Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1935: ungrateful

These people act quickly and have clear goals.

But the city gate is closed and there are night guards patrolling around. If you want to run this way, you ca n’t fly.

Due to Long Tianyu's rare attitude, she worked very hard to distinguish these figures.

But a few of them wore capes and couldn't see clearly.

The rest is really strange.

Until she saw a man at the back.

The upright figure sitting on the horse's back was different from those in front of him in hiding, this person always looked unhurried.

Although she could not see the five senses clearly, she felt inexplicably familiar.

After all, where have you seen it?

I don't know what the reason is, they didn't hide or hide, but came straight towards the gate.

Suddenly she felt a little pain in her earlobe and turned her head to glaring at the one who bit her.

I saw the man's eyes dark and faint.

"Who are you looking at?"

"Looking at the people below!"

"Do not stare at any one."

"It was you who brought me here to show me."

"I didn't make you look so focused!"

Zhe Lin Mengya rolled her eyes, and this vinegar king has become more and more crazy recently.

Fortunately, she is in a good mood today, too lazy to have such a boring argument with him.

I rubbed the tortured earlobe. In order to reassure this careful eye, she asked quietly: "The last one on the horse, do you look familiar?"

Xiao Long Tianyu hadn't tasted her small, white jade-like earlobe. People just glanced and said, "I don't know, but this person's martial arts are good."

"Have you fought?"

"No. Just looking at this group of people, his horse is the most stable."

She doesn't know anything about equestrian, of course, she can't see that much.

It's just that the more she looks, the more familiar the person is.

But before she looked at it carefully, conflict broke out below.

The group of people who just arrived under the gate of the city could actually take out the token of the Bai family and let the moat guard temporarily open the door.

他们 They didn't want to be obedient at all, they waited while the city guard was unprepared, killed them by surprise, and forcibly opened the gate.

I didn't want to wait for the weapons to come out, and suddenly two teams came around.

The torch illuminated the entire gate.

Those who think they are godless and unaware of the ghosts, but at this time find in despair that they are still surrounded by songs and there is no possibility of escape.

I walked out alone.

In the flames of fire, the beard on the man's chin was no longer just romantic, but with three points of disappointment and anger.

He walked step by step and walked towards the man in the center.

Haw lifted his head, and the flickering fire in his eyes was full of pain.

"Jia Rou, is that how you repay your uncle?"

What are you doing, Bai Jiarou?

Lin Mengya, who was upstairs when she heard the news, was also a bit surprised.

Not to mention that Bai Jiarou's little temper that cried with tears and burst into tears.

With her white lotus to Qi Bi's head, could she have planned these incidents?

Seriously, is it that people are unrecognizable or are they shot?

"Three, uncle"

The timid voice still cried a little.

If it had been in the past, where would Bai Shi'an be willing to treat his little niece the most.

But facts speak louder than words.

Xi Baishian looked at the woman coldly, wearing a black cape, with a bucket hat.

In his words, the love and affection between his uncle and nephew had long been lost.

"Uncle San is very disappointed in you. Since you were born, the top and bottom of the Bai family have regarded you as the pearl of the palm. Whether it is me, your grandfather, or your uncle and your father and mother, you are so fond of you, why do you want to Betray us, betray the entire Bai family? "

I was betrayed by my own daughter as my own daughter's child.

The woman in the middle of the crotch opened the bucket, and a clear and thin face appeared in front of Bai Shi'an's eyes.

"Uncle San, I have to do it. I know you hurt me, but you will definitely marry me to someone I don't like. Uncle San, I can follow your opinions on everything, but this matter has affected my life. I can only be so happy. "

If she is not a witness, with the plea of ​​Bai Jia's soft tears, Lin Mengya will surely regard the Bai family as old feudal parents.

But the Bai family is not. Even for the indifferent granddaughter, the Bai family can come to her to force marriage regardless of his face.

Although she severely rectified the Bai family, she knew that the Bai family had been kind to Bai Jiarou.

Instead, Bai Jiarou is the most selfish one.

Bai Shi'an did not expect that Bai Jiarou was so shameless.

收 He put away the last bit of affection in his heart and raised his eyes again, it was cold.

"Now you dismount and follow me back to confess your sins. I can also plead with your grandfather and spare your life."

Bai Jiarou bit her delicate lips, she should not go back! Never go back to that terrible place!

Alas, no one will think for her, no one will stand by her side.

"No! Third uncle, please don't force me! Please let me go, just after that, will the Bai family no longer be me?"

泪 Her tears were rolling, a small face was already extremely pitiful.

