hearted.

He sighed helplessly. He took the chopsticks and put them on the table.

"Little Rouer, I just ask you, do you know this?"

Bai Jiarou immediately lowered his head, a pair of small hands tightened the placket.

Seeing her response, what else did Bai Shi'an not understand?

Alas, instead of questioning harshly, he asked for it.

"Why are you hurting me?"

"No! Uncle, I did not harm you. I just hope that you can stop me!"

哭 She cried to tears, and sat on the ground kneeling.

"Uncle, from small to big, only you hurt me the most. You can help me get what I want. Why do you not hurt me this time?"

This, directly pierced Bai Shi'an's heart, it hurts.

"I don't hurt you? If I don't hurt you, how can I hide my face and go to the palace to talk to you? If I don't hurt you, I don't have to worry about you. Xiaorouer, do you know you doing what?"

Bian Shi'an only thought that this child was really confused.

What kind of temperament does Su Meina have? After getting along with each other these days, he can be sure that the man is just thinking about himself and Bai family.

If Xiao Rouer really committed it in her hands, she can peel her skin a round.

And that Su Yan, that person looks like a cold heart.

My own niece, I was afraid that she would lose interest if she didn't even look at them. How could Xiaorouer be so confused and unclear?

"I know what I'm doing, uncle, I don't think he's completely boring to me. They all say that women chase men's veil, and I believe that as long as I work hard, he will be able to see my true heart ! "

"No one is rare! Bai Jiarou, do you want to be honest? He is married!"

"I didn't want to **** him, I just liked him. If he can understand my mind, that's enough."

Bai Jiarou cried to show his heart, but Bai Shi'an was shocked and didn't know how to answer.

"Are you crazy?"

"I just met someone I shouldn't meet, uncle, I beg you, don't stop me anymore, you will hurt me again this time, okay?"

Bian Shi'an closed her eyes and just asked Su Mei to look at the face she helped them with and to save her a way of life.



"I don't have such a shameless niece like you, starting today, you don't have to step into my yard, get out!"

From childhood to age, where is this uncle Bai Shi'an, where has he spoke a heavy sentence?

So when she heard what Uncle said, she was almost stupid.

But this time, the uncle's attitude was very firm. Bai Jiarou could only cover his face and ran out of the yard.

"Oh, iniquity!"

Bai Bai'an only felt that his strength was exhausted. He couldn't figure it out, why Bai Jiarou was so attached to Su Yan?

It's hard to make a fool. Did the man really seduce his niece?

Then he shook his head again and denied his own opinion.

He has seen Su Yan's eyes looking at Su Mei. Those eyes that seem to be indifferent to everything, only when he sees his wife, will the hot temperature be ignited.

Such a person, if he loves, is whole-hearted and persevering.

Where is he, and where is Xiaorou's shelter?

He rubbed his sore forehead. What went wrong?

"Sanye, someone sent you something outside. Would you like to see it for yourself?"

I wanted to talk about it first, and then he remembered that he could send things in at this time, I am afraid it was not ordinary people.

"Come in."

His Majesty was ordered to act, but it was a suit he had ordered before.

Only, the belt on the top is not the style he had previously liked.

He calmly sent the person away. If he remembered correctly, the clothes should be delivered after half a month.

Because half a month later, it is the birthday of his father.

He originally wanted to go to battle personally, and entertained him with colored clothes.

I sent it now, and the belt was adorned with jade and pearls, but it was more expensive than he had booked before.

He checked his clothes without any problems.

Finally, pick up the belt.

I looked at it from side to side, and finally, I found that the most important jade seemed to be sewn in unsteadily.

He pulled it a little harder.

Behind the jade jade, a small note was stained.

Looking at it, there is only one message above.

"Mr. Puyang is out of danger."

He was relieved with just one message.

I haven't suffered this sin for myself.

He burned the slip of paper to the ground, and he shoved his clothes into the cabinet casually.

Although people are out of danger, there are some things that cannot be easily reassured after all.

I think it's time to take the next step.

On the day the news was sent out, Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu got another news.

Bai Shi'an, who has been silent, came to innocence by suicide.

This time, it was full of excitement.

He seemed so ironed that he wanted to make the matter bigger. In the end, the owner of the Bai family had to order to investigate the matter thoroughly.

"This Bai San Ye really fights, now he can't even care about his face."

When Lin Mengya got the news, she laughed.

Uncle Nie's indecent niece's maid is a big deal, even if it is placed in a family that is out of form.

Even more so, is a family history like the Bai family.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't think it was a surprise, and she rubbed her shoulders and waist to evaluate her.

"Bai Shi'an is in a big trouble at this time, and the other party will do his best to remedy. He has no good reputation anyway, and he is not afraid to bite if he has more lice."

She nodded, that's the truth.

The other party thought that Bai Shi'an would be jealous of Bai Jiarou's reputation, and he would definitely not say it.

In my opinion, Bai Jiarou really committed his taboo.

"Well, we don't have to worry about things over his side. But here, how much time is left to settle?"

Chen Long Tianyu put it in her ear and asked in a low voice.

Lin Mengya forget it.

"It's been two days, and it's only these two days. As long as he can wake up, we don't need to worry about the next things."

"Okay, I'll get them ready to cope."

The wake-up of Mr. Li Yang means a lot of things, starting to reshuffle.

She believes that Bai Shi'an will definitely find a way to keep Mr. Poyang. The next things will be much easier to handle.

I stood up and sorted out my camouflage a little, and now the red lines in the yard have been removed a lot.

She went to Mr. Poyang's bedroom again. Looking at the people still in bed, her mind moved a lot.

It's ridiculous, I always evade some reality that I can't accept.

清 She cleared her throat and walked to his bed.

"Mr. Why do you know that your first disciple, Xun Ziyang, has never served in front of your morbidity these days? That's because he killed someone. Do you know Song Xing? It is the director of Fuzhong, the first to show Xunzi Yang The good one was killed by Xun Ziyang. "

The current situation, in fact, Mr. Po Yang can feel everything outside.

So Lin Mengya was no longer polite, but decided to stimulate him.

Still not moving? She continued.

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