Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1957: Wenjing home

The lotus flower is bright, revealing the color of blood.

But if he is still a treasure, like heaven and earth, only that touch of blood lotus can get into his heart and take over his heart.

文 Wen Jing knew from that moment that no matter who wants to hurt his wife, he will be followed by this **** Shura.

The blood poison in his wife's body was almost released.

Suddenly Wen Jing thought of something, and her eyes were cold, and she hated: "This self-righteous bastard! The blood poison of the palace family must not be undone, otherwise, it will be the first Wait for the woe! "

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at him coldly, and after listening to his words, he put away the sword in his hand.

He shoved the man up and walked out.

"Ah, hey, what are you doing?"

Ji Wenjing's thin little body was dangling and couldn't resist.

Chen Long Tianyu held the person on the ground, turned over, and looked down at the guy in front of him.

"Go alone, or should I drag you away?"

He's in a bad mood right now, and he even thinks the guys in the doctor's hall should be damned.

Wen Jing immediately got up from the ground, and patted himself with the hands and feet of the dust on his buttocks, and smiled: "Don't worry. I will definitely go. But before that, I have to deal with something. . "

Before the words were over, the man's complexion began to turn dark again, and Wen Jing immediately hurriedly explained: "It's not that I'm deliberately delaying, but I'm going to get something! Rest assured, Mrs. Zun's constitution is special. God won't cause much damage to her body. I can guarantee that I can give you a living lady, okay? "

Seeing him still unbelieving, Wen Jing wanted to scold his mother.

But Long Tianyu didn't open his mouth easily, just used the death eye knife, and lived up the waste in front of him.

"one day."


Wu Wenjing was furious, and he stretched out three fingers in an attempt to bargain.

But Long Tianyu squinted and touched his long sword.

The latter immediately obediently withdrew two, leaving the middle one.

"Until one day, I will destroy you in a division."

After glancing at the man, he turned the horse's head and dropped the sentence.

Wu Wenjing had no choice but he later regretted raising the finger.

I saw the child ran to his face in tears and said out of breath: "It's bad, son, the most precious Canaan fruit in our yard, so that the bandit was cut off!"

Wu Wenjing only felt dark before his eyes, and grabbed the child's hand as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

"What about the fruit?"

Tong Xiao wiped his nose and said more angrily: "It's all gone, let him take it away!"

"Long Tianyu, I have to fight with you!"

Wu Wenjing's crying blood did not shake Long Tianyu in the slightest.

He carefully hid the little black, translucent fruit in his pocket.

This is nothing more than some interest he received for his wife.

If they do not teach repeatedly, next time, he will set fire to Wen Jing's medicine garden!

Lin Lin Mengya's situation is sometimes mixed.

But because of his constitution, no one dares to let people see a doctor easily.

She wakes up every morning for a while, but can't say a few words, she will fall asleep again.

This situation continued until Long Tianyu brought people back.

"Oh, the last thing I love is the palace family, unlucky!"

Although Long Tianyu agreed to give him one day, it was only one day.

I waited until he hurried to the main hall and investigated the cause of the matter. As soon as he left the door, he saw the evil star waiting for him.

立刻 He immediately approached Canaan fruit and tried to persuade the other party. If he didn't know how to save it, he might be a violent creature.

As a result, the man actually took out a small box made of Leng Yu directly, then gave him a dismissive glance, turned and left.

This product is intentional!

Wu Wenjing secretly grinds his teeth, hum! Obviously, he valued his Canaan fruit!

Hey, so angry! But I can't beat it!


Beside him, Long Tianyu, who complained, grinned.

If it wasn't for him knowing that Wen Jing would never hit Yaer, otherwise they would dare to hurt his lover. At this moment, Wen Jing would have become dead.

"Let's say first, you must not reveal my identity. Otherwise, I might be here to die."

Ji Wenjing was trembling.

There is one in the warning record left by his son, don't mess with the woman, or the guys who want their sister and madness will definitely kill him.

As soon as he thought of the facts that he went back to investigate, he felt his brain hurt, and felt like he was going into a wolf's den.


I again had this scornful voice, and Wen Jing had almost no hope anymore, and Dayi walked in towards the gate of the palace.

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't care whether he could keep up or not, he just tossed away the horse's reins, carried a pocket, and walked in first.

Lin Nansheng, who got the news first, waited in the lobby early in the morning.

妹妹 Now that my sister has a problem, the brothers at home are taking care of her at home. Today, it is him.

As soon as he heard someone say that he was back, he immediately greeted him.

