Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1904: Baijia request

She is not worried about the situation over Bai Lu, there is Bai Shi'an in there, and she can worry about not much next.

In contrast, the second elder brother looked extremely excited.

He even couldn't wait to ask just after walking across a street.

"Sister, can we really visit that Grand Commander?"

Zhe Lin Mengya nodded for granted. According to Bai Lu, although the big commander was in charge of the entire guard camp, he was still very enthusiastic and upright.

It's not difficult for them to meet.

It ’s just, what ’s wrong with the second elder brother?

"Brother, why are you expecting that?"

I heard her asking, Miyazo's eyes lit up as if they could glow.

"I found out before entering the city that the defense is very tight here. You can attack and retreat and defend, as long as you command it properly, Fengyuan City is equivalent to a layer of copper and iron walls. And what they put on their school grounds can be completely Good things to train those new melon eggs, if our family also has these things, in the future, even if there are any beasts siege, it does not have to be so terrible. "

I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

梦 Lin Mengya will never let go of what is good for her.

But she soon gave up the idea of ​​digging up the Grand Commander.

At first, others may not be willing to come, after all, this is their home.

For the second time, the Bai family will certainly stop.

However, it may not be difficult to learn from the Bible.

"That's the case, but I don't think the big commander will be able to teach each other?"

宫 二 一愣, instantly dropped a lot.


These things are equivalent to peerless learning, even if he wants to learn, others may not be willing to teach.

However, he really admired that person's tightness, and was never willing to let go of such a good opportunity.

As a result, Lin Mengya harvested a tall and mighty second brother, a helpless little look.

"We have to fight for as much as we can. These days, I want to help you prepare something."

Make things happen in others, if the big commander really does not want to teach, she will not force it.

Let's see if the second brother and this person have any fate.

In the past few days, Lin Mengya and Gong Er came out early and returned late, so busy.

For a while, the young, the old and the young became gyro-like and kept turning.

But compared to being forced to stay behind closed doors, Lin Mengya still likes to feel busy.

The two babies are also very good. She also tried to rush back before dinner and set aside a special time to cultivate feelings with the babies.

As a dad, Long Tianyu will go to the baby's room and hug each night.

The family's relationship is getting closer and more harmonious. Compared with Baijia, which is already noisy, I do n’t know how beautiful it is.

"Ya'er, what arrangements do you have with your second child today?"

Rare breakfast time, after Lin Mengya heard Zengzu's question, think about it, then shook her head.

What they have been busy with these days is for the big leader who hasn't met before, ready to go to the ceremony.

Now things are almost the same, naturally nothing else is done.

Qiang Gongfeng put down the tea bowl, wiped the corners of his mouth after taking a cloth towel.

既 "That's the case, then come with me to the Bai family today."

"Okay, but is there anything wrong with the Bai family?"

可 She knows that Bai's life is not so good now.

The matter of Bai Jiarou is just an introduction.

Nowadays, Feng Chen's confession and the leak of Xun Ziyang's crime have caused a stir after all.

Lin Lin Mengya deliberately did not contact Bai Shi'an in private. She also hoped that this matter should not be related to the palace family.

I say a few words, these are all caused by the Bai family themselves. Naturally, it must be borne by the Bai family themselves.

"It's Bai Shi, invite me to tea."

Zeng Zeng's tone was light and he could not hear other emotions.

But she understood that although Zengzu was annoyed with Bai's homeowner, he still had a longing for two years of love.

I didn't think about it for too long, and she promised for her second brother.

Anyway, for Miyaji, what the little girl said, he just did it.

After tidying up everything, the three went out.

Although they were not far away, the three took the sedan to the Bai family.

I have nothing to do with it, it's just this face.

一次 This time, the attitude of the Bai family was more polite.

The host of the Bai family came to greet him in person, and the two old men were like ordinary friends, conducting a cordial and kind greeting.

Although this time they look more like "experts" than they did last time.

But everyone knows that it is very difficult to restore the relationship between the Bai family and the palace family.

They all understand, but no one can tell.

I let people into the main hall where the guests were treated, and Bai Jiazhu ordered everyone to serve tea.

It seems that guests and hosts are happy, but in fact, only two words can be used to describe boredom.

"This one is the second son of the palace family, it really is a hero who has been a boy since ancient times."

The vision of the Bai family lord fell on Gong Er.

The latter slightly embarrassed and looked back at each other.

Qiangong Qianfeng also looked at his great-grandson and said with a faint smile, "I'm used to making troubles at home, but it's sensible to come out."

