Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1908: Kill someone

The shopkeeper carefully took the prescription, and it looked like it was some ginseng, ganoderma and other tonics.

But only the latter measurement can see what doorway there is.

After determining this prescription, I also identified who the person in front of me was.

The shopkeeper stood up, with a little respect on his face.

"Girls have all the shops they want, but some years are worse. Please come with me."

The servant girl nodded and went to the backyard with the shopkeeper.

My uncle immediately took over the position of the shopkeeper, and those savvy eyes hidden, but impassive, swept the guests in the hall.

The backyard of Shaoyaopu is full of semi-finished medicinal materials that have not yet been prepared.

The two of them walked to the main room of the backyard without any conversation, and the shopkeeper immediately performed a fist salute with the maid.

“I do n’t know if it ’s the young lady who is coming here. The subordinate is Zhenyuantang Fengyuan City Branch Qi Yuanda. If you miss something, I hope you can forgive me.

Listening to this pretty title, Lin Mengya waved her hands weakly.

When she left, she discussed it with Xie.

She was a fake ambassador before, but later, in order to enhance mystery, no one knew her origin except Xie Ai and a group of backbones.

But she can't be regarded as a church owner. In desperation, she can only let the whole town Longtang go up and down. Regardless of her age and position, she will respect her as a young lady.

The shopkeeper in front of me, and this drug store, are all business of Zhenlongtang.

I was even surprised by Lin Mengya. I couldn't think of Xie that they had reached such a level in themselves.

Alas, with them, their intelligence network is much more detailed.

After all, I thank them. The old business is an intelligence trafficker.

业务 This business is not difficult to pick up.

After she introduced herself, Qi Yuanda stood side by side obediently.

He came out from the main hall and heard about the young lady.

Everyone said in private that this person was an apprentice of Yaowang Bodhisattva. After passing the medicine in her hand, it was a panacea.

What's more, she said that she can bring people back to life and even make them immortal.

If Lin Mengya herself hears these arguments, she must be crying and laughing.

But Xie, who is the master of the church, deliberately let these rumors spread freely, and even intentionally or unintentionally, to promote the situation in secret.

就是 He just hopes that the big guys, like the gods and Buddhas, have a restful and fearful heart for Lin Mengya.

Lin Lin Mengya did not know his intention, but knew that they could respect themselves, which was all thanks to Xie Yi.

"Well, I'm here this time, I hope you can help me do one thing."

"Miss, please say that the Fengyuan City branch will definitely go for you, at your expense."

"It's not that serious. I hope you can investigate for me. This year, Bai Bai'an, who has been fascinated with. This person must have appeared out of thin air, or had a better understanding of the situation outside. And His association should not be so bright and upright. "

Bai Chunan was clearly used.

And this person must know the situation of the palace family very well, otherwise, he cannot be deceived by half-truths.

But the palace family was almost destroyed, not many people know about it.

Those family members who were fainted by her that night were skeptical but didn't get any useful clues, and they were still confused.

Why is there such a certainty that the palace family has encountered an unprecedented crisis?

Unless, this person knows what is going on.

She is not a candidate without doubt at all, but she needs to be verified.

是 "Yes, the subordinates must do their best, but Miss has other orders?"

In fact, if it wasn't for Bai Chunan's dead-heartedness and she would not say anything to the person behind the scenes, she didn't want to use Zhenlongtang's power.

After all, Zhenlongtang can only be regarded as an emerging force, and it is very difficult to survive the original distribution of forces.

现在 But now, they are her best choice again and again, she used the method of in-house communication to recognize them.

"By the way, do you know the big commander of the guard camp?"

Qi Qiyuanda nodded immediately and said busyly: "I'm not so familiar, but he will come to our store regularly to get medicine."

哦 "Oh? But that big commander, what's wrong?"

Qi Yuanda shook his head and said, "Not really. The big commander came to get the medicine because there were always people in the guard camp who were injured because of training. But many of the guards' origins were not good, unless they were severely intolerable, otherwise You can only make things up with some beaten wine. However, some hidden injuries are also left behind. Those guards will have some problems with their bodies when they are old. The chief commander sees the security in our shop. Really, the price is fair, so every month I buy a lot of medicines for these wounded and sick people. "

No wonder, Bai Lu respects the great leader, so to say, this is a good man.

