Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1936: Siblings meet

When she spoke, Bai Shi'an and the young man in black both looked at her in surprise.

Nine Dragons Tian Yu's gaze followed her closely, a little doubt appeared in her eyes.

She seemed to know nothing and walked in front of Bai Shi'an.

"I guarantee with the reputation of the palace family, Bai Sanye would not sell me a face?"

Bai Shi'an's heart sank, and his look was a little complicated.

He thought that no one except Su Yan would get her extra favor.

He didn't want to, that man had such a blessing.

A little jealousy and a little envy made him have the urge to reject her.

But before he could say anything, he kept pressing his tongue.

After a short while, he spit out a word just as if he had given up.

"Okay, but I have to take him back to the guard camp first."

I was as if afraid of her dissatisfaction and added a few words.

"As long as he makes things clear, I can stay without regard."

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it and agreed with his approach.

After all, she can trust this person, but no one knows why.

She walked to the young man in black and comforted softly: "Just tell the truth, don't worry about other things."

The youth had dark eyes with deep alert.

Lin Lin Mengya stunned his nervous look and shook her head with a smile.

She raised her wrist to reveal a small dark crossbow on her wrist.

The part of the bracelet was engraved with a small green bamboo.

When the young man saw this, he couldn't help but panic.

Only the two of them understood what it meant.

"You have to be honest, you know?"

The young man was excited and wanted to say something, but he restrained himself firmly.

However, in a blink of an eye, all of his emotions were converged, as before, as indifferent as before.

But his eyes looking at Lin Mengya were much softer.

He took a step back and Lin Mengya left the youth to be taken away by Bai Shi'an.

She has been standing in place, looking far in the direction of those people leaving.

I waited until the person had completely disappeared, and then she looked back, wondering whether she was happy or sad.

Long Tianyu, who has always put her mind on her, has long noticed her wife's mood and seems a little excited.

He stepped forward and circled people in his arms.

"Can you tell me, who is he?"

She looked up, but her eyes were red.

"Yu, he is my elder brother, dear brother!"

It was a big surprise for her to meet Lin Nansheng here.

For a long time, her people and Yu's staff have been searching for the traces of their brother and father.

How can I find nothing like a needle in a haystack.

I didn't expect to meet my brother by accident this night.

She really can't wait for a moment. I just want to ask if my brother has been doing well these days.

Waiting, always anxious.

Zhe Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu did not go back, but instead found a hotel close to Baijia Zhaiyuan to stay first.

She stood by the window on the second floor, her eyes fixed on Bai's direction.

"Rest first, Bai Shi'an will definitely send you someone intact."

Chen Longtianyu knew that she missed her brother very much, but there was still a little pantothenic acid in her heart.

It seems that in this world, in addition to the two abominable little guys at home, there must be another person to share her attention.

This is not a good thing for him.

Leaning in his arms, Lin Mengya only felt that her heart was fluctuating.

I just want time, hurry up.

I waited until the sky was bright, she didn't know when, leaning in his arms, the two huddled together on the small couch by the window and slept over.

"What time is it now?"

爬 She got up, put her chin on the window sill, and stared blankly at the door of Baizhai.

"It's still early, go to bed first, I'll ask someone to ask."

He said, Long Tianyu picked her up, placed it gently on the bed, and then walked out of the guest room.

But she waited for a long time and did not see Long Tianyu return.

I had to put on my coat and walked alone to the first floor of the inn.

Because of the early hours, there are few outsiders.

She was sitting in the hall, drinking her tea made by her buddies, and only felt that this minute and a second were extremely long.

Is there any accident?

She rubbed her eyebrows, and thought it was impossible.

All of them were caught by the Bai family, and because of her relationship, Bai Shi'an probably would not punish his brother.

So, what else can I worry about?

I can flow quietly with time, Lin Mengya just feels more and more uneasy in her heart.

Anyway, Yu should give her a message.

Why has n’t he come out yet?

She got up and wanted to go to Bai's house to check the situation.

Suddenly, there was a **** smell in the nose, and the direction was the room upstairs.

Did they get hurt?

Lin Lin Mengya ran to the second floor immediately, and her blood was getting stronger and stronger.

Suddenly she opened the door and saw three people in the room.

"Yes, Yaer?"

I know her voice choking, with a little suspicion and surprise, shivering with her name.

Lin Lin Mengya felt that her eyes were so hot that she rushed into her brother's arms.