Slang said so, but the tone of his great ancestor was more like showing off the excellence of his juniors.

The white homeowner stunned God and immediately smiled bitterly in his heart.

Alas, I can't believe it.

I squinted and looked at the family as a kind, even if the adopted child, can be dedicated to the palace family.

No wonder they lost.

In my heart, the last point of unwillingness disappeared.

I talked for a long time, and then the master Bai came to the topic.

Now the palace family has begun to visit those masters. After all, there must be a group of outstanding talents to leave.

Although the Bai family reluctantly, they also understand their current strength.

If you are honest in this world, you may be able to survive for generations.

But if you want to expand abroad, the Bai family is afraid that it has already lost such vitality.

He now sees it through, and the palace house that cuts off the demise is the phoenix that can really fly into the sky.

Although he knew that he had offended the Gong family, he could not help but plan for the younger generation.

So he invited people to explore the tone of the palace family members and to do their best for the family.

"Brother Gong, speaking, we have known each other for decades, right?"

Qiang Palace Qianfeng nodded retentively, thinking of the past, he could not help feeling a little bit sad.

"You know me, although I am not smarter than you, after all, I have a heart that remembers Ende. I was so confused before, so please do n’t care about me, can you do it?"

Zhe Lin Mengya raised her eyebrow. The white homeowner is a person who can bend and stretch.

No wonder I can educate a son like Bai Shi'an.

In all fairness, Bai's IQ is considered online.

However, good bamboo is inevitable.

"You and me, don't say that."

"No, Brother Gong, I sincerely want to apologize to you. In fact, I also have my own selfishness. At the beginning, Jiarou saw Su Yan. I felt that the person was extraordinary at first sight, it was indeed a good match. . In the second place, I am not reconciled. "

Master Bai Bai sighed.

Even though he married the young lady of the Bai family, and had children with her, he had been a respectful guest for a lifetime.

But he understood that the person she was thinking about was not him at all times.

So he is not willing.

He was unwilling to compare himself to that person, even his descendants.

After all, he still couldn't swallow this breath.

Qiangong Qianfeng waved his hand and did not let him continue.

Some things he didn't understand.

"Last things in the past, this child of my family is generous and will not care too much about you."

Magnanimous? Lin Mengya could not help but have some doubts. Did the great ancestor misunderstand something?

But obviously, this is not a good time to explain.

"Yes, I know. Actually, I want to ask you, can I also let my children go to Sitai College?"

The white homeowner was a little embarrassed, for fear of being rejected, he was busy adding conditions.

"If it is possible, we can double the tuition, no, three times! And we will also give you a thousand books from the Bai family's collection. What do you think?"

Tuition fees are second, and this thousand books are a temptation for her.

藏 These books must be classic orphan books that are not available on the market.

Although the palace's collection of books can also be called a huge amount, since the college is about to open, it is of course better and better.

Qiangong Qianfeng did not rush to promise, but looked at his great-granddaughter.

The latter considered it, and then said with a smile: "In fact, the Bai family owner doesn't have to be so polite. As for this thousand-book collection, we want to change a condition."

The Bai family owner who had suffered a big loss under this girl last time, just felt that his hair was upright.

I wo n’t, is it the condition that makes Baijia hurt his muscles?

Nevertheless, he said boldly, "Girl, please."

"I know which lonely Bai family must have taken a lot of thought. If we all took it, wouldn't it have been a robbery? So I hope you can let me go in for three days."

Others don't understand, but the two at the palace are like a mirror.

Hehe, her girl never forgets. When she went in to look at it for three days, it was equivalent to putting the entire collection into her mind.

This sale is very cost-effective.

Obviously, the owner of Bai Bai did not expect that he could achieve his goal so easily.

I just watched it for three days, really, is it all right?

He was in doubt, the ancestors of the palace family began to cover the great-granddaughter again.

"Oh, my child is kind-hearted. She doesn't want to see the two of us die afterwards. What is inseparable at our age?"

For a moment, the speculative thoughts of Bai's homeowner ceased.

I'm right, Su Mei is dangling water for herself.

Ashamed, ashamed, he actually doubted the kindness of a girl.

"Yes, the girl Su Mei knows the reason of the book. In this way, before you leave the house, you can read the books in my house."

Lin Lin Mengya's eyes brightened, her smile was extremely bright.

如此 "So, I've thanked Mr. Bai."

Move the library goals and achieve!

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