Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1917: Something strange

小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】, ♂ 小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】 ,

In fact, Bai Shi'an is unlucky.

She was hitting her brother last night for the unhappy thing.

Actually, she was a little angry.

Seeing that her attitude was enough, she was not good enough to keep angry.

I retracted my hand, but did not see the dissatisfaction flashed on the face of the second brother.

Even though this hurt him, he really didn't take it seriously, but the little girl rubbed his face in person. What a great joy?

When he arrived, he started to look at every guy in the room, and he was a little uncomfortable.

"Compensation is not necessary, I'm not so stingy. However, Madame Bai's reaction was more than I expected."

For a moment Bai Shi'an suddenly realized the meaning of her words.

"Let's go out first, brother, father, I'll leave it to you first."

After speaking, the man hurried out, wondering what to do.

Compared with Bai Shi'an, Bai Hua'an feels that the relationship with this girl Su is more embarrassing.

But looking at the elder brother who looks like a paper on the bed, he gritted his teeth and said, "Girl, listen to the third child, can you save my elder brother's life?"

"He?" Lin Mengya glanced before shaking her head and said, "Heart pulse is damaged, there is no medicine to save."


Bai Hua'an was anxious, but the strange thing was that the girl just glanced at him casually and made him calm down immediately.

"But if you raise it carefully, it will still be a few years. If you are lucky in the future, there will be no joy or sadness, but you can still live to be old."

Suddenly, the two white men in the room who could still understand the words, hate their teeth.

This girl, won't you finish it all at once? How about scaring people to death?

But where do they know, Lin Mengya is revenge.

Humph! Is her second brother's face so good?

I must be accustomed to the nature of this goods. The two in the Bai family did not treat her with cold eyebrows.

I, especially the Bai family owner, probably abused his habits. He felt that the girl's "love-hate" little temperament was quite straightforward.

Alas, if the subject is not their home, it would be better.

"In your opinion, what happened to Chun An?"

Lin Mengya, who was embarrassed by her heart, no longer hesitated, turned and walked to the bed.

Bai Chun'an was pale and his breathing was very weak.

Gao Linmengya inspected it carefully before she said, "It's not a big deal, because the medicine he took just now conflicts with the medicine he used to take. The care and care you have taken these days will not die."

This is why Lin Mengya is not in a hurry.

I want to say that Bai Chunan is also blessed by misfortune.

的 The medicine she gave is actually a medicine that can be used to maintain the heart.

But Bai Chunan's body is a little bit bloody.

I took her medicine, and the congestion could spread slowly.

But the medicine she took afterwards had a conflict with her medicine.

But her medicine has always been overbearing.

This stimulus is to strengthen the medicine, not only did not poison Bai Chunan, but also washed away his blood.

Although Bai Chun'an has been sinned, from the results, it is still good.

Gao Linmengya knew it as soon as she smelled the medicine, but she was so dizzy that she couldn't reveal the filling.

The Bai family only felt that their mood was high and low.

Fortunately, they knew that Bai Chunan's life was worry-free, and they were relieved.

"But don't be too happy. Someone wants to start against Uncle Bai, and he almost succeeds. When you have time, you still want to find out this person is serious."

There is always a game between the two sides.

Zhe Lin Mengya's repeated eliminations have caused them to lose a lot of effort, and it is almost a success.

He was so anxious for the talents behind the scenes that he took the following measures.

I don't know, Lin Mengya opened her pockets long ago, waiting for these people to drill inside.

The white homeowner understood her meaning and sank a face.

"Since I want to kill my son, I will give some respect to you. Second child, you immediately let people thoroughly check your brother's yard, and go up and down, and turn it over for me! I do n’t believe it, I ca n’t find it There is a trace! "

Bai Chunan suddenly vomited blood after taking this medicine at night.

Bai's family was frightened at that time, for fear that Bai Chun'an would go there.

In everyone's mess, Kung Fu was ordered, and Bai Shi'an ordered his people to pick her up.

Her performance just now made Bai Shi'an understand that her elder brother must not be in danger of life, so she took a step ahead and investigated the matter before everyone responded.

The Bai family is not a straw bag.

Under the order of the Bai family owner, soon the entire Bai family and even Fengyuan City were blocked.

Zhe Bai's homeowner, Lin Mengya and others moved outside.

After the killer gave them tea one by one, several of them looked down, wondering what they were thinking.

"Father! Second brother!"

Xi Baishian hurried up, still pinching this letter.

