Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1922: Not accident

小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】, ♂ 小 ÷ 说 ◎ 网】 ,

这么 "So, when Mrs. Bai died, the owner of the family was not with him?"

Wu Bai'an's face showed a little helplessness, obviously the memories were still bitter for them.

She didn't mean to expose the scars of others, but all this is too strange.

I wondered, and she asked softly, "I don't know what kind of illness the wife got at the beginning, and what kind of medicine did the senior ask."

"My wife was over-thinking at the time, and worked hard for the Bai family. At that time, the famous doctor said that if I could get a good-quality white jade ginseng, maybe my wife would be saved. Hey, blame me only It ’s too slow, otherwise my wife wo n’t. "

老人 The old man who experienced the storm, but when he thought of his wife, he quietly reddened his eyes.

He is sad to remember everything back then, time can never be recalled, now want to come, regret is regret after all.

It was Lin Mengya's eyes that flickered, obviously thinking of something else.

"Does that doctor really want you to get a complete white jade ginseng?"

Bai nodded, but didn't think too much.

White jade ginseng is a kind of nourishing medicine unique to Wei Guo.

Because it is deeply rooted and grows only in a hard environment, the white jade ginseng it is dug will be more or less damaged.

However, because of its efficacy comparable to resurrection, and it is very suitable for tonic people with weak constitution, a well-preserved white jade ginseng is almost priceless in the country.

If at the time Mrs. Bai's situation were to look at, the doctor had no choice.

I ca n’t blame you, this white jade ginseng is not a master of the Bai family.

Even if I am a master of picking ginseng who has been on the mountain for decades, maybe I will only have such good luck in my life.

Bai Shi'an wanted to see the doubts in her heart, and explained quickly: "We are naturally not good at picking ginseng. I remember that my father ran several places to produce ginseng at that time, and asked many people, but he couldn't find it. It was the doctor who told us at the beginning that a small family had a white jade ginseng in his hands, and my father rushed over the night after knowing that it took a lot of effort to get this one. Speaking of which, the famous doctor told us The Bai family is as gracious as the mountain. I don't know how many times we have been saved for so many years. Without him, our family might be scattered. "

After listening, she suddenly burst into her heart and seemed to find the key point.

Madam Tong Bai needed an extremely rare white jade ginseng, which the doctor said.

He instructed them to find the man who was the doctor.

"Which lady doctor was there when Mrs. Bai was gone?"

Obviously Bai Shi'an didn't know the meaning of this question, but she subconsciously replied: "Of course, the famous doctor has a great relationship with our family. According to my mother, when she gave birth to the eldest brother, if it wasn't Famous doctors help each other, I'm afraid the older brother will die if he is born. "

I'm right, that's right.

As if the last drop of water was pouring into the lake water that was about to break the bank, those things that had not been noticed before, also quickly strung into a line in her mind.

If what she guessed was true, then this plot against the Bai family had begun decades ago.

最 The most terrible thing is that for so many years, the Bai family was not only kept in the drum, but was afraid that the Bai family was also used by their own enemies over and over again, almost to the point where they were hurt.

Seeing her eyes sullen, Bai Shi'an couldn't help but shake her hands before her eyes.

He didn't wait for him to do other moves, but was blocked by Long Tianyu.

"Don't make a noise."

With a little dignified warning, Xu deliberately let go of the voice because of the woman behind her.

Bai Anan could not help but withdraw his hand, and a lightness rose in his heart so that he was unaware of the jealousy.

There is always a bond between the man in front of him and the woman who is being protected by that person, and the intimacy can no longer be inserted by others.

But he was helpless besides envy.

Miscellaneous, almost unconnected things, gradually outlined the outline of the year in her mind.

She shook her head with some emotion in her heart.

On the other side, Bai, the owner who had returned from grief, saw her thoughtful, and couldn't help but ask, "Girl, is there anything wrong with these old things?"

Lin Mengya, who was named by the name, also knew that the Bai family had the right to know these things.

She eased a little, and said softly, "If the younger guess is correct, I am afraid that Mrs. Bai will not just die from over-consideration."

"what did you say?"

There are two fathers and sons in the Bai family, who share the same voice.

Gao Linmengya looked at their two equally horrified eyes and continued to say, "The junior was slightly familiar with medicine, and that night had once passed the uncle's pulse. Everyone said that the uncle was born with an inadequacy, but this deficiency may not be a natural disaster, but a human disaster."

