Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1909: Additional conditions

She always knew that in terms of military affairs, her own man was definitely a general.

Even though she hasn't searched carefully, she knows that his mentor has a lot of talents, and each has his own ability.

Bound in his bones, Long Tianyu is a proud man.

So what he can value, must also be a guy with extraordinary skills.

For those mediocre, he has always been dismissive.

Yi was able to enter into the eyes of Long Tianyu with that big commander, and it can even prove that he is definitely a rare talent.

"Well, does he have an apprentice or something?"

She turned her head and asked, and Long Tianyu gave her an admiring look.

"The great commander did not marry, he has no children, but he has a few disciples. But they are loyal to the great commander. Without his consent, I am afraid that he will be willing to nest in this square for a lifetime."

She always felt that there was something in this article.

I squinted and looked at the other side. The more resentment there was, the more resentment there was.

Nine Dragons Tianyu is still drinking tea, only occasionally staring at her.

Is like teasing kittens and puppies, not in a hurry.

"Say it?"

Do not say a word, continue to think.

"Are you sure not to say?"

Lin Lin Mengya's body arched forward, almost lying on the table.

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at her, still calm.

Hey, okay, play Tarzan with her without changing the color, right?

She sneered in her heart, but stretched out her arm and wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"Well, tell me, Brother Yu!"

He lay down in his ear, exhaling like blue, and talking softly and tenderly.

He even rubbed his ears gently with his teeth.

Only when Fang Fang also had a "cold-faced" Long Tianyu, the tea cup fell on the table with a shake of his hand.

In the courtyard, the two babies who were just having fun just now were frightened and looked back immediately.

I saw their dad sitting in the room with a bad face, and their mother was snickering while covering her mouth!

Yes! Although they couldn't see it, and the mother didn't say a word, but the mother couldn't hold her shoulders with a smile, shrugged, as if the two of them were always stupid, the mother would laugh like that.

Mo Moyan pulled his brother and immediately returned to the room, looking curiously at his mother.

"Mother, did I have been stupid again with my brother?"

Lin Lin Mengya covered her stomach and waved her hand.

没有 "No, mother is not laughing at you."

"Who is that mother laughing? Is anyone even stupid than us?"

Su Ning'er's face was quiet, but when asked, Lin Mengya couldn't help but continue to laugh.

"Well, someone is stupid than you!"

"Mother, who is it?"

Two small children continued to question, while Lin Mengya stared at Long Tianyu's murderous eye knife, and did not dare to say a word.

要 What is she going to say? Just a little trick, just now, the man she won was a mess, and even some parts became very mental.

到底 How long did it take for this to be so impulsive?

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, feeling good.

I hugged the two children and returned to the inner room to tell the story.

The gangster left Long Tianyu, who had not recovered his calmness, and was alone in the cold wind blowing outside, unable to move.

Hey! Make him stink!

But after waiting to send her sons back, she was brutally killed, and her waist almost didn't toss.

At the last minute, the man held it.

This is the "first time" in his memory, so he must choose a suitable time and must not wrong her.

Lin Mengya slept in his arms.

Even though the waist is still a bit sour on the second day, the spirit is good.

The man left at dawn, apparently there are still things to do.

She was sober without her, but she didn't feel wronged at all.

No matter where he is or what he is doing, she knows his heart is on her and the children, no doubt.

Early in the morning, they received the results of the Bai family's discussion.

I was no different from the original plan. The Bai family still agreed to cooperate with them, but this time, there was an additional condition.

Zhe Lin Mengya looked at the live "additional conditions", but her heart murmured a little.

"Mr. Bai means, I hope San Ye can teach in Sitai College?"

Bai Shi'an, who is the sender of this answer, said with a smile: "That's right, but we also need to listen to your opinions. If it doesn't work, then we won't force it, and other things will continue."

It wasn't that bad, but she always felt a little strange.

白 Isn't Bai Family really afraid of being deeply involved with their family?

Presumably she saw the suspicion in her eyes, Bai Shi'an explained: "But the original family members did not agree, but the father said that the family members always believed and believed. And when you were in trouble, the Bai family once offered to you All the people in the palace refused to help. Now, what reason would there be for the Bai family to enter the water? Instead of believing someone who provoked others to kill each other and hide in the head and tail, it would be better to believe in frankness. Of the palace family. "

Rarely, Bai's master kept awake in this matter.

