The driver drove a cold drink, warning relentlessly.

But the opposite side never flinched, just said coldly: "Since then, you will follow her and pay for your mistakes!"

The driver heard the words but did not panic. He knew that there were many people hidden around the lady.

The horse riding whip was heavy, but it was pumped on the horse's ass.

But to his surprise, the horse was so motionless that he lost his pain.

刚 He just wanted to move, but found that he was paralyzed.

Oops! Hit it!

The uncle driver widened his eyes and crooked outside the carriage.

These people just wanted to come forward, but they heard a contemptuous contempt from the carriage.

"They all say that the Doctor's Church is the nemesis of poison doctors, but in my opinion, you are more poisonous than me."

She opened the curtain lightly and walked down slowly.

The driver drove his eyes wide, and looked anxiously at his own lady. Afterwards, she found out that the people who should have been with the lady did not show up.

"We use medicine to save people. It's like you, each of them is cruel."

Opposite me, there were five people standing.

The other four were hiding under the stone blue robe, and only the moment they stood in front, wearing moon-white robes.

They all looked around and couldn't see clearly.

But judging from the sound, the head should be an old man.

She straightened her back as if she had never feared it.

"How can I be cruel and hot-handed, anyway, your medical school is not a place for reason. Are you worthy of my sin?"

Lin Lin Mengya's "not knowing how to lift" suddenly irritated the other party.

The old man in Yueyue's white robe stepped back immediately, and then one of the four of them pulled out a flame and blew it and threw it on the ground.

Suddenly, a tongue of fire surrounded her instantly.

At this moment, she was surrounded by the tongue of fire.

But this is not the biggest crisis she faces.

主人 "Master, they have a special medicine on their bodies, which can be completely detoxified by high-temperature catalysis."

Xiao Xiaoyao's confused voice sounded from her mind.

And the people around him actually took out a pack of medicine powder and threw it into the fire.

Suddenly, a strange scent of medicine mixed with the smell of burnt fluttered around her.

Lin Lin Mengya thought that they wanted to burn themselves, but the fire didn't spread towards herself at all, and her body had a new change.

A tingle of tingling came from the inside of the body, and then it was cold.

She seemed to fall into the ice cave, her energy was drained a little.

"what happened?"

She asked quickly, and the small medicine in the system also turned in a hurry.

"It's impossible! Master, I can't simulate the efficacy of this medicine!"

With the increase of drugs, she felt that the blood in her body seemed to be boiling.

At this moment, she finally realized that there must be something wrong with those medicines.

I'm right, detoxify!

Suddenly her head trembled, and suddenly she realized why Xiaoyao couldn't find the reason.

Because the only thing that Xiaoyao cannot detect is his own blood poison!

Can these medicines release her blood poison?

Lin Lin Mengya cursed secretly, she counted so much that she missed it.

But do n’t blame her, her blood poison is an invincible existence among those enemies she encountered before.

So much so that she had gradually felt that her blood was incurable.

I didn't expect it to turn over in the gutter today.

"Girl, turn back to shore. If you put down your mind now, we can save your life. Otherwise, I can only send you on the road."

"Don't think about it!"

Lin Lin Mengya endured the pain in her whole body and stepped back quickly.

Ada, they usually follow her, and these people have unique skills, and they usually never let themselves alone.

Unless, they also encountered some inescapable trouble.

Even Dr. Tang's methods were not clear to her.

It seems that before, she still didn't pay enough attention to the enemy.

"Okay, since you do n’t know repentance, then I can only purify you and make you a new person. If you reborn in your next life, you have to take this evil path again."

He said, the man took a small box out of his arms, picked out something in it, and threw it into the fire.

Suddenly, a scent of sandalwood drifted away.

Zhe Lin Mengya could no longer support her, and she sat paralyzed on the ground.

She just felt that every part of her body seemed to be melting, but the pain was not so strong.

知道 She knows that the blood poison is forcibly released, which means the end of her life.

She's not afraid, but she's afraid that those people's methods are so extreme that they will be harmful to her relatives and friends.

But what she hated more was her own powerlessness.

I treat other enemies, she has a natural advantage.

But this advantage to protect her countless times, at this moment is completely her biggest defeat.

I had to say that it was a satire to her.

Lin Yumen, who fell to the ground, didn't see it, and the five people who already felt victory in their hands did not see it.

