Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1934: Well prepared

Seeing that the balance had been tilted completely to her own side, Lin Mengya was naturally not polite.

Well, this compensation is not as simple as gold and silver jewelry.

A "kind" smile on her face, but it seemed cold.

"In fact, our palace family is not unreasonable, but the impact of this incident on our palace family is too bad. The reputation of many generations of our palace family will be the biggest loss if it is destroyed. . "

Xi Baicheng was a little upset.

Even though she hasn't had much contact with the righteous daughter of the palace, just a few times, he labeled her "not easy to mess with".

I thought in my heart, but I couldn't say anything on my face, so I had to follow her.

"Let's go, I won't ask for any compensation for money, money or things."

She rolled her eyes and looked at the two of them: "In this matter, Mr. Li Yang was deceived by others, and there is no excuse, so I hope that starting today, you will write a monthly praise of the quality of my house Pure, praises for the festival, just stick it at the gate of the city. "

This request is really shameless!

But she is not finished, she said again: "Requires fluent writing, beautiful language, unlimited style, poetry, song and fu. You must be genuine, sincere, beautiful, and not fake. Mr. Liyang, should you be able to do it?"

Mr. Li Yang's face looked like he swallowed five hundred cockroaches.

He never dreamed that since there is such a brazen person in the world!

But what can he do?

I could only bite my head and agreed.

Bian Baicheng didn't understand these cats, but it was only when Su Mei put water in her heart that she felt that Nizi would be a man.

"Anyway, you writers, don't you like writing articles the most? It's not difficult, not difficult to write one article a month."

Mr. Yunyang and his students who were present were all green.

But now that the dust has settled, it's too late to say anything.

"As for you."

She glanced at Cong Zong and sneered, "You can rest assured that I won't kill you."

声音 Her voice was softer than that of ordinary women. Now her tone of voice has slowed down, and it is softer like the spring water of March.

But let Cong Zong have the illusion that Ling Chi was slowly being.

"I'll let someone take you back to your master's house, hit the gongs and drums, go all the way, sing all the way. Let everyone in the world know what kind of virtue your master is."

She just wants to make a big noise, and she wants all the families to see clearly.

Gong Gong's family is long gone now!

Where can Congzong be willing to go, he knows that the other party's move is to humiliate the Baili family.

If yes, if those people knew, he would die terribly.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and he passed out completely.

Can't wait for Miyaji to get the news, he rushed over with people.

Squinting at the miscellaneous pieces, he ordered someone to quickly lift him away, so as not to make his little girl look upset.

I have dealt with these two people, and today's affairs can be considered to be over.

After the two conflicts were temporarily gone, Bai Cheng's attitude towards them was much better.

After Xun appeased Lin Mengya and their party a few words, they let them go back.

In Zhefu, Zengzu had already learned that the juniors of his family had won a great victory.

To be honest, since returning from this girl, they have given them too many surprises.

Such a small victory now is nothing.

But what touched him most was Yaer's maintenance of the palace family.

His most thankful thing is that he always upholds the house rules of the palace family. He doesn't regard Yaer as only one thing, but he is really genuine. Accept her, take care of her, and treat her as a family.

Now, he has truly felt that the palace family is like a dragon returning to the sea, and there is no longer a half of the sorrow of the stranded shoal.

"Father, young lady and second master they are back!"

I have been waiting for Lian Bo's cheerful briefing in the porter.

Before I entered the door, I heard Miyaji's loud voice.

"Happy! Little girl, you have a way. But, what are they doing to write those sour poems?"

Hagiya Erji felt that it might be better to have some real money.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and shook her head.

"In the past, our palace family was good, that was good in the bones. Jiuxiang is also afraid of the alley. How many people can know the goods in this world? Mr. Liyang is the most serious and old-fashioned. Even if he writes praise, It ’s a bit rigorous. In this way, there will be more people who believe. What good things our palace family has done, everyone will gradually understand. ”

"Yes! Why do n’t you keep your name for good things, or my little girl is clever, why ca n’t I think of it? Otherwise, I will let the third child write something when I go back. In this way, people all over the world will know that our house is good It's up! "

She thought the proposal was good.

She wants the palace family to become a hub that is related to the fate of the whole world. Such a momentum is indeed essential.

When she was in college at that time, in order to earn living expenses for herself, she wrote soft articles for many public accounts and websites related to medicine.

Now, it can be used.

They are talking right here, and the great ancestors jokingly said, "Look at you two brothers and sisters, but it's just a little victory. How can you be so happy?"