After a change of thought, she asked a little more because of the loss, otherwise, the gift prepared before was afraid that it would be difficult to send it into the mind of the Grand Chief.

"Thanks a lot."

完 When things are done, she gets up and wants to go.

Qi Qi Yuanda sent her all the way out, then took out a few small medicine packs, and handed them to her.

"These medicines are some to nourish the body, please take it away."

When Lin Mengya smelled it, she knew that everything was good.

This shopkeeper is a man who can handle things.

She nodded slightly. After thanking the other party, she left with medicine.

那些 Those who followed her tail outside, at this moment do not know what happened inside.

Qi Yuanda looked at her back thoughtfully.

"The treasurer, who is it?"

While no one was there, for the first time, I saw the buddy of the "big man" from the main hall, and asked curiously.

Qi Qi Yuanda glanced at each other.

"Ask what, be careful of the ears in the partition."

My dude was frightened and never dared to talk anymore.

I felt that Qi Yuanda felt that in the presence of this young lady, she was careful not to consciously speak and do things.

I wasn't completely at all, just to please her.

He returned as a maid from the drugstore, Lin Mengya immediately changed her costume and rushed to the front yard.

The two babies have finished their lessons and are waiting for her at this moment.

The three mothers and the children played for a while, and Gong Er and Long Tianyu entered the house together.

When two little conscience heard that his father was back, he immediately took her hand and ran fast.

Ningong Gong and Long Tianyu each carried the cut roasted duck, and each person carried the noodle cake.

The two little saliva almost did not flow down, and hurriedly began to cook.

It is rare that these busy people can gather together, and Miyazo has also spent a few days talking with others, and it really needs a good rest.

After the family satiated, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Xun Long Tian Yu naturally followed his daughter-in-law and children, while the other three men in the palace family did not know whether they had accepted their fate or were accustomed to it, and let go without even staring.

Just after eating, the two babies naturally wandered slowly in the yard, so as not to accumulate food.

Zhe Lin Mengya sat in the room and looked at the two to go to the corner to watch the ants, and then to the swallow's nest under the eaves, only to feel the soft warmth in her heart.

"I will move back when I return to the palace."

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head and looked at her lover.

Holding a cup of hot tea in his hand warmed his cold radian, and let this person draw away the harshness of the past.

"Where to move back?"

"Of course, where you live, I will live."

The man looked at her with a look of grievance in his eyes.

"Don't you want to live with me?"

She just felt a stagnation of her heart, and before shaking her head, she shook her head first.

The corner of the man's lips curled slightly, revealing a pleasant smile.

"I knew you missed me too."

He said, she wanted to hold her hand, but unfortunately, she was avoided by Lin Mengya.

"I sometimes really doubt whether you have changed a core in your body."

She narrowed her eyes and looked at the other slightly dissatisfied.

Long Tianyu used to say nothing about these love words, that person was serious about whatever he was doing. At first, she felt that the other party was an iceberg that would not melt.

But now, it is still so cold to outsiders, but to her, it is almost like magma, which makes people have no resistance.

Chen Long Tianyu held up the cup and covered his expression.

"Madam, do I feel bad?"

"Not bad, is it true that this is your nature?"

The latter stared at her deeply, then nodded slowly.

"Everything I do to my wife is from my heart. Even if my wife doesn't like it, I will do the same. Besides, I think my wife is very comfortable."

Hehe, man.

Lin Lin Mengya turned her head and did not want to continue to discuss these non-nutritive issues with this guy. At the same time, she also missed Long Tianyu's slightly complicated eyes.

对 "Yes, you went out with your second brother this afternoon, wouldn't you really fight?"

From the moment the two men returned, she stared at them both, fearing that they were really confused and hurt.

Nine Dragons Tianyu's hand continued to move forward, but eventually she grabbed her little hand and squeezed it firmly into her palm.

"It was a fight, and I got a little bit injured"

"Why does the second brother start with so much weight? Does it matter?"

With a frown, Lin Mengya wanted to get up to get medicine.

Seeing her so nervous, Long Tianyu's heart was better, but she was arrested.

"Nothing, it's all skin injuries. In fact, the second brother pulled me out to take me to the Bai family's guard camp."

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course I went to see the training and defense situation there. Brother Er's vision was always so tricky. After entering the city, I also saw those things. But I have sent someone to inquire for a long time. The commander of the battalion has the grace of knowing him. He will not leave. "

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