Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1907: Naive stupid

What is your heart?

Bai Chunan did all this for the family, but Lin Mengya wanted to let his loved ones dig out his plot.

Seeing that the two were still insisting on it, they thought that they were stricken by Miyaji, and they pulled forward Bai Chunan's sleeves.

I saw the man's skinny right hand with a few bloodmarks.

The truth is already exposed to everyone, and Bai Chun'an cannot be allowed to continue to deny it.

"Brother, you, you are confused!"

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to say more.

Xi Baichun'an already knew that the matter was revealed. Instead of continuing to struggle, he smiled bitterly and accepted the reality.

"Yes, everything is done by me. The second brother has nothing to do with Shuizhi. I discovered that girl had a delusional wish, so I encouraged her to let her do things for me."

Bai Huaan looked angrily at his elder brother and questioned each other.

"Why exactly do you do this? You know, it was because of Shuizhi's puppet that Jiarou went step by step forever! It's you that hurt my daughter!"

"I don't want to, do I not hurt Jiarou? But I'm all for the Bai family!"

Speaking of this, Bai Chunan suddenly stared at the party of the palace family with hatred.

"Do n’t think that I do n’t know your purpose! Your palace family is overwhelmed and you have an enemy that cannot be parried, so do you want to take us to be buried with you? Tell you, even if I die, I won't let you succeed! "

"Brother! What are you talking about?"

Bai Shi'an hurriedly stopped, for fear that the elder brother would have no room for recovery if he ignored it.

Suddenly, Bai Chun'an seemed to be crazy and wanted to make a final stroke.

"Father, second and third brothers, you know, the palace family was almost annihilated a while ago! Those people were strong, and the palace family was not an opponent at all. So they thought of pulling our family into the water. Huh! Your family, Everything is so hypocritical! If I hadn't got the news secretly, I'm afraid we would have been treated as puppets by your Bai family! "

The news swept everyone's minds at once.

Even the remaining three fathers and sons of the Bai family were a little surprised.

Hey, what's going on here?

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Bai Chun'an and snorted coldly, "Is that the one who told you still said, as long as you draw a line with our palace family, and you can stay alive for a while?"

Bai Chunan sneered, and seemed to feel that he had broken through their true colors.

When I heard this, even Bai's homeowner was no longer so determined, instead he looked at her and asked: "Girl Sumei, what is going on? Chunan said, is it true?"

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on himself, Lin Mengya had to explain.

"It's true that what Bai Chunan said are all facts. Some days ago, someone really wanted to destroy the palace family, and my great ancestor came to you to get you into the company."

"Finally admit it, father, did you see that? They are not all kind in their palace family!"

Bai Chun'an felt like he had won, and Bai's face was more dignified than before.

But he was not impulsive, because he always felt that there should be some twists and turns.

"Girl, what else have you said so far, let's say it all."

Seeing that Bai's homeowner was not as confused as Bai Chunan, Lin Mengya had some thoughts.

If the owner of the Bai family just turned to Bai Chunan's words, she would lead someone away without saying a word.

"The white house owner should have heard a word, under the nest cover, how can there be no eggs. They can destroy my palace house, and the next inconsistency is your white house."

"Impossible! They just have personal hatred with your family. Where will they deal with our Bai family?"

Bai Bai'an was still noisy there, but Lin Mengya glanced at him.

It's no wonder that someone's use of IQ is obviously not on the average.

"I would like to ask Uncle Bai, who told you inside information, who can tell you who is the enemy of our house?"

"This" Bai Chun'an got stuck, because that person didn't go further.

"Probably the same power as the three kings"

What he said was a little uncertain.

Gao Linmengya laughed and thought that this person was simply hopeless.

"Don't you know that His Royal Highness Xi, the royal family, is a loving family member with my family owner?"

侣 The "loving family members" said that this wave of self-promotion is very good!

However, Long Tianyu still stopped, and continued to listen to his wife, beating the water dog.

"The royal family and the palace family obviously can't afford it. I might as well tell you that the temple owner also appreciates my family owner. This should also be heard by the white family owner. Both the royal family and the temple have shelter for the palace family Heart, let me ask you, that the three royal families and other families have the strength to annex my palace family? Are they not afraid to be attacked by the crowd? I advise Grandpa Bai, when it is all right Read more books and don't keep listening to others saying three or four. By then, you will lose your own face! "

After this pass, Bai Chunan's face will be green.

This is the case for all people, even if they have learned the truth, they still have to stern their necks and not admit that they are wrong.

