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Zhe Lin Mengya's mind moved. Since Master couldn't dig, she could not dig.

Squinting, Lin Mengya looked at Bai Shi'an, but made the latter shake.

怎么 How did he feel that the girl's eyes looked as if the old cat saw a little mouse?

Involuntarily, he moved his **** outward.

He probably realized that his eyes were a little too explicit. Lin Mengya blinked and tried to wipe out the little “criminal evidence” just revealed.

"I was just a little surprised."

She didn't explain it, it was already explained, but it made Bai Shi'an more uneasy.

"You, hatred with him?"

I think about it, he can only think of such a possibility.

Who knows the guy in front of him, but it's really the idea of ​​their talents.

She shrugged and Lin Mengya smiled.

Don't talk about revenge, now she just wants to pack people away.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to show something in front of the other side, and immediately shifted the topic.

"You are welcome to come to teach at the college, but you are really assured. Your elder brother and niece are not fuel-efficient lamps."

Although both of them were locked up, they are the blood relatives of Bai family.

She was even more afraid that after taking Bai Shi'an as an understanding person, the Bai family would sooner or later fall into civil unrest.

Rather than have an ally who can worry about betraying himself at any time, it is better to leave Bai Shi'an at home and use it as a sea god.

When I mentioned these two people, Bai Shi'an also seemed a little helpless.

"I think after this incident, my father and second brother should have a snack. Can I protect the Bai family for a lifetime?"

人 This man's "understanding" is really thorough.

I nodded, Lin Mengya was aware of Bai Shi'an's plan.

Whatever it is, if the Bai family is still the same as before, even if Bai Shi'an is more powerful, I am afraid that there will be a day of weakness.

After the two finalized some details, Bai Shi'an left with a satisfactory answer.

At the same time, there is good news from the third brother.

Except for a few old men who are not in good health and can't stand the long journey, and just want to support the elderly in Baijiayi, everyone else has almost agreed to teach at the palace.

Even after the Bai family posted two notices to work together this morning, those people finally gave affirmative answers.

I looked at the posture, let alone a college, it is more than enough to have another.

However, the college is not like the Bai family and has no plan.

What has been built now is only the first phase of Sitai College.

With the development of commercial roads and the establishment of the Great Chamber of Commerce, the cooperation between the palace family and those families will become closer.

As a result, Sitai College will expand with these relationships to attract more students from all over the world.

These teachers just come in handy.

Gao Lin Mengya simply asked her three brothers a few words, and then she was relieved to push them to her.

Compared with the situation of the palace family, the Bai family has become a little embarrassed recently.

Not to mention how many bad things happened to them at home, even the old case of Feng Chen that year, could not be separated from them.

Who made the original Bai Family Uncle Bai Chunan among those who supported Xun Ziyang?

But now that Bai Chun'an has no time to pay attention to them, he is still locked in the room by Bai's owner, and no one can get him out.

In this case, the Bai family was obviously unsuitable to take the lead again. Later, they went around to the hands of the guard camp.

For this reason, the Grand Commander also personally supervised the case.

麓 Bai Lu, one of the witnesses, has temporarily dismissed his post as the captain of the battalion and is ready to be a witness at any time.

Xun Ziyang originally had enough confidence, and nothing else, he knew that Uncle Bai's family would certainly not sit idly by.

But what he never expected was that Bai Chunan not only did not show up, but the person sent by the commander only brought back a message.

Bian Chun'an didn't remember much about the events of that year.

What does this mean? This shows that Bai Chunan is not prepared to care about this matter at all.

Suddenly, Xun Ziyang panicked.

Fortunately, he calmed down quickly, although Bai Chunan couldn't count on him, but he and others.

I thought about it. He bought a guard and asked him to send a letter to Mr. Li Yang.

On the second day, Mr. Liyang came forward alone.

"Father! Please save me!"

In the prison cell, Xun Ziyang cried for help as soon as she saw Mr. Yun.

The latter looked at Xun Ziyang, who described him as being embarrassed, but did not receive much abuse, and immediately let go of a hanging heart.

"Ziyang, don't be afraid."

"Father, how can I not be afraid? That Feng Chen, he just wanted to kill me."

Xun Ziyang cried tremblingly, and she said something with a little obvious intention.

Mr. Li Yang has always been concerned about this matter, so before he came, he also asked about some situations.

Now, seeing this guilt-ridden son, his heart was not a taste after all.

"Is Feng Chen's legs really discounted by Bai Lu?"

Xun Ziyang didn't think about it, so he pushed it all to Bai Lu's body.

