Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1933: Who is the cardinal

Zhe Lin Mengya heard that she actually nodded her head and said, "They are not here, and the two of us said, naturally they don't count."

The man thought she had given up and just wanted to show the winner's smile, but she heard the crowd near the front row. Two middle-aged people who were very ordinary in dress but elegant but said, "I'm here. Here, I do n’t know why Xiongtai is impersonating the faculty members of my college? "

The two men came forward together, saluted toward Bai Cheng, and then stood on the side of Lin Mengya.

One of the men in Tsing Yi looked at Cong Zong and said, "Brother Cong, when I said goodbye, I missed Brother Cong very much. But when I didn't want you and me to meet again, it was so beautiful.

Wu Congzong was a little panicked, looking like a ghost, looking at the man in front of him.

The man in Tsing Yi also didn't want to waste his words with this kind of ingratitude, but turned his head and looked at the man who was inexplicably broken leg.

"Sir, I am Ma Xingyuan, who you say lives on your left."

The man immediately nodded and said in a hurry: "Yes, yes, you are Ma Xingyuan. You like to wear blue clothes, I remember you!"

He didn't want him to say this, and Cong Zong's face changed.

"Ma Xingyuan" pulled his own placket and said with a mockery: "It seems that someone really has good intentions."

He turned to Bai Cheng and took something out of his arms.

"The big leader, in fact, the student just made a joke. I am not Ma Xingyuan, but Qin Su, who is responsible for teaching chess. This is the student's article, which can prove the identity of the student. If the big leader does not believe it, you can go Any one of the families with students in the college to check. Our dean gave each family a portrait collection with portraits of each of our faculty members. It should be too late to cheat. "

Bai Cheng took over his manga.

In fact, there are his portraits and appearance features on it, and it does say Qin Su.

And from now until now, there is simply no time for counterfeiting.

Bian Baicheng suddenly understood the twists and turns.

He returned Qin Su to Qin Su, his eyes were frozen like ice.

"So far, you haven't recruited me from the truth? In this case, first play twenty boards and see if he tells the truth!"

Bian Baicheng guards the distance of Fengyuan City, and his power is quite deep.

In addition, he is a general and he has his own murderous spirit.

The man was nothing more than a market rogue, where the enemy could withstand his coercion.

Suddenly kneeling on the ground, crying for mercy: "Please beg the leader to forgive me! Small, small is not deliberately fake! It is him, Cong Zong said that if the small can come, give the child fifty-two as compensation Little is also greedy for a while, so he will be fascinated! "

As he cried, He caused another commotion in the crowd.

But this time, it was for the Cong Zong group.

Zhe Lin Mengya stood still in her spare time, not caring whether the situation was in her favor.

From beginning to end, she is easy-going, not flustered.

Su Congzong suddenly had an illusion. From the beginning, she was completely informed.

And in her eyes, she is just a clown jumping beam!

A thorough frustration made him feel a pain in his chest and a sweet smell in his throat.

A few good things squeezed out of the crowd, and a look at the guy who cried a lot of tears and snot, but cursed with a smile: "Isn't this the waste of the old Song family in Dongjie? Song Ergouzi, when did you become Are you Mr. Teach? "

"Hahaha, I don't know a few big characters, and I'm still a gentleman. What can you teach? Dice or bridge?"

As Song Ergouzi's identity was confirmed, all the accusations before Cong Zong became a joke.

Lin Mengya knows this best, even if only one of them is fake.

But as long as she is pulled out, they will be suspected.

What's more, what they say is false.

Everyone looked at Congzong and their group with skeptical eyes.

They are all guessing what their true identity will be, apart from that Miyaji Goko.

The situation reversed in an instant, but Cong Zong refused to give in.

He slumped his neck and yelled, "Even if everyone else is fake, what I said is true. You also said that you interrupted my hand!"

But Lin Mengya sneered sneerly, took a step forward, grabbed his two bare arms, and yanked hard.

Cong Zong, who was not prepared, flew forward, Lin Mengya immediately flashed over and avoided Cong Zong.

But in his sleeve, two perfect hands were stretched out!

Under all eyes, all the lies of the Cong Zong were made known to the world.

"Oh, I didn't expect Mr. Cong to have the ability to regenerate his limbs. I admire him very much."

Lin Lin Mengya threw away Gao Fang's artificial limb, and now she no longer needs anything to say.

The puppet crowd boiled again, and numerous insults smashed on the group leading them to Cong Cong.

