Lin Lin Mengya is probably born to take advantage of others.

In this regard, she can only smile a little, saying that this is the result of knowledge changing fate.

I just know that someone else's knowledge changed her fate.

The meeting between the two parties ended in a win-win situation.

Mr. Bai ’s homeowner seemed to have taken off the heavy burden, and people were relaxed a lot. He kept them three to eat at home with great enthusiasm.

Wu Sheng's feelings were difficult, and the two also just eased the stalemate, and the three had to agree.

During the feast, the Bai family owner also asked about some palace family matters.

I learned that the five sons of the Gong family of this generation each had their own strengths. Coupled with the "brain" command of Gong Ya, they could not help showing envious eyes.

They are also descendants. Why are they so good?

This palace Qianfeng laughed without saying a word, hiding the power and name.

In fact, he didn't know that when the children were young, the palace family was in a state of turmoil.

哪里 Where can he spare so much time to educate children?

The tadpoles are big and small, and small ones coax even smaller.

Who knows how to grow up like this, you say that you are not angry.

After three rounds of drinking wine, the Bai family owner and great ancestor were also very interested. The two could not help talking about the previous ones, which was also a solution to the knot.

When Lin Mengya and Gong Er were a qualified foil and the background wall, the elder brother suddenly poked at her.

Looked subconsciously, the latter gave her a secret signal.

Lin Lin Mengya picked up a cup of tea and pretended to look at the door casually, only to see the piece of clothing corner that soon disappeared.

"Sneaky, it must not be a good thing."

Brother Er has always hated snooping, let alone at Bai's house.

She noticed long ago, but she didn't say anything.

"Stop being calm."

Having won her sentence, the second brother couldn't hold back anymore.

I didn't expect this person to give up.

In this case, she really didn't mind pulling out the grass for the Bai family yard.

Everything is the same. After speaking with the two old men for a while, she got up slightly and said, "The younger generation has a lot of alcohol, I wonder if I can go out and breathe."

Xi Bai's owner naturally refused, and nodded again and again: "Good, come, come and wait for the girl Su Mei."

I immediately came in and took her away.

I came out of the main hall, Lin Mengya said that she wanted to go to the yard.

His Majesty immediately led the way, thinking not to neglect the guests.

After walking to the garden, Lin Mengya sat on a smooth stone to rest.

I thought the wind was a little cool, and she shuddered subconsciously.

"The girl sits here for a while, and the slave goes to help the girl get a dress."

The servant girl was clever. Lin Mengya nodded and thanked her.

As the maid left quickly, she leaned on the stone with her eyes closed, looking unprepared.

I do not know why, the yard gradually quieted down.

She still maintained this action until she heard the footsteps beside her.

When she was awakened, she saw in front of her, a woman who described 憔悴, but her eyes were full of madness.

"what's up?"

"Why are you alive? Why?"

The woman's voice was hoarse, not as gentle as before.

Lin Lin Mengya stood up calmly, and asked as if she did not understand her, "Miss Shuizhi, what's wrong?"

The person who came here was Bai Jiarou's personal maid, Shuizhi.

"As long as you die, everything can be back on track. Yes, you must die, everything is your fault!"

梦 For those who question her up and push her errors to her, Lin Mengya said she is no stranger.

But she was curious why Shuizhi hated her so much.

Is it just because of the deep relationship between Shuizhi and Bai Jiarou, the master and the servant?

"I wonder if the girl has misunderstood something, if it is because of Miss Bai's incident"

"How can you bully my lady? You need to know that he is the one who hurts the lady the most. But for this matter, he hasn't slept for several days. Yes, as long as I solve this matter, he You will definitely see me well and you will never ignore me again. "

I unexpectedly have this inside story.

While she was trying to continue the rhetoric, Shuizhi was like a madman and rushed at her.

But Lin Mengya has been guarding against this for a long time, where can she get it.

Taking a flash, Shuizhi hit herself on the stone, and she ran out of the garden as soon as she turned.

Who knew that when she arrived at the door, she was forced back.

"Uncle Bai, you do this, but it's a bit unkind."

Compared with Shuizhi's madness, Bai Chunan is obviously more calm, but more dangerous.

拿着 He held a sharp sword in his hand and pointed straight at her.

"Miss Sumei, where are you going?"

"Of course it is where I should go."

"Then you should never leave."

"Oh?" Lin Mengya raised her eyebrow and smiled slightly, but she didn't care a little, but she didn't relax her alert for a moment.

因为 "Because, the place you should go is hell!"

Bai Chun'an gave a cold face, only pure killing in his eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya was forced to retreat, and Shuizhi quickly caught up.

This time, it became two to one.

