Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1914: Old things

小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】, ♂ 小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】 ,

Looking at Feng Chen's embarrassed face, Lin Mengya knew that this matter could not wait.

那 "What about your adoptive parents?"

晨 Feng Chen's complexion faded, and there was a trace of sadness on his face.

"Three years ago, I was wronged as a murderer. My adoptive parents didn't believe I would do such a thing, and there was no way to complain. Presumably, the damage suffered was too great. Within a year, they had been killed. "

Nowadays, the key witnesses are either dead or forgetting what happened.

Indeed, it is too difficult to reverse the case.

If the Bai family presses Xun Ziyang to admit it, it will fall back on bullying.

But she always felt that Song Xing would never be for no reason, so she decided that Xun Ziyang was her nephew.

"Do you know how Xun Ziyang explained his life?"

I mentioned this, and Bai Lu, who was quiet as a listener, suddenly spoke.

"In addition to that bronze seal, Xun Ziyang also took out another piece of evidence in private."

Looking at the people in a room, they were all attracted to themselves, but Bai Lu was a little accustomed to it.

After clearing his throat, he continued to say, "That was a coat that was worn when the child of the husband was lost. It is also because of this that I will consider him to be the biological son of the husband."

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, and this one?

晨 Feng Chen froze for a while, then chuckled: "So, why didn't he take it out at first? Instead, everyone misunderstood that I wanted to rob everything that belongs to him?"

Xun is indeed like this, if Xun Ziyang took out that dress at first, it would be more probable that he was true.

She had read the file before she came.

If it wasn't for Feng Chen's attempt to murder Xun Ziyang, then the identities of the two of them would not have been determined so easily.

"Because the first night of the dispute between you two, Xun Ziyang took that suit to find me. He said he had no intention to fight with you. If you can be happy with your husband, he can always hide this secret and quit ... he also took out the clothes and told me that he really didn't want to make things bigger. That's why I think of you "

After the words, Bai Lu understands without saying Lin Mengya.

I ’m going to take a step back, and this sister-in-law, playing with a little white lotus, is also playing in the fire.

Xun first showed her uncontested attitude, and later framed Feng Chen to kill him, let alone Bai Lu. Even if she didn't understand the truth, I was afraid that she would be the victim?

But now, haha!

I really want to leave, how good is it to leave alone?

"Presumably Songxing, so why do you believe it?"

Xi Bailu nodded towards her, believing her words.

On the other side, Feng Chen was silent.

He thought that Bai Lu was indiscriminate and betrayed the friendship between them.

But now it seems that he is also deceived.

Lin Lin Mengya patted Feng Chen's shoulder, and sighed, "This kind of thought and means, you are defeated in his hands, it is not a loss."

Then she thought of the entry point.

"According to your words, at that time you were too scared and had a high fever, so your memory of childhood was not strong. I can be sure that Xun Ziyang must have got your tokens and clothes at that time. And then, he must Knowing all your whereabouts will come here to perform a big show after you are recognized by Mr. Li Yang. "

In fact, there is another possibility, that is, all of this may be the person who originally took Feng Chen's things, or even the person who deliberately abducted him.

However, what is the purpose of the other party so much trouble, even for ten years?

She didn't think that the stubborn Mr. Li Yang had such a value.

Xu told Bai Lu to protect Feng Chen, Lin Mengya and her three brothers, and returned home.

When she got home, she sent news to the people in the branch, asking them to check the birth history of Feng Chen's adoptive parents and Xun Ziyang.

My experience told her that maybe there would be some unexpected gains.

On the other side, she instructed Bai Shi'an not to pay too much attention to the old events of the year, but to concentrate his firepower and first solidify Xun Ziyang's murder.

The big guy will beat the water dog painfully only when the person collapses.

玩 Playing a public opinion battle with her is simply insulting herself.

Things are proceeding in an orderly way, even though there are people who spare no effort to spread the unfavorable public opinion about Gong and Bai, but in the state of frankness and unavoidability, the waves caused by them are also very small and can not affect at all. To the big picture.

These people are not stupid, Bai family still cares about their rations.

I am offended too much, are they going to drink the zephyr?

I looked at the rumors that were still hustle and bustle in the past few days. In the past few days, I had lost the original momentum, and Lin Mengya started to fight back.

I was the same restaurant I used to secretly meet with Bai Shi'an, but this time, they were very upright and did not avoid others.

