Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1911: Break through the lies

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As for why Xun Ziyang did not know Song Xing's identity, it was because Song Xing was afraid that his nephew would blame him, so he refused to let his life be revealed.

In recent years, he has also taken care of his brother-in-law as a sinner.

I can say that although he has many shortcomings, he also values ​​his family.

So when Mr. Li Yang learned that it was actually Xun Ziyang who killed Song Xing, he was so excited.

When he got the answer from Xun Ziyang, he knew that Xun Ziyang was probably lying.

It is absolutely impossible for Lu Xingxing to steal while he was sick, because the man had sold his ancestral home for the atonement and wanted to pay himself.

But he didn't want it, but let Song Xing hold the large silver ticket by himself.

He is a poor scholar, nothing is more valuable than that.

And he knew that no matter what Xun Ziyang did, Song Xing would never do anything to him.

Since this time, Xun Ziyang thought that the lie that was seamless was actually untenable.

梦 As one of the insiders, Lin Mengya couldn't help but want to add chicken legs to Qi Yuanda.

I deserve to be a source of intelligence work. This kind of privacy can be investigated. It is definitely a talent!

Mr. Li Yang did not explain to these people, but he felt very disappointed now.

Xi Baishi'an is a clever person, otherwise Su Mei reminded him and asked Mr. Liyang to ask Xun Ziyang why he wanted to kill Song Xing, and then they decided to arrange a meeting with them.

He knew this matter, and most people do n’t want to tell outsiders, so he immediately went down and said, "Since you have already seen, then let us do the next thing. Your body is just now To recover, you still need to take good care of it. "

Mr. Li Yang's heart was bitter and embarrassed.

After he woke up, the students who did not usually appear in front of him on a weekly basis, all came to ask for warmth.

Even if it is a palace family that has some suspicions with him, he has entrusted him with a lot of medicinal herbs.

He is the only one who has spent all his energy but cultivated. The first word he saw was to ask him to save him.

Now, even he is a little shaken. Is the liar with a mouth full of lies his son?

What happened at this moment was enough for Mr. Poyang to fall down.

Bai Shi'an was worried about Bai Lu, so he had to enlighten him carefully and send people back first.

Zhelin Mengya and Gongsan stayed in the **** camp. Today they are here. In addition to brushing their face in front of Mr. Poyang, they also have to meet someone.

After a short while, Bai Lu took one in.

In front of Lin Mengya, he appeared in a thin young man.

The years of learning have worn away his pride when he was young, but have not destroyed his vitality.

She has seen many, many suffering masters.

Some of them, like Xiang Lin 嫂, kept repeating their misery until they were rejected by everyone.

Some self-violent abandonment has since become a mess.

There are also tadpoles, like carved jade, removing impurities and leaving the most precious things.

The person in front of me belongs to the third category.

After the man came in, he didn't speak easily, but watched them with vigilance.

"Feng Chen, these two are the ones I mentioned to you, the Gong family."

Xi Bailu acted as an introducer, and at the same time, Gongsan arched his hands toward each other.

"In the corner of Xia Gong, the third line in the house, this is the house girl."

Gao Linmengya nodded toward the other side, very polite.

I heard that it was the Gong family, then Feng Chen relaxed a little.

Before he raised horses in Zhuangzi, he had dealt with the palace family for some time.

I'm honest, he was a little surprised, why the atmosphere of the palace family is so harmonious.

I also have the two little babies. Not only are the pink carvings and jade cuts very cute, they are also lively and clever.

Gao Linmengya didn't know that this was the favor that his sons inadvertently brushed, but only knew that after learning that they were a family member of the palace, Feng Chen really wasn't as thorny as before.

"Actually, I asked Feng Gongzi to come and learn something from you."

晨 Feng Chen raised his hand and smiled bitterly: "If I am a rough man, don't call me my son, just call me by name."

"Okay, Feng Chen. I know you were wronged, and this time, we want to help you with the case."

"Why is this?"

晨 Feng Chen didn't doubt much, the other party was not kind, just doubt.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya was well prepared.

"In fact, this is the case. We had some misunderstandings with Mr. Li Yang before. If we want to dispel the misunderstanding, it is best to let the gentleman understand us and believe in us from the source."

The news over Yuan Fangtang was very fast.

Through their investigation, they found that Bai Chunan did not know Xun Ziyang a few years ago.

I can say that he appeared suddenly and strongly proved that Xun Ziyang was the son of Mr. Li Yang.

