Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1890: Tacit understanding

Xu Wenyan said that as soon as Bai Huaan's heart was let go, Lin Mengya said, "However, the adult is not sensible, and Bai Erye thought, should we dispose of it?"

Bai Huaan turned his head and glared at Bai Pingnan.

Wu Mingming is a particularly simple thing, and it is all too much.

Do shit-ridden Mawei need him to play this inaccessible way?

I took the initiative and gave it to others.

"Yes, Miss Su is right. Bai Pingnan, now apologize to Miss Su immediately, and then ban for half a month!"

Bai Pingnan did not expect that the other party would be so aggressive.

虽 Although he is reckless, he is loyal to the Bai family.

Gritting his teeth at the moment, he apologized to Lin Mengya.

"I'm sorry Miss Su, I'm reckless."

Lin Lin Mengya also accepted as soon as she saw it, nodded, and let it go.

Suddenly, the atmosphere on both sides returned to peace and friendship.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded slightly towards Bai Erye, then returned to the carriage.

The two boys were staring at her with round eyes, Lin Mengya beckoned and rubbed the little one into her arms.

He only saw his eldest son, but he was holding a small face in both hands, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Mother, what happened just now?"


She's a little curious. What happened just now, like a small thing like Mo Yan, shouldn't you see anything?

就是 "That's, I think, you don't seem to care about it at all. But just now, why are you so fierce? And that white Erbo seems to be playing a mystery with his mother."

Holding on to his chin, those twinkling bright eyes flickered, a little doubt flickering.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little surprised by her son's keenness. At his age, she can see a little bit, but she can only say that she is talented.

He touched his son's little head, and she talked briefly about it.

"Because the previous agreement between the mother and Bai Erbo did not include what was just before. The mother and Bai Erbo both took advantage of the situation."

"But when did you negotiate?"

"This is called tacit understanding."

The Bai family and the palace family have always maintained a certain tacit understanding.

On the day of the third brother's accident, the Bai family took the safest and fastest way, which was to let the palace family evacuate thoroughly.

Now, the palace family came to the city at the invitation of the Bai family, and even the compromise of Bai Erye was based on the measurement of the two interests.

这种 And this kind of thing, only two people in charge can see the overall situation.

Meet other people, but just walk around and watch the fun.

"Well, will there be a tacit understanding between mother and anyone?"

This silly child.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and shook her head. It is too early to tell him these things.

It was the child's sharpness that made her secretly startled.

At the same time I was proud, I couldn't help but worry.

Xun Hui is bound to be hurt. She just hopes that her child will be safe. Others, there is not much hope.

But if Mo Yan has to choose this path, she will naturally give her full support.

The mother and son talked, and the carriage was under the **** of the second grandfather of the Bai family.

"Miss Su, here you are."

Outside, someone reminded.

Zhe Lin Mengya got up, arranged the clothes for the babies, and reorganized herself, and then took the two children out of the car.

As soon as Bai Huaan saw the two small figures, his face slowed down involuntarily.

"Calling people."

"Uncle Bai Er is good."

"Hello, how are you. Uncle Er hasn't seen you two in a long time. Why don't you come and see Uncle Er?"

Mo Yan smiled embarrassedly and said politely: "When I was at home, the master arranged a lot of homework. Although my brother and I were outside, the homework was not delayed at any moment. Please do not get angry In the future, Mo Yan will often bring his younger brother to visit you. "

Bai Hua'an bent down and touched Mo Yan's small head lovingly.

To be honest, he has never seen a smarter and cute little guy than these two babies.

Although he had a son in his room, he was not as flattering as the two.

"Where does Uncle Er get angry with you, you must come often in the future. Uncle Er will make you ready to eat."

"Thank you Uncle Er."

Bringing two small milky thanks together suddenly made Bai Huaan's eyes narrow.

Look at other people's children, how can they be so generous and smart?

When he thought of his girl, he felt a terrible headache.

The two little boys were sold out, and spontaneously stood beside Lin Mengya.

He Yi left and right like the two guardians, only the envy of the people around them.

Bai Hua'an reluctantly looked away, and instead told her with some envy: "The owner of your government is really blessed to have such a good child."

That's natural! Do not look at who was born!

Lin Mengya, who is deeply concealed and famous, said with a smile: "It is probably that the owner of my family has a good background in order to raise a character like Zhong Lingyu."

She is boasting herself, and she is definitely an industry leader.