Where does Lin Mengya care about him, and she also feels that there is no need to hide it anymore.

Simple and straightforward, he said everything about Xiancheng.

"Now everyone knows that I don't have to say more. My palace family believes that it has no power to support the world, but we will never be a traitor to the world. How you choose is your freedom. But it is not my alarmist. How dare you ask to ensure that the Bai family can survive such turbulence in the future? Or what do you think is the basis of your Bai family that can let the people of Xiancheng let you go? What is it like Bai Chunan? What? "

She questioned the owner of the Bai family relentlessly. No matter how the other party responded, she was not afraid.

For a while, everyone in the Bai family didn't know how to speak.

Lin Mengya knows the time they need to digest, and does not force them to make a decision now.

Qiangong Qianfeng looked at the matter, and quickly came out to fight the round.

"Brother Bai, although my child's tone is a little bit more, but she is also kind. I am Gong Qianfeng, you should know. I can guarantee my life, what she said is true."

Bai's homeowner smiled bitterly, and he didn't know the temperament of his old friend.


How did he let him accept himself that he was living on a rolling oil pan?

"Brother Gong, I know all these things and I believe in you. But, it matters, and we need to discuss it for a while."

Hagiya II was a little impatient.

宫 Their palace family is desperately fighting on the front line, but these ignorant things are still thinking about things.

I was stunned immediately, but was stopped by my great ancestor.

"Okay. I know it's not easy for you to maintain this family. We will wait for your reply. However, time is not waiting for you. You and I have closed the eyes of the old bones and got behind it, What about these dolls? We all have to give our children a way of life. "

The two old men who held up a sky for future generations sighed at the same time, everything was in silence.

Zhe Lin Mengya did not continue to persecute the other party, but obeyed the arrangement of her great ancestors and withdrew from the Bai family.

As soon as the inside of the beating house came out, Gong Er smiled and smiled, and put on Long Tianyu's shoulder.

走 "Let's go play with me?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu immediately shook people down, still full of his wife, ignoring others completely.

Hagiya Er gritted his teeth, but he was not angry.

How can I be angry? People value his sister, and he should be happy.

But why did he always feel that he wanted to hit the hammer?

Lin Lin Mengya noticed the elder brother's confrontation with Long Tianyu, and she knew that her own man was up again to worry about his energy.

Then he took up his hand and said softly and softly: "I'm fine, where is this small character like Baijia, it's worth my anger. Well, second brother wants to cultivate your relationship with you."

Kojimiya immediately pulled down a face and cultivated feelings? Followed this girl's goods, he refused!

I do n’t know what Long Tianyu thinks about. Instead of exhausting energy with a big man, he prefers to spend time and energy on his wife-in-law.

But Lin Mengya didn't know this person's mind, just thinking that the second brother should not be so boring, just thinking about fighting.

"Go, I'll go home with my two children first. By the way, you two will have to come back before dinner. Mo Yan and Ning'er both want to eat roast duck."

Mentioned the two baby eggs, all three mood eased a lot.

Nian Gong Er patted her **** to guarantee that they would bring back the most plump and crispy roast duck to the two babies.

Gao Linmengya usually does not allow babies to eat such greasy things, but in the end, they should not be too restrained, but fortunately, they only eat it once in a while.

For two sons, and even for his wife, Long Tianyu nodded unwillingly.

Looking at the two of them disappeared instantly, Lin Mengya smiled, and also followed the great ancestor, each got on the coupe.

At this time, the two children were reading and practicing, and she did not bother to return to her room.

After a while, a maid-like man came out of the door.

The servant girl seemed to be in charge of purchasing, and bought a lot of things outside.

Finally, at a medicinal shop.

In the past few days, the family members have repeatedly run to the medicinal shop, so the maid's actions do not seem abnormal.

Those who are behind the maid are only maids running errands for the master.

哪 Which way do they know, after the maid entered the medicine shop called "Shou'an Church", after just a few words with his buddy, he took out a gold badge and put it on the counter.

My dude's eyes changed, and I didn't dare to delay holding Jinsuan in both hands, and came to the shopkeeper in the back.

The shopkeeper immediately picked it up, and after carefully examining it, he determined something and went to the lobby in person.

"What medicine does the girl want?"

侍 The maid took out a prescription and put it in front of the shopkeeper.

"I'm here to catch a pair of medicines for my lady. Please also ask the shopkeeper to grab the medicine according to the prescription."

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