Xiao Long Tianyu really didn't know what to do with her little mouth, bowed her head, and kissed her fiercely.

His kiss was urgent and eager, and she was deprived of her breath instantly. The two lingered for a long time and let go of their breaths and parted.

He bowed his head and looked at the woman in his arms, his eyes were all bright with smiles.

In my heart, I couldn't get angry at her anymore.

In this life, he was always especially forgiving to her.

I put people in my arms, and Long Tianyu felt his cold heart at this moment, with a little bit of heat.

"I'm wrong, I should come back early."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that he was frightened because of the situation just now.

Busting his hand gently stroking his back, he softly said, "Is this okay, I also blame me when talking about it, it's my carelessness. I should not despise the enemy, let alone rely on my own ability, I think No one can help me. This time is also a lesson for me. Otherwise, how should I face a stronger enemy in the future? "

She is sincere, and her words are from her heart.

Nine Dragons Tianyu only felt sour in her heart, and just wanted to put her in her arms, there would be no other danger.

After the two hugged each other tightly for a while, Lin Mengya could not bear it, and coughed.

Then there was an alarming series of coughs. Finally, she leaned on the infiltration and looked weak.

"I'm going to find someone."

Nine Dragons Tianyu's eyes were full of distress and he was about to go out, but Lin Mengya pulled her sleeves tightly.

"It's useless."

She covered her chest and smiled weakly.

"These medicines before can relieve my blood poisoning. Although they were not completely solved, they also neutralized a part of the medicinal properties. So now, my internal organs are slightly damaged."

If this medicine is used by ordinary people, I am afraid it will not be fatal.

She is the only one. The medicine is specifically for her.

Qiong Tianyu's whole body's breath was cold and penetrating his bones, and his eyes showed murderous power.

He has used the fastest speed to deal with the situation that Lin Mengya may encounter.

But what he didn't expect is that he tried his best to solve the biggest crisis in the physician's hall, but he didn't expect that someone would start it first.

"I'll get a doctor for you."

"It's useless, unless the teacher is here, maybe I can help me a little bit more."

She dragged his sleeve to endure pain.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't say a word, gently held her hand, and touched his forehead.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be here with you, you'll be fine."

What else did she want to say, but she couldn't resist the weakness of her body.

Xiaoyao reminded her several times in the system, and now it is better for her to go to sleep as soon as possible.

But she just insisted on speaking with him for a while, and now she has reached the limit.

One second before she fell asleep, remembering only his gentle eyes.

wait for me.

She said silently in her heart.

It has been five days since the doctor's conspiracy was calculated.

Wu Gong's brother and Lin Nansheng both knew this time.

Only, hiding his great ancestor and two babies.

I was outside, just to say that she was in trouble, and she had to leave for a few days.

Fortunately, she was used to it before, and everyone didn't take it seriously, but I felt that she was a little hurry and didn't even say hello.

At the same time, something happened at the college.

A girl student suddenly disappeared from the girl's school.

女 The family of this female student is a small family. Sending her daughter in is just to raise her daughter's reputation and sell it for a good price in the future.

Now that such important important chips have been lost, they naturally have to take the opportunity to blackmail the college.

Although the Xun Palace family is not afraid of this matter, it is ultimately related to the reputation of the college, and the most important thing is the safety of this female student.

He is responsible for this matter by dispatching a lot of manpower at once.

Wu Songdi, as the left leader of the newly established "police arrest gate" of the palace family, is the person in charge of this case.

At this moment, he brought his own people into the college.

After questioning everyone, I learned that the missing schoolgirl was last seen with her dean Su Mei. After that, no one was seeing the girl.

Min's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help thinking of a face hidden deep in his head.

I gave him a freshman, and she gave him a chance to realize his father's dream.

So this time, no matter what, he also wanted to find out where the girl was.

Lin Lin Mengya was lethargic, and everyone was helpless.

But Long Tianyu had no other method. After sending more people to protect her safety, she rode into a dense forest alone.

The forest is deep inside, and the outside looks like a demon world.

As if there was a cannibal devil at any time, he suddenly popped out from the dark forest.

Ke Ke Long Tianyu, with a cold face, waved his sword, and actually cut a path, and went straight to the deepest part of the forest.

He was just the deepest part of the forest, and it turned out to be a rift.

It seemed as if the axe was split by an axe, and the next step was the abyss.

白 The white mist lingers in front of you, making people unclear about the way forward.