"Look, this is a letter someone wrote to Dasao before! It's Su Mei who fabricated the elder brother on the letter. No wonder, Dasao would be so excited."

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyes, and it seemed that Bai Shi'an was not stupid.

Mrs. Bai's attitude was too strange, because when they clashed a few days ago, it was probably because the old man was afraid of involving his wife, so he sent the person back to his family.

She just came back yesterday, and this matter, anyone who knows the reason in the house will not put the responsibility on her.

So, this must be someone to provoke!

除了 "In addition to this letter, I found out that the cook who has been cooking medicine for her brother died in the firewood room. But before dinner tomorrow, some people saw her decoction for her brother!"

From dinner to now, but it is only an hour before.

But Ke's body seemed to have died for a long time. The cause of death was that his neck was broken, apparently by a master of martial arts.

In this way, it is obvious why Brother's medicine has a problem.

Lin Lin Mengya condensed.

I killed someone and threw it in a place like Chaifang, and faked the cook to decoction. The other party's actions were not perfect, and even a little hasty.

It seems as if time is too late to run and finish.

But it wasn't a temporary instigation to provoke Mrs. Bai's family, it was like trying to cover it up.

After all, what did she miss?

I thought about it, she always felt like there was something, she didn't catch it.

"No, no, Madam is missing!"


Bai Shi'an bounced up almost immediately and asked in amazement.

Mingming just now, he saw Dasao. Why did people disappear after such a long time?

I saw a maid, hurriedly came in, crying, and said, "Homeowner, just now the slave lady accompanied Mingda to rest in the room, but she didn't want her to leave, and the old lady was gone!"

"Have gone? I think it's a crime and absconded! What a poisonous woman! It doesn't matter if you kill my elder brother, you still use this kind of thing to lie!"

Bai Huaan said indignantly.

In the eyes of everyone, the strange and provocative letter must have been forged by the elder lady.

The person who is poisoned must be her.

I was just this letter, something she used to divert her attention.

I said, Bai Huaan is going to take someone to chase.

Lin Kemeng's brow frowned.

What's wrong!

外 Bai Hua'an and Bai Shi'an are two brothers outside the gate of Bai's house. Besides Gong Er, they each ride a horse and lead a group of people towards the gate of the city.

The people outside don't know what happened, but very few people came forward to join the fun.

Suddenly, the entire Bai family was empty.

The Bai family owner and Su Mei stayed in Bai Chunan's room. The rest of his servants all hid in their own room, for fear that something would happen again.

At this time, a figure, sneaking, sneaked into the backyard of the Bai family.

The man was very cautious, almost every step he took, he looked back a few times, for fear that someone would follow.

However, the man seemed to be familiar with the Bai family. He was familiar with the road and went to the front door of Neiku in the backyard.

Here is the place where Baijia stores the most precious things.

It was repaired but the copper wall and iron wall. If there is no key, it will be difficult for water and fire to invade.

But the man took out the ordinary key after confirming that no one was around.

With a "click", the door of Bai's inner library was opened.

The man rushed in immediately, and the door closed tightly.

"do not move."

In the darkness, a cold voice came.

The man was horrified, almost wanting to step back in an instant, but when he heard the sound of "嗖", he felt a pain in his cheek and his body froze.

The beacon ignited.

Then, there was Sumei's cold face.

Suddenly, as the fire flared, the people behind her also exclaimed.

"Second wife, how are you?"

In Bai Bai's private library, Mrs. Bai's second wife stood tremblingly in her place, and her cheek was tinged with red.

On the wall behind her, a long crossbow with a slap, the tail is still trembling.

If she was a little bit more inclined just now, she would definitely get into her head.

When I saw the father and the woman in front of me, Mrs. Bai's second wife immediately knelt on the ground and cried and said, "Father, I am also forced to do nothing. If I don't do this, my daughter will really be saved!"

In addition to shock and anger, the owner of the Bai family looked at the woman in front of her and had unavoidable heartache.

He is sorry for his son. If he knew that this matter had something to do with his daughter-in-law, what would it be like to feel uncomfortable in his heart.

Zhe Lin Mengya has not relaxed her vigilance, and the small dark crossbow on her wrist has been facing Mrs. Baijia's head.

Compared with Bai's owner, she is very neat.

"What are you looking for when you come here?"

Mrs. Er Er froze, apparently did not expect that her purpose was actually guessed by the other party.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the surprise in her eyes and couldn't help laughing.

"You are exactly the same as your simple-minded daughter, whether it is the evidence or the old lady who suddenly disappeared, is it all about trying to lead people outside?"

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