"Shuizhi, remember what I told you?"

Xi Baichun'an beckoned and called Shuizhi to his side.

Although the latter is still not in a normal state, he was surprised and listened to him.

"As long as you pierce this sword into her chest, what you think will come true."

I have no sincerity to coax, but at this moment it seems to have infinite magic.

Bai Chunan handed the sword in Shuizhi's hand.

The latter was almost trembling, with joy on his face.

"Really, really? As long as I pierce in, Er Ye, Er Ye can marry me?"

Grandpa Er? What else is there about Bai Huaan?

Suddenly, several versions emerged in Lin Mengya's mind.

What scum masters have abandoned the maids, the little maids admire the masters into the devil, the true love that crosses the difference between youth and class, and so on.

Bai Family, there are treasures everywhere!

"Yes. As long as you do this, I will naturally persuade the second brother to marry you through the door."

Bai Chun'an's eyes were cold.

As long as Su Mei dies here, the murderer is this crazy woman, and there will be nothing to do with Bai family at that time.

I can only say that her life is bad.

I thought, he let go of his hand and took a step back, but his eyes were firmly locked on Lin Mengya.

But for some reason, he always felt a little bit offensive.

But now, I don't care so much.

"Shuizhi, do it!"


Wu Shuizhi immediately agreed, and chopped at her with a sword.

Where does Lin Mengya wait to die, relying on her flexibility to hide away, and then quickly backed away.

Relying on the system, she had eyes like the back of her head, without any obstacles.

After all, Shuizhi is a woman, and she's crazy, she doesn't have a pinpoint.

Bai Chun'an originally only wanted to watch a movie, but if the delay was too long, or if the woman caused the idea of ​​someone else, the matter would fail.

Thinking of this, he could not help but glance at him, catching up with Shuizhi a few steps, and seizing the sword in her hand.

I changed people, Lin Mengya was not as relaxed as before.

Although Bai Bai'an does not know how to martial art, he is a man, and his actions are much more flexible than those of Shuizhi.

Twenty-three hid and hid, Lin Mengya again forced her to a dead end.

The dark crossbow in her hand was already locked, and just waiting for a suitable opportunity, let Bai Chunan taste her power.

Brother Er, I don't know what happened, why haven't they come yet?

She was defamating, and Bai Chunan finally felt that she had found the most suitable opportunity.

The long sword in his hand was facing the woman's heart, and when he shoved fiercely into it, he heard a crisp sound. He suddenly loosened his hands, and when he looked again, a slender figure was standing in front of the woman. Man.


The low roar brought every inch of murder.

Xi Baichun's subconsciously wanted to push, but the man's fist was faster than his speed.

He uttered "Bai", Bai Chunan only felt that the five internal organs were shocked. He was so pained that he could not breathe in his chest, and he was almost fainted.

I was beaten and landed on the ground. He finally couldn't hold it, and spit out a big blood.

"Don't kill him, stay alive!"

Squinting at the sight of Long Tianyu's going to make up for the knife, Lin Mengya immediately stopped the person.

At this time, Gong Er and the Bai family hurried to come. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw that Shuizhi was still playing crazy, while Bai Chunan fell to the ground with a pool of blood on his chest.

"How is this going?"

He followed Gong Er to find Bai's housekeeper and asked immediately.

Er Er Gong narrowed his eyes, apparently guessing the situation here.

Lin Lin Mengya poked at his man, who immediately knew.

倒 She fell into Long Tianyu's arms and stunned herself, forcing a bun into tears.

I squinted to see that the current scene was not my own, and the manager immediately went to notify the owner.

I soon arrived at the main hall.

At this time, the "frightened" Lin Mengya was still in the man's arms, sobbing softly.

觉得 The two men in this palace feel angry!

Hey, if it wasn't for the sake of acting, who could let that stupid kid hug his baby openly?

As a result, the faces of the family members became even more ugly.

At the same time, Bai's homeowner only felt that his temples were jumping.

Is it that Su Mei is guilty of attacking the Bai family, or is the Bai family really exhausted?

How could this happen one after another?

"You guys talk, what is going on here?"

Xi Baichun'an had been assisted to the inner hall. At this time, the doctor hurried to come to see a few people for treatment.

Lin Lin Mengya is okay, just a little "over-frightened."

However, Shuizhi is a hysteria, and I'm afraid it won't be better.

Only Uncle Bai's condition is the most serious. Not only the heart pulse is damaged, but the internal organs are also almost scrapped.

I now hang in one breath.

He first informed his steward that he did not dare to conceal anything, and only told everything he saw.

"When Xiao Xiao arrived with Master Gong Er, he saw this situation."

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