Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1951: Back to the palace

Brother Sisi could not leave the palace, but he sent someone to meet him.

After seeing the acquaintances, the guards of the palace family were also very excited and felt that they had finally arrived home.

Everyone's mood is infected, and they are all smiling.

The two babies also got out of the carriage and let the familiar uncle guard take the horse with them.

Yuner returned to the palace with her, and she also felt like going back to her family.

And recently she feels that the child is becoming more lively, and everything is going in a good direction.

After a few days, they were escorted by a group of escorts to the main city of the palace, not Yecheng.

They didn't tell anyone this time. They thought they would quietly handle things. Who knew that there would be so many things in the future.

In the early morning, the family and the people who learned that they had returned victoriously gathered at the gate of the city and looked forward to it.

He looked at the distance constantly. He acted calmly in front of others, but he was actually a little nervous.

People who came back before said that the younger sister would bring back a person this time.

I also deliberately accounted for not telling him in advance.

He has been meditating for several days, and has not guessed it.

However, she can make the young girl take it so seriously.

Horse carriage, drive slowly.

The first four men saw the two boys sitting on horsebacks, and the two boys missed him, and they shook their fat little arms and shook their necks and shouted, "Four grandma! We are back!"

He smiled and took the two boys, one pinched his small face.

The two little guys giggled, and Mo Yan broke free of his hand, went inside the team, and pulled a young man out.

舅舅 "Four 舅舅, this is the new 认识 we know!"

He did not dare to speak loudly.

After four glances at the young men in the palace, they guessed seven or eight points.

It's no wonder that the young girl paid so much attention to it, probably Aiwu and Wu. He also had a good opinion of the "brother" who first met.

"When you get home, take a good rest. If there is anything, I will talk about it later."

Zhe Lin Nansheng was a little nervous, but felt the kindness of Gong Shi to release him, and nodded immediately.

The concubine team was ushered up, and the servants up and down the palace house stood at the door and welcomed them with joy.

He and his party were surrounded by the inner hall. These days, the house was empty, and they also became bored.

After all, most of the young and old are back, and they are naturally beaming with joy.

Those who were attentive had not stood by Lin Mengya to feed water and food.

The rooms in Yun's family were cleaned up, she still lived in her Dongyuan. I'm going to live with her for physical reasons.

As for the older brother, because of his brother's name, he lives with him.

After eating and drinking, Lin Mengya first went to bed with her two piglets, and then returned to the main hall.

At this time, through the story of Gongsan, Gongsi already roughly understood their experience.

Compared with the elegant and elegant palace three, palace four obviously can see the mystery more clearly.

"Looking at this situation, that Mr. Poyang is also designed for others?"

Zhe Lin Mengya nodded and said, "We never know who the person behind Xun Ziyang is, but I know that the other party must be strong."

Some insider information, for the time being we can't get it on the bright side.

Chen Longtianyu is planning what, although she is not completely clear for the time being, but she can't add confusion to him.

So, she will not let the palace family directly confront each other.

"No matter who he is, our palace family is not so bullying."

Between the fourth palace and Lin Mengya, there are tacit understandings that others do not have.

明白 He understands that his sister said so in order to give him a wake-up call and get his attention.

Twenty-two came to prevent him from acting lightly.

Whatever it is, his mission is just to guard the palace.

"That's the truth, right, why don't you see my teacher?"

The teacher originally wanted to go to the Bai family with her, but later she didn't know what to think of, so she stayed.

Now, the people who should have stayed at home are gone.

I mentioned this, but Gong Si was Jun blushing and coughed.

她 After her repeated inquiry, the elder brother only said vaguely that her teacher followed her to visit her old friend.

If it is an ordinary relative or friend, the elder brother would not react like this.

I soon thought of something.

It seems that the teacher is also withered in spring, good sign!

She is a qualified student and will never interfere with the teacher's love at dusk!

"Then he didn't say, when will he come back?"

Then the company remembered something and told people to get it.

After a short while, Lin Mengya had a small box in her hand.

"This is what Mr. Baili left when I left to you. He said that maybe you can use it. He also explained to me that if you don't have anything important, don't go to him first. Wait until the time comes , He will come back naturally. "

The little old man also sold her off with her.

"It's a man who has been empty for a long time. It's so scary to talk about love. Do you look like I have no eyesight? I won't bother him, just wait for her to bring me a master It's up! "

If Bai Lirui is present, she will definitely point her at scolding her to deceive the teacher and destroy her ancestors, and to clean up the portal or something.

