Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1916: Heart knot obsession

小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】, ♂ 小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】 ,

If it wasn't for her having medical skills and systems nearby, I'm afraid it would be difficult to detect her child's physical abnormality.

In fact, the medicine is to slowly weaken the fetus.

Because the fetus and the mother are one body, 纭 children will also consume the inside with the weakness of the fetus.

I waited until the day when the fruit was ripe, and I could not support her body for a long time.

This method, full Yin Yin.

I also lost that when I was with her before, she was well-conditioned by her body so as not to be harmed by the medicine.

But the only thing she can't guess now is whether the other person's calculations for 纭, go to Xie, or to herself.

Either way, those who dare to touch her will have to pay for it with their lives!

梦 In order not to let the young couple have a psychological burden, Lin Mengya concealed it.

Don't look at Bai Suping's mute silence, but he is extremely safe.

Lin Mengya was very relieved when she gave the person to her.

As for the six people she brought, they must be screened one by one, and they must be fully loyal to stay with her.

Fortunately, everything is too late.

Lin Mengya returned to the room late that night.

Chen Er relied heavily on her, and Lin Mengya also deliberately let her relax, so she asked two boys to accompany him, and several people talked lively all night.

As soon as I returned to the room, I saw the man sitting in a chair and looking at the book in his hand.

Knowing that she was back, she immediately raised her head and whispered, "Come back."

Lin Lin Mengya did not speak, but walked in front of him a few steps, hugging her neck.

The whole person is attached to his body, like a kitten.

Ji Long Tianyu noticed that she was not in a good mood and thought she was tired, so she stretched out her hand and gently stroked her back.

She buried her face in his shoulder socket, and the scent of medicinal herbs gradually made her feel calm.

"纭 纭 has been conspired by others, although there is still time to save, but it also hurts his body after all."

She said sullenly, but Long Tianyu's eyes were frowned.

In the eyes of everyone, she is really a strong person.

Even if she is facing the pressure, she can face it frankly. Few people will see her disappointed.

He knew, however, that the woman in her arms was nothing but flesh and blood, and her heart and heart were soft and hot.

I just want to protect my heart, I have to make myself strong and cold.

He has only one point, and even though he lacks the memory of the past, he can see it clearly.

Ji Ya'er's safety for those she cares about has almost become obsessed.

If someone hurts her heart, she must be crazy and endless.

Of course, he didn't find it so bad.

He just looked like he had a knot in his heart, so she became her inverse scale and died immediately.

"Anyway, we will always think of a way to cure her. Are you anxious, leave everything to me, okay?"

He coaxed her softly, but what he said was true.

Lin Lin Mengya sat up, her expression recovered.

"I can cure her, and I will protect her. Yu, I am no longer what I used to be, I already have the ability to protect the person I want to protect."

She was talking to him, but more like talking to herself.

Ya'er made his heart hurt, he was tough but gentle, and pressed her little head back into her arms.

"Well, you are the best wife, mother and sister in the world. No one is better than you."

Leaning on his shoulder, Lin Mengya closed her eyes.

Regret is regret in the end, and it is irreparable.

She must be stronger in order to cut off the black hands of those who are constantly reaching for her.

I could easily choke off a martial arts master's hand, but at the moment gently stroked her back.

The breathing sounds from the ears were even and long. Long Tianyu tilted her head slightly, and saw her eyes closed.

I was so asleep, I was so asleep.

I felt helpless in my heart, but the movements on my hands became more and more gentle.

He hugged the woman in his arms horizontally, thinking that because of the bright candlelight, her little face pierced his arms.

Nine Dragons Tianyu hugged the person to the bed steadily, and took off his shoes, socks and coat.

I turned and extinguished the candle, and followed it.

As soon as Ao was close to the bed, the man followed the heat source and nestled in his arms.

Xun Long Tianyu likes her subconscious dependence very much, her arms around her gently, only feel that there is no such empty feeling in her heart.

Her importance to him seems to be increasing day by day.

When he always thought that his passion for love had been fully exploited, he always had endless enthusiasm because of her.

If one day he loses her

Chen Long Tianyu stared at the top of the bed for a long time before he finally closed his sour eyes.

He will never allow this to happen, never!

She had a good night's sleep, and it seemed that her sleep quality was higher when "someone" was sleeping.

I can't help it, although her physique is stronger than the average person, she is cold.

Even in the hot summer, she rarely sweats.

It is now early October, and the clothes have been changed to thick autumn clothes.

