Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1952: Destroyed medicine field

For the first time, Miyaji, who has always been able to cope with everything easily, is a little confused.

责任 Since he was born, responsibility has long been doomed.

He is a Gong family, so naturally he has to take the Fuxing Gong family.

Others, he never thought about it.

He sighed lightly, Gong Shi shook his head, and said softly, "I deserve it, and I will always keep the house of the palace."

He glanced at her secretly, adding a secret in his heart.

I will always be there, guard her.

But Lin Mengya took it seriously and looked at him and said, "Elder brother, each of us will have a dream. It has nothing to do with others, but what I want to do here."

She pointed to the elder brother's chest, his eyes flashed with a strange light.

I do n’t know why, the heart beats, as if there is something, from a corner that has never been noticed, quietly takes root and sprouts.

Lin Lin Mengya saw that Gong Shi had gone away and thought he was thinking of something. She reached out and dangled in front of his eyes.

"Brother, what do you want?"

The latter will be god, and a little flustered to hide aside.

When I realized it, I said sorry, "I, I didn't do it on purpose, don't worry."

Who knows, Lin Mengya laughed aloud.

Her eyes were bent and she moved a little.

"My fourth brother is also an adult and knows to avoid suspicion."

Who knows, she was just a joke, but her fourth brother turned red.

"I'll go back first, you take a break early in the evening."

Afterwards, she fled, leaving Lin Mengya alone at the gate of Dongyuan.

My brothers, who are so cute, are so cute.

Although the elder brother forgot his purpose last night, fortunately the next day, she received what the other party had prepared for her.

I opened the letter paper, and the ink in it had just dried up. She recognized that the extremely handsome handwriting was from the fourth brother.

Looking at Xin, Shun asked, "What about the four sons?"

Xiao Xiao, who was in charge of delivering the letter, replied, "Four sons went out early in the morning, as if they had gone to college."

闻 She heard the words, put the letter aside, and asked in wonder: "But what happened in the college?"

Xiao Xiao scratched his head, wondering: "I don't know the little ones. But the little ones haven't heard of anything happening in the college."

Zhe Lin Mengya thought about it and waved her hand to leave.

Many of the contents of the letter are about the things the four brothers knew about the doctor's hall.

Although it is not a secret, Lin Mengya has a kind of intuition.

I am afraid that the death of the owner of the Bai family and the wife of the Zheng family is not so simple.

Moreover, the internal situation of the physician's hall is too little, she should find an opportunity to understand it well.

Brother is not here. Except for the four brothers who will share some of the family's accounts, the rest of the troubles are not anxious.

I used breakfast, and Ning Liang and Gong Ping talked with each other.

After listening to everyone's words, she was busy for a while, and sat alive for a long time before finishing everything.

I lost everyone, and she only left the master and apprentice to speak.

"Go and get two soft pads for the lady. The lady likes to drink sweet tea. Change the tea first."

After annihilating the outsider, Gong Ping stepped forward naturally and arranged for her to arrange all this.

Lin Lin Mengya enjoyed the care of the handsome little boy, and after listening to this morning, she had a dry mouth and a lack of waist.

But in order to be serious, she still had to stand up.

I'm still her Miyahei cute and better, really caring.

"How have you learned with your master since these days?"

She asked with a smile.

After only a few months, Gong Ping's height was pulled out.

Wu Qingxiu's little face became clearer but more calm.

He returned to Master and said respectfully, "Thanks to Miss Grace, I followed Master and gained a lot of insight."

Wu Ningliang was also very satisfied with his little apprentice, admiring: "Still the lady will be wise to see the hero. This child is quite talented and hardworking, and it will become a great tool in time."

Lin Lin Mengya listened with joy, after all, Xiao Ai had a good relationship with her.

The uncle was Gong Ping. He had a big red face, his head was low, and he was too shy to even look at her.

Yeah, this is a young man!

"Gong Ping is good, but it ’s also your master who teaches well. I have read all the accounts, but the housekeeper of Ningda, I now think it seems that I have given you less wages."

Su Ningliang just smiled humblely, his face was much thicker than his apprentice.

"Miss missed me. I just did what I had done. But if it was to increase the salary, Miss might consider Miyahira."

"Oh?" Lin Mengya was a little surprised, only Ning Liang said with a little pride, "The shops in this main city are all under the control of Gong Ping. I'm busy with the uncle's affairs at the Chamber of Commerce, often Ten and a half months can't get rid of him. These things are all handled by him. Look, is it still successful? "

This is an unexpected surprise.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the young boy in surprise, the latter's head dropped even lower.

