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Bai Shi'an is a smart man. He knows that he will continue to talk like this, only to let his elder brother die earlier.

Lin Mengya was somewhat different from Bai Shi'an. After all, Bai Shi'an did not make a very confused choice from beginning to end.

She has many advantages for partners.

He twisted his fingers, Lin Mengya also remembered the news from the division.

"What's your brother's personal relationship with Xun Ziyang?"

Xi Baishian thought for a while before answering: "My elder brother admires Xun Ziyang very much, but because of all these years, he has been keeping his body behind closed doors, and his relationship with Xun Ziyang is nodding."

"So, why did he guarantee Xun Ziyang?"

"To tell the truth, I didn't expect it, but I asked the elder brother that he was very supportive of Xun Ziyang. My elder brother has been asleep for most of these days. Even if he wakes up, he It is also a matter of refusal to talk about it. "

Looking at the sorrow between Bai Shi'an and Mei Yu, Lin Mengya also understood his mood.

He sneered softly, and then took a small bottle out of his sleeve.

"Each pill here will make your elder brother live an extra day in peace. I tell you the truth, if you have this pill, your elder brother will have a few years to live, and it will not be too painful to die. But if Without this medicine, after a month, he would be born to death. It is life or death, let him choose. "

Bai Shian took the medicine bottle seriously, and she was not grateful.

This is clearly the first line of vitality for Su Mei to his elder brother. In any case, he must let the elder brother live.

When Zheng was thinking about something, he was knocked outside suddenly.

"what happened?"

"Sanye, the girl's husband came, and said that it was necessary to pick them up."

At the first hearing that the man was here, Bai Shi'an's mood was slightly subtle.

When Zheng was thinking of inviting people together, the woman on the other side suddenly got up.

"It's been a long time since I came out. Presumably, the third master is still busy, so I don't need to bother and leave."

I could not bear the emptiness in his heart, and he nodded.

He came out with the other person, only to see the capable woman in front of him with no trace of extra emotions, like a kitten, revealing her softest and lovely side.

She walked down the stairs quickly, but the last two steps suddenly jumped down.

The man held her arms firmly and caught her all at once.

After a while, the woman looked up and didn't know what to say.

Miyaji, who followed him, gave the man a jealous glance.

But under the harmony of the women, the three still carried a family-like intimacy.

He stood in place, suddenly a little envious of Miyaji.

If He could also be a brother--

He was caught off guard by the sudden rise of thought.

I evaded everyone and returned to the box where they were seated before. Bai Shi'an covered her heart for the first time in over thirty years, showing a bitter smile.

His father often said that the Bai family were all infatuated.

Whether it is father, mother, or two brothers, there is only one person in mind.

That's why he didn't want to be like them. The pain of his father was not something he didn't see.

But now, his heart has lost its original laws.

It turned out that the men of their Bai family were destined to escape.

Lin Mengya, who knew nothing about Bai Shi'an's quiet admiration, was looking at her man in surprise at this moment.

Avoiding the crowd on the street, the trio of force can definitely walk sideways, and copied a short way home.

"What you said just now? Is 真的 儿 really taken over by you?"

In the face of the excited wife, Long Tianyu's heart was sore, but he still nodded gently.

"Great! I didn't expect Xie to move so fast."

Actually, she received Xie's reply a few days ago.

Yu Xin said that Yu Er missed her too, and because this is the first child, the situation is indeed a bit unstable.

And Xie's original plan was to send someone to her to raise a baby.

So when he expanded the power here, he brought 纭 er together.

She happened to be at Bai's house now, not far from Xie Yan's side.

My own man is as busy as a gyro every day, and he can come to pick her up in advance. There must be something urgent.

都不 She does n’t need to guess, she knows that 纭 is here.

He urged the two to leave, Lin Mengya trotting back almost all the way.

I just rushed to the yard, and I just met the girl who was led by two boys to visit.

"纭 儿!"


Xiao Xiaoyan immediately reddened her eyes, and rushed into her arms.

"Be careful!"

Lin Mengya caught the person immediately. Why is this little girl not paying attention!

"Miss, I miss you so much!"

My child hugged her, and shed tears.

Lin Lin Mengya clamored and coaxed people into the room.

I was probably wandering alone, and I was always cranky during pregnancy. As soon as I saw her, I took her hand and refused to let go.

Gao Linmengya soothed each other, and asked her about her recent situation with Xie Yi.