But in the past, the uncle who loved her so much, never saw any compromise or tenderness.

"That being the case, then I am not at all polite! The moat guard listens to the order, Bai Jiarou colludes with outsiders, which is not good for the Bai family. These people must stay. If you resist, kill them in the same place!"

The cold night breeze brought his firm killing intention to Lin Mengya's ear.

看着 She looked at Bai Shi'an, who was extremely decisive tonight, with a look of admiration in her eyes.

Sure enough, she was right.

Compared to Bai Chunan, who is relatively simple in mind, and Bai Huaan, who is stable and practical, Bai Shi'an is actually the jade hidden in the corner.

I only had no chance in the past, and he also intentionally hid for family stability.

If Xun Ke followed her back to the palace house, he would definitely have the opportunity to flex his muscles.

"If Father Bai Family knows, the intestines must be repentant!"

She's a little smug. The Bai family doesn't know about them this time, but it's a big loss.

She not only got a library of books in her mind, but also the "hostages" who went back with them, all of whom were the most valuable talents in the entire Bai family.

I can say that she is equivalent to robbing half of Bai's private property.

The scuffle below is very fierce.

Those people are holding Bai Jiarou to block the sword everywhere, making the Bai family moat guards tied hands and feet.

After all, Sanye said so, but Bai Jiarou is still their young lady from Bai family.

How can they kill the Lord if they have no last resort?

But ants can kill elephants.

Eventually, those in black are getting fewer and fewer.

The remaining few people, while controlling Bai Jiarou, formed a circle and confronted the closer and closer city guards.

As the flame approached, she finally saw the looks of that great person.

How could it be him?

Just a moment, she burst out of Long Tianyu's arms.

The latter didn't respond. When she noticed something was wrong, she saw that the woman had returned again.

"Long Tianyu, fast! Let's go now!"

Her eyes were shining and she was very excited.

Chen Long Tianyu knew that it wasn't the fights of those people that attracted her, but one of them.

No matter who this person is, it makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't think as much as he did, and now he was full of eyes and was surprised.

Under the city gate, the victory and defeat have been divided.

Those in black are outnumbered by others, die much more and live less.

Only the last few, relying on the strength of one of them, barely supported.

Bai Shi'an looked coldly to this day, still obsessed with her niece.

If Ruofei was merciless to her guards, she was afraid she had died hundreds of times.

At this moment, she just shed tears and begged him constantly, hoping that he would let them go.

I don't know why, he just felt that Bai Jiarou's tears were really cheap.

Every time she was aggrieved or wanted something, she would use tears to achieve her goal.

For a long time, anyone will be annoyed.

Perhaps, like some people, they should try their best to fight for the right way.

He parted with God briefly, but found that he was still thinking about someone who should have been thinking about it for a long time.

He shook his head. He was inspiring and was trying to get the guards around to kill him. He could only hear a clear voice outside the crowd.


I do not know why, but the man in black who fought fiercely was shocked.

The long knife in his hand was immediately picked up by the moat guard, and he stumbled to the ground.

But he had no time to worry, and his eyes were very excited, staring at the direction of the sound.

I saw not far away, a man and a woman came together.

The two entered the encirclement and stood in front of Bai Shi'an.

"Sorry, Bai Sanye. This should be your family affair, but I really can't stand by."

The woman was so elegant and graceful, but her voice was much lower than before.

The dark eyes of the young man in black were difficult to hide his disappointment.

But now that he has no weapons, he can only escape.

Bian Bai'an glanced at it, knowing that the situation was set, and instead took it seriously and looked at the woman.

"Mrs. Su, why are you here?"

He was intentional or unintentional, ignoring the person standing behind her.

What a pity, that man has too much momentum.

Even if he didn't speak, he would have to notice him at that stop.

"I came, hoping to take someone away."

Bai Shi'an was somewhat surprised.

"Oh? Who?"

"it's him."

She pointed her fingers at the depressed tall young man in the crowd.

Bian Shi'an also saw it, but it was a little embarrassing.

姑娘 "Girl, it's not that I don't help you, but these people are the culprits who framed my Bai family, and I can't let it go."

"I know, you can take everyone around, but he alone, I hope you can leave it to me. I promise, I can clean everything in his stomach, how?"


Bian Shi'an was very skeptical and looked back and forth a few times on these two people suspiciously.

I did n’t mean he did n’t believe in Su Mei, but it was strange that this man suddenly ran out to ask someone.

"Misunderstanding Bai, I don't want to let him go. I can guarantee that he will never be the mastermind!"

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