When I saw my brother-in-law, I happened to be back with a young son, and asked, "Is he the one treating Yaer?"

Xiao Long Tianyu glanced at Wen Jing, nodded and said nothing, and went to Dongyuan indifferently.

He was behind Wen Jing, who looked at Lin Nansheng curiously.

The latter was somewhat unaccustomed to him, but politely smiled at him.

"I wonder if you are?"

"Oh, I'm a Youfanglang. It's the son of your government who has a relationship with me, so I can come here to see the lady in your government."

Although Lin Nansheng doubted the medicine of the other side, he believed that Long Tianyu attached great importance to the younger sister.

At the moment, he said gratefully, "I have thanked Mr. Xie for my little sister."

"Oh, no need."

Wu Wenjing laughed and added a silent sentence in his heart. After knowing the truth in the future, he could spare him a small life.

Wu Dongyuan is now the top priority.

Don't think that the gate of the courtyard is closed, but if anyone dares to break in at will and guarantee that the next moment, Huang Quan will be killed.

Nine Dragons Tianyu just opened the gate of the courtyard, and there were a few more figures immediately beside him.

When I saw him coming, the shadow guards immediately put away their weapons and saluted him.

Chen Long Tianyu waved his hands at will, and the shadow guards retreated.

He walked quickly to the bedroom, only Bai Su and Yuner were watching her on the bed.


Wu Baisu was very alert, but she didn't hear anything in the yard, so she felt relieved.

When she saw her aunt coming in, she saluted immediately.

"How is she?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't look at anyone, went straight into the inner room, and looked at the sleeping woman on the bed.

The black eyes wrapped in layers of icy ice softened instantly.

弯 He bent down, and gently cracked the broken hair between her foreheads, and put a kiss on her forehead.

"I am back."

He said softly.

The outside sister-in-law was relieved. She looked at Bai Su and raised her stomach softly. "Sister Ya's situation is okay these days, and she has woke up a little longer in the morning. Brother-in-law Come back next time, can you find a doctor? "

I do n’t know if it's because her condition is getting better, or because of the natural name of Xie Er.

In short, he treats Lin Mengya's two friends better than Wen Jing.

"Well, you have worked hard."

Although it is still that cold attitude, after all, there is not much sense of oppression, it is not like killing people at any time.

"Anyway, it's my blessing to help Sister Ya."

Min Er bent her good-looking eyes and stroked her belly.

If she doesn't have Sister Ya, she and her baby's mother-child relationship will be over.

Sister Xun Ya saved their mother and son two lives, and she did nothing about it.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the door.

Xi Baisu immediately slumped on the door and looked out.

I saw a white flower in the yard, chased by a black kitten.

Yes, yes, it's a black kitten, or the one with no one's arm.

Suddenly, Bai Su was full of contempt for the man.

The two little boys in her family, holding little black every day.

This person is so timid as a mouse.

"Uncle, don't be afraid, our little black will not bite!"

Jun Ning'er first soothed the useless uncle, and then said to the little black cat, "Little black, come here quickly."

After listening to the small master's call, the cricket herd beast Xiaohei stopped her chasing, turned her head toward the back, and softly "meowed" and shook her soft tail.

"That little boy, are you the cat?"

Wu Wenjing's legs and stomach were twisted, and he almost passed out.

This is the poisonous beast of Mumu, their nemesis!

How come, tame by a little child?

是 Is it that he is overly afraid and hallucinated?

Su Ninger walked over and held the kitten in her arms.

Xiao Xiaoli licked him and lay obediently in his arms.

Su Ninger raised her head and said with a smile: "It was only raised by my mother, but my brother and I like it very much. Don't be afraid of your uncle, you are an adult and you can't be so counseled."

Wu Wenjing was furious.

This little Douding is only a little bigger, dare to ridicule him as a medical expert?

He just wanted to go back, but saw the animal husbandry suddenly turn back, staring fiercely at himself.

Suddenly, he had no courage.

I forget it, why bother to meet with a child.

He picked up the medicine box tossed on the ground, and said with a smile on his face, "Uncle is not counseling, this is uncle."

"Brother come here quickly, my mother said not to play with the counselor, otherwise it seems we are bullying them."

Taking a sip of old blood and stuffing it in his throat, Wen Jing just wanted to strangle the two bear children.

I saw another little boy with a pink carving and jade carving, came quickly, and protected his lovely brother in his arms.

Then, looked up and smiled disdainfully.

"Bai Chang is such a big person, he wants to bully a child, I don't know how to shy!"

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