Eriya Gongji touched his nose, and immediately recounted the young girl's appearance in the hall today.

What he said was spitting and frowning.

In the end, Lin Mengya really couldn't handle the long paragraph of praise, and hurriedly stopped her second brother who was blowing her brainlessly.

He was always a cause and effect, and his great ancestors understood it.

In his heart, he hated the shameless group of Cong Zong, and at the same time he had some doubts.

"Yaer, how do you know those people, they will definitely bring up those two gentlemen?"

Lin Mengya did not sell Guanzi, she said.

In fact, everything, but also from the day they searched, the two letters seen in Mr. Poyang's house.

At that time, Xun Ziyang had an idea, nothing more than to hope that before and after the death of Mr. Po Yang, the two letters were found "inadvertently", so as to know the "viciousness" of the palace.

With the death of Mr. Li Yang, this life will be remembered on the head of the palace. Moreover, when people die, they can no longer go to court and go to court.

The contents of the letter should be more than what Mr. Poyang knew.

But she was sure that once the two letters were sent out, the fame of the palace family was ruined, and Sitai College did not want to open it again.

After a while, Xun Ziyang put herself in jail, and she cured Mr. Xun Yang again.

He signaled that as long as she overthrew what Mr. Poyang knew, everything would be self-defeating.

Even if Xun Ziyang came out, he was useless.

After all, Cong Zong and his party had been broken up by her, and Mr. Pu Yang acknowledged the mistake on the spot.

A few days later, when things broke out for Feng Chen, she completely pulled out Xun Ziyang's minions. Who would believe him at that time?

Moreover, she knew that she had sued Mr. Li Yang, and those people would not miss this good opportunity.

From the two letters, she guessed who was in trouble.

After adding that, the people in the hall kept staring at Mr. Li Yang's mansion and those who had close relations with Xun Ziyang, and they found out where they were hiding.

Wu Congzong probably felt that he had only seen them a few times and could not recognize who he was.

I was thinking about the crowd, and maybe I would panic, maybe I wouldn't let them insult?

So I collected the materials in situ, and found a few local gangsters to work together as masters.

After she learned of this, the people in the division invited the gentlemen who were with them at the fastest speed.

最 The most characteristic of this is the Ma Xingyuan who is happy with Tsing Yi.

After all, Wu Congzong has been away for so long, and when he was in office, it was not pleasant to see Mr. Ma secretly.

Therefore, he will surely let his subordinates write down the characteristics and names of Mr. Ma for good evidence.

I didn't want to, Lin Mengya guarded him.

Sure enough, a little try, revealing the horse's feet.

This lie is really clumsy.

But she also determined from this incident that the conglomerate is definitely not a conspiracy carefully prepared by Xiancheng.

The work style of Wuxiancheng has always been fierce and the means are superior, and there will never be such a big leak.

In this way, the people behind them are not so clever, and may not even be led by the Baili family, but they can't be related to the Baili family.

Who the **** is it?

Xuezheng, who was already prepared, and his elder brother, Sange, could be a busy man in Fengyuan City tonight.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't like to worry about these trivial things, she simply entrusted them to the three brothers, and waited for me to do something, she came out and settled down.

After a long day in the day, she was a little tired.

I bid farewell to Zengzu and my second brother, and returned to my room.

It didn't take long for Lu to enter the door, and Long Tianyu also followed.

I can't help but look at her lazy, but the man just raised his lips and said, "Go, Madam, Xianggong will take you to a good show."

Watch a show?

She was wrapped in Long Tianyu's large cloak, standing in a not-so-obtrusive corner on the tower, looking out of the dark city, and faintly watching the candle-lit city.

"Do you want me to watch the stars with you this big night?"

She covered her mouth, yawned, and lay more freely in his arms.

She is soft and full of feelings, even though she is regarded as a mattress, but Long Tianyu is as sweet as a bird.

He tightened his cloak and covered it tighter before he put it in her ear and said, "Don't you want to know, who is the one who secretly calculated you?"

"you know?"

"Well, you'll know right away, don't worry."

Looking at this man selling Guanzi, Lin Mengya was even more curious.

What kind of temperament her own man is, she couldn't be more clear.

He can make him so excited, can he be an acquaintance?

After a short while of work, two or two silhouettes appeared on the streets of the city.

She could not help but be shocked, opened her eyes and looked carefully.

The figures kept pouring out of the alley, and then gathered together silently, it seemed like an appointment.

After a while, they came under the gate.

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