But Long Tianyu was fearless, and he jumped into the white mist in front of him.

For only a moment, it was like water, moon and sky.

The white mist in front of my eyes is scattered, and the scenery inside is bright. It is a good spring scene that makes people feel warm.

The square-shaped fields are obviously being carefully taken care of, and all crops are exuding vitality.

If he looked back at this time, he could see the rift valley opposite, but it was close at hand.

I am a half-aged child and can easily cross over.

He is just who can rush straight towards the mist like him?

Nine Dragons Tianyu recklessly crossed those fields, and countless delicate seedlings suffered.

The little boy standing on the edge saw this and immediately shouted angrily at him: "You are ill! Take out the medicine of my son every time! Son, that black-faced evil star is back!"

Xu Wenyan said that a boy in white hurried out of the hut immediately.

As soon as I saw those "deadly miserable" medicinal plants, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth and slapped her thighs while scolding.

"You are an ungrateful evil star! These medicines are good things that are hard to find, and you are in your family, why are you such a bad boy!"

He almost spattered and rolled, but the dark-faced Long Tianyu turned over and dismounted, approaching with a sword.

的 The white man who was so angry that he jumped a foot just now, but now he persuaded.

He looked left and right, and finally lifted the bucket **** beside the door, blocking them in front of them.

"I said, didn't I just scold you for a couple of sentences? You wouldn't kill yourself, right? Big deal, I'll scold you back."

But Long Tianyu's face was cold, his sword pointed at the young man, and he said coldly, "Yitang made my woman's shot, Wenjing. Did you confess your death or did I do it?"

The young man named Wen Jing turned pale and almost didn't kneel.

Oh my god, who is so brave and dares to touch the ancestor's apex?

He braved his courage and accompanied the smiley and said, "We have something to say, you see, I have been in Yaolu these days and have never been out. This matter is naturally nothing to do with me."

But where did Long Tianyu let him fool?

His eyes locked on Wen Jing, the sword in his hand did not hesitate.

所以 "So, you promised me that you didn't do it."

Wu Wenjing suddenly felt guilty, and he promised the ancestors to be true.

But oh, beauty is wrong.

What's more, those are his favorite herbs, which made him forget to do the business first.

He took the initiative to persuade and Wen Jing stretched out **** and moved his sword aside.

"You see, I haven't made any effort yet? Don't worry, I'll send a message back now and let them stop embarrassing Mrs. Zhuang. As for what happened before, I give Mrs. Zhuang double compensation, but it is good?"

"Compensation?" Long Tianyu sneered, eyes full of disdain.

"They can't even match my wife's hair, how can they afford it? And, they almost solved the blood poison in my wife's body. Wenjing, do you want to die?"

He is already angry, his expression is getting colder, his murderousness makes people feel that their backs are starting to sweat, making people feel that there is no escape.

Wu Wenjing knew instantly that this ancestor was afraid that he would be soaring.

He immediately swears angrily and swears: "It wasn't me who did it, it wasn't me! You know, I hate the fight between the poison gate and the medical gate most. If it weren't for me to hold the doctor's hall, now I would have ignored What a dispute between the two doors. And I promised you again, how could I do something to Mrs. Rev. Isn't it self-destruction? "

Xun Long Tianyu's long sword hung high on his chest, and it seemed that the next moment, he could take his life.

Wu Wenjing only felt that he was indifferent, and cold sweat dripped down, his heart cursing those old things in the hall.

I'm okay, what's the matter, they can get this evil star?

He looked at him with good eyes, completely treating him as a dead man.

"Why do I believe in you."

Wu Wenjing didn't feel any pressure reduction.

Because he saw it with his own eyes, in order to let himself agree, he once took a dozen people to kill a thief's den together.

The thief's den was his old counterpart. There were not only hundreds of experts in it, but also traps.

I would be killed on the spot if I didn't pay attention.

I have planned for myself for so long, but often I came back.

Even in the end, he was almost killed by the old opponent.

But the man in front of him, killing his old counterpart directly.

The dozens of people were like copper walls and iron walls, allowing them to retreat in danger.

That night, blood flowed into the thief's den, and their knives were blunt, which made it worthy to get rid of those people.

By the time the man's head was still under his own feet, the black clothes on his body were already wet with human blood.

But he has only one sentence.

"Keep your promise and protect my wife. If you violate it, he is your end."

That day, he seemed to see a **** Shura.

The whole body is bathed in blood, but in her arms she is holding a lotus flower.

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