But here, after all, she can't keep up with home, especially when she sleeps, if Long Tianyu is a big stove, she can always feel more comfortable.

It seems that I have to hurry up to finish things, it is best to get home before the early snow.

The matter between Feng Chen's adoptive parents and Feng Chen may take a few days.

But Bai Shi'an has new clues.

After taking the medicine back, I don't know how he persuaded his stubborn elder brother.

That night, the man took a pill, but didn't want to be wrong, and saved his life.

On the evening of the second day, Lin Mengya was taking two kids to eat food in the yard, a confidant beside Bai Shi'an, and hurriedly came over.

"Girl, our grandfather wants to ask you to go there, something urgent."

I watched the sweat on the man's forehead, and obviously the matter was really urgent.

I sent the two babies to my great ancestor, and Lin Mengya brought her second brother with her.

The three of them rushed to the Bai family at the fastest speed. At this time, all the people were concentrated in the courtyard of Bai Chun'an.

As soon as the man arrived at the door, he exclaimed: "Girl Su is here!"

Suddenly, the door was opened, Bai Shi'an hurried out, and even reached out to pull her sleeve, but was struck up by Gong Er in a stride to separate him.

Auntie's group of stink men, why are one or two of them staring at his sister?

Bai Shi'an was stunned, but did not care about so much, but gave up both of them.

Inside the house, there was a smell of blood and medicine.

Zhe Lin Mengya frowned, and inside she heard the sound of a woman crying.

"Father, if there is something for Grandpa, I will go with him."

The woman cried sadly, but it was really sad.

Bai Shi'an didn't even care about the eyes of the second knife, and lowered his voice and said, "My brother has an accident!"

What happened?

This is what Lin Mengya did not expect.

The three of them entered the inner room, and saw that the Bai family was almost there.

的 The person who cried just now is lying on the edge of the bed, crying and breaking his heart.

I didn't expect that the Bai family owner had invited the little girl from the palace family who was baba.

做 什么 What is this to do?


实 "Sean, why did the girl Sumei also come?"

In the face of Bai's doubts, Lin Mengya was trying to explain, but the woman who was crying sadly stood up suddenly.

"Sumei! You are Sumei? You still have face to come to our Bai family, my husband is all your harm! You return my husband, return my husband's life!"

Don't look at the petite and exquisite woman, but once angry, it is like a little lion.

He opened his teeth and danced towards her, and couldn't care to wipe the tears.

Where Eriya Palace saw her sister being bullied, but did not want to shoot at an innocent woman, she had to hide her behind her.

"I fight with you!"

With a crackling "pop!" She raised her hand and hit Miyaji's face heavily.

Lin Lin Mengya's expression instantly became cold, and she pulled her brother back and yelled: "I want your husband to die as soon as possible, you continue to fight!"

At this moment, Mrs. Bai's family immediately stood still.

Xi Baishi'an also quickly hurled her away and looked nervously at the two brothers and sisters in the palace.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! My aunt is too anxious, I will accompany you for you."

He did not expect that the most gentle and affable big **** usually turned into this picture, so he didn't hold it in the first time.

But all of a sudden, it was enough to startle him.

What kind of temperament is Su Mei?

He was afraid that this time, it would really dispel the glimmer of hope of the elder brother.

实 Bai Shi'an, with a pale complexion, regrets only biting his molars.

Lin Mengya snorted from her nose to check the injury on her brother's face.

"It doesn't hurt, it's okay."

Ji Gong Erji's answer did not want to worry the girl.

I was beaten in the face by a woman, Gong Er couldn't be angry.

Especially when the other party wanted to hit his own sister, that really offended him.


Mrs. Bai Family did not expect that things would become like this.

She was also in a hurry, and now she is a little helpless.

I felt that Bai's homeowner saw a few doorways and lowered his eyes to think for a moment before he said, "It's really not the case that the eldest daughter-in-law is right now. Take your elder lady out to rest."

Bai Shi'an immediately took out all the subordinates, as well as the grandma who had just caused trouble.

At this moment, there are only four fathers and sons of the Bai family in the room, plus brother and sister Lin Mengya.

But from now until now, Lin Mengya just reached out and rubbed her brother's face.

For other people, even half of the eyes are ungrateful.

After all, Bai's family couldn't endure her, and Bai Shi'an dared to speak again.

"Girl Sumei, I'm really sorry for the incident just now. My uncle did not mean to embarrass you, but my elder brother was too scared to get so sick. No matter what compensation you want, we are willing to bear it."

Bian Shian's words were sincere, but she calmed her anger a little.

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