But Lin Mengya was more curious, Bai Shi'an's attitude.

"If you go this way, I am afraid that it will be difficult to return to the power center of the Bai family in the future. Are you willing?"

之前 His previous actions made Lin Mengya can't help but feel that Bai Shi'an also had the desire to compete for the power of the Bai family.

But it is clear that when he goes to the palace, he can only be a "condition", not a simple white family master.

Bian Shian looked at her and shook her head.

"Actually, the girl has misunderstood me. In essence, I am no different from my elder brother. But we all want to give our homeowner a power. The homeowner is not just rights and responsibilities for us."

He looked at those resolute eyes, Lin Mengya suddenly understood why, at such a critical juncture, the Bai family owner would let him be in danger.

He is a rare person who can be a son-in-law when everything in the family is smooth and smooth.

When the family is killed, he can grow up quickly and help the family survive the crisis.

"Okay, please go back and tell Bai's owner that we have accepted the conditions of Bai's. I hope we can cooperate happily."

Nian Zengzu and the third brother were not there. Obviously, she left the matter to her to handle.

Suddenly, Bai Shi'an was relieved. He was afraid that after coming here today, the family would flatly refuse.

"Well, I'm really old compared to your little group of young people."

Things succeeded, and his mood eased.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at him as if she seemed tired and exhausted, and could not help laughing at him: "Am I so terrible? Before that, is n’t San Ye still good?"

"No no no, how do you know where you are in our house now?"

Bai Shi'an waved his hand, pretending to be insecure.

Lin Lin Mengya hummed and started acting again.

"You know what you did to fix my ignorant niece, but people in our family are scared of you. Otherwise, it wouldn't be my rushing run. Big guys, afraid of letting you catch again Stay a little braid and go through it one by one! "

"Cut, exaggerate."

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help rolling her eyes. Is this the one?

She always does not offend me. I do not offend. There are many people who are safe with her. How can those guys not reflect on their own reasons?

After a moment of seriousness, Bai Shi'an returned to the way they were when they first came into contact.

Looking at no one left and right, he lowered his voice and asked, "I said, Bai Lu, did you advise me?"

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it and nodded slightly to admit it.

The latter immediately showed an "I knew it would be" expression, but overall, there was nothing ugly about his face.

"I said that guy with a tendon, why did he come to take the initiative. Thank you, if you didn't show up, I don't know what reason to advise him."

"Listen to what this means, what kind of holiday do you seem to have with him?"

She asked in confusion, after all, Bai Lu was also surnamed Bai. After hearing Zi Ziyang's statement, it was still a branch of the Bai family.

As Bai Shi'an's young master, there is no reason to blame him?

But the fact is so coincident.

Xi Bailu is the captain of the battalion, usually responsible for patrolling various areas. Especially after the curfew every night, he has to take care of the dark night.

I can't help but some people have to drink too much in the middle of the night to make trouble.

After three or two times, the two of them acted like intentionally, and they formed a beam.

I learned of Lin Mengya, and looked at Bai Shi'an with a look at the neuropathy.

She has serious doubts now. What can this school teach when it is in college? Is it fun, fun, or dice?

Come on! Then her college must not be suffocated by this goods?

And Bai Shi'an also realized that the other party had the meaning of “returning goods”, and hurriedly said, “I'm not the kind of inexperienced! I can also teach you through the subset of history! You believe me, I can absolutely!

After seeing the man holding her three fingers to swear she was absolutely capable, she was not so reluctant and restrained her urge to repent.

"But you're boring enough, why are you okay with everything? Speaking of which you are still the same, if I were Bai Lu, I would catch you fiercely, otherwise what would others think?"

He said that righteousness may be a bit exaggerated, but it is almost the same.

But Bai Shi'an wiped his face, and apparently reluctantly said, "You think of me! You do n’t know, the fake is a big commander of disciples. All the defenses in the city are designed by him, those of the patrols. He made the arrangements and the route. He was also good at setting an example. I and I were also forced to helplessly? "

Speaking of the back, Bai Shi'an was also wronged.

However, Lin Mengya was clever. He tentatively said, "You mean, the defenses inside and outside this city are all written by Bai Lu? Isn't it designed by the Grand Commander himself?"

Spreading his hands, Bai Shi'an replied: "It was originally like this, but Bai Lu has learned the skills of the big commander over the past few years. But I don't think that this **** is usually not smart, but the leader Fighting is definitely a master. "

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