She wants to ask a teacher to ask about the doctor's hall, and now it seems that there is nothing she can do.

He turned and asked his elder brother.

He has been out and about for so many years, and the news network is so complete, I have heard of it.

Don't say, the fourth brother really knows.

"The Physician's Church was originally an alliance between doctors. Later, it didn't know how it became the leader of the world's doctors. Anyone who wants to practice medicine in the country must stay in the Physician's Church. Otherwise, they will be quack , It is difficult to engage in this industry again. "

Yu Yue said that she didn't like the doctor's hall.

But Gong Shi doesn't think so, everything has good aspects.

不 What he didn't know was that the people in the Doctor's Church could say that to some extent, he was a natural enemy with his little sister.

"Are there any other things besides these? Physician Church? For example, with whom?"

其实 In fact, she is most curious about why the other party clearly determined that she was a poison doctor, but did not take those simple and crude methods, but put pressure on the Zheng family.

Hearing what Shan Gui meant, they were very disgusted with the poison doctor.

Gong Shi thought for a while, and then said, "I haven't heard of which family the Doctor Tang has complained with, but we have some inexplicable hostility towards our Gong family members, but it is just hostility. For so many years, it has been peaceful. .After all, our housekeepers have passed down the medical tradition, and they are not closely related to them. "

Su Lin Mengya suddenly thought about it again.

Since the Physician Church is hostile to the palace family, is he still a poison doctor? Does the attitude of the other party have anything to do with these two identities?

"Sister, do you have any conflict with them?"

Hagiya asked in doubt.

After all, the younger sister has always been less interested in such things.

"Not a conflict."

Yes, because it is a natural enemy.

"The last time I told someone to bring me was a deacon in the Medical College. They seemed to be very hostile to poison doctors, and I was a serious poison doctor. Some of them recognized me, and because of this, they suppressed the Zheng family, so I just tied people back. "

没 She didn't say that she was more comfortable with directly handling the warehouse.

Hei Gong heard this, and did not show a surprised expression.

With his little sister's temperament, one day, he wouldn't feel too surprised to make a hole in Tianyi.

"Bundle them, they are not good for you, they should have learned."

This answer is comparable to the textbook standard of the palace family.

Gao Linmengya sometimes wondered if her guts were getting bigger and bigger. Is there a relationship between some of my brothers for no reason?

Lin Nansheng opened his mouth, and finally swallowed the words of exhortation.

In fact, he thinks Gong Shi is right, but what's the matter with a subtle feeling?

After talking about their experiences, Lin Mengya turned to ask about the situation at home.

After knowing that everything was normal, she let go a little.

But after everyone left, the fourth brother proposed to send her back to the room.

This is the obligation of several men in the ordinary palace family, but no one would think more.

However, Lin Mengya knows that this is something the four brothers have to say.

"Don't you let me release the news of your return to the palace before you left? Sure enough, many people secretly acted."

四 At this moment, between the palace four, the light flowing around, with a bit of wisdom in charge of the world.

Lin Lin Mengya doesn't know where her elder brother usually hides most.

"Well, are all their actions under our control?"

Hagiya Shichi smiled slightly.


那就 "That's good. If I don't show off the smell, how can I attract the cunning cats. I'm afraid they won't come. As long as they come, they are our prey."

Under the dark of night, both brother and sister are equally excellent.

But who knows, how many of the major events that have changed the color of the situation have contributed to them in secret?

In the world, play in the hands of a few people.

I wonder who will win the victory in the end.

"you are happy."

In the second moon of the palace, just looking at her pair of water eyes, she was a little drunk.

Gao Linmengya didn't notice her side, the lingering gaze just shared her joy with her most trusted brother.

嗯 "Well! Although we had a lot of trouble along the way, I also learned a lot. Brother Four, people really can't just stand by one side of the world. The wonderful things in this world will always be extremely pleasant surprise."

The four palace palaces listened quietly, listened to her talk about the sun and the moon, and listened to her humanistic feelings.

She doesn't have much exaggerated expression, and her tone also follows her mood, ups and downs, can't be described as ups and downs, but it makes people feel real.

As if, through her eyes and memories, she saw that side of the world.

"Brother, if everything is over, what do you want to do?"

歪 She tilted her head, eyes bright.

Shimiya Shi could not help but stagnate a little, unconsciously, overdo it.

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