But Bai Hua'an's attitude to most people around her just now made her a little speculative.

Since Mo Moyan said that someone was trying to seduce them, it must be because they did not dare to directly attack the children.

The oldest ancestors and the third brother would never allow the children to go outside, but Mo Yan and Ning Er had always saved trouble and would never run too far in private.

How do you say, if you want to abduct the babies, if you are not Baifu Zhongren, you can also enter and leave Baifu at that time.

What is their purpose? Do you want to threaten her after catching the children, or is it just for the babies?

But no matter which one, she must give this person out.

I dare to hit her child's idea, so I have to have the courage to bear his monstrous anger!

This time, Bai Huaan greeted them all the way to the main hall.

He settled them all before he pleaded guilty: "Please wait for a while, I'll ask the owner."

Before Ke could leave the living room, he could hear outside, and there was a rumbling question: "Is that the shameless old guy here? Gong Qianfeng, why do you still have a face?"

Huh, this is really strong.

A few people in the room didn't know what to look at, and bowed their heads.

There is only one great ancestor, sitting calmly and drinking tea.

I saw an old man with a full body and white hair in the door.

The old man looked ruddy, his footwork was steady and strong, and he seemed to be a trainee.

After the old man came in, he strode over as long as he found the position of the great ancestor.

"Old man, who made you come in? Tell you, our Bai family doesn't welcome you. Didn't you say you want to go? Go now, hurry!"

Xun Ke's great ancestor seemed to be unaffected at all, and put down his tea cup gracefully.

After looking up at the old man up and down, Youyou said, "I won't go. If you have the ability, throw me out."

"Don't you dare to be me?"

"A rough man like you can only have this ability. I think the self-cultivation of these years is useless."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Of course it is you, the tank outside is not as rough as you, which is not you?"

"Come, throw me out."

好 "Okay, eh, I feel that my health is getting worse lately. It just so happens that there are a few who are waiting for me. Anyone who dares to touch me, I dare to rely on him forever."

"How can you be so shameless?"

"Don't change, I'm afraid you can't recognize me, what if I want to cry?"

The non-nutritive bickering made the few people in the room more and more naive.

But every time it happened, her ancestors had the upper hand.

Now she can be sure, shameless, absolutely the style of the palace family.

He couldn't get any cheap verbally, and the Bai family owner who couldn't do anything, glared, and then stared at the innocent second son.

"You don't know to help your father, I have a bird for you?"

Poor Bai Huaan, who was affected, can only stand up and give his dad first.

"Father, Father Gong is also playing with you. Don't be mad."

After Gong Gongfeng gave Bai Huaan an admiration glance, Yin and Yang said strangely, "This son is much smarter than Lao Tzu."

The white family owner wanted to continue to scold, but the fighting power was low, and he could only kick his own son again.

**** off!

He took the tea cup with his great ancestor, and took a small sip leisurely.

Alas, this invincible life is really lonely like snow.

With this opening remark, Lin Mengya felt that the atmosphere was a lot active at once.

I saw the two old men staring at each other with beards, but in fact it felt like the two children were fighting.

At the same time, she has more or less confidence in her heart.

The others did not say, they said great ancestors.

At first, Yu Yu's family flew up and down, but the great ancestor had argued with them for the sake of the big picture.

He was nothing but two old urchins who didn't treat each other as outsiders.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the atmosphere, and quickly presented her prepared gifts.

"The palace family Su Mei has met with Bai's homeowner. The homeowner is very grateful to you for taking care of the ancestor and the third son. I am especially grateful to send you a small profit. If there is an opportunity in the future, my homeowner will definitely come to visit you personally."

The brocade box is slender but not light.

After the Bai family's owner calmly gave her a large number of glances, Bai Hua'an was ordered to take over.

As soon as I opened it, I found that it was a pure black sword.

"this is"

"This sword is called Zhenzhen, and it was specially sought by the owner of my house."

Alas, for the evil dragon.

Qizhen, however, has a strong sense of stability and fearlessness.

知道 She knows that the young Bai family owner is a famous knight in the Quartet. Although she joined the Bai family, she was like a mountain, and she was peaceful.

He is the most suitable sword for this sword.

Bai Family's homeowner pulled out the sword body slightly, the black sword body was dull.

But those who hold him know that it just sharpens and converges as much as possible.

When I need it, it will still be a sharp weapon that can be broken!

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