The woman who fell to the ground had a purple glow in her eyes.

Zhe Yeyan's gorgeous, strange purple color gradually spread on her pupils. In the end, her entire eyes were like two complete purple gems.

With a single glance, I felt that the purple seemed to have any infinite appeal.

That is the most beautiful pair of eyes in the world, but it is as beautiful as a poppy, with a deadly crisis.

Lin Lin Mengya only felt breathing, and gradually became more difficult.

She couldn't raise her hand, she could only lie on the ground.

At the last moment before she lost consciousness, a familiar figure appeared before her eyes.

he came.

"Master, it is our disadvantage!"

The three men knelt before the youth in black to plead guilty.

Even in the face of the three men who have not changed their faces, they are trembling at the moment.

The young man didn't even look at them. He kicked open the medicinal materials that were still burning and hugged the women.

Especially after seeing those purple eyes, there was a touch of complexity on his face.

"You dare to interrupt the purification of the physician's hall, you must consider the consequences!"

Nine Dragons Tianyu held the woman in her arms and then left without looking back.

After I passed the three people, I only left a word of Morin: "Kill!"


The twenty-five people just wanted to retreat, but the three people in the opposite direction moved faster.

Five heads flew up, and the blood poured out the fire in front of them.

Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

每次 Every time they purify those people, they are doped with some secret medicine.

Those things can make people give up resistance, and even give birth to a trace, trying to kill them.

Why, can these three people be undisturbed?

Are they

The conjecture that made them creepy, but extremely angry, never ended.

After the three of them quickly finished the things, they followed them back.

Lin Lin Mengya woke up in her bed.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Long Tianyu sitting next to her.

At this moment, she felt something was wrong.

"I was a little strange just now?"

The man turned his head, touched her cheek, and said blankly.

"That is the unique skill of the Physician Church. No one can resist it."

Now looking back, Lin Mengya hated her itchy teeth.

什么 Who is she? Lin Mengya who did not accept it!

刚才 But just now, she had no resistance at all, and became a lamb who was slaughtered by anyone.

I want to know that besides poison, she can wear a lot of hidden weapon.

I do n’t believe I can hide from those five things

And she just forgot everything.

She even felt incredible that she had no hate in her heart just now.

I feel like that moment, hatred, anger, such emotions, like a layer of tulle, very unreal.

Lin Lin Mengya's face became a bit ugly.

These people are too disgusting, killing others and not allowing others to hate them.

A group of dog stuff!

She was indignant here, Long Tianyu flicked her forehead gently, and said coldly, "You are so careless, you are not allowed to leave my side for a long time."

知道 She knew that she had been settled again after the fall.

I was accustomed to it long ago, where would she be afraid.

It was very dog-legged, hugging his arm, and softly saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I didn't expect that they could unlock my blood poison. The only medicine that can't be detected, then It ’s my blood poison. Well, I admit that it is my love rival, and I wo n’t be there again, okay? ”

的 The handsome man in front of her eyes was still stern. Although she nodded, her attitude was not so mild.

Lin Lin Mengya screamed aloud, I was afraid the goods were really angry.

What to do, he's not easy to coax.

"I really know it is wrong. I will listen to you after that. I will never go out alone, okay?"

In fact, there are people to pick up and drop off every day, and his brother leads the team.

However, the matter of relocation is at the end of the day. She also wanted to let them finish the work earlier and get back on track, so she sent everyone out.

And her coachman is a master, and the three following him are masters.

If none of them can protect her, brother, they may not work.

But what she did today was ultimately wrong.

So I had to admit it.

The man was still sitting tightly, not even giving her a look.

He should answer whatever she said, but that tone was still suffocating at the first hearing.

Lin Lin Mengya was so angry that she was so sincere as a small fu low, did she have to use a trick?

Seeing that man still didn't lift his eyelids, Lin Mengya felt that he couldn't persuade him like this anymore!

She's right, and she's still hurt!

Then she slammed into his arms, sitting on his thigh with his buttocks, his arms around his neck, and laughed softly: "Come on? Master, I don't stick to people, the key is price Reasonable, you ca n’t afford to lose, you ca n’t be fooled. If you are alive, you have to be more romantic. Come on, uncle, spring festival is worth a fortune!

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't hold back, she covered her little mouth.

She struggled desperately, and went on to say, "Master, I have medicine here, and one will protect you again."

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