Lin Lin Mengya sat upstairs and squinted at the busy people under her eyes, looking really good.

实 And Bai Shi'an, who had just entered the private room, saw that the woman was smiling like a shrewd little fox.

I do not know why, he could not move his eyes and stood looking at her.

Gao Linmengya noticed that someone was coming, rushed away at random, and said hello.

Sui Bai Shi'an was suddenly awakened, and some of them evasively avoided her sight.

Fortunately, the latter didn't pay attention to this, and did not find it.

"What are you doing?"

Xi Baishi anxiously remembered what he was about to say, and asked incessantly.

Gao Lin Mengya put down the tea cup in a good mood.

当然 "Of course, it's going to be revenge. What kind of temperament do you think of me? Will you be reprimanded after being scolded?"

When I mentioned this, Bai Shi'an really had some fear.

Don't look at the subject of the other person's revenge is never himself, but after watching a few times, he can be regarded as one

Don't mess with the girl Su Mei.

Otherwise, the dead without a burial place are considered light.

I don't know if this is a very alert principle, which became the basis of his life.

Subconsciously, he began to sympathize with those guys.

Soon, footsteps came from outside the booth.

Xiongong Er came in with a big grin, picked up a cup of tea at hand, and mumbled it.

"Sister, I have done all the things you asked me to do. These sour talents, I have long seen them displeased."

Lin Lin Mengya did not speak, but instead looked at the scene below with an interesting look.

In these days, in addition to the news in the city, she also asked the people in the hall to collect all the gossips and transcripts for her.

At this time, it is posted outside the restaurant.

And it says, the palace family is not without tolerance.

If the person who said these words could present evidence on the spot to prove that he was telling the truth, the palace family would immediately admit that they did not say something wrong, and would reward the other party with fifty-two silver.

If you ca n’t say it, then you are vilifying the palace family!

They not only have to tell the Bai family, but also sue the emperor to prove their innocence.

Don't think that your mouth moves, you don't have to be responsible for your own words.

She wants to let those sprays know that everyone is responsible for their own words and deeds.

After learning the truth, Bai Shi'an shook his head helplessly.

Not to mention that few of these people dared to blame the palace family in person, they said that the content of those rumors was copied by the palace family themselves.

If they are really wrong, can they let it go?

Isn't Su Mei's move really invincible?

Sure enough, after posting this notice, the most powerful group of people who had been busy in the past, but quietly backed out.

After seeing those words that were all right, after being completely exposed by Gongjiagong, my heart was suddenly faint.

Since I know so clearly, I must know who said these things.

This group of people began to panic. They were afraid that they would be remembered by the palace family and then retaliated.

I know that in front of the huge palace family, they are not even farts.

I was so frightened that this group of people who had frightened their hands and feet already had the courage to run.

But what made them desperate was that another notice was posted at the gate of the city the next day.

The content above is still what they say, but this time, even the time, place, and name are clear.

The Bai Family Guard's Da Ma Jin Dao stopped everyone who was out of the city, and will not be allowed to release until they have identified their identities.

This time, they really made every day irresponsible, and made the earth and the ground ineffective.

However, Lin Mengya ignored this group of people, but turned around and talked to Bai Shi'an.

对 "Yes, what happened to your brother?"

Although Lin Mengya investigated in secret, out of trust in her allies, she still handed over Bai Chunan's affairs to Bai Shi'an.

After all, this is someone else ’s housework, she is not easy to shoot directly.

Bai Shi'an heard the words, his face was bitter.

He shook the tea cup in his handshake and whispered, "Even if I beg you, can you give my brother a way of life?"

In his voice, there was an almost desperate petition.

Lin Lin Mengya raised her brow and asked, "Give me a reason."

"He, he is my elder brother after all"

"But he is not my elder brother."

Zhe Lin Mengya's answer was almost ruthless.

But Bai Shi'an knew that all this was his brother's own death, and he could not blame others.

For a long time, he sighed.

"Even if you don't do it, he can't live long. Your husband's moment almost cut off all his vitality. Now, it's just barely maintained."

This matter, she certainly knew.

In the hands of Long Tianyu, those who tried to work against her all paid the price.

Even if there is no one dead, they can't escape Long Tianyu's recovery.

In their enemies, those who can die quickly are already considered preferential treatment.

"Forget it, I won't mention it again. I checked all the people around my elder brother. Except that he accidentally made a friend of unknown origin a few years ago, there are no suspicious candidates. "

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