I learned that they were doing well, and she was very relieved.

For her, the younger sister-in-law is a little like her sister and daughter.

Although Xie 晗 was sincere to 纭 Er, she couldn't help worrying.

瞧 "Look at you, all of them are going to be mothers, and they still cry so much, I can't help you."

Jiuer immediately blushed, and her little hand gently stroked her belly that had just been curved.

As her mood stabilized, Lin Mengya started examining her body.

Gradually, she felt something was wrong.

She looked carefully again, and found that Yuner seemed to be thinner than before, and her face was not very good. She was worried and asked, "Is your pregnancy sickness serious? Is there anything unaccustomed to your diet?" ? "

Min Er shook her head, her mother went early, and later met the young lady, and she regarded the young lady as her own sister.

"The response was great a month ago, but this month, I don't have much vomiting. I don't have any appetite, but the doctor said that this is normal, so I don't have to worry too much."

"Doctor, is that true?"

Xu Wenyan said, Lin Mengya frowned.

Fearful that she didn't believe it, she explained immediately: "Well! That's what it really said. And this doctor is still a famous doctor invited by Xie Yiren. Since I had a pregnancy letter, he is looking after me. Only But half a month ago, he said something was happening at home, and Xie Yun let him go. "

Afraid to scare her, Lin Mengya didn't tell her the guess.

I just said that I wanted to see what she had taken recently to see if there was anything inappropriate.

Yuner has absolutely 100% trust in her.

At the moment, I asked someone to send in a fetal pill.

Lin Lin Mengya only glanced at what she knew and what the weight was.

Within the system, small medicines also reached conclusions in an instant.

She had a bottom in her heart, and began to ask the people responsible for taking care of her children.

"When did your wife, take these medicines?"

I can't wait for my son to be close to him. Naturally, I have to follow Xie Xuan's choices, or if he can trust them.

In addition to two capable personal maids, there are four other women in charge of her daily life.

Hearing Long Tianyu said, in addition to the things that he was using now, Xie He also sent the top ten cars directly to the palace house.

From this point, she is quite satisfied.

He is these six people before her now.

"Missing back, Madam started eating two months ago."

One of the maids was talking back.

Before they came, they all learned the lesson. They knew the person in front of them, but the mysterious young lady in the hall, so they didn't dare to be pretentious, and some trembled.

"Oh, I just ask, you don't have to be nervous."

Lin Lin Mengya did not know if she had been trained too much or was infected by Long Tianyu. In short, she is now raising her hands to reveal her position.

Of course, except for certain people.

"How is your wife's health now, are you all clear?"

"Yes, Madam is now a healthy fetus. Only recently, because of running around, she looks a little uncomfortable."

没 She did not speak, but stared at the expressions on the faces of several people.

After a while, she smiled slightly.

"Yes, that's right. 纭 儿 's situation is really good, and you can take good care of it. Since I am 纭' s sister, I will certainly not treat you badly. Take good care of her until the child is born safely, it is indispensable for you."

"Yes, thank you, Miss."

Twenty-six people are grateful to Dade, and it is natural that they will be more attentive when they are waiting.

She Ke Lin Mengya was just a tentative just now, when people left, she was sleepy.

She coaxed people to sleep, and quietly exited the room.

"Bai Su, come here."

I was in the courtyard, watching Bai Su, the two boys, pulled away by her own lady.

Bai Su knew that 纭 儿 came, the master must be happy.

But after seeing the serious expression on the master's face, a sudden rush was in his heart.

What's wrong?

"Before we get home, you look at 纭 儿. There are two foxes there, and nothing can be wrong."

Wu Baisu nodded in agreement, but she couldn't help asking: "Master, is there anything wrong with you?"

For a moment, a cold stroke crossed Lin Mengya's eyes.

"Hmm! I don't know who the poisonous hand was, but actually wanted to murder the unborn child. If Xie Xie was worried about Xie Er, he sent the person over. I'm afraid that on the day of production, my Xie Er will die Two lives! "

Zhe Lin Mengya's anger was soaring, and she felt more distressed to the child, and even more distressed.

Wu Baisu didn't have any jealousy in her heart, because she knew that no matter which one of them was, the master would still feel the same pain.

Because she often stayed with two babies, she hated those shameless people who deal with them.

A glimmer of cold light flashed, and both the master and the servant acted a murder.

"I'll pay attention, master, can my babies be kept?"

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