Sting them, they can never turn over again.

I played this trick in front of a master of medical science, huh, huh, did she see through the other when she first saw him?

Ignoring these losers, she looked straight at Mr. Li Yang.

The latter is now pale.

His reputation has long been ruined with these people being exposed.

"Sir, do you understand me now?"

He looked at the opposite girl a little bit.

Decades of persistence broke down at this moment.

He really felt it now, his reputation was destroyed, and he was repeatedly whipped by words.

And all this is his fault.

Lin Lin Mengya just stimulated him, and he stopped.

She is not the poor Mr. Poyang, but this person has no longer to rely on.

His fame, apprentice, and even his own son, will be separated from him for life.

There is nothing more sad than this.

And this is the price he should pay!

The chaotic scene was quickly suppressed by Bai Cheng's people.

Bian Baicheng rubbed his eyebrows, and until now, he has nothing to say.

The evidence is conclusive and irrefutable.

He knocked on both sides of the original defendant, thinking after a moment of thought, and said, "Things have been found out, the previous things are nothing. Mr. Li Yang, what else do you want to say?"

The latter shook his head and sighed.

"All my husbands listen to rumors, and I am a teacher."

He made a long bow to Lin Mengya, and the latter accepted it safely.

Because he owed it to the palace family.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be so wronged against the palace family."

Mr. Li Yang's personal apology is more useful than any clarifications they have made.

Since then, no one will attack the palace family with this incident, and the rumors will not be broken.

Lin Lin Mengya did not want to be ignorant, but she would not let her family suffer.

She turned around and said to the crowd: "How about the palace family, how the Sitai College, only those who really know it, are qualified to evaluate it. We need to work together to recruit the wise men in our college. But if only People who easily leave the rumor and leave will be better off. We don't need people who don't believe us. "

Within the crowd, those who have just given up a heart of disengagement bow their heads in shame.

几个 Several people walked out of the crowd automatically.

Everyone sees that these people's clothes are much stronger than ordinary people, and they are gentle and elegant, and they also carry the scholar's book gas.

"Yes, although my dean is straightforward, our college is indeed worth it."

He said, he took out a piece of paper he was holding in his arm, smiling like a spring breeze.

"Here is the enrollment brochure of our college. It is the recruitment notice on the other side. You may wish to take a look first. I am the Zhengzheng of Sitai College. No matter what you have, you can come to consult me. Welcome to know Come, join our big family! "

Xi Xuezheng's warm invitation eased the atmosphere.

Gao Linmengya exchanged a vague and quick look with the students, who quickly attacked and turned a lawsuit into a large-scale job fair.

This unfolded, even Bai Chengdu was a little dim.

怎么 Why does he always feel that he seems to be calculated?

But he looked suspiciously at the crowd.

The time is set by him, the place is set by him, and the person is also found by him.

哪 What's wrong with this?

Seeing that her purpose had been achieved, Lin Mengya could not help but grin in her heart.

I just want to hit the iron while the heat is on, so that the Gongjia and Sitai Academy can become famous.

Look at the hall.

The men were taken care of by soldiers in the guard camp.

Especially the clump who was lying on the ground and didn't breathe a little bit, and since then he not only became notorious, but also had no way to harm anyone.

"Ahem, girl, let your people converge."

Bian Baicheng lowered his voice and said, Lin Mengya nodded, and only waved his hand. Those who had only handed out the flyers immediately lowered their voices and said sorry, and said that they would distribute them in front of Bai's house for a while.

The crowd slowly quieted down.

Wu Baicheng watched as the matter came to an end and knew in his heart that it was time for him to end.

"Cong Zong, Mr. Po Yang, what else do you two have to say?"

Mr. Li Yang shook his head. After a while of work, he seemed to be a lot older.

Suddenly, Cong Zong didn't come up because of the breath just now. Now he is rolling his eyes. Where can I spit out a word?

如此 "So, then I decide."

面 His face became majestic again.

"Su Mei sued Mr. Li Yang for insulting the palace family. It was found that it was Mr. Li Yang who had listened to the rumors of Cong Zong. Without verification, it was not appropriate to abuse the palace family and the Four Thai College without permission. He is old and has apologized to the palace family in court, and will not be punished separately. However, if the palace family wants compensation, the commander will support it as appropriate. "

He looked at Lin Mengya and said gently, "What compensation does the palace family need? Just say."

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