"Yes, Bai Lu said to me personally. At first, in order to please you, he wanted Feng Chen to plead guilty sooner, so he started a bit harder! Father, don't listen to those people's lies, they are all misgivings. "

"What about Songxing?"

Xun Ziyang hesitated a moment before he made a sad look.

"Actually, I haven't told anyone about it. The reason I killed Song Xing by accident that day was because of his own fault. He took advantage of your illness and stole the things in the house to sell. I was furious, so I thought of a lesson. He took a moment. Unexpectedly, he was so annoyed that he wanted to kill me. He mishandled his father for a while, and the child knew something wrong. "

低 He bowed his head, looking a bit guilty.

But Mr. Liyang looked at the man in front of him, and felt only panicked.

Suddenly the cell was quiet, and Xun Ziyang muttered in his heart.

He knows the old man's temperament. Listening to him say that he must feel that Song Xing deserves it.

But why is there no response at all?

He raised his head secretly, but because of the dimness of the cell, he could not see his father's expression.

"Really because Song Xing first tried to deal with you, did you kill him?"

In Mr. Li Yang's words, there was already a little disappointment, but Xun Ziyang thought that this was because Song Xing had served him for many years.

"I wasn't intentional. The situation at the time was very critical, and I was, and I was compelled to do so."

He thought that the play was seamless, but what disturbed him a bit was that when he knew these things, the old man didn't just let people release him immediately, and he didn't want to go to Bailu to ask for justice.

He watched him for a while and then left quietly.

Biting his lip, Xun Ziyang grew more and more wondering, but he still didn't know what went wrong in the middle.

I only think it is because of this incident, the impact on the old man is too great.

Mr. Li Yang stiffened and walked out of the cell.

He was outside, someone was waiting for him.

"Sir, are you okay?"

Xu Bailu walked over anxiously, holding up Mr. Liyang's arm.

The latter patted his hand gently, and stopped talking.

At this time, several other people also greeted.

As Bai Shi'an is the person in charge of the case, he also allowed Mr. Li Yang to come here to visit the prison.

Behind him stood Lin Mengya and Gongsan.

"Sir, how are you?"

Bai Bai'an, like Bai Lu, came forward to greet him.

Mr. Liyang's face was a bit ugly, as if bitter, but also astonished.

Gao Linmengya secretly observed that it seemed that the strategy she had given Bai Shi'an worked.

Mr. Li Yang sighed and forcibly swallowed the words before he noticed the two people behind Bai Shi'an.

He knew the man, the third son of the palace family, but the woman.

Seeing that he had noticed it, Bai Shi'an introduced it in a hurry: "This one you have seen, the uterine horn of the palace father, this one is the foster daughter of the palace father, and the female dean of Sitai College , Girl Samui. "

Mr. Li Yang's attitude towards Miyazo was a bit complicated.

另外 The other one surprised him.

Gao Linmengya did not miss the expression on the other side, knowing that there must be any misunderstanding, and said with a smile: "I see that my husband is a bit tired. Why not find a place to rest for a while?"

He didn't wait to be rejected, and Bai Shi'an responded immediately.

After a short while, Bai Lu was invited to the barracks of the guard camp.

Here was the place where he was on duty, but because he is often here, everything is complete.

He gave a few cups of coarse tea to Bai Shi'an before he spoke.

"Sir, I know you have a bad heart, but there are indeed a lot of doubts about what happened then. I think you also want to really understand the truth?"

Mr. Li Yang didn't want to say more in front of outsiders, but obviously everyone in the room was related.

He sighed quietly, turning the difference in his hands.

How hard is it for him to have such a thing when he has just been strong all his life?

"I know what you mean, I did not expect Ziyang, he will become like this now."

Frowning frowning, Mr. Puyang was lost in thought.

Lin Lin Mengya knew why he was hit.

Xun was afraid that Xun Ziyang himself did not know why Song Xing was the first person to support him and protect him after he had confirmed his identity.

I just because Song Xing is his mother-in-law.

Mr. Li Yang's wife died early. Although Song Xing had some shortcomings, he and his sister were brothers and sisters.

However, he was young, unstable and playful at the time, so he lost the only child of the brother-in-law and his sister on the way to the brother-in-law with his little nephew.

After that, he willingly became a slave, took care of his brother-in-law, and redeemed his sins.

When Feng Chen appeared, he was also delighted.

Chennai He Xunziyang was very provocative at that time, so Song Xing mistakenly believed that this was because of the blood relationship between the Xun, and he strongly supported Xun Ziyang.

Who knows, but died in the hands of his beloved nephew.

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