My baby turned and looked at the sword, and the eyes of the Bai family owner suddenly turned red.

Bai Hua'an didn't expect that his irritable old father would have such a reaction. He was in a hurry for a while and didn't know what to do.

"Okay! OK! I didn't expect that the people who knew me best in this world were your family members. Old things, you great-granddaughter, good!"

The word "good" is filled with the most sincere affirmation.

If before, the owner of the Bai family only thought that Gong Ya was the great-granddaughter of his old friend, and only looked at it with a mentality of treating juniors.

So now, he feels that the other party is the true confidante.

Qiangong Qianfeng also proudly raised his head, complimentingly: "That is nature, my child, but the best person in the world."

I didn't hold back, the Bai family owner still took a sip.

"You're old! I think this child is still good because he grows up outside. If he grows up next to you, he will probably be buried."

"Hum, you just envy me that I have a good junior."

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head secretly. This is probably how the two of them got along.

Because of the two of them, no one touches the scar that the other person really hides in his heart.

"Okay, this gift is very satisfying to me, my second child, put it away. Remember to put it in my study room, no one is allowed to touch it."


I watched the second son tell him to take the town away, and the owner of the Bai family couldn't help feeling that.

After the death of his wife, he tried hard to disagree, and even expelled many members of the Bai family, before he succeeded in inheriting the position of the owner.

Those people think that he wants to take over the Bai family's family business, but who knows, he just wants to fulfill his wife's end-of-life entrustment and protect the family's family business.

Later, he managed the family business, and the woman around him never appeared.

人才 Those people gradually understand his mind.

He just feels regretful, and no one knows his painstakingly.

Today, it was touched by a younger junior, and it was really complicated.

"You like it."

Gao Linmengya returned to her position in a regular manner and secretly smiled in the direction of Long Tianyu.

Note that she is not fake, but she recovered the things, but her own man.

The latter was still the expressionless high-cold look, but she just understood the smile in his eyes.

My husband and wife are united.

With this gift, the atmosphere is even more harmonious.

The Bai family owner is not worried that it is the old guy in the palace family who is giving water to the younger generation behind.

At first, no need for their friendship.

For the second time, this old guy would never dance with a knife or a gun, but he was afraid that he didn't even know what Zhenye did.

So, the favorability of this small family owner is much higher.

"Let's sit down."

The head of the Bai family was seated, and the others also took their seats.

After changing the tea again, the owner of the Bai family said, "Since there are no outsiders here, I will tell the truth. The purpose of your visit, the old things have been revealed to me. To be honest, Over the years, our Bai family has raised these guests, and it is indeed a great expense. If you can make the best use of them and give them a good future, it is better than me. But there is one thing you did before, but Everyone knows it. Even if we come forward, those customers are not necessarily completely obedient to us. "

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, in fact, she had long thought about this.

所以 The reason why the Bai family originally wanted to support such a large group of people was not only because of war, but also to educate the people.

If this matter was originally put in another country, maybe the Bai family would be like Qilu's land and become a place of open source education.

But the destruction is relatively closed in each of the land closures. Even the emphasis of each family is different. Therefore, these scholars of the Bai family can only nest in the land of the Bai family. There is not much room for talent.

Coupled with the rigor of the family system, talents of small families and even civilians were framed by death.

They can only choose to either spend their lives in their respective homes or come to Bai's house and seize this unique opportunity.

Therefore, although there is a lot of talents here, it is also a disadvantage because of limited opportunities.

Fortunately, there is no worries about food and clothing, and there is a relatively relaxed and free academic atmosphere.

But it also gave Bai family a huge pressure on their backs.

So the palace family seeking help at this time can also be regarded as solving the urgent need of the Bai family.

Who knows what happened?

I am not only depressed by the palace family, but also by the Bai family.

After thinking about it, she still feels better to ask it.

"I was puzzled by one thing before. Since the Bai family has welcomed this cooperation, why is there anyone still stumbling on it?"

"Su girl, what do you mean?"

She looked at the owner of the Bai family and Bai Erye, and found that the expressions of the two people seemed to be really unaware.

He considered the words and said everything he could say.

After listening to the Bai family, the owner fell into silence.

After a while, he shook his head blankly.

"If all you say is true, then the person who poisoned Mr. Po Yang must have something to do with our family."

