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"what happened?"

She wiped her hands and asked casually.

"What else could be the idlers in Fengyuan City. Those who read the book ran to the Bai family and gave a guarantee to Xun Ziyang, saying that he was absolutely wronged. And those warriors also went to the guard camp to accuse Bai Lu. He said it was a personal grudge of the communique. Hey, what does it have to do with them, in my opinion, one by one is full. "

For these people in the Bai family, Gong Er can't really look at them.

Without him, these people obviously have feet in their right hands, but they will not be self-reliant, and come to the Bai family to eat white food here.

Xi Pianbai's family had not been satisfied to support them, and they were still gesticulating on the host's site.

These things are not in their house.

I do n’t say other people, even if they are young, they all have their own things to do.

Xiao Xiaomei said, this is called distribution according to work. Those who don't work, wait to starve to death.

"This is the bitter fruit caused by the Bai family themselves, then they must bear it themselves."

In this case, she had expected it.

Xi Bai's family feeds this group of people, saying that white is for their own fame.

Maybe at first it was to strengthen Baijia's own strength, but in fact, it has a disadvantage.

It's too easy to get it, how many will cherish it?

They used to reach out and gradually developed lazy bones.

I do not believe that when the Bai family can't afford such a large amount of expenses in the coming days, these people will put their grudges on Bai family in the first time.

He said that this is the principle of saving the urgency but not the poor.

Eriya Gong felt that she was right, but he was still curious.

For example, why did the little girl instruct Bai Lu to make the matter bigger?

After hearing his question, Lin Mengya smiled and said, "Naturally, it is to force the people behind the scenes."

Seeing the second brother puzzled, she explained softly.

"Since Xun Ziyang was arrested, Bai Lu has actually exhausted all means, but Xun Ziyang is not doing anything. Don't you think, a little strange?"

"What's that!" Gong Er shook his lips and said: "It must be Bai Lu's torture without being tortured, like Bai Ziyang who has not suffered any serious crimes like Xun Ziyang. When he whip past, he must say everything.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head.

"The punishment for Xun Ziyang was the next best thing. Someone would say that the Bai family was tortured. They had missed it once in Feng Chen's affairs. If this is wrong again, Bai family is not to be discredited. It's that simple. "

The Bai family's own strength is not strong, let alone the palace family, even the withered home, it is a bit stronger than the Bai family.

But the Bai family has something they do not have in this family-the people's mind.

Compared with the traditional and old-fashioned family of honor and honor, the Bai family who chose to take the initiative to lower its profile and follow the line of the people is actually more popular with ordinary people.

如果 But if one day, the Bai family will become a mere existence of power and strength regardless of people's life and death. For the Bai family, it is no less than a disaster.

Therefore, the Bai family dare not bet, because once they lose, it is a complete defeat.

Fortunately, they were on a cliff and chose to ally with the palace family.

Hei Gong Er is actually thick and thin, but these twists and turns, he is too lazy to think about it.

"Where to rely on others, after all, their fists are tough. Little girl, what shall we do next?"

"We don't have to do anything, but now they demand that the original case be reviewed, not us, nor the Bai family and Feng Chen."

Hagiya Erji is a little confused.

这 "What's the difference, then?"

"The difference is big. If Feng Chen insists that he wants to rehear the original case, his qualifications are not enough. You should know that many people saw Feng Chen stabbing Xun Ziyang in person. He himself, He did not wash away his blame. In the eyes of everyone, he was still a "sinner."

Raising her eyebrows, she went on to say: "The sinner is not qualified, so what about the Bai family? The original case was broken by the Bai family. Now, the Bai family came to raise it, didn't it? It was against the white family's prestige. I'm afraid that everyone can question Bai's judgment, which is not a good thing. "

Hagiya Eriya finally understood, and patted his head.

所以 "So, you asked Bai Lu to spread the news in order to let those people take the initiative to file a retrial?"

She nodded, adding: "In this way, on the surface, it is those people who want to clear up their grievances for Xun Ziyang. The Bai family is nothing more than" compliance with the public opinion. "And in the process of retrial, everyone treats himself As a participant, it will naturally play a supervisory role. You must know that there are ghosts, but Xun Ziyang. "

Hagimiya patted her thighs on the 21st, smiling wildly and cheerfully.

"I said little girl, you are a wonderful plan!"

Lin Lin Mengya shrugged, what counted.

I was afraid that in this prison, Xun Ziyang would hate these good things.

"However, after all, the second elder brother has to stare at me in the past few days. There is absolutely no action on Xia Ziyang's side, and there are certain things I must figure out."

She squinted her eyes, covering the chill that ran deep in her eyes.

