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She subconsciously stunned his palm like a kitten, but she had her own thoughts in her heart.

白 Here Baijia ’s private library, listening to Baijia ’s lecture, the collection of books here was collected by Baijia ’s family owners.

In this case, at least the owner of this map should know about the existence of this map.

But before she came, the Bai family owner did not disclose any information about this map.

Is he unaware of it, or does he feel that he might not notice it at all?

But she immediately rejected the latter.

算 Even if the owner Bai Bai determined that he could not spell out this map, it could be used as a hidden map in the private storehouse, or it would be disassembled in such a hidden way. It must be very important for the Bai family.

Then, if she was replaced with her, she would either move in advance; otherwise, she would not have the opportunity to touch these things at all.

You know, there are not so many absolute things in this world.

"I think that since this map exists in Baijia, then there must be other information about this map in Baijia."

"Do you want to ask Bai family directly?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, this is probably the most direct and effective way.

Wu Ke Long Tianyu's brow frowned slightly.

"Can the Bai family trust it?"

In addition to herself, the only person Long Tianyu can trust is her.

Lin Mengya understood what he meant.

家族 Every family has its own secrets. Even if she and the Bai family are now an alliance, once the secrets that are not wanted to be known are uncovered, I am afraid there may be a face turning.

He wasn't afraid of Baijia's turning his face, she was pure, hoping that he would have less trouble.

He fiddled with a jade buckle on his belt, Lin Mengya seemed more energetic.

"I naturally didn't fully trust them, but they should want to know more about the meaning of this map than we do. Otherwise, the Bai family's troubles will not end so easily."

Any family secret needs to be guarded by a strong tribe, that is the secret.

If the Bai family no longer exists, what's the point of that secret?

She can guarantee that this time the Bai family lost in a mother and daughter of Bai Chun'an and Mrs. Bai. Then, next time, I'm afraid it will be the disaster of the Bai family.

I believe in Bai's master, he will definitely make a choice.

After Haw had made up his mind, they returned everything to their place.

After cleaning it roughly, she turned off all the lights in the private room, and then took the white lantern left by Bai Shi'an out of the private room.

Outside, the sun is shining.

Unconsciously, they stayed there all night.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and Long Tianyu immediately held her in her arms and pressed her little face toward her chest.

刺 "Glare, you will come out of the room in a while."

Although this posture is a bit awkward, she chose to obediently, and let Long Tianyu take her half a hug and take him to the nearby house.

Upon hearing the news, Bai Shi'an came to the door and saw a petite woman, looking up from the man's chest.

The woman rubbed her eyes and seemed a bit difficult to adapt.

The man was not in a hurry, but held her little face tenderly, comforting her with laughter.

的 The atmosphere between the two people is intimate and intimate, as if by nature, no one can participate.

Suddenly Bai Shi'an's footsteps suddenly disappeared.

He stood at the door, even with the urge to turn away.

"Sanye Bai, you are here."

Zhe Lin Mengya's ears are as sharp as a cat's.

Squinting her eyes was finally able to adapt to the sun, but she still had to squint, so she could only see that Bai Shi'an was standing in the doorway, but she did not see the gloom that flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, Bai Shi'an quickly covered up his anomaly and came to the two with a smile.

"I heard my father say that you stayed in Curry and read the book for one night. I didn't expect that the girl was so well-known and knowledgeable that I was ashamed."

Lin Lin Mengya blushed about it.

She likes to see right, but apart from those medical books, her favorite is only some travel notes and talking books.

But now, obviously it is not the time to discuss this.

"I don't know what happened to San Ye, what happened?"

She asked those thieves.

The reason why those people had lost their resistance before was because of a kind of mystery that Lin Mengya personally formulated.

香 This fragrance is colorless and tasteless. It is not easy to detect in the air, and the effect is very strong.

I just mixed them up a little bit in the lantern that Bai Shi'an carried, and let those people win.

These people didn't know that there was a small organ inside the lantern.

Under the base, there is actually a small charcoal box. Mixiang is buried in that small charcoal box.

灯笼 No one can see what is covered by lanterns.

Those people just need to breathe in a little bit and they will feel weak.

As a result, Lin Mengya has strict control over what she configures.

实 Beyond surprise, Bai Shi'an admired the other endless methods.