Yes, because when Mr. Li Yang died, only Bai family and Gong family were involved.

Of course, the palace family would not do such a thing as shooting a stone on their own feet, so the only thing left is the Bai family.

I am afraid that the people behind the scenes are either the Bai family or their enemies.

还有 "Also, if the other party's purpose is to hope that the two of us will turn against each other, I don't think he will give up on this."

"You don't have to worry about this. I will send someone to guard Mr. Poyang's house and let no accidents happen."

Bai Huaan promised, Lin Mengya continued: "I think it's better to ask the truth of the matter as soon as possible. The best thing is in front of everyone."

The Bai family's father and son also nodded one after another, after all, if the Bai family's enemies really did.

Then this matter can also be turned around and pointed at the Bai family.

The owner of the Bai family thought over and over again, and his face was a little serious.

"I see this matter, sooner rather than later. Su girl, you live here first. Give me two days and I will arrange it."

"Okay, then it's troublesome Bai."

"There is no need to say such polite words between the two of us."

Don't watch Bai Family's homeowner quarrel with her great ancestor without seriousness, but when it comes to doing things, it is very popular.

The second day they entered the Bai family, the Bai family officially posted a notice on the outside saying that the palace family used the family reputation as a reason to ask him to thoroughly investigate what happened on that day.

You must know that the family reputation of a homeowner is equivalent to the root of this family's life.

Any family, even those little families like those in the Zheng family, would not dare to make fun of such things.

At this moment, the discussion in Fengyuan City was slightly biased towards the palace family.

At the same time, those who want to start with Mr. Po Yang must think twice.

Because if people die now, it will be very difficult for them to spill dirty water on the family members.

Moreover, it is very likely that he will be counterattacked by the palace family, claiming that this is Mr. Poyang committing suicide.

In short, they are bright enough, at least those guys who want to stab things in secret are not so easy.

After reading the notice, Lin Mengya was still very satisfied.

I really need some thunder means to deal with this kind of villainous villain.

Before the matter is over, they will stay in the Bai family in an safe and secure manner, and try to reduce going out as much as possible.

But it is a bit troublesome, but it is easy to find it automatically.

The Xi Bai family settled them in a small courtyard.

And there is a door directly on the street, it is very convenient to go in and out without going through the door.

When she was reading with the children, she could hear someone talking outside.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Su Yan?"

I heard that soft voice, who knew who it belonged to.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't raise her head, just let people close the inner door.

I was drinking tea outside, watching Tianlong Yu and his wife and children leisurely, and immediately darkened his face.

But his wife and children's attitude is very firm, whoever causes troubles will handle it.

He looked reluctantly at the closed door and suddenly lost his temper.

"Aunt, it's a girl looking for you outside."

The people in charge of the service have got the true biography of Lian Bo. Whenever a girl comes to the door, her grandfather is short and his name is called Shunluo.

Xiaolong Tianyu narrowed his eyes, and his patience was long gone.

"throw it out."

"This, this is not appropriate. After all, this is in Baijia"

That's why it's troublesome.

He is too lazy to deal with any woman except his wife.

He just prepared to continue to ignore it, but the door inside was open.

夫人 Her wife was dressed up in a homely manner and walked out with a smile.

"It's difficult to be passionate, but I'll go with you and see what's going on."

Nine Dragons Tianyu looked at her definitively, thinking how her daughter-in-law suddenly turned around today.

But Lin Mengya said rather indifferently: "Are you not curious, why does this famous lady let go of her restraint and come to you three or two times?"

So his wife meant that the other party was sick?

"Mrs. makes sense, let's take a look first."

There must be a demon in an anomalous situation, first Miyazo, then him.

Will this Bai family be in conflict with them?

The two of them left the guest room together. In the courtyard, there was a voice of Nao, and they hurriedly came to salute in front of them.

"Xunzi Shuiyun, I have seen two gentlemen."

Compared with the previous few times, today's Shui Yun is more regular.

But if she really knew the rules, she shouldn't have come here to find a married woman.

"Girl Shui Yun, come to us, but is there anything wrong?"

Yan Shuiyun looked up, but gave her a restless look.

It's strange today. Can they come to her?

"I wonder if she can move."

"right here."

Nine Dragons Tianyu said decisively.

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