If it wasn't for 纭 'er's abnormalities that caught her attention, she wouldn't unite the two after she noticed Bai Chunan's hidden wound.

The person who gave me medicine for her son hoped to get rid of her mother and son.

But if the other person just wants to harm the baby, just reduce the weight slightly.

Bai Chunan's body is like this.

其实 Every part of his body has not suffered any serious damage, but he is weaker than normal people.

In this way, he really looks like a weakness from the fetus.

However, this also shows that Mrs. Bai had not had any accidents during pregnancy. At least on the surface, it is indeed mother and child.

But why did Bai Huaan and Bai Shi'an have no problems after he was born after that?

Not only that, you should know that when Mrs. Bai gave birth to her first child, she hurt her body and was stronger than her first child.

Knowing the health status of your mother is crucial to your child's development.

More importantly, she has checked Bai Chunan's medicine to nourish her body before.

I actually have a lot of overlap with the medicine she gave to her, and the effect is almost the same.

I have to know that the medicine is specially formulated for the condition of my child and is not suitable for others.

She still felt a little puzzled at that time, but didn't think deeply.

From this point of view, this matter is a little strange.

She sorted out her thoughts a little bit, and put out the doubts she thought of a little bit.

"The doctor was honored by the Bai family because he saved their mother and son when the uncle was born. Suppose he has ulterior motives and hopes to gain your trust to achieve his own purpose. The body may not be accidental.

If, the uncle is undermined. Then it is not surprising that if his friend is involved in the doctor, he can heal the uncle's body. "

"Wait!" Bai Shi'an stopped her, her face unbelievable.

"All you said is just guesswork. Besides, the doctor saved our Bai family's life several times."

"Yeah, why is it him? Or how can he arrive in time for every Bai family accident? There is no absolute thing, but there are not so many coincidences."

看着 She watched the Bai family's expressions were unpredictable, and said what made her most suspicious.

"It was him who said that his wife needed white jade ginseng. He also said where can complete white jade ginseng be sold. When you return, he still tells you that his wife is ill. As if everything is in his hands. ,Is not it?"

Talking about her medicine that is hard to say, after all, it's about chan, and she has to keep silent.

But once she uncovered this layer, no matter how she looked at the doctor, she was very suspicious.


Bian Shi'an was also puzzled.

Xi Bai's family loves him so much that he has never doubted each other.

But now it seems that he also feels that something is too coincidental.

The white house owner narrowed his eyes and remembered the past in his head.

Seeing that they had begun to wonder, Lin Mengya felt relieved.

"I didn't mean to provoke it because I didn't know the famous doctor, let alone frame him. I just thought that everything was too coincidental."

Gao Linmengya knew that the Bai family would certainly not believe in her words alone.

Anyway, as long as they are in doubt, they will definitely check. On the contrary, it is easier than doing it yourself.

"Speaking of which, my wife died, it was strange."

I changed my perspective, and many things that I hadn't noticed before also surfaced.

Master Bai's brows frowned, and he whispered, "The reason why she fell ill was because there was a small plague in Bai's fief. At that time, we were at a loss, my wife worked hard, and was sick Down. Later, it was still this famous doctor who gave us a recipe for treating the plague, which brought the disease under control. "

In the memory of Bai Family Master, it seems that every time someone in Bai Family becomes ill, he is cured by the famous doctor because of various coincidences.

I was surprised. Someone broke his leg and caught up with the man to come to the free clinic here. He took the bone and got the medicine.

Someone ingested the poison by accident, and the person said that he happened to collect a very rare herb on the mountain, which could detoxify.

And that person was treated by the Bai family, a person of considerable weight.

Hey, why did every accident run into this famous doctor.

And every time, he was helpless by others, almost in despair, and he would appear like a savior.

"It seems that I am blind."

He smiled coldly, and the stars were angry in his eyes.

Zhe Lin Mengya knew that Bai's master would never let that person go.

In fact, the man has been playing with the Bai family in applause for a long time, but he ignored one of the most important issues.

There are many accidents. Someone will realize sooner or later that it may not be an accident.

And this person, even if it is not her, will be other people.

When it comes to saving benefactors, the first time may still be useful, but the second and third times are not so easy.

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