He was a little short of breath at the thought of those people's hard mouths.

"I really disappointed the girl's kindness. Those people are still unwilling to say anything until now."

This is what she expected.

"Sanye, everyone has weaknesses. If you really are not afraid of life and death, you will not be driven by others. Instead of working on the idea in their stomachs, you should think of other tricks. "

"What do you mean?" Bai Shi'an looked at her in confusion, and the latter's face was the most gentle smile, but said the coldest words.

"They are in your hands, and someone will be anxious. So, we just need to wait and see."

These people are definitely not dead.

Their martial arts are not high, otherwise Long Tianyu will not be able to take a hit.

And among these people, there is no mysterious friend of Bai Chunan.

You know, although the man has a mysterious history, not everyone has seen him.

As the youngest brother of the Bai family and also the most unscrupulous son of the uncle, Bai Sanye once used the name of curiosity to introduce Bai Chunan to him.

And the mysterious friend also agreed to his request.

He is the side of this side, so that Bai Shi'an remembered the person's appearance clearly.

So, if anyone was in it, he would have discovered it.

"I understand what you mean, I will send someone to spread the news in the city immediately."

Bian Shi'an had to admit that Su Mei always maintained an extraordinary sense of reason in his deliberations.

He couldn't help but be curious. Is there anything in the world that can make this woman mess up?

After waiting for her eyes to adapt to the sun, Bai Shi'an brought them to the house master Bai.

After this rough night, Bai's homeowner seems a little better than before.

After all, these people have experienced too much, where they will be easily overthrown.

But now when he sees the two young men in the palace family, his mentality is a bit subtle.

I said it was jealous, but it was not so enthusiastic, it was envy, but after all, with a little unwillingness.

In short, he can understand it. Gong Qianfeng's old man is betting on Bao.

I look at him, but always fail at the critical moment.

"I've seen Bai's owner, thank you for your success."

Lin Lin Mengya took a step forward and performed a junior ceremony gracefully and naturally.

Even though a lot of things happened before, every step that the Bai family owner made after making her determination made her very satisfied.

Alas, she won't always hold it back.

The gaze of Bai's head fell on the woman in front of her.

I don't know why, obviously that face can only be regarded as a beautiful lady, but when I see it, it always makes people feel amazing.

As if under the thin skin, hide the unique style.

I was taken aback by this idea, and the owner of the Bai family shook his head.

Look at him, what are you thinking?

"You're welcome, this is the condition that I promised you, naturally it must be done. The situation of those thieves, Shi An also told me. We will do our best to trace the person behind the scenes, this time, thank you all."

"Bai Jiazhu's words have gone abroad. Now the two palaces and Bai are being restored. Many things still depend on Bai Jiazhu's support."

Bai's homeowner can only smile.

He didn't forget that the girl was sharp and aggressive.

Alas, how can this palace woman be so powerful one by one?

If he has such a granddaughter, even if he is not a relative, I am afraid that the Bai family will be able to take a new step.

such a pity!

The atmosphere was good, Lin Mengya thought about it, and said, "But when the younger was reading in the library, they were a little puzzled. I hope that Baijiazhu can answer for the younger. Of course, if this matter involves some secrets of Baijia, then Samui will never mention it again. "

After thinking about it for a while, the white master thought about what the girl said.

He sighed, bitter.

"You asked, I'm afraid it's the iron boxes hidden on the bookshelf?"

She nodded slightly, without rushing to ask.

"Actually, I don't know what the box is for. Because these boxes are only known by the house owners of previous generations. At first my wife was ill, and I hurried back to see her for the last time. As for These things, she went without an explanation. "

"But the junior heard that the first lady hadn't been entangled with her for many years? Why, wouldn't she even explain such a secret?"

When she asked this, the eyes of Bai's home owner dimmed immediately.

Still on the side, Bai Shi'an was afraid of raising the wounds of the old man and explained softly: "In fact, my mother's health was not very good at that time, but a famous doctor showed her the disease, and later said that as long as you find a rare medicinal material for medicine, I can cure my mother ’s illness. At that time, the situation was not good. After my mother was ill, the Bai family was shaky. Helplessly, my father had to go in person. However, after all, it was one step late. Later things, I ’m afraid you It should be heard. "

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