This is strange.

Two completely strangers, will they suddenly and unswervingly trust each other to tell the truth?

What's more, how could Bai Chun'an come from such a simple background.

In addition to Xun Ziyang, even Bai Chunan's side, even the house servants were in the past, not even a newcomer.

Later, while investigating Xun Ziyang, they found more clues.

As for Mr. Li Yang, all those disciples said that before Li Ziyang returned, Mr. Li Yang also praised Sitai College as a good thing for the country and the people.

After the return of Xun Ziyang, the situation turned sharply.

In the world, how could there be such a coincidence?

Xun Ziyang's body has many secrets to dig.

But if she doesn't break the relationship between Xun Ziyang, it's really bad, and she will be ruthless.

The thing about Feng Chen is the best opportunity to cut in.

She is going to uproot Xun Ziyang!

Anyhow, when Feng Chen heard it, the corner of his mouth was cold.

"Where does he listen to others? In his eyes, only Xun Ziyang is the most important. The others are like grass and mustards, which can be casually discarded by him."

There is strong resentment both inside and outside the tongue.

Lin Mengya understood Feng Chen's psychology a bit.

At that time, he was beaten from heaven to hell.

If it is determined that Feng Chen was really wronged, then in the final analysis, it is because Mr. Po Yang did not believe his son.

When Bai Bai heard this, a little remorse appeared in his eyes.

"We can't change the past things, but there are still opportunities in the future. Feng Chen, our goals are the same, I hope that you can trust me for the time being."

According to Bai Shi'an, although Feng Chen has made all the troubles, he doesn't cooperate very much with anyone other than him.

Especially Bai Lu, no matter how good, Feng Chen will flatly refuse.

Even after Bai Luxun came in, she never said anything about the previous things. Obviously, she still blame Bai Lu.

If you want to pry open the mouths of these two people, you can only ask Lin Mengya, a person who has nothing to do with you.

She probably understands Feng Chen's current situation and sincerely pleads.

"I know that you must have resentment in your heart, but even more so, you must not let go of those culprits. God is fair. Bai Lu didn't believe you at the time and broke your leg. But he has been He was tortured by his heart all the time. Later, he was also betrayed severely by his friends. He tried all the pains you had that year. But some people are still intact. "

The look of Bai Bailu was getting weaker and weaker.

His intestines are now regretful, but unfortunately, whenever he saw Feng Chen's lameness, he felt more and more guilty.

Alas, his help, Feng Chen all refused, making him depressed.

晨 Feng Chen glanced at Bai Lu, his face was full of ridicule.

"Oh, now, he knows what kind of person he is," good brother "? These are all he deserves!"

She didn't hear even a little pleasure from Feng Chen's words.

I'm afraid, this is also a hard-hearted master.

If that's the case, she would be more sure.

"Yeah! So, we have worked harder. It was Bai Lu who broke one of your legs. Now, let him kill his bright future of his" good brother ", wouldn't it be better?"

Bailu almost did not cry.

Sumei is this because of his hatred? How can you poke him into his heart?

Ye Ke's words were very effective for Feng Chen.

"The girl Su Mei is very reasonable. Indeed, how can those things be an apology and can be written off? Yeah, Bai Lu, or that person, they trusted Xun Yang so much now, now it is time for them Also taste the heartache! "

"Yes! Isn't Xun Ziyang most valued for his reputation and status? In fact, the best way to retaliate against a person is not to let him die. It is to take away the most important things from him, just like how he took away Like everyone else. "

The hatred in Feng Chen's eyes was completely ignited by her.

Beside him, Bai Lu was faintly afraid of the woman in front of her.

Those words, if his words, can never be said.

虽然 Although he will not complain with virtue, he will never use such language to incite hatred.

"Feng Chen, you should experience it, human being is the worst and most terrible hell."

She doesn't know if the soul will reach the land or heaven after death.

只 She only knows that for those with strong hatred, the world is purgatory.

Hatred turns into a mountain of swords, a sea of ​​blood, a pan of oil, and people suffer in it and can't stop.

晨 Feng Chen's eyes became red, and he desperately restrained the urge to kill.

Yes! What she said is all right!

Why did he shut up? He should know everything.

Let the shameless person know that the things obtained by those mean means must be returned after all.

Still in the most painful way!

"Girl, as long as you can help me get revenge, I can all listen to you!"

I looked at Feng Chen, who was suddenly angry, and Lin Mengya patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, debt, only a little discussion is interesting."

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