的 The contents of the letter she found on Mr. Poyang's desk can only be known to those who have been to the college.

Someone is lurking in secret, trying to be detrimental to the college. If this person is hidden among the doormen of the Bai family, she must be careful.

I couldn't leave the wolf, so the poisonous snake was attracted.

Her college must be clean.

He Palace 2 is also unambiguous, and in order to **** the Liao family, he brought a lot of manpower.

This group of people almost became Lin Mengya's personal strength, plus the staff of Zhenlongtang Branch and Long Tianyu left to protect her secretly.

I can say that if she wants to overthrow the city, she can do nothing.

Therefore, she must stare carefully, so as not to let intruders get into the college.

Xun Gongji went into battle personally, and watched the situation over Xun Ziyang day and night.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't have much time left, so she was secretly invited by the Bai family.

This time, there was no one around her, so Bai Shi'an volunteered and walked beside her.

"You said, Grandpa Bai wants to see me?"

She looked ahead, not paying any attention to Bai Shi'an next to her, flashing joy in her eyes.

"Well, after the brother is awake, he will see you by name."


She looked at Bai Shi'an, but the latter was a bit unnatural and avoided her eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe, it's my brother who feels guilty."

Ashamed? She doesn't think so.

Bai Chunan is a stubborn person. The evidence was thrown on his face at first. Isn't it still dead ducks who don't admit it?

It's a bit guilty for me to learn now, don't you think it's a bit late?

I wanted to think so, but she followed Bai Shi'an and went to the courtyard of the white house.

The first one to be greeted was Mrs. Bai.

She was not robbed that day, but the maid finally found that she was stunned and thrown into the firewood room.

But compared to the last time of sorrow and anger, this time Mrs. Baijia saw her with guilt.

"Girl is here."

"Hello Madam."

Her face greeted as usual, her attitude was just right, just like the stranger she met for the first time, polite and alienated, but it was impossible to pick out the slightest mistake.

Madam Wu was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head, so she had to say, "Uncle has been waiting for you for a long time, please come in."

"Mrs. Lau is here."

She followed Mrs. Bai and entered the bedroom of Uncle Bai for the second time.

In fact, she is a woman, and it is not appropriate to enter the bedroom of the family.

Last time there was a lot of people, but this time it was because Uncle Bai's family couldn't get up at all.

Mrs. Bai Bai and Shi An'an both were afraid that Lin Mengya would mind, but the latter face was sinking in water, without any tweaking at all. She could not help but think that she was really a villain's heart.

Mrs. Wu opened the door of the inner room, and on the bed, Uncle Bai was leaning on the soft pillow, his look was a little complicated.

Especially after seeing her, only remorse was left on her face.

"Girl Su."

"Uncle Bai is good."

Xi Baichun'an tried to find even a trace of anger, pride, or other expressions that should appear from Su Mei's face, but was disappointed.

Her smile is perfect and her eyes are impeccable.

Even the Uncle Bai family couldn't help but want to ask her, why he failed so much, why she didn't have the consciousness of being a winner at all?

What a pity Bai Chunan didn't understand is that in Lin Mengya's eyes, he never regarded Bai Chunan as an enemy.

He is not her virgin, but he is not qualified.

"How many days have you been used to living, Su girl?"


Xi Baichun'an was choked for a moment, but then he realized something and smiled bitterly.

"The previous thing was that I was wrong. If the girl is blame, blame me. It is I who knows no one and is fascinated, only to do all kinds of wrong things to the girl. As long as the girl can forgive me, I am willing to be anyone, even if I die . "


Mrs. Xun Bai was startled, and stopped quickly.

Uncle Bai's eyes seemed decisive, and he seemed to have made up his mind.

As soon as Mrs. Bai looked dark, she suddenly turned her head and covered her mouth.

Bai Shi'an also looked at his eldest brother with a restless expression, and his face was very weak.

Lin Mengya sat next to her and drank tea.

白 Is this Bai family's self-talk problem, afraid it is not hereditary?

She didn't say anything yet, okay?

The atmosphere is sullen and sorrowful.

Uncle Bai's family is agitated and desperate, waiting for her final sentence.

Lin Mengya frowned slightly.

The two of the Bai family could not help but have a hang in their hearts, and they are finally here!

As long as Su Mei asks, they will do it anyway.

The woman put the tea cup aside, and the lips of the cherry blossomed slightly.

我 "I said, can you bring me a cup of scented tea?"


Bai Chun'an was a little hesitant and stared at her in confusion.

I saw the girl smiled a little embarrassingly, pointed to the tea cup and said, "I never like to drink bitter tea, I always drink some light tea and scented tea at home. This tea in Guifu is really good It's a pity that I'm not used to it. Can I change it? "

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