"What the **** is going on with the people in your house, do you have a good relationship again?"

Hegong's second mouth did not hesitate to say anything, and after finishing speaking, he gained a bunch of white eyes from his family.

His great ancestor was almost laughed at by him, and he couldn't help but curse, "How can you say your sister like that, I think you're missing a fight!"

Nian Gongji shrank his neck immediately, apparently unwilling to remember when he was run by a great ancestor, holding a burning stick and running all over the courtyard.

The third palace is much stronger than the second palace. He put down the tea cup and asked with some worry: "What is his injury? Would you like to ask a doctor?"

Zhe Lin Mengya shook her head, hesitated a little, and said, "Actually, he does have some relationship with me. Great ancestor, I once told you that besides me, my mother has a child."

The three men in the palace family were shocked, and their great ancestors guessed the identity of his brother.

"You mean, he is your brother."

"Well, that's true."

To be honest, she was a little upset.

The Xun Palace family accepted her so quickly because she was a girl and the only person who could inherit the house owner.

But her elder brother has no idea.

After all, the palace family does not lack men, and she cannot guarantee that her brother will accept the palace family.

傻 "Stupid child, in this case, then he is the man of our house. I don't know if his injury is okay. Go and ask your uncle for some good medicine. Don't delay his injury."

"Yes little girl!" Gong San's brow also opened a little, and his expression was much easier.

既然 "Since it's your brother, that's our brother. What do you need, just speak."

Hagiya Ni nodded again and again.

"I heard you say your brother's martial arts are not bad. If they are all in the same place, everyone can still learn from each other."

What a fool, she became her now.

She never dreamed that her family would accept it so easily.

With the urging of two brothers and great ancestors, Lin Mengya was sleepwalking and was pushed out of the main hall.

She looked back and looked at the three people who were busy and went to get medicine for her brother. Her nose was slightly sour.

"Long Tianyu, I think I'm really lucky."

She sighed quietly, but Long Tianyu gently touched her head.

怕 This girl is afraid that she will never know. She exhausted her life for the palace family and almost killed her life. She also wanted to keep the palace family safe, which has long moved everyone in the palace family.

The reason why they will accept Lin Nansheng is because of her.

Not only because she is the homeowner, but also because she has been integrated into the palace family, and treats the palace family completely as her own family.

She planted good cause, and now it is her good result.

He rubbed his eyes, Lin Mengya only felt that her steps were much easier, and she led people to her room.

Wu Anwei is still outside, but the blood is not so neutral.

刚 As soon as she opened the door, the seated person bounced.

I saw it was them, and then quietly relieved.

"Sister, what is this place, but is it safe?"

Compared with the young heroes who used to be handsome and powerful, Lin Nansheng now has a more calm and restrained temperament.

穿着 He was wearing coarse clothes and his face was a little darker than before, making him look more like a river and lake ranger.

However, every effort is made to reveal elegant culture that is different from the sloppy rivers and lakes.

She remembered last night, that the figure on the horseback, the waist bar was always straight, and felt that the major general who was crowned the capital of Beijing had never lost his pride.

After all, he is still mature and more like a father.

Zhe Lin Mengya hurriedly found out the medicine for the wound, and while he was healing, he said briefly about the palace family.

Later, when mentioning the family's welcome to his brother, the brother's eyebrows frowned and finally stretched out.

She bandaged her brother carefully and was sure there was no problem, so she asked, "Brother, father and you, what happened?"

When he mentioned his father, Lin Nansheng's eyes darkened.

Clenched his fists, some sadness and pain can't help.

"It's all my fault! If I weren't so useless, my father wouldn't"

"Father, isn't he dead anymore?"

She only feels a heart, and it's so painful.

That's her blood-fed father. Even though she was negligent at first, she has already let go.

After all, his father didn't love her, but he used the wrong way.

"I do n’t know. When the rebels struck, I and my father went back to Jin and worked with His Majesty. But I did n’t want the rebels to be menacing. Our soldiers could n’t resist it. Later, my father I disappeared for no reason overnight. I was busy fighting against the rebels and stabilizing the army. I had no time to take care of it. After that, the country broke down. I thought my father had arrested them and followed the rebels to a large ship. It took me years to get to a strange place here. Later on the dock, I ran away. Relying on the martial arts of this body, I worked in a dart board. Last night, it was a dart board that the dart board sent me. I didn't expect to meet you here. "

My father disappeared for no reason.