"I didn't expect that my family, Miyahira, still has this ability. Go up, both of them will go up! From this month, the housekeeper of Ningda doubled his salary and doubled his salary!"

When they heard this, they were very happy.

They all know that Miss is a very generous person.

As long as she is faithful and down-to-earth, she will never wrong anyone.

And the most important point is that their wages are already very generous, and Lin Mengya also gave them some dividends from farm products and storefronts.

Don't look at the assets of the palace family, but they can be regarded as rich people outside.

Alas, this is also her wiseness.

At this moment, Ning Liang and Gong Ping were even more loyal to her.

The three of them were happy, and some of them came in and told them that someone was looking for Ning Liang to sue.

I happened to be Lin Mengya, and the man was brought in.

The Talai is a dark crop man, with gray clothes and some embarrassment.

Ning Liang recognized him when he first came in. The man was a drug dealer.

Although the scale is not large, the advantage lies in its high quality and low price, so it has become one of the stable suppliers of Gongjia Pharmaceutical.

In the past, this person was extremely cautious in doing things. Why did he find the main house directly today?

Seeing that the lady didn't mean to blame, Wu Ningliang was relieved, and immediately asked: "Lao Zhu, what's the matter with you? Why panic?"

Lao Zhu wiped his sweat, opened his mouth and dared not speak.

Wu Ningliang immediately knew, fearing that it was because the lady was present, and comforted: "It's okay, this is our master. What do you have to say, straight away."

Wu Laozhu nodded again and again and whispered: "Great steward, it's not good! The medicine in our village has been snatched away."

"What?" Ning Liang frowned, and asked, "Are we already scheduled?"

Lao Zhu nodded in a hurry, almost crying.

"Exactly! We really can't stop them, those people are too fierce. They first wanted to buy it with silver, which was already ordered by the palace family, how can we sell it! Later they will We started robbing and injured a dozen of our villagers. Later, the herd of beasts brought a cart of limes and destroyed the entire medicine field! "

"How can this be true!" Ning Liang burst into anger.

Lao Zhu Their village is very remote and clanging poorly.

In order to earn a living, the villagers went to the mountains to collect medicines and catch rabbits and pheasants to fill their households.

At one time, the shopkeeper of the palace's medicine shop found that Lao Zhu was rich in a high-quality medicinal material in their village.

药 Although this medicine is not expensive, it is scarce in yield because of very critical soil.

The shopkeeper was a kind-hearted person. He didn't lower the price and didn't hide anything. He told Ning Liang about it.

Ning Liang went to see it later, knowing that the shopkeeper said it well, he agreed with them and asked them to grow this medicinal material full-time.

The villagers had no money or tools, and Ning Liang paid half of the deposit first, and it was half of the ten-year contract.

Now, when maturity is imminent, but was destroyed by a group of people, how to make him angry?

"Boss Ning, what can I do? Our land is ruined, how can I compensate you for the money!"

Lao Zhu said, already tearful.

This matter is his matchmaking, which is naturally extremely important.

I wondered if I could finally live a good life, but I was ruined at the last moment. This is simply driving them villagers to the road.

Wu Ningliang did not speak, but looked at her.

Naturally, she is the one who has the most decisive power.

Qi Lin Mengya calmed down for a moment, and then asked, "Uncle Zhu, do you know who is going to your village to make trouble?"

Lao Zhu wiped her tears and yelled, "Small, little I don't know. I have never seen them before. Miss, you are the heart of a bodhisattva. Please forgive us for a few days. My Lao Zhu just smashed into a pot to sell iron. Return your money, will you? "

Lin Mengya shook her head and said softly, "You don't blame you for this matter. You do n’t have to worry about silver for the time being. Although the other party has destroyed your field with lime, it is not insurmountable. In this way, you use silver to cultivate the land first. , Just extend the corresponding time in the contract. Ning steward, what do you say? "

The latter nodded, and his brows relaxed.

Zhu Laozhu listened to this, she would thank Lin Mengya kneeling down and hoe.

Where is Lin Lin Mengya willing, let Gong Ping quickly support people.

The old Zhu Qianen thanked for leaving, but the atmosphere in the room was not so good.

After all, the situation was good before, and this incident has not intended to give them a slap.

"Miss, I'll take care of it all!"

Su Ning stood up and said solemnly.

But Lin Mengya also has her own ideas.

"Lao Zhu may not be telling the truth. In case they are cheating, we ca n’t eat this dumb loss. You first send someone to verify this. If someone really comes to trouble, make sure you know who is . "

"Yes, lady, don't worry."

The two did not delay much, and hurried to work.

Lin Lin Mengya remained in the main hall, her eyes narrowed slightly.

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