"It's me, brother, I'm Yaer.’

"My sister! I finally found you, let my brother see if you were injured."

Zhe Lin Nansheng was also almost crying with excitement.

He hugged his younger sister tightly, feeling her warm and lively temperature, only at this moment, even if it made him die, he was willing.

"Brother, how are you?"

Lin Lin Mengya also burst into tears and was busy looking at her brother's wound.

I saw a very deep wound on his right arm, blood, already soaking the surrounding clothes.

"What's going on? How hurt?"

She was so distressed that her brother was not injured yesterday, and the wound was also extremely deep.

But Lin Nansheng didn't seem to care about it. He looked at his sister without blinking, for fear it was just a dream.

The face of the woman in front of her eyes is completely different from her sister in memory.

But there is only one point, those water eyes, always caring about their own concern.

When he first entered the barracks in that year, the confused girl, as it is today, was crying with tears.

Sure enough, she is his sister.

"Okay, it's just a small injury, it doesn't matter."

He gently wiped the tears on her cheek, feeling that the skin was really different, and then he completely let go of his heart.

In my opinion, my little girl is easy to tolerate.

"Who hurt you? Bai Shi'an? Or other people in the Bai family?"

Lin Lin Mengya's attributes of protecting the calf are definitely passed down from the palace family.

Now my brother is being hurt under her eyelids, which is challenging her bottom line.

Long Tianyu, who was touched by her anger, could only honestly answer: "They were hurt by the lurking inside the Bai family. Fortunately, when we arrived, the elder brother was safe and sound."

I am the little thieves again!

Lin Lin Meng Ya hated her teeth instantly, this is the rhythm that forced herself to do things.

"Well, is he, Your Highness?"

Zhe Lin Nan Sheng was a smart man.

Especially in the case of Lin Mengya, it is a keen presence like the radar of the Shennong system.

Xiao Long Tianyu's eyes were soft, at least nodded more tenderly than watching Bai Shi'an's expression.

For a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Especially Lin Nansheng, no matter how long, he always felt that the man who took his sister seemed to be quite abominable.

What a pity, this man went several times and saved his life.

This unwilling energy, I'm afraid he needs time to digest.

He followed Long Tianyu to save people, and was a close guard behind him.

In order to protect his brother, they decided to let the dark guard find a way to take him back secretly.

The matter of the palace family, as well as what she looks like now, always needs an explanation process.

She watched An Wei help her brother, disappeared around the corner, only felt the breath in her heart, finally dissipated.

But then her eyes turned cold.

This account, she wants to get it back after all!

"What's going on with the Bai family?"

Chen Long Tianyu stood behind her, and also followed her, looking at the Bai family who remained motionless.

"The Bai family was poisoned inside the house last night. If it wasn't for Bai Shi'an who took someone out last night to ambush, I'm afraid that the Bai family is now an empty house."

He seems to want to destroy the door.

Squinting watching the plot break down, so want to fight hard?

This is a life-threatening method, and it is almost going to make them succeed.

"Bai family, finally the means is still too weak."

She frowned with frost, and she didn't know when she was in her blood.

Like a scimitar just out of the sheath, he was about to move, trying to take human life to calm his own Pentium's killing intention.


Nine Dragons Tianyu thought the same way.

She chuckled a smile and said lightly: "Since they can't bear it, I will do it myself."

In Wucheng, the mice hiding in the dark corners, but unaware of the end, have quietly arrived.

In the palace of Xiong Gong's family, the third person in the second palace, who was alarmed, is in the main hall, waiting for Lin Mengya's return.

Wu Anwei was intentional because Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu had never thought of hiding the palace family.

I just, a few people fully respect Lin Mengya.

Since she didn't return, no one took the initiative to go to her yard to look at the injured young man.

But the palace family all know that she is not a bodhisattva heart.

Or in other words, when dealing with those who don't care, her feelings are indifferent.

I can only say that she also values ​​this person very much.

For a while, countless thoughts hovered in the hearts of several people.

But the answer can only be revealed by her.

As soon as Lin Mengya stepped into the door, Lian Bo, with a worried look, greeted the main hall.

"Are they the great ancestors?"

The latter nodded his head and stopped talking.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled at Lian Bo calmly, but could not help speeding up.

By the time she arrived at the main hall, the three had changed a cup of tea.

"Sister, you are back!"

Gong Er, who narrowed his eyes, called anxiously.

Suddenly, the other two people also looked at her.

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