I found the joy of my brother and was cooled down all of a sudden.

Maybe his father would die silently in the chaos, or maybe he, like his elder brother, went to an unknown place.

In short, she must not give up without getting certain information.

"Don't worry about it, my father can't let you go. I think he is like me. No matter what happens, he will find a way to survive."

Lin Nansheng comforted, but fortunately Lin Mengya is very human.

Since she has made up her mind, she won't go to the horns.

He turned to worry about his brother.

"I already told my great ancestor, he said that you are welcome to come back to my house with me. Brother, would you like to go back with me?"

I tell the truth, his sister's request, of course, he could not refuse.

But he also has his concerns.

After thinking for a long time, he refused her.

"Ya'er, since the palace pays so much attention to you, I can rest assured that you are here. But I am an outsider after all, I can't make you embarrassed. Rest assured, since my brother knows you are good, there is no worry. If I want If you are, go and see you. If you have been wronged, your brother will take care of you. "

After all, my brother is still afraid of involving her.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't know if she should cry or laugh, this is her brother, who has loved her since she was a child.

She doesn't want her brother to continue to run around and ask for life on the blade.

But Lin Nansheng's temper also carried the stubbornness belonging to the Lin family, and he refused to let go.

不是 He doesn't want to live with his sister, but the palace family can accept his sister, but he may not accept him sincerely.

He didn't want to make his sister suffer even a little grievance for any reason.

While the two were talking, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Xiao Long Tianyu went to open the door himself, but saw Zengzu, and led Lian Bo standing at the door.

"Girl, I'll send you medicine."

Zhe Lin Nansheng's expression was somewhat restrained, but he stood up and saluted the old man at the door politely.

The latter looked at the young man with a smile and seemed very satisfied.

"It is indeed a child of our family, so good no matter where. Children, you work hard."

Xu Xu was because of Gong Qianfeng's tone of love, maybe because the palace family's attitude towards Lin Mengya made Lin Nansheng grateful.

虽然 Although he moves stiffly, his attitude is not so alienated.

Qiang Gongfeng can see at a glance that this child is just like Yaer, who values ​​affection and is a good child.

Although He is a grandson who has never been seen before, he is very close to his eyes.

"Okay, it's all one family. Just sit down, I asked Gong Lian to find some medicine for blood, don't forget to eat."

As soon as I was concerned, Lin Nansheng's attitude softened even more.

虽然 Although he didn't talk much, he naturally showed the respect of his younger generation.

Qiang Gongfeng just heard some of the words of their brother and sister, beckoned, and let Lin Mengya come over.

"Girl, I heard it outside. Your brother is a good guy. He wants you to have a place to live in the future. Don't blame him, don't force him. Good boy is in the Quartet, what he did is right of."

Lin Lin Mengya was unwilling.

I finally retrieved my brother, she naturally was unwilling to separate.

Lin Linsheng heard the old man say so, but his look was a little complicated.

Qiang Palace Qianfeng didn't understand, it was just pretense.

"Nan Sheng, right?"

Lin Linsheng nodded and sat quietly in a chair.

Even though his face was pale, he still showed a firm calm.

Qiang Gongfeng can see that this child is a general who is more like a general than a second child.

"I know you want to start a career so that Ya'er can be more confident. After all, she hasn't lived in the palace family since she was a child. Now we can get along well, but not necessarily in the future. Only you It's her only hope, am I right? "

I was pierced by my heart, but Lin Nansheng didn't have any shyness.

He just looked at his own sisters and gentlemen gently. The little powder dumplings eventually grew into a woman.

He was reluctant, and even thought privately that if she could never grow up, she would live under the wing forever.

But he was so powerless that she had exhausted all the suffering in this world.

After all, he couldn't help her.

"But Gongjia is not such a person. We truly accept Yaer and take her as part of Gongjia. Even, we can entrust her life to her. She is not only Your sister is my great-granddaughter and my family. "

The words of my great ancestor were sincere and simple.

Even a man like Lin Nansheng who has gone through a turn of events can't help but believe eight points.

越 The more he experienced, the sharper he was at distinguishing between truth and lies.

But he thought about it more than Yaer.

"Thank you for the care of the elderly. Yaer is a very good girl. Since she can treat you as a family, I can't stop it. There is something, I hope you can promise me."

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